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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
    Eh?? we've been posting S2 stuff out in the open since this time last year and no-one's complained, when did the rules change?
    Rules haven't changed. Maybe you just aren't clear on them. You can post anything that isn't a spoiler. That is the key word. If it shows anything related to the plot or action pertaining to the plot then it has to be in tags. If it is a picture of a character doing something they usually do in a uniform they usually wear then its not a spoiler. Still confused? Read the spoiler rules in the FAQ file at the top of the page.
    Last edited by purpletoo1; 15 April 2007, 04:43 PM.


      Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
      Eh?? we've been posting S2 stuff out in the open since this time last year and no-one's complained, when did the rules change?
      Its not just Americans who watch on TV that get spoiled its also Australian TV watchers they are only up to Season 2

      when talking about Season 3 it needs to go into spoiler tags because Australia other countries and America don't know that

      Weir gets blasted by the Asuran ray gun as the shield closed on the S3 final


        I wish they'd air them all at the same time, it gets confusing this whole 'syndication' thing. How are other countries supposed to know when eps have aired around the world? I propose someone makes a timetable of international airings and sticks it on the GW homepage


          The guidelines for GW spoilers are in writing in the FAQ file. For this forum only we must go by their rules. There are plenty of other forums that don't have the same rules and that post spoilers in the open. GW just wants the show to be fun and exciting for as many people as possible so they try to keep the spoilers quiet. Most people don't read the rules of this forum before they post so they mistakenly post things that they shouldn't. But the rules are there for all of us so even if I don't like them I follow them...for the most part.


            Originally posted by Lightbane View Post
            Its not just Americans who watch on TV that get spoiled its also Australian TV watchers they are only up to Season 2

            when talking about Season 3 it needs to go into spoiler tags because Australia other countries and America don't know that

            Weir gets blasted by the Asuran ray gun as the shield closed on the S3 final

            I knew that and im from Australia.. but seriously i dont mind if you post "spoilers" pics infront of me considering i saw all the episodes the same time the people in Canada did... i think that pretty much goes for all Australian fans who have got sick of relying on channels 7 and the promises to bring it back.. most people are know getting austar which in turn has the Australian Sci Fi channel on it, we are almost up to season 2 so.. if its me around.. Spoilers away!
            Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
            Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


              Originally posted by Lightbane View Post
              Oh and the Attack Parrot is a savage beast it has fingers and toes for breakfast i saw one on a TV show

              Lorne with scars... hmmm interesting might have to think about that (small non-ugly facial scars make them look really tough especially if its in the right place like on the left or right side of the forehead or just under the eye
              I might have to do like a crack!fic about attack parrots now...

              And you are so right Lightbane, eyebrowish / under the eye or better yet just over the upper lip / chin are hot places for scars. I mean Han Solo / Indiana Jones man, that chin scar is just hot.


                As for spoiler talks, I'll agree that it is hard to remember, so when I'm just not sure, I'll put things under spoilers. I know that Australia really has the short end of the stick, their DVDs come out faster than the show!

                But I agree, certain pictures, say like 'Runner' from S2:

                That doesn't really give away anything. Now something more 'major' - say a pic from 'Coup':

                I sometimes will stick under tags just in case. I mean from that picture you're getting a big 'spoil' for the plot.


                  Yeah Season 2 dvd's came out before 3 season 2 epsiodes showd on tv.. im not complaining!
                  Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                  Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                    Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                    Heehee. I snurch words all the time. I emailed my friend the promopic of Kavan I love so much (where he's in the black t-shirt looking at the camera) and she said "OMG, he's been all sexified!" I snurched that word too
                    I use sexified all the time. But nekkididity I have not heard of. I think I'll have to snurch that as well...haha! And he is all sexified in that picture...which I need to look at. I'm having a bummer day. Just when I thought this week was gonna look up, one of my horses died today. I think I'm gonna make a wall out of that picture, that way I can just look at it all the time.
                    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                      haha Leigh i love you banner!
                      Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                      Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!



                          So what are going to do about pictures post everything under spoilers or come to a concensus?

                          The majority of us have seen these episodes anyway (by fair means or foul) and the mods haven't jumped on anyone for posting unsyndicated pictures, it just needs a little understanding between regular posters, that's all.


                            I'd say we post S3 pics in spoiler tags. Not sure about S2.


                              season 2 is ok cus its aired in the USA, well that the rules say anyways, but then again some people like us aussies havent seeon season 2, but what i dont get is that if a country like Australia hasn't seen it and the show isnt coming back on.. Are we just ment to spoil thoes people who havent seen it, jsut cus its aired in the USA or are we ment to just spoiler them until someone from that country goes. "ok we have seen that episode unspoil that episode now" when its like the year 2010.

                              I think in this thread we can spoiler anything from season 3 arch till first strike that way most people are happy.

                              its not like Lorne is in many of the episodes and when he is thay are hardly spoilerly?
                              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                                how about we spoiler everything then we won't upset anyone or shall we do things the democratic way and say "Well this is an American site and as soon as it's been shown in the US we'll unspoiler things, if someone has a problem with it, we'll try something else"

