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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
    Great pics Elephantgirl! I *loved* seeing the high-res version of your vid @ the con it was *WONDERFUL* I nearly thunked out of my seat.
    Did you ever get it uploaded in High-res for us to enjoy, Elephantgirl?

    I love seeing it in low-res, but high-res would be sooooo much nicer still.

    He's telling his "Theater in the Park" story where the dog 'attacks' the fellow actors leg, and they go offstage, and don't realize the mics are still live, and the other actor is all potty mouthed, and then they realize the audience could hear the whole thing, and all the parent's are covering their children's ears.

    *whistles innocently* I uh, think I may need to spend less time paying attention to certain things

    I can so see you write Kavan's biography one day.

    That was priceless *giggles at the memories of the "my eyes" bit* Though now I can't watch/read about S&R without hearing Kavan's voice in my head going 'my eyes! my eyes!'.
    And since you mentioned it to me, I can't either.

    Bad Mac....

    I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


      Originally posted by melfan View Post
      With few of the pics that have beedn posted here with candid Kavan I've made a banner

      snurch if you want
      Another yummy one Mel

      Originally posted by John's PuddleJumper View Post
      well all of the whumpers ARE thunkers

      so there is no where to hide
      Ain't that the truth!

      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
      Wow, Nici, that must have hit you hard then.

      I didn't even notice anything special about him in Runner, liked the new character, sure, but it didn't hit me in any way. I think that happened some time during season 4.

      I know I am usually not that thick, but when something hits me late, it always hits so much harder. ... and then, of course, they had to go and cancel the show.
      I'm totally with you there kethry. I don't really *notice* many blokes, and they usually grow on me, Kavan was one of them. It's hard not to notice his eyes - obviously - but I didn't really take much notice until 5 or 6m ago. Yes, I know, I'm a bad thunker!!



        Just been rummaging on You Tube and found this HERE
        OK slightly OT as it's Paul McGillion at a 2007 con. But the thing is he auctioned off a kiss. Some one paid him $500+ dollars to make out with him (OK it was brief and tasteful ) So know what I'm going to say next.. How much would you pay for a snog with Kavan? .. Really... how much?


          Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
          I think he should write that book: "How not to lose your CO for dummies" By Major E. Lorne
          I can see him writing that on a slow day...

          ok, I've given this a lot of thought and here are my Top 5 Lorne eps;

          5. Runner

          4. The Ark

          3. S&R

          2. Doppelganger

          1. The Game

          It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


            Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
            Just been rummaging on You Tube and found this HERE
            OK slightly OT as it's Paul McGillion at a 2007 con. But the thing is he auctioned off a kiss. Some one paid him $500+ dollars to make out with him (OK it was brief and tasteful ) So know what I'm going to say next.. How much would you pay for a snog with Kavan? .. Really... how much?
            Haha, that's brilliant!!!

            Hehe, he should pay me! Or rather make a donation to my favourite charity!!!



              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
              Haha, that's brilliant!!!

              Hehe, he should pay me! Or rather make a donation to my favourite charity!!!
              Now there's a thought... but for me a kiss would be payment enough.. hehehe


                Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                Now there's a thought... but for me a kiss would be payment enough.. hehehe
                Just the one? I'm greedy, I'd want two or three! *evil grin*



                  Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                  Just the one? I'm greedy, I'd want two or three! *evil grin*
                  Or one really looooooooong steamy one. Okaaay that's a bit too much for my brain to handle. I'm off to bed.

                  Night queen...night all.


                    Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                    Or one really looooooooong steamy one. Okaaay that's a bit too much for my brain to handle. I'm off to bed.

                    Night queen...night all.
                    Oh that sounds better!

                    Night Lizzie *waves*



                      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                      Just been rummaging on You Tube and found this HERE
                      OK slightly OT as it's Paul McGillion at a 2007 con. But the thing is he auctioned off a kiss. Some one paid him $500+ dollars to make out with him (OK it was brief and tasteful ) So know what I'm going to say next.. How much would you pay for a snog with Kavan? .. Really... how much?
                      Paul's such a sweetie...

                      I'd have a $1,000 limit to Kavan's favorite charity.

                      It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                        Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                        Just been rummaging on You Tube and found this HERE
                        OK slightly OT as it's Paul McGillion at a 2007 con. But the thing is he auctioned off a kiss. Some one paid him $500+ dollars to make out with him (OK it was brief and tasteful ) So know what I'm going to say next.. How much would you pay for a snog with Kavan? .. Really... how much?
                        LMAO that was brilliant! I've had a kiss on the cheek from Paul (for free - cause I'm Scottish!), he's really nice

                        As much as I'd love to, I don't think Kavan would do it. He's married whereas I think Paul was single at that point.


                          Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                          Just been rummaging on You Tube and found this HERE
                          OK slightly OT as it's Paul McGillion at a 2007 con. But the thing is he auctioned off a kiss. Some one paid him $500+ dollars to make out with him (OK it was brief and tasteful ) So know what I'm going to say next.. How much would you pay for a snog with Kavan? .. Really... how much?
                          A real, really nice long one?

                          Hmmm...checks bank account ... I am so broke, but if I had it.. 500 sounds good. And it'd be for charity.

                          I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                            It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                              Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                              LMAO that was brilliant! I've had a kiss on the cheek from Paul (for free - cause I'm Scottish!), he's really nice

                              As much as I'd love to, I don't think Kavan would do it. He's married whereas I think Paul was single at that point.

                              I agree with you there, Firefly. I don't think he'd do it, either. Hugs and a kiss on the cheek, no problem, I'd say, but a real kiss....I can't see him do that.

                              Nice thought, though.

                              I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                                AAAAAAARRGH...GW just ate my reply to Queen's post...and it was such a nice, long one..... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I wonder if I can remember what I wrote.

                                Kethry ... off to a second try.
                                I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction

