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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Btw... evening all.
    I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
      Btw... evening all.
      Good evening, Kethry.
      Hope you're doing okay this day. Sure, just as you get here, I'm getting set to head out. Chores and nn to go with a friend to help her with her new jewelry business.

      BTW- I see you have moved, EB!!! So what do you think Kavan would think or say if he were told he had been declared a Soveriegn Nation!!??? We could let him pick between the name choices!

      See y'all later. <wave>
      sigpic myLornefanfic


        See you later, SF. I'll probably be in bed by the time you get back in here.

        Time zones are a bi*ch....

        OT rant on regions and non-globablization...
        Spoiler: are DVD regions and customs. Got my season 5 NCIS DVDs today and actually had to pay 6 bucks for customs because I was 41 cents over the limit. They do have a certain margin, but I obviously got some sort of 150%er. Idiot!
        I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


          Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
          I dont think I'm any taller since every annual physical they weigh and measure me. But I know I dont stand up as straight as I should. Never have. And I have the sore neck and shoulders to show for it, too, sometimes.
          Well I'm a bad girl and haven't had an annual physical in about 3 years. Its such a pain because it always ends up with me going and seeing specialists for my various conditions who look at me and tell me 'oh there is nothing we can do for you because you are in the normal ranges'.

          Originally posted by melfan View Post
          If that could be done, gicing other part of their height, I'd be happy girl *sigh*
          Well I'd be more than happy to share

          Originally posted by kethryveris View Post

          Must have been some dress. Can we see pics?
          O/T: The dress

          Unfortunately I can't find any pictures of it on *me* but I did find two from right after I brought it home:

          It's about knee length with wide shoulder straps and a rouched bodice. Very lightweight and 'heat' friendly(as opposed to its 'sibling' that I traveled to California in that I love *way* more)

          I'm a 60%'er


            Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
            I'm not sure how much of it was the *dress* I was wearing(that had almost every guy in the convention hall that day staring at me at one point or another).
            was it
            the same dress that the border guy liked?

            Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
            BTW- I see you have moved, EB!!! So what do you think Kavan would think or say if he were told he had been declared a Soveriegn Nation!!??? We could let him pick between the name choices!
            yes I have! Kavdonia is much warmer than were I used to live (US MidWest ); sunshine and nice weather all year round

            and I think that Kavan would do one of those 'wft!?' looks

            It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


              Need some pretty boy to calm me...

              Ahhhh...that's better.
              I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                was it
                the same dress that the border guy liked?
                Not the exact same one but very close, they both actually made the trip Its just not the one I was wearing at the time.

                yes I have! Kavdonia is much warmer than were I used to live (US MidWest ); sunshine and nice weather all year round

                and I think that Kavan would do one of those 'wft!?' looks
                Hey EB mind if I move to Kavdonia with you?

                I'm a 60%'er


                  Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                  Well I'm a bad girl and haven't had an annual physical in about 3 years. Its such a pain because it always ends up with me going and seeing specialists for my various conditions who look at me and tell me 'oh there is nothing we can do for you because you are in the normal ranges'.
                  Once you start, they always find new ways to test you, don't they?

                  I so hate it. I keep imagining the weirdest things and then you get..."well, yes, we could do this or that, but you are pretty normal." As if that were so bad. I like normal, I like things that don't require surgery, continuous medication or rehab or whatever. I have too much of that in life already. Thank you!

                  O/T: The dress

                  Unfortunately I can't find any pictures of it on *me* but I did find two from right after I brought it home:

                  It's about knee length with wide shoulder straps and a rouched bodice. Very lightweight and 'heat' friendly(as opposed to its 'sibling' that I traveled to California in that I love *way* more)

                  Looks cool. No wonder that the guys looked. You were probably a nice change from the usual jeans and sweat shirt uniforms.
                  I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                    Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                    Need some pretty boy to calm me...

                    Ahhhh...that's better.
                    Must not make icons, must not make icons, must not... mustgotobednow! (after I spend the last hour making a ton of "Flashpoint" icons... which is why I went so quiet, mac... obviously it's not a multitasking day today, sorry ).
                    I'm a 60%er.

                    I will always place the mission first.
                    I will never accept defeat.
                    I will never quit.
                    I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                    "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                      Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                      some 4400 love

                      Mmmmm Garrity...we haven't seen him in a while.

                      In the sunny land of Kavdonia where the always shines...can I stay in the hotel Kavafornia? You know.. the one where you can never leave

                      Originally posted by Lyconia View Post
                      Whos he telling off
                      Er..I think that would be us....What for? I'm sure we must have done something!!


                        Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post

                        O/T: The dress

                        Unfortunately I can't find any pictures of it on *me* but I did find two from right after I brought it home:

                        It's about knee length with wide shoulder straps and a rouched bodice. Very lightweight and 'heat' friendly(as opposed to its 'sibling' that I traveled to California in that I love *way* more)
                        Thats a nice dress am also glad you had a great time

                        Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post

                        Er..I think that would be us....What for? I'm sure we must have done something!!
                        True the possibilities are endless

                        Banner Made By: Fainne | I'm a 60%er | My Youtube


                          Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                          Once you start, they always find new ways to test you, don't they?

                          I so hate it. I keep imagining the weirdest things and then you get..."well, yes, we could do this or that, but you are pretty normal." As if that were so bad. I like normal, I like things that don't require surgery, continuous medication or rehab or whatever. I have too much of that in life already. Thank you!
                          Yes, well I have a condition called Hashimotos Thyroiditis (or however you spell it) but the doctors refuse to medicate me for it because my Free T4, my TSH and whatnot all test in the 'normal' ranges. Mind you I have to suffer the consequences of this in the form of weight gain(I eat a very healthy balanced diet for the most part) but goodness forbid they actually do anything about my issues.

                          Looks cool. No wonder that the guys looked. You were probably a nice change from the usual jeans and sweat shirt uniforms.
                          Yes well it also made me feel like I stood out like a sore thumb in the crowd of jeans and/or costumes.

                          Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                          Must not make icons, must not make icons, must not... mustgotobednow! (after I spend the last hour making a ton of "Flashpoint" icons... which is why I went so quiet, mac... obviously it's not a multitasking day today, sorry ).
                          Meh, its okay I've been working on filling out job applications all afternoon *sighs*

                          I'm a 60%'er


                            Little present for Queen...who is probably still on the road somewhere..or in Joe-Jason dreamland.

                            Last edited by kethryveris; 23 February 2009, 03:39 PM.
                            I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                              Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                              Not the exact same one but very close, they both actually made the trip Its just not the one I was wearing at the time.

                              Hey EB mind if I move to Kavdonia with you?
                              and sure, you can move there with me; the more the merrier!

                              Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                              In the sunny land of Kavdonia where the always shines...can I stay in the hotel Kavafornia? You know.. the one where you can never leave

                              Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                              Little present for Queen...who is probably still on the road somewhere..or in Joe-Jason dreamland.


                              It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                                Originally posted by melfan View Post
                                I could give you an answer, but it would be non PG

                                I'm small for my age to, I'm only 5' and I am 23
                                Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                                So does that make me like the forum giant? (aside from andrew) As I'm 5'8"ish (when standing next to Kavan, we were the same height but I had 1" heels on).
                                Glad you remembered!! I'm the Jolly, Not-So-Green Giant. I'll be 22 in roughly 3 months and last time we checked, I was 6'6" I think I kinda scared Kavan a bit, but Chuck (Campbell) wanted me to be his bodyguard... And I would have GLADLY accepted! (For the reason getting to hang out more with famous people )

                                Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                                was it
                                the same dress that the border guy liked?

                                yes I have! Kavdonia is much warmer than were I used to live (US MidWest ); sunshine and nice weather all year round

                                and I think that Kavan would do one of those 'wft!?' looks
                                Do I sense another shirt coming on? I can just imagine Kavan's expression at his next con and looking out into the crowd and seeing people wearing shirts with something along the lines of "Come to Kavdonia, the Weather's nice all Year Round" or "Proud Resident of the Wonderful Land of Kavdonia"... or something...

