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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Hmm singing, sounds good to me, I'll see what I can do, I love a song fic and I've got some great tunes

    Purple, I'm sure I could but I could and probably will end up in the realms of Mary-Sue


      Shoot! He would be better to have a girl friend named Erin ....just a thought


        *laughs* Purple your pics never fail to make me laugh

        And I kinda had Marc into music in 'Far Away'...


          Glad to be a form of amusement for you Kate...


            Originally posted by purpletoo1
            Glad to be a form of amusement for you Kate...

            Purple how many pictures do you have? I mean seriousily you seem to have millions, wait more like trillions!


              I have about 50,000 on my puters. I have two puters and a lap top with a total of 5 harddrives! I'm a visula artist, can you tell? heee


                Gotta love pictures ... especially if they're of Kavan. hehe

                Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                  Originally posted by purpletoo1
                  I have about 50,000 on my puters. I have two puters and a lap top with a total of 5 harddrives! I'm a visula artist, can you tell? heee
                  lol, visual artists usally do something with their pictures, not just horde them!


                    Anyone have one of him in mission to mars?


                      Sure More than just one ... here's a couple from Mission To Mars (courtesy of purple hehe)

                      Check out our LorneLovers collection of photos -- (or my slowly growing collection at hehe)
                      Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                        Originally posted by Nici
                        Sure More than just one ... here's a couple from Mission To Mars (courtesy of purple hehe)

                        Check out our LorneLovers collection of photos -- (or my slowly growing collection at hehe)
                        Thanks, green for you. I just really needed to find out who he was lol. I remembed he was in that movie i jsut couldnt remember who he played.


                          Originally posted by Helo
                          lol, visual artists usally do something with their pictures, not just horde them!
                          HA, as you can see, I do share them, brat!! lol


                            Originally posted by purpletoo1
                            HA, as you can see, I do share them, brat!! lol
                            Who are you calling a brat! Mrs. Trillion pictures!


                              Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                              Forgive my lack of humor. Have fun with your "Spansky" campaign, but personally, I'm already involved in trying to get him named "Marcus" and it's the name I prefer above all others. I'm not about to jump tracks to something else, joking or otherwise.
                              sorry, but I get bad shivers when I think about the name Marcus. I think of scary men in long dark cloaks and smarmy british boys with chips on their shoulders... but that aside, I hope and pray the producers don't call him something so mundane.

                              Originally posted by OrangeSwirl
                              *giggles as LL's ignore the nasty trolls and Shadow puts them straight*

                              it was only a matter of time... oh well, it was fun while it lasted...
                              if by trolls you're refering to me and Jeserella, I have to say we're not. I'm half serious about this. I'm not purposely trying to get anyones dander up. I'm just making suggestions opening minds... trying to crack some smiles, leave them laughing. This Gateworld crew is a serious bunch...

                              Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                              Not trolls, just... overeager. One would HOPE that they didn't know we'd chosen Marcus as a name and were just trying to spread their version of the Lorne love. I'd hate to think they KNEW we were Marcus fans and came stamping in with their Spansky campaign anyway (again... I remember us going through the Spansky thing before with some of the Sony boarders) because that would be rude and inconsiderate.
                              oh we did know that there was a large portion of Lornelovers on Gateworld who wanted the name Lorne, but I didn't realize this was a "Marcus Supporters only thread" (there is an old proverb that goes, only a fool is offended when no offense is meant, so I'm glad you gateworlder's aren't fools or we might have a problem on our hands.)and in my defense, I created a new thread and it got merged into your guys' thread without my choosing.


                                Welcome aboard! What thread was that? We weren't aware of that. We are very serious about Marcus (Marc) Lorne but you can have your opinion too. We are fun loving and easy going....most of us! lol

