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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Good nite all who are heading off..

    Love the DARK hair picspam - much better than the blon... cant even say it! Arrgg

    Anyway -- here is the new map - they are numbered in order of receipt - Of course Kavan gets #1 and I am #2!!!!


    I'll be heading off for tonite - time for
    American Idol. Dont usually watch but there is a sorta-local guy in the finals.
    sigpic myLornefanfic


      Originally posted by Plickies View Post
      Not so much and his character is kind a "male body part" aka lowlife

      As a blon.. he doesnt strike me as being able to make a real convincing lowlife character. Now the above pic from CherryHill would be more convincing to me.
      sigpic myLornefanfic


        ohhh very pretty


          Originally posted by Plickies View Post
          OT Bones
          Yes! love Wendel, he's too cute. I also like the "trivial knowledge guy" with the 2 last names, neither of which I can remember

          are you talking about Mr. Nigel Murry? the guy with the brit accent and is a fountain of useless but absolutely enteraining knowledge about everything and anything you wave in his general direction?

          Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
          Hey Lornelovers!
          Thought I'd pop in to drool, er, I mean look at all the lovely pics.
          Lady is fine by me for shorthand.
          Thanks for the welcome.
          okay, now i really do feel followed... i'm usually not this paranoid, but this is the third thread i frequent in which you've shown up in welcome, once again, to the gutter

          Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
          My ex is in a northern ATL suburb (or used to be)
          i have without a doubt, most like not met him i don't get out much, and even more rarely do i end up in downtown night life...
          I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


            Originally posted by Lilith View Post
            i have without a doubt, most like not met him i don't get out much, and even more rarely do i end up in downtown night life..
            I wouldnt expect you to of run into him out and about. He's married with a family. Doubt he goes in for the nightlife anymore!

            Oh btw -- The Time Tunnel banner bunnies got me tonite. Finished watching it on YouTube (thnx Mel, bytheway) since AI was not to my liking tonite. Anyway -- here is the finished product.
            sigpic myLornefanfic


              Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
              I wouldnt expect you to of run into him out and about. He's married with a family. Doubt he goes in for the nightlife anymore!

              Oh btw -- The Time Tunnel banner bunnies got me tonite. Finished watching it on YouTube (thnx Mel, bytheway) since AI was not to my liking tonite. Anyway -- here is the finished product.
              lol... well yanno, as disney puts it, "It's a small World After All".... not! no matter how close we may seem, distance is forever stretching between us

              okay, i'm at my wits end, what's this "60%er" stuff about i keep seeing in everyone's sigs?
              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                lol... well yanno, as disney puts it, "It's a small World After All".... not! no matter how close we may seem, distance is forever stretching between us

                okay, i'm at my wits end, what's this "60%er" stuff about i keep seeing in everyone's sigs?
                You'd be suprised just how small it is. I could tell stories of running into people far from where you'd expect.

                The 60%er stuff is related to the poll on the forum regarding the existance of a gay character in Atlantis. The poll shows Lorne ahead by 40%. Poll is over under Stargate-Atlantis .. 60%ers dont believe it's true.
                sigpic myLornefanfic


                  ah... i'm gonna stay neutral on this then as much as i advocate the gay community, i know better than to pick a side in a fangirl debate
                  I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                    Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                    ah... i'm gonna stay neutral on this then as much as i advocate the gay community, i know better than to pick a side in a fangirl debate
                    There is a video of an interview with Kavan at P4 that FireFly did back in Jan... the subject/poll is brought up to him. His reaction would be where this really started. I dont have the link anymore - just saved the vid. Maybe someone else remembers it. The whole thing is a hoot, really!
                    sigpic myLornefanfic


                      Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                      Love the DARK hair picspam - much better than the blon... cant even say it! Arrgg
                      say it! Come over to the blonde...we have cookies

                      It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                        Originally posted by Iawen View Post
                        I'm not sure any of us would mind being bitten by Vampire!Lorne. Hmm.... Vampire!Lorne. This gives me a fic idea. (Another one?!? Thanks a lot.)
                        You’re welcome

                        Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                        Well having seen both Jason and Kavan at the same con is a rush too. I don't know about all three though
                        I always entered the ‘Enter the Gate’ sweepstakes but I always hoped I wouldn’t win, can you imagine being on set with all of them?!!

                        Originally posted by melfan View Post
                        Just a little while longer... the the end of june

                        Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                        Hehe, Joe? Almost!! Jason? Nooooooo. The 2 together... HELL NO!!!! And Alexis won my heart too, he's SUCH a nice guy!
                        I’ll admit I don’t think I’d *ever* get over Jason I think Joe would be next. Honestly I think David and Kavan would be the easiest to relax around you know?

                        They're just fantastic, and although in some pics it looks like quite a lot of scarring, Jason was knackered (they all were) so his eyes were swollen anyway. Either way, thumbs up from me!!
                        I went pic searching today and found more shots, all of which had Jason and Joe holding a beer

                        LOL, in theory yeah!! Do you have the same username on Jason's site btw?
                        Honestly? I don’t remember! It’s been *so long* I always use Cathain so if I made one it would be something like that…

                        Originally posted by John's PuddleJumper View Post
                        Wouldn't you like to know it's here
                        YAY! JPJ you’re my hero, I’ve been looking

                        Ok this is sort of random!

                        In SGA Lorne said he was from san Franciso right? Well I thought he might like this!

                        Well he said he’s from the Bay Area, so I think that’s close enough. I mean I live about forty-five minutes south of SF and I’ve been to Fisherman’s Warf. It reeks…

                        Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                        Memememe. Just made a new wallpaper (someone please stop me from downloading Photoshop brushes, thank you very much):


                        1400 x 800 | 1064 x 608
                        Row! That is SO beautiful!!

                        Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                        say it! Come over to the blonde...we have cookies
                        Okay I was going to do a nice Pilot!Kavan picspam but now… blonde!Kavan!!!


                          Congratulations Kethry on reaching 1500 posts!!

                          Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
                          My My Own Website


                            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                            [CENTER]It's very rude when he does that, no consideration!!
                            This one was particularly bad as well, as he ruined my shot(lets not go into why I dream about sidearms and P90's okay?)

                            Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                            I wouldnt tolerate ANYONE interupting a dream that has any of Kavan's characters in it - unless of course it were another Kavan-portrayed character.

                            Next time I add anyone, I'll move you up a bit.

                            Sounds like I'll need to track down some audio (at the least) of that movie. And yes, there are varying degrees of southern accents. Some are understandable, some not so much.
                            Yes, I completely agree! It was horrid to have *McKay* interrupt this particular dream sequence. Oh you'll really like Due South.

                            Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                            Hey - question for y'all

                            I was just looking on for Due East and a 'special' came up for that movie and Eve's Christmas -- how was Kavan in that one? He actually gets high billing in the credits for that one. Wondering if I should just go ahead and order both - for about $25.00.
                            Not sure if its too late or not- but I ordered them seperately and it ended up being *cheaper* to do so and they actually got here very very quickly. (one was here 3 days later in fact and that was with 'normal' shipping). I still haven't cracked my Eve's Christmas plastic yet but I already have watched DE a few times.

                            Originally posted by Plickies View Post
                            Kavan in Eve's Christmas - in a word - blonde

                            Spoilered for blonde-ness
                            Obviously have been spending too much time around Cathain as I actually *enjoy* his blondeness in this movie.

                            He's not in it much(maybe 4 scenes total for about 5-7 minutes total) but he's soooo drool worthy in it. For me it has been a 'must watch' movie since it came out in '05(before I was a LorneLover) just because of the cheese factor.

                            I'm a 60%'er


                              Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                              You’re welcome

                              I always entered the ‘Enter the Gate’ sweepstakes but I always hoped I wouldn’t win, can you imagine being on set with all of them?!!


                              I’ll admit I don’t think I’d *ever* get over Jason I think Joe would be next. Honestly I think David and Kavan would be the easiest to relax around you know?

                              I went pic searching today and found more shots, all of which had Jason and Joe holding a beer

                              Honestly? I don’t remember! It’s been *so long* I always use Cathain so if I made one it would be something like that…

                              YAY! JPJ you’re my hero, I’ve been looking

                              Well he said he’s from the Bay Area, so I think that’s close enough. I mean I live about forty-five minutes south of SF and I’ve been to Fisherman’s Warf. It reeks…

                              Row! That is SO beautiful!!

                              Okay I was going to do a nice Pilot!Kavan picspam but now… blonde!Kavan!!!

                              the blonde hair looks astonishingly good on him. *sorta looks like an older Tom Felton. [url=[/url].


