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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    not the blond *covers eyes.* ohh much better


      Hello y'all

      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
      Night Mel.

      No blonde nightmares!
      No blonde nightmare thank god, jsut had my regular work nightmare

      Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
      Anyway -- here is the new map - they are numbered in order of receipt - Of course Kavan gets #1 and I am #2!!!!

      Maybe I should try this, England is getting crowded

      Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
      Is it end of june yet?
      Last edited by melfan; 26 February 2009, 01:43 AM.
      I'm a 60%er | Sigs are made by me and othersThe Lorne Identity - A Lorne fanfiction collection community.


        Originally posted by Lilith View Post
        i'm always looking for some new fics to read and it's been ages since i've read any SG fics that aren't xovers... i'll definately check them out!
        Ok, this story does contain SG-1/SGC characters and i would say has mild xover at the beginning to set the story.

        Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
        That ties in so nicely with my ff story! (or one of them)

        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
        I always entered the ‘Enter the Gate’ sweepstakes but I always hoped I wouldn’t win, can you imagine being on set with all of them?!!

        YAY! JPJ you’re my hero, I’ve been looking
        That's ok CN, i just ask that anyone who reads, even if it is one chatper, just gives a quick review so I know what people think, Constructive critasim olnly please folks

        As for being on set *dies*
        JPJ = John's PuddleJumperJPJ: pssss Lorne I'm a 60%er!
        Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread, Lorne Whumpage Thread, Crazy Alternate Universe Thread, My account
        Banner sigs :- Shanthaia, CKO, Smurfettethatdoesnotshare, Fenrir Foxz, Kali1, SciFiSGFan and others


          *slouches into thread*

          Hi all!

          This is so not my day!

          First I get woken up at an ungodly hour and at least two hours before I have to get up -by someone who wanted my parents - who live next door. Grrrrrrrrrrr! Of, course, I couldn't go back to sleep.

          Then I try to boil my breakfast egg and switch on the wrong cooking plate and after a while -when I start wondering why a) the water isn't boiling yet and b) there is a strange smell in the kitchen - I discover that I have burned several plastic bags onto the plate covering (more or less fusing them with it). It still smells "interesting" there, and I am not sure the plate covering is salvagable.

          The coffee is cold by this time, and I am developing a serious headache.

          And I pulled on a shred of skin on my index finger, which now sports a red, bleeding spot.

          Should I go back to bed and not get up again before tomorrow?
          I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


            Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


              Originally posted by Lilith View Post
              but there's just something a lot more satifying about being bitten by a plamsavore isn't there?
              That would depend on whether they chose to change shape mid-bite!!

              Originally posted by Lyconia View Post
              Am sorry *hides* that sorta didnt come out how it was meant to
              LOL, that's OK, I know what you meant!

              Originally posted by Lyconia View Post
              Hmm if you want to you can add me you would have to stick me next to QH
              I keep meaning to ask, where abouts are you?

              Originally posted by John's PuddleJumper View Post
              There is one in particular that I love it is called "Cruel Twist of Fate" currrently it have 7 uploaded chapters with 2 more due to go up soon.
              I thought that was was complete? Or did I miss something when I read it??

              Originally posted by melfan View Post
              I'm tired, I don't pay attention when I'm tired
              LOL, maybe I should use that excuse... I hardly ever pay attention!

              Originally posted by melfan View Post
              I clicked on the Spoiler!!!

              My eyes! My poor, poor eyes!!

              Oh mel that's just silly *pats*

              Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
              Hey Lornelovers!
              Thought I'd pop in to drool, er, I mean look at all the lovely pics.
              Lady is fine by me for shorthand.
              Thanks for the welcome.

              Originally posted by Lilith View Post
              okay, now i really do feel followed... i'm usually not this paranoid, but this is the third thread i frequent in which you've shown up in
              LOL, that's OK... I seem to have an Asgard not far beind me!!

              Originally posted by Lilith View Post
              okay, i'm at my wits end, what's this "60%er" stuff about i keep seeing in everyone's sigs?
              Ahem, some of us have 40%

              Originally posted by Lilith View Post
              ah... i'm gonna stay neutral on this then as much as i advocate the gay community, i know better than to pick a side in a fangirl debate
              Haha, aawwww that's no fun!!

              Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
              There is a video of an interview with Kavan at P4 that FireFly did back in Jan... the subject/poll is brought up to him. His reaction would be where this really started. I dont have the link anymore - just saved the vid. Maybe someone else remembers it. The whole thing is a hoot, really!
              Remembers, has on hard drive and has watched several times!! *huge grin* Can't find the link ff gave us though!

              [quote=Cathain Nottingham;9812776]I’ll admit I don’t think I’d *ever* get over Jason. I think Joe would be next.
              *nods* Although I have to say, I'm very taken with Alexis now. Not in a thunking way (although he does have the most beautiful eyes), but he's such a lovely guy. Really genuine, and good at cuddling!!
              OT - Jason
              There are SO many converts following the con. meeting him has made a lot of people view him differently.... not to mention up close!!! *fans self*

              As for his site, you're not on the memberlist, so I would suggest either re-register, or PM me your e-mail address and I'll see if they can trace it from there

              And they were SO sh*tfaced on Friday night apparently. Someone asked Joe what time he got to bed, and he said he had no idea and to ask Jason!! Typical!! LOL

              Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
              Honestly I think David and Kavan would be the easiest to relax around you know?
              Definitely, but there would still be lots of high pitched fangirl squeeing from me!!

              Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
              This one was particularly bad as well, as he ruined my shot(lets not go into why I dream about sidearms and P90's okay?)
              we all have our little kinks don't we?

              Originally posted by Replicator Fifth View Post
              the blonde hair looks astonishingly good on him. *sorta looks like an older Tom Felton. [url=[/url].
              Oh no, don't say that!!! *pushes image out of head* I cannot put Draco Malfoy and Kavan in my head.... I'd never look at Kavan in the same way again!!!



                Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                Row! That is SO beautiful!!
                Thank you

                Originally posted by kethryveris View Post

                Should I go back to bed and not get up again before tomorrow?
                Yes! Oh wait, I'm too late for that, right? Hope the day got any better...
                I'm a 60%er.

                I will always place the mission first.
                I will never accept defeat.
                I will never quit.
                I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                  Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                  Yes! Oh wait, I'm too late for that, right? Hope the day got any better...
                  We'll see. I'm giving it a chance.

                  Meanwhile, I'll play a bit more with my banners. Still haven't got a good idea for Flynn and those texts of yours.
                  I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                    Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post

                    Not sure if its too late or not- but I ordered them seperately and it ended up being *cheaper* to do so and they actually got here very very quickly. (one was here 3 days later in fact and that was with 'normal' shipping). I still haven't cracked my Eve's Christmas plastic yet but I already have watched DE a few times.

                    Obviously have been spending too much time around Cathain as I actually *enjoy* his blondeness in this movie.

                    He's not in it much(maybe 4 scenes total for about 5-7 minutes total) but he's soooo drool worthy in it. For me it has been a 'must watch' movie since it came out in '05(before I was a LorneLover) just because of the cheese factor.
                    Hmmm, well, I'll no doubt watch Due East first and save the other one for later. It was just weird how Amazon popped up those to movies together. Maybe because it figured out I was searching Kavan movies and such - SGA, 4400, Time Tunnel, Due East, Titanic...

                    Originally posted by melfan View Post

                    Maybe I should try this, England is getting crowded
                    Either that or make a seperate map for England and the other countries. I mean we are only talking 4 maybe 5 countries total, right.

                    I'm thinking I saw a person from Australia here a few days ago -- whoever that was -- We're not forgetting you!!!

                    Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                    *slouches into thread*

                    Hi all!

                    This is so not my day!

                    First I get woken up at an ungodly hour and at least two hours before I have to get up -by someone who wanted my parents - who live next door. Grrrrrrrrrrr! Of, course, I couldn't go back to sleep.

                    Then I try to boil my breakfast egg and switch on the wrong cooking plate and after a while -when I start wondering why a) the water isn't boiling yet and b) there is a strange smell in the kitchen - I discover that I have burned several plastic bags onto the plate covering (more or less fusing them with it). It still smells "interesting" there, and I am not sure the plate covering is salvagable.

                    The coffee is cold by this time, and I am developing a serious headache.

                    And I pulled on a shred of skin on my index finger, which now sports a red, bleeding spot.

                    Should I go back to bed and not get up again before tomorrow?
                    Yikes -- I sure hope you day gets better. I know that melted plastic smell. The other half did that on our brand new flat glasstop stove right after we got it. Turned the wrong burner on and there was plastic sitting on it -- was able to get the stuff off but it almost ruined the cooktop.

                    Hey, Cathain --- do you want to be added to the map? You said the first one wasnt big enough and since you mentioned where you live. Dont want to add it if you'd rather me not, but I will if you do want.

                    Well, out to do chores and get the dogs. We are in for about 6 inches of snow tonite into tomorrow so I have to make sure the yard is picked up. This afternoon I have to go get my TB test read. Nothing there, but I still have to go in.
                    sigpic myLornefanfic


                      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                      Meanwhile, I'll play a bit more with my banners. Still haven't got a good idea for Flynn and those texts of yours.
                      Don't worry, they'll get you, I'm sure.

                      Whee, I'll attend a media conference in March with TONS of great workshops... and the youth organization pays (I guess that means I'll have to donate a three-digit amount this year, to settle my guilty feelings that I never donated before ). Yay! (because it hopefully means getting better at Photoshop )
                      I'm a 60%er.

                      I will always place the mission first.
                      I will never accept defeat.
                      I will never quit.
                      I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                      "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                        Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                        Honestly - I cant remember the whole story as to why Zack came back, but yes Kavan would be older than probably any of them. But I wouldnt care.

                        Oh I'd much rather go on a date with Lorne and

                        spoilered for 'naughtiness'
                        I doubt I'd stop Lorne from eating me!!!
                        and I would much rather go on a date with him too!

                        Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                        See it as a celebration gift for the 1500

                        BTW, here's a version in 1280 x 731 (odd value, because I had to connect width and height, otherwise it would have looked stupid).
                        I love!

                        Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                        It's in 5 parts this is the first one HERE you'll see the other parts come up as well.
                        Time Tunnel is good! Wish it got made into a series... and of course he would have to be
                        bought back from the dead which I guess would be easy to do

                        Originally posted by Plickies View Post
                        Kavan in Eve's Christmas - in a word - blonde

                        Spoilered for blonde-ness
                        Oh my.....
                        Not a good look for him

                        Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                        And I made another one (a variation of the first RNT one, only with a shippy twist, kind of accompanying the RNT-pieces I have written for the Fanfic100 claim (yep, there's more than one...)), but under spoilers because possibly kethry-unsafe


                        1400 x 800 | 1200 x 800 | 1064 x 609
                        I love!!!

                        Afternoon all, this a quick post before I go off to pilates

                        But for now, I'm going to watch Bones! (Loving the Bones talk by the way and Kavan should really join the cast)

                        Thank you to Blen for the sig!


                        I'm a 60%er!!!
                        Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
                        Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

                        Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                          That would depend on whether they chose to change shape mid-bite!!
                          there's just something overly satisfying about being bitten period really... but feeling change against sensitized flesh does have quite the appeal...

                          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                          LOL, that's OK... I seem to have an Asgard not far beind me!!
                          lol... i like being stalked... i like knowing i have a stalker... i tend to scare away my stalkers through shear enthusiasm about them being there, but nothing gives you warm fuzzies like knowing someone is watching your every move because they want to fulfill your every desire and just don't know how to ask if they can....

                          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                          Ahem, some of us have 40%
                          my apologies... but there seems to be more 60%ers than 40%ers

                          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                          Haha, aawwww that's no fun!!
                          give the full story with every little pertinent detail, and i may change my mind... i have been known to be convinced into doing something i don't want to do
                          I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                            Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                            Don't worry, they'll get you, I'm sure.

                            Whee, I'll attend a media conference in March with TONS of great workshops... and the youth organization pays (I guess that means I'll have to donate a three-digit amount this year, to settle my guilty feelings that I never donated before ). Yay! (because it hopefully means getting better at Photoshop )
                            Getting better at Photoshop?....Oy!

                            And they tell me I have self-confidence issues.
                            I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                              Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                              [color=darkblue]there's just something overly satisfying about being bitten period really... but feeling change against sensitized flesh does have quite the appeal...

                              lol... i like being stalked... i like knowing i have a stalker... i tend to scare away my stalkers through shear enthusiasm about them being there, but nothing gives you warm fuzzies like knowing someone is watching your every move because they want to fulfill your every desire and just don't know how to ask if they can....
                              You know what...I have absolutely no idea what you two are talking about.... This whole vampire thing has so passed me by.

                              The only one, more or less, that I know is Angel (the one with the heart), well, yes and Spike (got a heart, too, I guess) and Alex (because of Kavan, of course) and Cian (Nora Roberts Circle trilogy) and Andre (Mercedes Lackey's Diana Tregarde series)...Okay, so I know more than one....but none of those new shows/movies.

                              I guess I am so out of this world. Well, can't be helped. I feel no urge to get to know these others.

                              my apologies... but there seems to be more 60%ers than 40%ers

                              Queen is just about the only one who openly admits/brags about that she is a 40%er, that's all.
                              I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                                Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                                Getting better at Photoshop?....Oy!

                                And they tell me I have self-confidence issues.
                                Eh, there are a lot of things I have no idea how to create (textures for example) and I just bet I don't even know half of what I can actually do with that shiny toy. But don't worry, I'll take the advanced course (BTW, that's the conference: LiMA).

                                And now I'll go back to proofreading a postulation paper that gave me headaches major headaches before I got to do the actual reading (because the formating was almost FUBAR...). At least the actual texts only needed minor corrections until now...
                                I'm a 60%er.

                                I will always place the mission first.
                                I will never accept defeat.
                                I will never quit.
                                I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                                "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."

