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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    ....and maybe also a little Alex fix as well...

    I need all the courage I can get....

    I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


      ...and because 3 is a lucky number and it certainly can't hurt... a little Flynn fix for me...

      I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


        Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
        Ya know, it's like car crash tv is the blond... I don't like it... but I have to keep looking... maybe I'm still in denial that it's real!!!

        Okay, I watched Eve's Christmas last nite (and again parts this morning!). All I can say is - damn, if he hadnt done the blonde thing - the movie would be almost perfect. I cant believe I am saying this, but, I was able to pretty much look past the hair to the rest of the picture (eyes, mouth, occasional tongue) and the voice..... *sigh* , the body, the character itself. The funny thing about that movie is it reminds me of a question I actually had thought of having someone ask Kavan. Not about the blonde but the theme of the story itself - going back in time and doing something different that might change your own future.

        Well, I'm off -- nn to clean house today for the realtor coming tomorrow. <that's in part why I'm still extra-crossed right now>

        Hope your day goes okay, Kethry.
        I'm sure the wee one will do well, Mac, as will her mom.
        Have good days to everyone.
        sigpic myLornefanfic


          Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
          Good luck with the school work. I have next week then Spring Break then back to group work queue projects -- I hate those! I'll probably work ahead and then forget how I get my answers when time comes to collaborate our work. Although CPT/HCPCS might be easier than ICD-9 was.
          thanks, I certanly won't be bored!

          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
          ...pround to be out of the ordinary!!

          Love the blonde!picspam Cath

          slightly OT/shameless pimp
          since there's all been this chatter about Charmed and since I've been watching it almost daily for awhile I created a Charmed social group...check it out if you want to

          It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


            Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
            I have to agree JPJ, a few weeks back when we were doing like twenty pages a day I had to skip so many pic posts just to try catch up every day
            Thanks I feel bad for skipping but to get out what has been happening if anything is really hard!

            *hdies from the blond*
            JPJ = John's PuddleJumperJPJ: pssss Lorne I'm a 60%er!
            Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread, Lorne Whumpage Thread, Crazy Alternate Universe Thread, My account
            Banner sigs :- Shanthaia, CKO, Smurfettethatdoesnotshare, Fenrir Foxz, Kali1, SciFiSGFan and others


              Back from school
              Loving the pic spam! And i've realised that I've never done one before so here is my first (with credit to my friend Clare who is helping me choose the episodes... over msn... she has no idea what she is choosing though)


              Fly boy!!

              Captain Evan Lorne of the Starship Orion

              And a bit of feet

              EDIT: first pic spam did NOT go well - I had to edit it 3 times because the copy and paste didn't work and I posted the same picture!
              Last edited by Mountiegirl; 06 March 2009, 08:42 AM.

              Thank you to Blen for the sig!


              I'm a 60%er!!!
              Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
              Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

              Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                This is one of my favourite pictures

                I find it funny

                Thank you to Blen for the sig!


                I'm a 60%er!!!
                Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
                Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

                Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                  Nice choices, Mountie.

                  Thought I'd try and lessen the ill-effects of blondeness --
                  Sorry, cant do anything about the hair cut.

                  darn - my realtor reschedueld for Mon! grrr
                  sigpic myLornefanfic


                    Thanks SCiFi!
                    I like what you did to his hair, much better now!

                    I have to go now, pilates! Have a good evening

                    Thank you to Blen for the sig!


                    I'm a 60%er!!!
                    Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
                    Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

                    Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                      Nice pictures everyone
                      Much thanks to Snowball for the banner! Many thanks to Cazzblade for the avatar!!
                      I'm a 60%er!


                        Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                        I'll PM you my e-mail address ... no-one and nothing can keep me from my e-mail. Mwahahahahaaaaaa!! *huggles back*
                        Old? Give over!! Friends do that - usually stating a fact, usually with the best if intentions, but not always with tact! *huggles*

                        Look at her going to school this way... it's one of many milestones to come! My friend was almost in tears the other week when her 12 year old started her periods... I was like WTF??? She said it was she's becoming all grown up... I know the kid, believe me, she's got a long way to go yet!!

                        Hey I liked the Shrek cake!!
                        Okay will keep an eye out for it

                        Well dropped the toddler off at pre-school this morning, and she was *all* over that. Saw those kids and *BOOM!* was there sitting with them, and all "Okay mom you can go now!" it took everything I had to get a hug out of her before I left. Though I had to laugh because as I was leaving the teacher had to come ask if she'd brought a backpack(which she did but apparently ditched in 2.5 seconds).

                        Well I liked her birthday cake better(and was a *total* space head and forgot to take *any* pictures

                        Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post

                        Okay, I watched Eve's Christmas last nite (and again parts this morning!). All I can say is - damn, if he hadnt done the blonde thing - the movie would be almost perfect. I cant believe I am saying this, but, I was able to pretty much look past the hair to the rest of the picture (eyes, mouth, occasional tongue) and the voice..... *sigh* , the body, the character itself. The funny thing about that movie is it reminds me of a question I actually had thought of having someone ask Kavan. Not about the blonde but the theme of the story itself - going back in time and doing something different that might change your own future.

                        Well, I'm off -- nn to clean house today for the realtor coming tomorrow. <that's in part why I'm still extra-crossed right now>

                        Hope your day goes okay, Kethry.
                        I'm sure the wee one will do well, Mac, as will her mom.
                        Have good days to everyone.
                        yeah if it weren't for that blonde, it'd would be perfect wouldn't it? Love the question, it'll have to go on the ever growing "Kavan's next con question list"

                        Oh she's doing fine I'm sure will update in a few hours

                        I'm a 60%'er


                          Quick hey, howdy, hi!!!!

                          Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball


                            Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                            He is *not* in the last one unless you count his six in one shot from EATG behind-the-scenes....

                            THOUGH!!! he will be in the next one me thinks as they went to P4 and promise a full report for both P4 and Chevron for their next issue. (and when I get a moment i'll see if I can scan the one photo of him in the mag)

                            You said it sooo much better than I could(though I'm trying to multi-task and schedule all the toddlers therapy into two days a week)
                            Well I suppose a six-shot is better than no shot

                            Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball


                              Eve's Christmas

                              Oh ya -- forgot to mention, in case noone knows this - Peter Williams (aka Apophis) is also in it.


                              Was just reading - Lou Diamond Phillips will be in SGU. They wont say if it will be a one-off, recurring or permanent role. Hmmmm, they are tapping into some big names for the show.
                              sigpic myLornefanfic


                                I think I really like this jacket, maybe because I've seen it so often, but still kinda nice

                                Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball

