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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
    Hey Lorne-lovers!

    Just popping to make a shocking confession!
    I had a dream about Lorne last night!

    That's not a confession -- that's

    bragging! Lucky you.
    sigpic myLornefanfic


      Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
      Hey Lorne-lovers!

      Just popping to make a shocking confession!
      I had a dream about Lorne last night!
      lol, lucky you hope it was...nice

      Sigs by the lovely CSOM, Sonja and from the Tokrafans community on LJ.


        im already crazy


          bragging? Huh?

          Oh no. Don't tell me you can dream of Lorne when you want to!!! I've encountered this in other threads too. *wonders if she is a freak because she can direct the content of her dreams to a certain extent*

          And no, it wasn't that kind of dream, so get out of the gutter, girls!

          Lorne: Maybe not yet, sir, but give me time and I can direct her towards a more--
          I SO don't want to hear this!


            Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
            bragging? Huh?

            Oh no. Don't tell me you can dream of Lorne when you want to!!! I've encountered this in other threads too. *wonders if she is a freak because she can direct the content of her dreams to a certain extent*

            And no, it wasn't that kind of dream, so get out of the gutter, girls

            Lorne: Maybe not yet, sir, but give me time and I can direct her towards a more--
            I SO don't want to hear this!
            Just to clarify: there is a guy who hangs out in here too from time to time... mainly.. ME! LOL

            *sigh* I wanna make a sig.. I've got the necessary elements but.. I just don't feel like it!!!! haha


              Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
              Just to clarify: there is a guy who hangs out in here too from time to time... mainly.. ME! LOL

              *sigh* I wanna make a sig.. I've got the necessary elements but.. I just don't feel like it!!!! haha
              Oh! Sorry! I'm new here, to this thread. So get your mind out of the gutter, guy, as well!
              Go for it! Make a sig! I'm still trying to get the hang of making them myself.


                Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
                bragging? Huh?

                Oh no. Don't tell me you can dream of Lorne when you want to!!! I've encountered this in other threads too. *wonders if she is a freak because she can direct the content of her dreams to a certain extent*

                And no, it wasn't that kind of dream, so get out of the gutter, girls!
                On the contrary, Lady -- If I've ever had a Lorne dream, unfortunately I dont remember it. Even when I was writing Lorne-fic, I couldnt/didnt dream of him.....
                sigpic myLornefanfic


                  Just watched Enemy Mine today during my SG1 rewatch ... was that the first time we see/hear about Major Lorne? I love his character glad he made it through to SGA and was not pointlessly killed off... if they ever make a SGA movie he needs a promotion!!!
                  Hurt & Heal EXTREME come cast your vote PLEASEIts in fun & games go find it!!!!


                    Yep, that was Lorne's first appearance. My personal opinion is he wasnt really "Major" quality in that ep... but I agree - if they make a movie he should get a promotion!

                    Oh and welcome to our little gutter corner of GW.
                    sigpic myLornefanfic


                      the gutter is always a lovely place to be


                        I know it's a little early, but have a nice weekend everyone! See you next week.


                          Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                          On the contrary, Lady -- If I've ever had a Lorne dream, unfortunately I dont remember it. Even when I was writing Lorne-fic, I couldnt/didnt dream of him.....
                          What? Not even when you were writing Lorne-fic???
                          When I'm writing fic that is when my dreams are the most vivid and the most memorable.
                          Wow...I can't understand that.


                            Originally posted by immertreu View Post
                            I know it's a little early, but have a nice weekend everyone! See you next week.

                            It's never too early for the weekend!
                            *sighs* But I have to work tomorrow, but then I am free!

                            He looks kind of sad in that pic. I want to hug him.


                              Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
                              What? Not even when you were writing Lorne-fic???
                              When I'm writing fic that is when my dreams are the most vivid and the most memorable.
                              Wow...I can't understand that.
                              I know, isnt it just awful! I couldnt believe it -- and I try to get so descriptive in my work...

                              which by the way - if you want to read it, just click the links below my (currently non-existant) sig! Warning - I used OC a fair amount.
                              sigpic myLornefanfic


                                Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
                                It's never too early for the weekend!
                                *sighs* But I have to work tomorrow, but then I am free!
                                i hafta work all weekend T-T
                                I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.

