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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
    *blows raspberry* Booo!!
    Eh, every girl needs something to hang on to?

    BTW, for everyone waiting for a resolution for the cliffie of the last Fanfic100 piece, here it is: "Found a key for every door".
    I'm a 60%er.

    I will always place the mission first.
    I will never accept defeat.
    I will never quit.
    I will never leave a fallen comrade.
    "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


      Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
      Okay guys, I think I may have managed to get it working. Let me know if you can't see it and I'll have a fiddle. Unfortauntely I had to compress it in order to upload it so the quality isn't fantastic, but I'm working on getting the better version online. Sometimes the sound goes quite quiet, so I've written out everything that is said in the interview. If anyone wants me to post the interview in text form, I will, but it's less funny that way, trust me!

      Apologies for my crap interviewing skills but basically it was a massive, cold, echoey room and there was me, Kavan and his chaperone for the weekend, and that was it. I hadn't practiced what I was going to say, I was pretty terrified lol. Luckily, I managed to get that all important first question out!

      Be warned - Kavan swears a few times in this interview (no surprise there, but he apologised to me later lol), and there's references to slightly adult themes. Oh, and if he mentions Paul or David, me means McGillion and Hewlett

      That was lovely ff you did a great job and he answered my questions


        I gotta go to bed before my head hits the table. Night all, see you tomorrow *waves*



          I think I'll follow queen (well, not into her bed, apparently ) and head for my own bed. 'Night, everyone!
          I'm a 60%er.

          I will always place the mission first.
          I will never accept defeat.
          I will never quit.
          I will never leave a fallen comrade.
          "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


            LOL, my bed's lovely Row... I have my Lorne clone on 1 side of me, and my Ronon clone on the other!



              Oh, I think it would get a little crowded if I joined Anyway, it's off to bed now...
              I'm a 60%er.

              I will always place the mission first.
              I will never accept defeat.
              I will never quit.
              I will never leave a fallen comrade.
              "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                In Shex, tomorrow maybe!
                Well welcome back!

                Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                Of course it's snurchable! It's for all of you
                Thank you (Huggs) that was a great interview well done loved the whole conversation about facial expressions

                so hes done an audio book wonder when it get released

                Night QH, RowenaR *waves*

                I think with that ill be off to night all ^^

                Banner Made By: Fainne | I'm a 60%er | My Youtube


                  Originally posted by Lyconia View Post
                  Thank you (Huggs) that was a great interview well done loved the whole conversation about facial expressions
                  Glad you enjoyed it!

                  Originally posted by Lyconia View Post
                  so hes done an audio book wonder when it get released
                  Unfortunately, I forgot to ask...


                    Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                    Glad you enjoyed it!

                    Unfortunately, I forgot to ask...
                    Night everyone I must go as well. Hardly keep my eyes open. Just download the interview and watched it twice
                    I meant to say ff. It's good picture and sound quality.


                      Kass you have to thank Fuchsia for us!!

                      Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                      Okay guys, sorry that I haven't been too quick with updating but I had a lot of RL stuff to sort out today. Anyway, here's a little present for you all!

                      I also managed to arrange a one-to-one interview with Kavan while I was away especially for those who asked questions, (sorry if I shortened your names in the interview but I only had 10 minutes and we took almost 15!) I will post the video as soon as I've managed to upload it. It's great
                      I loved it! I saw it on Facebook Thank you so much!!!! *hugs and kisses*

                      Originally posted by melfan View Post
                      He had the flu? Poor thing!
                      I know Melfan! At the same time I realized, he was hanging all over everyone at the con – not sure that’s what I’d want to come away with from meeting Kavan

                      Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                      It's all thanks to you guys. Honestly, thank you to everyone who submitted a question (kethry in particular) because without you, I wouldn't have had a reason to do the interview, wouldn't have told Kavan that people think Lorne is gay and therefore the weekend would have been very different for everyone at the convention (it was a HUGE joke all weekend) so thank you.
                      Well big thanks to you still – I mean you were willing to collect our questions and ask him! *hugs*

                      That's what we all thought, but apparently he'd intentionally kept people thinking that, but now they're married, it's okay to tell people that they weren't. I didn't really get it, all he said is that they hadn't been married for that long. His son is only 17 months old, he said so during the talk.
                      Not being married and having kids can be big deal to some people and not to others. It’s a who cares to me, I was born a full year before my parents were married *laughs* Managed to get my chubby but in the wedding photos and everything!


                        Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                        Night everyone I must go as well. Hardly keep my eyes open. Just download the interview and watched it twice
                        I meant to say ff. It's good picture and sound quality.
                        Oh, good, I'm glad. I had to compress it to under 100MB because no site I could find would upload the original size of 360MB, so I was worried that it would seriously affect it. I'm glad you liked it!

                        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                        I loved it! I saw it on Facebook Thank you so much!!!! *hugs and kisses*
                        You're welcome! Sorry I shortened your name in it but I was short on time!

                        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                        I know Melfan! At the same time I realized, he was hanging all over everyone at the con – not sure that’s what I’d want to come away with from meeting Kavan
                        I don't know if you heard or not, but in the bit of the interview where Kavan says "I'm not sure if anyone would wanna kiss me right now" because he was ill, I struggled to suppress a snort. "Yeah, right." I was thinking. I reckon there are a fair few of us who would risk getting ill for a kiss lol. I had so many hugs from him that if he's contagious, I've definately got it!

                        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                        Well big thanks to you still – I mean you were willing to collect our questions and ask him! *hugs*
                        It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it

                        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                        Not being married and having kids can be big deal to some people and not to others. It’s a who cares to me, I was born a full year before my parents were married *laughs* Managed to get my chubby but in the wedding photos and everything!
                        Yeah, I thought it might be something to do with that. Didn't want to ask


                          Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                          Eh, every girl needs something to hang on to?

                          BTW, for everyone waiting for a resolution for the cliffie of the last Fanfic100 piece, here it is: "Found a key for every door".

                          Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                          I don't know if you heard or not, but in the bit of the interview where Kavan says "I'm not sure if anyone would wanna kiss me right now" because he was ill, I struggled to suppress a snort. "Yeah, right." I was thinking. I reckon there are a fair few of us who would risk getting ill for a kiss lol. I had so many hugs from him that if he's contagious, I've definately got it!

                          It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                            FF- Great interview! Am dl'ing it now to watch later. If you could share the text version that would be wonderfully appreciated!

                            Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                            BTW, for everyone waiting for a resolution for the cliffie of the last Fanfic100 piece, here it is: "Found a key for every door".
                            Read and Reviewed!!

                            Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                            Kass you have to thank Fuchsia for us!!
                            Yes, she was worried they wouldn't be good enough for us but I reassured her that as long as they had Kavan in them we would be happy.

                            Not being married and having kids can be big deal to some people and not to others. It’s a who cares to me, I was born a full year before my parents were married *laughs* Managed to get my chubby but in the wedding photos and everything!
                            That might be a reason too...

                            Okay gotta go, be back later LorneLovers!

                            I'm a 60%'er


                              Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                              FF- Great interview! Am dl'ing it now to watch later. If you could share the text version that would be wonderfully appreciated!
                              Okay! I'll split it into two posts for now until I have time to upload it somewhere.

                              Interview transcript part 1
                              Kavan: Oh, are we rolling?
                              Nicky: Yes.
                              Kavan: HI! I would like to say hi to everybody at GateWorld, uh this is Kavan Smith, uh a.k.a. Evan Lorne, and I’m about to be asked a bunch of questions by somebody that’s never done it before, so let’s see how that goes!
                              Me: Okay, um…
                              Kavan: Whaddya got?
                              Me: This is from kethry [kethryveris].
                              Kavan: Mmm.
                              Me: Are you aware that after Joe Mallozzi’s comment that in his opinion there’s a gay character in Atlantis, a poll was started on GateWorld and that you’re leading by more than 40%?
                              Kavan: WHAT?!
                              Me: How do you feel about that, and would you have liked the character to go that way?
                              Kavan: [Laughs] Uh, I had no idea that there was gonna be a gay character. I know why Mallozzi said that though, because he’s gay. Uh, but I would’ve thought that they’d wanna go with somebody who’s actually gay in real life so I thought for sure it would’ve been Paul [McGillion] or David [Hewlett] but uh, I’m leading by 40%, huh?
                              Me: Apparently.
                              Kavan: Wow. Uh…speechless. [Laughs] No comment, next question!
                              Me: Okay. Um, this is from Cath [Cathain Nottingham]. Since you have played both heroes and villains on shows and films, do you have a preference to playing one or the other?
                              Kavan: Um, playing the hero generally means you get paid well. Uh, playing the villain means that you get to do something interesting and fun, so it’s a, it’s a double edged question really. Uh, as far as an acting standpoint goes it’s always more fun to play the villain. Always more fun to play the villain. But you usually, usually die, so the pay’s not as good.
                              Me: Em, this is from LizzieAnne.
                              Kavan: Mmmhmm.
                              Me: Um, if you were asked to perform in the Globe theatre in London, which Shakespeare character would you like to play?
                              Kavan: My favourite Shakespeare- I have two. Uh, one of them doesn’t apply to me because it’s Othello and I remember when I was, [Laughs] when I was first uh, introduced into the world of theatre and I read the play of Othello and I went to the teacher at the drama school that I was in and I said “I wanna be Othello” and she goes “well you realise he’s black, right?” “REALLY? No, I didn’t know that.” So Othello’s always been my favourite character but I think the days of Al Jolson and shoe polish are over, so I would, I would go with Richard III. Creepy old b*****d. Good stuff though.
                              Me: Um, from SciFiSGFan, do you have any superstitions or rituals you do before an audition like wearing the same pair of lucky socks or eating the same breakfast every morning?
                              Kavan: Oh yeah, I used to do all that kinda s***. Very superstitious, I would uh, if I got a job on one particular thing I would wear the same outfit the next time, or if I did it in a certain way, but most of that was kind of at the beginning of my career when I was uh, sort of uh, green and optimistic and wide-eyed, and now I’m bitter and, and crusty and I don’t do any of that s*** anymore, now I, it’s uh… any kind of rituals or anything? I try and um, I’m a pacer, so before an audition I pace a lot. Sometimes that pisses people off in the room because you’re wrecking their concentration so I’ve tried to tone that down. Now I try and be a bit more Zen, so I’ll start by pacing, realise I’m pacing and then I’ll sit down and just try and breathe for a while. But it’s unnerving, anybody that’s never done an audition, it can be quite, um, I’m not a nervous guy for the most part, not a lot of things scare me per se, but it can be quite intimidating going in and auditioning for something that you *really* want, and there’s tons of producers and directors and writers, everybody in the room and it’s, it can be daunting, so I think breathing is the one thing that should be my ritual. What else ya got?
                              Me: Em, this one’s another one from kethry [kethryvis].
                              Kavan: Okay.
                              Me: When you’re shooting the P-90’s, you often seem to have a grim expression on your face. Is it intentional or is it just because they’re loud when they fire?
                              Kavan: No, it’s a…I think…well what kind of expression should I have, gleeful? If you’re shooting somebody I think intensity is sort of the thing, it’s uh…you know I’ve done some research on this and when you watch people shoot a gun they generally have two faces. Um, if you watch any war documentaries or even like really great war movies, the guys usually have two expressions. One is sort of an aggressive, severe face, or one is fear. And I think that it would be the wrong character choice for Lorne to be afraid while shooting a gun, so I’ve gone more to the aggressive uh, angry kinda tone when he shoots. But it’s not always on purpose. I’ve done a lot of gun-shooting characters and roles, and there is…I wouldn’t hurt a fly in my normal life, I don’t, I don’t believe in guns and any of that kinda stuff, I’m very uh…gay apparently, 40% of people believe I’m gay, so I’m quite gay, and I don’t shoot things. But when you have a giant machine gun in your hand, M-60’s or whatever, it sorta takes you over. You just get mean. And nasty and it’s something very primal and, and…I guess masculine about it, it’s just very “aaaah”. It’s very phallic and “arrrhhh”. So there’s, I mean it’s hard not to make that face when you’re shooting a gun. It’s extremely fun. I make the same face when I’m having sex. [Laughs] So says my wife anyway.
                              Me: This one’s from Lizzie again, have you been asked to narrate any of the Stargate audiobooks?
                              Kavan: I just did, I just did, I did one a few days ago. That’s what uh, that’s another reason why we came, I would’ve cancelled, um, had they not paid me already because I was very sick. I was uh, violently ill uh, but I already entered into the contract to do it, so I just went to the bathroom quite a bit. But uh- for those of you who don’t know, I’ve had the flu quite badly for the last few days but um, no I did one and I can’t remember what it was called. Uh, um, Impressions I think it was called. Yeah, Impressions. So it was all about Lorne and uh, sixty somewhat pages of straight, full, complete dialogue. *Giant*, giant project that I thought was gonna take forever, only did it in four hours. So, it was great, I had a lot of fun.
                              Me: Were you in a little box? [Neil Roberts had told us earlier about the little glass box he had to ‘act’ in on his own during his SGA audiobook with Paul McGillion]
                              Kavan: Yeah, the soundbooth?
                              Me: Yeah.
                              Kavan: Yep. Well, I had a choice between a little box or a soundbooth, and I chose the soundbooth. Cause there was nothing in the box, it was just a box. The “technical” term is…
                              Me: Box.
                              Kavan: Yep. Um, but uh, no it was a lot of fun. There was a guy, s*** and I can’t remember his name, I think it was Neil, uh, uh, who does the voices for all the bad guys on Doctor Who? All the little…
                              Me: Oh, um…
                              Kavan: All the little bots, little weird bad guys? Sorry, I’m proving how ignorant I am when it comes to…
                              Me: I know who you mean, I’ve met him.
                              Kavan: Yeah, okay, anyway he’s a really nice guy and he played the guy who was uh…it’s all about Lorne being sort of psycho-analysed after some huge weird thing happens, and uh, he played the doctor. So, he was great, I love him.
                              Me: Nicholas Briggs?
                              Kavan: Yeah! That’s him. Nicholas Briggs. Shout out, hi.
                              Me: Um, this one’s from SciFiSGFan again.
                              Kavan: Mmmhmm.
                              Me: Um, what kind of music do you like to listen to?
                              Kavan: Thrash metal. [Long pause]
                              Me: Right…
                              Kavan: I was a heavy metal kid, I love heavy music, but I like everything. I don’t like yodelling, and I hate country music. But anything else is fair game. I like folk, rock n’ roll, I like opera. One of the things I used to do when I was single, is every year on my birthday I would go see some opera in Vancouver. Cause 40% of people believe I’m gay. So I’m just giving them more fodder. But uh, no, so I like, I like everything. Um, except country and yodelling. I find them both quite disturbing. But everything else is fair game. Continue.


                                Interview transcript part 2
                                Me: Same person.
                                Kavan: Okay.
                                Me: Um, is there anywhere in the world that you have not had any opportunity to travel to that you want to?
                                Kavan: Oh yeah, absolutely. We travel all the time, my wife and I travel a lot. My brother um, is a, is a photographer, he travels all over the world so we get a lot of ideas from him. He’s… so a lot of the places he’s been, we wanna go. Apparently Samoa is spectacular, I’d love to go to Samoa. I’ve always wanted to go to Mongolia and go on like a horse trek or something like that. Um, there’s some places in Africa, some friends of ours have been and I’d, I’d like to go. Um, my wife wants to go to this place in Chile where they have um, observatories for astronomy, and it’s-pardon me, astrology, and up in the mountains they’re kinda like these little tent things that you live up in the Andes and I’d like to do that. Uh, there’s a place in the South Pacific called Aitutaki, or uh, Pearl Isle, Taha, these little islands in the South Pacific that would be great. I could go on for a long time. I love to travel, so. There’s a *million* places I’d like to go. Uh, Reykjavik, I’d love to go to Iceland someday.
                                Me: It’s a bit colder than here, though.
                                Kavan: Yeah, pretty cold. And they only speak Icelandic. Or English, but I have a problem with English. Continue.
                                Me: Em, from Atlantean2005, em, back in November at the New Jersey convention, I gave you a personalised um, checker set, a doll for your wife and a Care Bear for your son.
                                Kavan: Mmm.
                                Me: I was just wondering if you liked them and if you’re getting good use out of them?
                                Kavan: Was this the hand-knit ones?
                                Me: Mmm hmm.
                                Kavan: Yeah, they were spectacular. Somebody put an awful lot of time, and if I’m not mistaken it might be the same person that did a chess board as well? Does it say that? Cause there was a knit chess board as well, and uh, we were sorta overwhelmed by that. So uh, I haven’t had an opportunity to use the chess board yet if it’s the same one, my son goes uh, through a lot of his stuffed animals quite quickly but it’s definitely in the repertoire, and uh…it was much appreciated. And, and shocked at the effort people go to do these things. I mean that looks, it looked, it was fantastic and it looked like someone had spent months…although I knit very slowly. 40% of people think I’m gay.
                                Me: Uh, what else have we got? Um, have you got any upcoming roles that we can look out for?
                                Kavan: Well I did a pilot, a Canadian pilot that uh, waiting to see if that got picked up. Uh, I’m narrating a couple of documentary series for Discovery Channel. Um, hopefully, I…I’m under the impression that Sanctuary was picked up and hopefully I can reprise the role in Sanctuary a little bit. And uh, um, I’m going to continue to be a thorn in the ass of the Stargate people until they put me in Universe, so…
                                Me: Well we want to see you there.
                                Kavan: Well, thank you. I mean, I certainly keep after them.
                                Me: Would you…
                                Kavan: They should’ve put me in it right at the top, or whatever.
                                Me: Would you want to go in it as Lorne or would you want to do a new character? Like his twin…?
                                Kavan: His twin? Yeah, sure.
                                Me: The non-gay one.
                                Kavan: Yeah, the straight twin! Absolutely, I’ll play the straight twin. Spanksy. Um, yeah, that would be uh, I think they’ll, if they ever did do it I’m sure they’d just make it Lorne. But um, I’d do something different. Y’know, play a bad guy. Put on some makeup and stuff like that, that’d be kinda fun. But uh, the nice thing about Universe is that a), I mean not Universe, but Stargate the franchise, is that they generally go for a long time. So it’s a good uh, recurring role. And what could be a good recurring role. And it’s just down the street from where I live. Nice and close. Very handy.
                                Me: One last one.
                                Kavan: Fire away.
                                Me: And I promise this one isn’t mine.
                                Kavan: Yeah, I bet it is.
                                Me: It’s not, it was asked by several people actually.
                                Kavan: It’s true. I am that large. [Laughter]
                                Me: There’s a video on You…
                                Nicky: Oh god.
                                Me: Sorry…
                                Kavan: That’s alright.
                                Me: There’s a video on YouTube of Paul auctioning off a kiss for charity.
                                Kavan: Oh…
                                Me: Will we be seeing similar action this weekend from you? And they did use the word ‘action’ there. Given that you’re ill, I’m not sure whether-
                                Kavan: I don’t think anybody would wanna kiss me right now. But even if they did, my wife is a uh, very vindictive, jealous woman, so she’d probably kill whoever bought the kiss.
                                Me: Have you seen the photo you just took downstairs? [Of Kavan surrounded by lots of girls dressed ‘Moulin Rouge’ style]
                                Kavan: Yeah, but she won’t see that. She doesn’t pay attention to this kinda thing, but she would hunt somebody down if they actually kissed me I think. Um, and the other thing is, I mean, Paul knows full well that no one wants to kiss him anyway, so it’s a pretty safe thing to put out there, like who’d wanna kiss Paul? I sure as hell wouldn’t kiss Paul.
                                Me: I think it went for $500.
                                Kavan: WHAT?! Some guy paid five hundred bucks to kiss Paul?!
                                Me: It was a girl.
                                Kavan: Let’s be honest. No girl is gonna pay five hundred bucks to kiss Paul McGillion.
                                Me: I saw the video! It’s a girl.
                                Kavan: Really? What, just dressed like a girl? Had a bit of a…thing between his legs? Nah, see that’s a guy. No, only, I know, I know for a fact that I don’t think it’s scientifically possible that a woman would pay money to kiss Paul McGillion. No, I think that’s in like an encyclopaedia somewhere. So, I think your information’s wrong. It was probably a guy. Somebody named Ralph, or Hank. I can see somebody named Hank wanting to kiss Paul. Pay five hundred bucks for that. I wouldn’t pay more than…I don’t know. A buck fifty. A buck fifty, and when I’ve finished kissing him, I get to spit on him. Yeah, buck fifty. Buck fifty- if I was drunk, and like really high, but I don’t do drugs so it wouldn’t happen, but if I was really, really f***ed up, buck sixty-five maybe. MAYBE. But then I get to vomit on him when I’m done. Yeah, that’s sexy.
                                Nicky: Okay, I think he needs to finish there, don’t you?
                                Me: Yeah.
                                Kavan: Now you wanna, you wanna finish my interview?
                                Nicky: Yeah.
                                Kavan: Why? It’s just getting good!
                                Me: It’s two o’clock.
                                Kavan: Oh.
                                Nicky: Yeah, we need to go in a minute.
                                Kavan: Yeah, okay…what’s that?
                                Me: That’s it.
                                Kavan: Oh, that’s it!
                                Nicky: Gonna say goodbye?
                                Kavan: Well thank you! Uh, I hope you were entertained and not completely disgusted by my interview. It only gets better from here. Anyway, thank you, all my best, and er…bye!

