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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    *sighs contently*


      I'm a 60%er | Sigs are made by me and othersThe Lorne Identity - A Lorne fanfiction collection community.


        Okay, I just checked for Impressions and here is what it says --

        Stargate Atlantis Impressions 2.2 CD by Scott Andrews (Unknown Binding - Jun 30, 2009)
        Sign up to be notified when this item becomes available.

        So, needless to say, I signed up to be notfied. But if I understand it right -- it might be coming out the end of this June. <crossing all the fingers and toes and parts doubly -already crossed for Row-)
        sigpic myLornefanfic


          Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post

          I’m sure it will – it’s on Lifetime Movie Network all the time I think. I’m now useless for DVDs though, my parent’s DVD burner broke.
          I'm sure I'll find it, eventually. LMN seems to latch onto a movie and then play it 3 times a day for a week.

          Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
          I would really prefer if you didn’t use headshots from the LLPB. Its one thing when it’s a cap and you’ve gotten someone’s approval, but the headshots are pictures that myself (and usually Nici , who's the big headshot finder) have found. We don’t have direct approval from the photographers and I would rather not have it become a big deal.
          Didnt think about that. Oh well. I suppose taking a shot from SGA wouldnt be appropriate, either. Even tho that is what he is probably best known for. We'll just have to wait till the next con and then ask him to pose for an appropriate head shot for Wiki. Too bad we didnt know about this 'issue' before P4, could of taken care of it then.
          sigpic myLornefanfic


            Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
            Read and reviewed Row, great job as usual.

            @Cath- Uh, in the next couple days I'm recording(in shiny HD) several things- will PM you a list and see if you want/need more caps from them.

            His movie "See Spot Run" is currently on as well. *grins*

            O/T Rant:


            So as I mentioned at one point my "check coolant" light had been coming on so yesterday after it did it 4 times in the span of less than 5 miles, I decided to drop it off at my mechanics. Well he called me today to inform me that apparently my head gasket is leaking. *sighs* which will apparently be about a $2100 repair. *sighs* looks like there goes all MY con plans for the year.
            I have in the last year or so spent:
            $400 on tires
            $700 on new axel
            $600 on breaks
            $1500 leaky gasket & timing belt
            and just this past Monday $600 for a tune up and check engine light that turned out to be a rotted "gooseneck" pipe (goes from the gas tank to where you put the gas in the car, whatever it's called) and of course I just finished paying off the car last May. So I really feel your pain and so does my wallet. Oh and I need a new battery, just got one 2 years ago WTF!!!

            and now back to killing Row

            Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball


              Originally posted by Plickies View Post
              I have in the last year or so spent:
              $400 on tires
              $700 on new axel
              $600 on breaks
              $1500 leaky gasket & timing belt
              and just this past Monday $600 for a tune up and check engine light that turned out to be a rotted "gooseneck" pipe (goes from the gas tank to where you put the gas in the car, whatever it's called) and of course I just finished paying off the car last May. So I really feel your pain and so does my wallet. Oh and I need a new battery, just got one 2 years ago WTF!!!

              and now back to killing Row
              ...and the rest of us, too!

              I feel bad for you guys -- wish you were closer -- could probably save you a bunch in car repairs. $600 for brakes -- now THAT seems a trifle steep.
              sigpic myLornefanfic


                Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post

                vid rec: Spork67 made a Doppleganger vid to Boston's Higher Power and it rocks my socks there's even sleepwalking!Lorne (around the :25 sec mark and then at the 1:50 min mark). It really good and people should check it out.

                Higher Power
                *goes off to take a look*

                Originally posted by CKO View Post
                *bounces* i dont gotta be back to work til sat morn.. *grins* three days to do a whole lot of nothing

                Originally posted by Iawen View Post
                Hi everyone!

                Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post

                O/T Rant:


                So as I mentioned at one point my "check coolant" light had been coming on so yesterday after it did it 4 times in the span of less than 5 miles, I decided to drop it off at my mechanics. Well he called me today to inform me that apparently my head gasket is leaking. *sighs* which will apparently be about a $2100 repair. *sighs* looks like there goes all MY con plans for the year.

                Originally posted by Plickies View Post
                I have in the last year or so spent:
                $400 on tires
                $700 on new axel
                $600 on breaks
                $1500 leaky gasket & timing belt
                and just this past Monday $600 for a tune up and check engine light that turned out to be a rotted "gooseneck" pipe (goes from the gas tank to where you put the gas in the car, whatever it's called) and of course I just finished paying off the car last May. So I really feel your pain and so does my wallet. Oh and I need a new battery, just got one 2 years ago WTF!!!

                You guys spend more on repairs than my car is worth!!!

                Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                Some news on Kavan's audio book:

                Amazon (UK):

                Stargate Atlantis Impressions 2.2 CD (Unknown Binding)
                by Scott Andrews (Author)

                Product details
                Publisher: Big Finish Productions (30 Jun 2009)
                ISBN-10: 1844354032
                ISBN-13: 978-1844354030

                Big Finish also have it up at their website for preorder:


                Looks nice.

                You can also preorder the whole series 2 at Big Finish and get a discount of 10 pounds. (6 audiobooks for the price of 5 - more or less).
                Excellent! I've ordered mine already...can't wait



                  Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                  <crossing all the fingers and toes and parts doubly -already crossed for Row-)

                  *iz dead from TEH HANDSOME

                  O/T (up-date on the headaches):

                  Finally had the MRT today... and it says my head is just fine. Well, physically, anyway (no discussions about my sanity now, please ).
                  I'm a 60%er.

                  I will always place the mission first.
                  I will never accept defeat.
                  I will never quit.
                  I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                  "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                    ya mean there was a question of your sanity Row?!


                      Originally posted by CKO View Post
                      ya mean there was a question of your sanity Row?!
                      Mh, no, everyone knows I'm insane...
                      I'm a 60%er.

                      I will always place the mission first.
                      I will never accept defeat.
                      I will never quit.
                      I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                      "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                        Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                        Poor mac *huggles Sorry to hear that. Car trouble really, really sucks.
                        Thanks Row!

                        Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                        Some news on Kavan's audio book:
                        Amazon (UK):
                        Stargate Atlantis Impressions 2.2 CD (Unknown Binding)
                        by Scott Andrews (Author)
                        Product details
                        Publisher: Big Finish Productions (30 Jun 2009)
                        ISBN-10: 1844354032
                        ISBN-13: 978-1844354030
                        Big Finish also have it up at their website for preorder:


                        Looks nice.

                        You can also preorder the whole series 2 at Big Finish and get a discount of 10 pounds. (6 audiobooks for the price of 5 - more or less).
                        Wooo hooo! Will have to order momentarily. Will also have to make note NOT to put it on the TomTom and then also have the Darth Vader voice on(lets just say its hard to take your Navigation system seriously when it says "Ahead turn right and then prepare to jump to hyperspace on the motorway' WHILE listening to an SGA audiobook).

                        Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                        Who/where is "See Spot Run" playing??? Inquiring mind wish to know!
                        It was on TBS this morning/last night(2:30 am EST) so I taped it in HD, now I just need to get my USB cord and pull it off the Hard Drive.

                        Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                        Cool. Nice new shiny caps. To make banners with....*drools*

                        Spot't that where he looks so ....neckless? Of course, I've only seen the caps, so maybe the original will look better.
                        Spot is the one with the blue suit and the shiny hair...

                        So sorry to hear about the car trouble - Ya, head gaskets tend to get mighty expensive. <hug>
                        Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                        *hugs mac* I know how you feel
                        I had to spend almost a $1000 to fix me car.
                        Originally posted by Plickies View Post
                        I have in the last year or so spent:
                        $400 on tires
                        $700 on new axel
                        $600 on breaks
                        $1500 leaky gasket & timing belt
                        and just this past Monday $600 for a tune up and check engine light that turned out to be a rotted "gooseneck" pipe (goes from the gas tank to where you put the gas in the car, whatever it's called) and of course I just finished paying off the car last May. So I really feel your pain and so does my wallet. Oh and I need a new battery, just got one 2 years ago WTF!!!

                        Thanks for all the good thoughts. I think when I bring it home today I'm going to call around to a couple of other mechanics and see what they might charge....

                        Plickies- yeah I've done about the same thing as well. In the last 6 months or so I've basically replaced the whole coolant system piece by piece for a total of over $3000

                        Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                        O/T (up-date on the headaches):

                        Finally had the MRT today... and it says my head is just fine. Well, physically, anyway (no discussions about my sanity now, please ).
                        Well thats good news right Row?

                        I'm a 60%'er


                          Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                          Wooo hooo! Will have to order momentarily. Will also have to make note NOT to put it on the TomTom and then also have the Darth Vader voice on(lets just say its hard to take your Navigation system seriously when it says "Ahead turn right and then prepare to jump to hyperspace on the motorway' WHILE listening to an SGA audiobook).
                          Oh, I think that sounds like a lot of fun

                          Well thats good news right Row?
                          Yeah... now I just need the appointment with the psychiatrist to tell me how messed up I really am (although, yesterday I went out with two psychology students and they told us a lot of nice stories about psychologists and psychiatrists... yeah, we really had a fun evening ).
                          I'm a 60%er.

                          I will always place the mission first.
                          I will never accept defeat.
                          I will never quit.
                          I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                          "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                            Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post

                            It was on TBS this morning/last night(2:30 am EST) so I taped it in HD, now I just need to get my USB cord and pull it off the Hard Drive.

                            And you didnt think to mention this before last nite!??!!
                            sigpic myLornefanfic


                              Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball


                                I really want my SGA DVD's back now

                                Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball

