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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
    I noticed them, too. Good job people ... and in pink! Yeah!
    Yep, it's great!!

    I want to see Kavan's face when you do ... and hear his ...ahem... comments.
    I like the way you said when and not if. *prays for that day*

    I'm sure there'd be an f word in there somewhere!!

    I'm coughing my lungs out today...or so it feels. At one time I thought I might actually pass out.

    If I find whoever coughed on me, that person won't get a chance to procreate, believe me.
    Aww poor you. I know, it's awful. Have you got something to take for it?

    Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
    I'll go and cough some more upstairs ... the bathroom needs cleaning and it might distract me.

    See you later.

    Guess I can't put the fridge of any longer either. There's shopping all over the kitchen which can't go away yet, and I'm getting hungry so need to use the kitchen!

    See ya later



      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

      Hehe, yes he is and I have very special hug just for him... I squidge his bum when I hug him, that's the special hug I wanna give Kavan!!
      hehe. I met Mr Mac in another thread...Hmm I think it was the 'who's the hottest guy on Atlantis thread' He was posting Shep pics and I was posting Lorne ones. Our eyes met over a crowded thread and I convinced him of the gorgeousness of Lorne

      It's a jumper!!! Don't give in to the Americanisms of the world!!!
      Ah but you just's coming!

      Did you get a new 'do' while you were there or were you too worn out?
      no I felt invigorated I did honest

      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post

      And you really got up and vacated that chair?

      They managed to...eventually...

      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post

      I noticed them, too. Good job people ... and in pink! Yeah!

      I'm coughing my lungs out today...or so it feels. At one time I thought I might actually pass out.

      If I find whoever coughed on me, that person won't get a chance to procreate, believe me.

      Ack!...horrible cough! poor you..

      Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post

      Okay, if an American sweater is actually a jumper - what do you guys call an actual American jumper - the little dress that goes over a shirt or sweater?
      I knew it!'s a pinafore dress....hehe


        Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post

        I knew it!'s a pinafore dress....hehe
        I think pinafores went out with Little House on the Praire and the automobile in America!
        sigpic myLornefanfic


          Loving all the little "60%er"s I'm seeing in sigs


            Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
            hehe. I met Mr Mac in another thread...Hmm I think it was the 'who's the hottest guy on Atlantis thread' He was posting Shep pics and I was posting Lorne ones. Our eyes met over a crowded thread and I convinced him of the gorgeousness of Lorne
            LOL, oooh yes he does like a bit of our Major. In his spacesuit... and preferably with Sheppard!! *wonders how many times he's watched The Ark*

            Ah but you just's coming!

            I knew it!'s a pinafore dress....hehe
            Haha, glad you got what one cos I was sat here thinking wtf??

            Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
            Loving all the little "60%er"s I'm seeing in sigs
            And the 40%'ers will be soon!



              hmmm i should make a sig of that


                to safe from the page that shall be mentioned.




                  Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                  Hey all ------- was just running thru the SciFi channel listings for next month --- Next Fri 2/6 is supposed to be another all-day marathon of Outer Limits -- Straight & Narrow (Kavan) is supposed to be on that day!! DVR alert for anyone interested!!!
                  Oh, excellent scheduled it to tape - thank you so very much sci

                  Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball


                    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                    Well Hermiiod might have 20 of those too, I'll ask him next time I'm chevron-ing!!

                    Awww he looks like he's upset *hugs him the way she hugs MrMacGadget* - those who go into the JF thread should get that!
                    First off you do that GH

                    Second - MrMac - I do, I do - get that

                    Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball


                      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                      Might not be unwise.

                      i live on the edge of the gutter it would be unwise

                      Originally posted by Plickies View Post
                      thought you wrote hemorrhoids [/CENTER]

                      Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                      Hi Ly!
                      Hi *Waves*

                      Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                      I'm gone for most of the day tomorrow for a memorial for a family member who passed away
                      Sorry to hear that :huggles:

                      You know whats wrong with Kavan dont you someone stole his bottle of water

                      Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post

                      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                      I'm fine...cold... but well. * goes off to find another jumper sweater*

                      I was at the hairdressers today and they have a new vibrating chair installed. As I lay back on the chair to have my hair washed and felt the vibrations on my back, bum and thighs I closed my eyes and thought of....Lorne

                      Good, good vibrations
                      It is quite cold ... am sure i would too

                      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                      I'll go and cough some more upstairs ... the bathroom needs cleaning and it might distract me.
                      See you later.
                      :Huggles Kethry:

                      Congrats CKO

                      Banner Made By: Fainne | I'm a 60%er | My Youtube


                        Blimey it's quiet in here tonight!!

                        Originally posted by Plickies View Post
                        First off you do that GH

                        Second - MrMac - I do, I do - get that
                        Given half the chance, I would!!

                        Mac's my practise until I meet Kavan!

                        Originally posted by Lyconia View Post
                        You know whats wrong with Kavan dont you someone stole his bottle of water





                            I'm a 60%er | Sigs are made by me and othersThe Lorne Identity - A Lorne fanfiction collection community.


                              Originally posted by Lyconia View Post
                              i live on the edge of the gutter it would be unwise
                              Would you like one of my gutter grates to keep you from falling in??

                              Originally posted by Lyconia View Post

                              You know whats wrong with Kavan dont you someone stole his bottle of water
                              that could very well be!! and it was probably one of the 40%ers!

                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              Blimey it's quiet in here tonight!!

                              I just got in for the evening (I hope!) Waiting an hour for an SGA episode - It is SUPPOSED to be Mortal Coil, but the 2 local channels that carry it on the weekend have the schedule messed up. So, my luck it will be tomorrow (during SuperBowl) and next Sat.... I'll cross my fingers...
                              sigpic myLornefanfic


                                I'm a 60%er | Sigs are made by me and othersThe Lorne Identity - A Lorne fanfiction collection community.

