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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by purpletoo1
    Alright, I don't know what you are refering to but I saw the Hive and there is no such thing as any chemistry at all between Lorne and McKay!!! That is just sick! People will do anything,.... freakish is right Shadow! Sorry but I am completely opposed to any slash and most ships unless it is expressly written into the script, ie..Jack kisses Sam. It ruins the show when fans put things into the script that aren't there! Don't see how they could have thought that about Lorne and McKay...nope it's not there!
    I happen to agree with that, also.


      Originally posted by Nici
      Alrighty, caps are now up at the website.

      He needs a hug. *volunteers*


        Here's some caps from "Alibi". I'm not adding all the pics to the website until tomorrow so I thought I'd let you all have a sneak peek today. Sorry they are so small. My TiVo does not get this channel so I had to use my video capturer with my VCR. But hey, at least I got some. hehe

        His character was great in this movie (IMO). The lady was stupid for dumpin' him for a killer. LOL!
        Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


          mmmm.... Towel scene! I so need to get this movie, now! LOL!


            OK folks, I'm issuing a challenge: one of us absolutely MUST track down season 2 of Destiny Ridge in which Kavan plays- and I quote- "a young, virile ranch hand."

            Sounds like the show was absolute garbage, but someone, somewhere (probably in Canada) must have a copy. We need to get our hot little hands on it, dontcha think?


              Originally posted by purpletoo1
              Wow, that's great! I thought you were getting snow in that part of the country.
              at my home in PA we got like 4 inches of snow on Turkey Day, it was nice.. but it was nice and warm at the beach, well by warm i mean like 40's, which was warmer than it was at my house...

              My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


                Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                I have no real objection to slash, per se, but I don't like unrealistic pairings- which is what a majority of slash is. And, frankly, most hetero couplings fall into that category, too, as far as I'm concerned.

                Lorne belongs to no one. Except maybe us.
                I hear ya! i hate pairings of anykind, slash or non! its just wrong...

                and yeah. ofcourse he belongs to us..

                My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


                  Originally posted by Nici
                  Here's some caps from "Alibi". I'm not adding all the pics to the website until tomorrow so I thought I'd let you all have a sneak peek today. Sorry they are so small. My TiVo does not get this channel so I had to use my video capturer with my VCR. But hey, at least I got some. hehe

                  His character was great in this movie (IMO). The lady was stupid for dumpin' him for a killer. LOL!
                  Very nice! OMG I can't wait for some more!


                    Originally posted by Nici
                    Here's some caps from "Alibi".


                    His character was great in this movie (IMO). The lady was stupid for dumpin' him for a killer. LOL!

                    oh dear lord!!!
                    u could warn a girl! hummana-hummana-hummana...

                    My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


                      I've been having fun this weekend...take a look!


                        Originally posted by Nici
                        Here's some caps from "Alibi". I'm not adding all the pics to the website until tomorrow so I thought I'd let you all have a sneak peek today. Sorry they are so small. My TiVo does not get this channel so I had to use my video capturer with my VCR. But hey, at least I got some. hehe

                        His character was great in this movie (IMO). The lady was stupid for dumpin' him for a killer. LOL!
                        Cool. What was his character like?

                        5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                          Cathain, those pictures are excellent!!! I really like them alot....*Is jealous of talented people who can do cool things with pictures...*


                            Originally posted by GatetheWay
                            Cool. What was his character like?
                            Well, his character, Cliff, was a workaholic. He was devoted to his girlfriend, professional skier Marti Gerrard (Tori Spelling). He was kind of like her manager, I think. He treated her just fine except for the fact he'd leave her all the time (to set up press conferences, training, whatnot) ... but he'd always return to her. Anyway, yeah, it's a good movie. It's hard not taking his side in the end. lol
                            Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                              I saw Titanic...well more like recorded it then fast forwarded to Kavan's parts. He is sooo cute with an English accent. I'm really glad he didn't do one of those gawd awful street accents that a lot of the other people were doing. Sadly, my recording cut out before the movie ended so I didn't get to see his crying scene.
                              Last edited by GatetheWay; 27 November 2005, 03:41 PM.

                              5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                                Well I'm still jealous Gate - I haven't gotten to see it at all!

