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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post

    nope, wouldn't mind being turned into a vamp if Vamp!Kavan did the turning

    Agreed! I wouldnt mind that! Dont think anyone would!
    sigpic myLornefanfic


      Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
      Central Germany, mel
      Me too...sort of ...slightly more westernish, but I guess Westfalia is...well...Westfalia.
      I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


        Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
        that's who it was
        Yep, that's who it was....btw, I got a few people asking why Lorne didn't seem to be concerned more with Shep's injuries, so I added a small scene and also did some minor tweaking...I discovered you can simply replace a file in with a new one. ....I keep forever fiddling with my stories.

        *slaps her own hands away from finished stories*

        For anyone who hasn't read it and would like to ... or wants to revisit ,

        here's the link:

        Lorne tag

        nope, wouldn't mind being turned into a vamp if Vamp!Kavan did the turning
        ...and then to live happily ever after with him. *gets drool attack*

        and you should be glad when the bunnies attack, that way you still know they're around
        Mine are hopping like mad. I think I might be in the process of trying to get Lorne into every episode of season 5. Anybody wants to see him somewhere he wasn't ... or see more of him in a certain scene, or see his reaction to something, let me know and I'll see what I can come up with.
        I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


          Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
          Hmmm, you're right - he does. No wonder I think he'd be a good addition to CSI. Hey, he could join up as Nick's brother. (the straight one!)

          Though he might have a hard time faking the Texas accent. Maybe he was adopted and grew up in Canada.
          I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


            Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
            Yep, that's who it was....btw, I got a few people asking why Lorne didn't seem to be concerned more with Shep's injuries, so I added a small scene and also did some minor tweaking...I discovered you can simply replace a file in with a new one. ....I keep forever fiddling with my stories.

            *slaps her own hands away from finished stories*

            For anyone who hasn't read it and would like to ... or wants to revisit ,

            here's the link:

            Lorne tag
            awesome, I'll have to add it to my 'fav stories' on

            Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
            ...and then to live happily ever after with him. *gets drool attack*

            Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
            Mine are hopping like mad. I think I might be in the process of trying to get Lorne into every episode of season 5. Anybody wants to see him somewhere he wasn't ... or see more of him in a certain scene, or see his reaction to something, let me know and I'll see what I can come up with.
            Mine seem to have left me for a spell. This always happens though, they'll pop up when I have no time to write, then when I do they disappear and I have to go wrangle a few.

            It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


              Originally posted by kethryveris View Post

              Though he might have a hard time faking the Texas accent. Maybe he was adopted and grew up in Canada.
              I dont know - I thought he did okay with the English one in Titanic. But then again, I'm not from England and only have one English friend to compare it to. But, to be honest -- a Texas drawl -- not really that hard to do. I can pick up a southern one pretty quick if I hang around peeps long enough. I think it'd be a sinch for Kavan to get the hang of... he's pretty darn talented!
              sigpic myLornefanfic


                Ohhhh...I just noticed. I passed the big 1500.

                Do I get to do anything with that number or do I have to wait for 2000? Personal avatars is 2000, isn't it?

                Celebratory picspam....

                Lookee...Kethry made 1500 posts - all about me!

                Let's raise our glasses!

                A speech! A speech!


                What do you mean, I'm not invited to the party? *sniff*

                Oops, I forgot your present.

                You still love me?

                Yes, darling...I do still love you. You're present enough! Let's make it a party for two. *leers*

                Last edited by kethryveris; 25 February 2009, 06:59 AM.
                I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                  Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                  Ohhhh...I just noticed. I passed the big 1500.
                  Congrats, Kethry -- here ya go - you get this for 1500!

                  sigpic myLornefanfic


                    Originally posted by melfan View Post
                    that's from Mission to Mars

                    I'll just put you over England, to small of a map

                    Okie dokie

                    Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                    Does anybody else think that Kavan looks remarkably like George Eads? They could easily play brothers.

                    Whenever I see this pic especially, I can't help the thought.

                    YES! He does! I have never noticed that before!

                    CONGRATS Kethry!!!!! Love your celebratory pic spam!!!

                    Okay I need a massive pic spam because not even chocolate is helping me at the moment
                    My memory stick broke and it had everything on it! All my personal files, you drugged pic story Blen, loads of pictures. My school stuff is back up except for todays work... which sucks.
                    But yeh, super depressed... the IT guys at my school say they may be able to salvage the files... but still it's making me really depressed.

                    So I need cheering up

                    Thank you to Blen for the sig!


                    I'm a 60%er!!!
                    Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
                    Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

                    Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                      Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post

                      YES! He does! I have never noticed that before!

                      My memory stick broke and it had everything on it! All my personal files, you drugged pic story Blen, loads of pictures. My school stuff is back up except for todays work... which sucks.
                      But yeh, super depressed... the IT guys at my school say they may be able to salvage the files... but still it's making me really depressed.

                      <HUGGLES> So sorry - hope IT can help.

                      sigpic myLornefanfic


                        Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                        Sorry for missing the post, JPJ - was busy with the geography lesson of the day. Hope Mission Control can rectify the problem post-haste.
                        I don't think mission control are helping,

                        Lorne is leading Todd by 2 votes!

                        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                        Where on Earth is this date thread?!
                        Wouldn't you like to know it's here

                        Originally posted by melfan View Post
                        I've found a map over Europe, so if you European girls wanna be in it, just tell me where you live and I'll add you

                        Mel add me please, I'm in the UK!

                        Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post
                        SciFiSGFan - About Lorne not being in the final scene - I thought that was wrong! If you have Amelia Banks in the final scene then you should have Lorne!!! He was in the show WAY more then her! I was outraged at the end of "enemy at the gate"! He was the leader of the team who infiltrated the hive ship, one of the people who saved earth and yet he wasn't in the final scene.

                        LOL! I hope he wins! Not to judge people but why Todd? Surley he'll end up eating you?
                        Mountie I totally agree, her in the final scene nah no way, how to betray a great actor, a great character and loyal fans!

                        As for Todd- he visits you to dinner, as in, to be the meal course!
                        JPJ = John's PuddleJumperJPJ: pssss Lorne I'm a 60%er!
                        Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread, Lorne Whumpage Thread, Crazy Alternate Universe Thread, My account
                        Banner sigs :- Shanthaia, CKO, Smurfettethatdoesnotshare, Fenrir Foxz, Kali1, SciFiSGFan and others


                          Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                          Congrats, Kethry -- here ya go - you get this for 1500!

                          Cool! He can join the other guys at the party.

                          All mine!
                          I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                            Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post

                            YES! He does! I have never noticed that before!

                            CONGRATS Kethry!!!!! Love your celebratory pic spam!!!

                            Okay I need a massive pic spam because not even chocolate is helping me at the moment
                            My memory stick broke and it had everything on it! All my personal files, you drugged pic story Blen, loads of pictures. My school stuff is back up except for todays work... which sucks.
                            But yeh, super depressed... the IT guys at my school say they may be able to salvage the files... but still it's making me really depressed.

                            So I need cheering up

                            Ah..poor you. *huggles*

                            Take your pic(k), there are enough guys at my party to share one or two.
                            I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                              congratsa kethry on 1500


                                Ok this is sort of random!

                                In SGA Lorne said he was from san Franciso right? Well I thought he might like this!

                                JPJ = John's PuddleJumperJPJ: pssss Lorne I'm a 60%er!
                                Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread, Lorne Whumpage Thread, Crazy Alternate Universe Thread, My account
                                Banner sigs :- Shanthaia, CKO, Smurfettethatdoesnotshare, Fenrir Foxz, Kali1, SciFiSGFan and others

