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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
    What - you dont want to see Kavan in spandex? !! Not even if it were black leather-like?
    I'd rather have the leather!! Spandex is just wrong!!

    Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
    Even if it were black leather and a double leg holster......wait...what am I saying? *thinks*.....nope not even then
    ^^ What she said!!

    Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
    I knew you'd do it!! Well done!

    Is it really really wrong to say oh hell yeah?!?!

    Originally posted by John's PuddleJumper View Post
    oh right, i'll jsut carry on then being ignored looking and admiring KS is private
    ^^ Nothing like a drama queen is there??

    Plenty of things don't get replied to JPJ, that's what happens in busy threads. If everyone took things like that personally GW would be a very quiet place!!

    That's beautiful greytop

    Originally posted by Lyconia View Post
    Because cleaning him up could be just as fun
    ^^ I like your way of thinking!

    Blood and dirt to clean up.... Lizzie, you're an angel!

    Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
    Wow, I love that SciFi!

    OT RL stuff
    Just to let you guys know that I won't be around on GW as much as I have been. Got some RL stuff going on which will limit the amount of time I have I'll still be reading what's going on, but not post as much. You don't get rid of me that easily though!



      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
      Is it really really wrong to say oh hell yeah?!?!
      Not even a little bit wrong

      OT RL stuff
      Just to let you guys know that I won't be around on GW as much as I have been. Got some RL stuff going on which will limit the amount of time I have I'll still be reading what's going on, but not post as much. You don't get rid of me that easily though!
      Bummer QH

      Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball


        Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
        I'd rather have the leather!! Spandex is just wrong!!
        that is true, ever see an 80's music vid?

        OT ranty
        I'm in the Spanish lab waiting for the person to show...I've been waiting for over a half hour and they're still not here. Is it so hard to show up on time? I mean this is one of the only times I can make it with my sched. and I need all the points I can get atm... *grr*

        It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


          Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
          that is true, ever see an 80's music vid?

          OT ranty
          I'm in the Spanish lab waiting for the person to show...I've been waiting for over a half hour and they're still not here. Is it so hard to show up on time? I mean this is one of the only times I can make it with my sched. and I need all the points I can get atm... *grr*
          @ your OT - people are so very rude sometimes

          Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball


            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
            I'd rather have the leather!! Spandex is just wrong!!
            Well, I guess the more I think about it -- you're right! Ewww!

            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
            Wow, I love that SciFi!

            OT RL stuff
            Just to let you guys know that I won't be around on GW as much as I have been. Got some RL stuff going on which will limit the amount of time I have I'll still be reading what's going on, but not post as much. You don't get rid of me that easily though!

            Sorry to hear RL is getting in the way. I know what you mean, tho. Mine is starting to creap in a bit more lately. Probably wont be around as much either.

            Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
            that is true, ever see an 80's music vid?

            OT ranty
            I'm in the Spanish lab waiting for the person to show...I've been waiting for over a half hour and they're still not here. Is it so hard to show up on time? I mean this is one of the only times I can make it with my sched. and I need all the points I can get atm... *grr*
            Hmmm, 80's vid - I was too busy keeping my head down in the 80's. Tried to NOT get caught up in all that disco-stuff. Now THAT was just plain 'disturbing' music!

            Sorry to hear about your lab trouble - some people just dont get it, do they..........
            sigpic myLornefanfic


              Zombie Lorne

              Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball


                Originally posted by Plickies View Post

                Due East

                Okay, watched the movie last nite - not sure if I really liked it or not. A nice bum shot, of course, but Kavan didnt really have much lengthy dialog for me to really sink my teeth into the accent, tho. Question - does anyone know WHAT the above picture has to do with the movie? It's in the photo gallery but I watched and went thru again, the whole thing and never saw a scene even close to this. So -
                sigpic myLornefanfic


                  Originally posted by Iawen View Post
                  Ooo, I wants to read. Where can I read your fanfiction?
                  You can find my fanfiction here though at the moment I just have a couple of short drabble parody pieces up there. Most of my writing is over at another site for 'fun'(its a forum specific joke)

                  Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                  OT RL stuff
                  Just to let you guys know that I won't be around on GW as much as I have been. Got some RL stuff going on which will limit the amount of time I have I'll still be reading what's going on, but not post as much. You don't get rid of me that easily though!
                  RL stuff-

                  Hope that everything works out and settle down a bit. I know I may or may not be around much either as the toddler is starting school tomorrow morning for the first time.

                  I'm a 60%'er


                    Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post

                    Due East

                    Okay, watched the movie last nite - not sure if I really liked it or not. A nice bum shot, of course, but Kavan didnt really have much lengthy dialog for me to really sink my teeth into the accent, tho. Question - does anyone know WHAT the above picture has to do with the movie? It's in the photo gallery but I watched and went thru again, the whole thing and never saw a scene even close to this. So -
                    Due East-
                    *spoilers for book*
                    In the book Stephen and Mary Faith have a quite *different* relationship. Best I can figure is they shot it for those who had read the book, and then watched the movie...

                    I'm a 60%'er


                      Originally posted by Plickies View Post
                      @ your OT - people are so very rude sometimes
                      Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                      Hmmm, 80's vid - I was too busy keeping my head down in the 80's. Tried to NOT get caught up in all that disco-stuff. Now THAT was just plain 'disturbing' music!

                      Sorry to hear about your lab trouble - some people just dont get it, do they..........
                      Disco died in the 70's...that 80's was the emergance of the "hair" bands (ie. Bon Jovi, Def Leppard) as well as the techno stuff. but either way some people should just not wear spandex

                      and as for the lab, apparently no one was signed up for the time so I ended up go to the profs. office after class to get it done.

                      now I just need to be working on my history paper....

                      *fans self*

                      It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                        Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
                        JPJ I've read a few of your fics but never got around to reviewing them. I'm not very good at reviewing (basically I all have to say is the same thing over and over: GREAT job. Can't wait for more!) Speaking of fics, I have a question... did you ever get a chance to do the fic based on the idea I came up with and you asked if you could run with it? I haven't had the chance to do my own version... Been busy fighting the bunnies back!!
                        Thanks Atlantean

                        Right, here's the thing I originally got wrapped up in my own ffs so never got round to it.

                        But as I have now been put off writing I'm not sure if I will ever bulk it out, but i if i do, i will let you know!

                        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                        I swear my green button is broken. Every time I try to green I get the ‘you have to spread it around’ message first, which is odd since it says that every time I try to use it!! *growls*

                        See has changed *so* much since I used to use it often that I don’t even know half of what’s offered there anymore. I know when I had the fic on my site I’d check the stats and of course I was only getting like two hits a month. And I can’t even be sure that wasn’t the autospam hits so I get what you mean about how depressing it is.

                        As for the beta *ducks and covers, peeks out from under the desk* if I did beta for you please say I finished the beta? I’m notorious for never finishing *ducks again*
                        Yes has changed so much! And it still doesn't work!

                        AS for you not being able to green, several others have had problems, it's this new GW software upgrade thing.

                        As for betaing you couldn't do the last chapter, so it went up unbetaed.

                        Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                        ^^ Nothing like a drama queen is there??

                        Plenty of things don't get replied to JPJ, that's what happens in busy threads. If everyone took things like that personally GW would be a very quiet place!!
                        Drama queen? no just very senstitive about things.

                        May GW will get quieter, I hear some people aren't very pleased with mods and the new GW rules etc.
                        JPJ = John's PuddleJumperJPJ: pssss Lorne I'm a 60%er!
                        Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread, Lorne Whumpage Thread, Crazy Alternate Universe Thread, My account
                        Banner sigs :- Shanthaia, CKO, Smurfettethatdoesnotshare, Fenrir Foxz, Kali1, SciFiSGFan and others


                          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

                          Blood and dirt to clean up.... Lizzie, you're an angel!
                          Yep a fallen one

                          OT RL stuff
                          Just to let you guys know that I won't be around on GW as much as I have been. Got some RL stuff going on which will limit the amount of time I have I'll still be reading what's going on, but not post as much. You don't get rid of me that easily though!

                          Here's a bribe to keep you coming back...

                          Look over here on the Big Finish site...a new mag and guess who's on page 4?


                            A little Joe

                            Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball


                              Hi Lorne Lovers.

                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              OT RL stuff
                              Just to let you guys know that I won't be around on GW as much as I have been. Got some RL stuff going on which will limit the amount of time I have I'll still be reading what's going on, but not post as much. You don't get rid of me that easily though!
                              Sorry to hear about your RL stuff. I understand. Hope it all works out well. We'll miss you around here.

                              Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                              You can find my fanfiction here though at the moment I just have a couple of short drabble parody pieces up there. Most of my writing is over at another site for 'fun'(its a forum specific joke)
                              Thanks. Will bookmark it.
                              Much thanks to Snowball for the banner! Many thanks to Cazzblade for the avatar!!
                              I'm a 60%er!


                                Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                                Yep a fallen one
                                Helps Lizzie up. Poor dear. Let me dust you watch where you step in the future, dear, will you!

                                *Pats Lizzie on the head*

                                Here's a bribe to keep you coming back...

                                Look over here on the Big Finish site...a new mag and guess who's on page 4?
                                Cool. Thanks, Lizzie, you find the best things.

                                Did you see the mention of "interview with Kavan"? Does that mean we'll get a nice juicy interview in one of the next issues?

                                *rubs hands*
                                I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction

