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Ronon Dex/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation (Shex)

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      Hey everyone! *waves*

      So, after our little conversation the other day in the Shep thunk I thought I will not come back because what I sad about Ronon - that I don't find him attractive. And I didn't want a fight with you girls. And like I sad earlier, I still think this ship is really funny and wacky - but not sexy. Sorry again. Queen, relax! But I found this image. It's not funny at all, but I really like it. Very nice.



        ^^ Give over Mac, we don't fight in here!!! We go over the the Shex whump thread and let the boys loose in there and sit back and watch!!

        It's not a problem that you dont't find Ronon attractive - I do that enough for both of us!! I've been known to frequent the Ronon/Rodney thread before which is hilarious, but I don't find Rodney attractive physically - I do love his personality though! Not S5 though, I wanna smack him! LOL

        That's a gorgeous pic - what episode's it from? I can't place it!

        Edit: And I love your stick sig....I'm surprised it took so long for someone to do one... and I might have known it'd be csom!!



          yup blame csom for the lovely sheppy stick sig *grins*


            Both of them with their sticks.... OK, we can't see them but we know they're there!!





                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                ^^ Give over Mac, we don't fight in here!!! We go over the the Shex whump thread and let the boys loose in there and sit back and watch!!

                It's not a problem that you dont't find Ronon attractive - I do that enough for both of us!! I've been known to frequent the Ronon/Rodney thread before which is hilarious, but I don't find Rodney attractive physically - I do love his personality though! Not S5 though, I wanna smack him! LOL

                That's a gorgeous pic - what episode's it from? I can't place it!

                Edit: And I love your stick sig....I'm surprised it took so long for someone to do one... and I might have known it'd be csom!!
                wow, Ronon and Rodney? So, Shep with Ronon, Ronon with Rodney. This Dex guy knows something!
                The pic is from the episode 4x08 - The Seer. It's gorgeous indeed.
                Oh and I wanted to smack Rodney so many times in the first seasons, I can't even number it.
                Yes, it's a great siggie. When I noticed it in her 2 minutes, and it my siggie as well.
                'Stick, stick, stick, stick...'
                It's from a Madonna track. So - with CKO's words - blame her for my dirty thoughts.



                  Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                  Both of them with their sticks.... OK, we can't see them but we know they're there!!

                  Gosh, I just noticed this post with this image. This is HOT!
                  Wow, I started to find this not just cute and wacky...but shexy? Huhh. Well, he's John, and I know, I play for the other side, so I really should see him in a ... that kind of a relationship.



                    Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
                    wow, Ronon and Rodney? So, Shep with Ronon, Ronon with Rodney. This Dex guy knows something!
                    Depending on what fic you read, he know a lot!!

                    The R/R thing is funny but if I think about it too much it just turns my stomach!! McShep too. Bleurgh!!

                    Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
                    The pic is from the episode 4x08 - The Seer. It's gorgeous indeed.
                    Aaah, thanks!

                    Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
                    Oh and I wanted to smack Rodney so many times in the first seasons, I can't even number it.
                    He's always been annoying - but likeably so - but the "new and improved" Rodney McKay just doesn't sit well with me AT ALL!!

                    Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
                    Yes, it's a great siggie. When I noticed it in her 2 minutes, and it my siggie as well.
                    'Stick, stick, stick, stick...'

                    Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
                    with CKO's words - blame her for my dirty thoughts.
                    Don't come the innocent, you don't need her help!!

                    : You were seen in a *pause* compromising position...
                    : So?
                    : Ah crap!



                      Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
                      Gosh, I just noticed this post with this image. This is HOT!
                      Wow, I started to find this not just cute and wacky...but shexy? Huhh. Well, he's John, and I know, I play for the other side, so I really should see him in a ... that kind of a relationship.

                      Yeah, none of that Teyla crap! Shex all the way... although Lorne's a nice change!!



                        Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
                        Gosh, I just noticed this post with this image. This is HOT!
                        Wow, I started to find this not just cute and wacky...but shexy? Huhh.
                        *shakes hands* Started as "no!" for me too, but now... ?! Hm..

                        Well, he's John, and I know, I play for the other side, so I really should see him in a ... that kind of a relationship.
                        hehe, yeah you should

                        Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                        Depending on what fic you read, he know a lot!!

                        The R/R thing is funny but if I think about it too much it just turns my stomach!! McShep too. Bleurgh!!
                        yeah, same here


                        : You were seen in a *pause* compromising position...
                        : So?
                        : Ah crap!

                        Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                        picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                          Hey SAF

                          Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                          *shakes hands* Started as "no!" for me too, but now... ?! Hm..
                          I'd always picked up on the bond between them, then puts told me about this thread and it's just perfect!!!

                          Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                          yeah, same here
                          I'm a real slasher but for me it has to be

                          1) Male
                          2) 1 guy I fancy the arse off, i.e. Ronon and the significant other(s) guys I find attractive enough that it doesn't make me go nooooooooo when I see the pairings!!
                          Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                          Thanks, too tired for something clever!!



                            Sorry, thought I'd commented.... Shex and gun/arm p0rn... mmmmm



                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              He's always been annoying - but likeably so - but the "new and improved" Rodney McKay just doesn't sit well with me AT ALL!!

                              Don't come the innocent, you don't need her help!!


                              : You were seen in a *pause* compromising position...
                              : So?
                              : Ah crap!
                              Yes, it's a little bit weird to see him in that way of behaviour. But I like it.


                              Madonna is always great to quote. Such a bad girl. And as she said once about herself for the question: What do you think, why the gay people just love you?m so she said: Because I think...I'm a gay man myself in a woman's body.

                              That pic is great too!

                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

                              Yeah, none of that Teyla crap! Shex all the way... although Lorne's a nice change!!
                              I think they had some beautful moments, between Shep and Teyla, especially in the first episodes, and then it just ended.

                              Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                              *shakes hands* Started as "no!" for me too, but now... ?! Hm..

                              hehe, yeah you should
                              I didn't say no, really, I just didn't see any spark between them. Even on that pic I added earlier. But that image what Queen just shared with us...really hot. Wow.
                              I know, I should. But I'm an old fashioned romatic...

                              okay, it was



                                One of my fav Shex intense. Lovely


