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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Doppleganger -

    Great ep! In fact I've loved every ep this season. All very well written and acted. I loved the humor mixed in with this ep especially. Plus we got a lot of little background info on various characters. And if you really think about it, they killed *three* people in that ep! Sure they brought two back but still *laughs*

    I really enjoyed Kavan in this one too - I liked his nightmare here better then in The 4400 because Garrity and I share the same nightmare there and it was too much to see Kavan go through it when I dream about going through it all the time. Plus, sexy bare feet!




      Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
      Doppleganger -


      Aww. Can I hug him? Pretty please? (Emphasis on the 'pretty' part )


        me thinks we all wanted to hug him durring the ep


          -watches 'Doppelganger' and glomps Lorne-

          Originally posted by Lightbane View Post
          And i agree they can just cover up his tat, makeup or a skin toned patch? Wouldn't be that difficult to cover up.
          Yes they could..they did that for a number of seasons on 'Charmed' to cover up Combs' and Milano's tats. I think we need to start a petition to have Lorne sleeveless (or shirtless)

          Just finished watching 'Doppelganger' and -flail- LORNE!!!! It was better than the episodes so far and I got the 'Alien' reference before they talked about it...actually when the thing first moved around in Teyla I was all 'Agh...Alien! -giggle-' Lorne wasn't in it long enough and liked the fact that he was barefoot but would've liked it if he had been shirtless as well -sigh-

          I knew that we were going to learn more about Lorne but thought that it would've been more than that he used to sleepwalk when he was little. -shrug- oh well.

          They KILLED Hightmeyer...WTF!? Why kill off the one person who is actually likeable and I don't wish would die *coughcarterandkellercough*...that was a totally random/sucky way to get rid of her and I think that it was utterly senseless other than to show that the Freddy-esq crystal could kill you in your dreams.

          And I can get the vivid-nightmare; I had one a few nights ago and it still creeps me out...

          It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


            Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
            They KILLED Hightmeyer...WTF!? Why kill off the one person who is actually likeable and I don't wish would die *coughcarterandkellercough*...that was a totally random/sucky way to get rid of her and I think that it was utterly senseless other than to show that the Freddy-esq crystal could kill you in your dreams.

            And I can get the vivid-nightmare; I had one a few nights ago and it still creeps me out...
            Speaking of dreams and 'Doppelganger'...

            I talked to a friend about the ep, everyone's dreams and everything and while she brought up a great point I wanted to check in with the LorneLovers to see what you guys thought.

            Teyla's dream, I get it. Losing her father, being attacked by Bug!John.

            Keller's dream, I get. First the movie scared her, then her biology partner's prank.

            Ronon's dream, I get. After being forced to be alone for seven years (and Ronon does seem like the type who would exile himself as far from people as he could after he realized he could bring the Wraith to people) he's terrified of being alone again. Plus we know he's claustrophobic from 'The Ark'.

            Lorne's dream. WTF?! *laughs* He's afraid of the replicators? Now I get it, they're scary folk, but I dunno, I guess I was expecting more? My friend mentioned maybe it isn't his worst fear but his most current. Losing his CO and base commander to the replicators. It's something fresh in his mind because of Elizabeth but still - I thought his nightmare from The 4400 was much more freaky. Then again I have that same nightmare


              DETAILS! i'm deprived of 4400 i don't see it here in Aus, what was Garrity's freaky dream???

              Oh and the uh Ronon and Lorne dreams is where the entity was progressing to killing. It tried to bury Ronon and it tried to get Lorne shot but neither worked, so it tossed Heightmeyer off dream Atlantis


                Lightbane: I'm in the same boat as you. I too live in Australia. Have you looked on youtube yet?

                Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
                My My Own Website


                  in reference to lorne's dream:

                  i think it had less to do with the replicators and more to do with--"my co is the one trying to kill me and he's the one i should be trusting with my life."

                  notice it was both sheppard and carter he suspected of being replicators. in the military--you trust your team/leaders when you are in a small close knit group like that with your life, with everything so his biggest fear maybe that the people he trusts most--are the ones trying to kill him.

                  maybe its more the betrayal than the actual replicators that are his fear--and it just came out as the replicator because we could see that and know that cuz those are the easiest ones to show. that's the way i was seeing it.

                  besides carter has actually been copied by a replicator. what season was that? (sorry i lose track of which sg-1 season goes with which atlantis season) if it was before lorne transferred to atlantis--who's to say he wasn't involved in that?

                  does that help any? i can explain it better later. i just woke up so its a little convoluted at the moment.


                    I finally saw the 4400 episode Fear Itself! Whoa! That was a nice episode.

                    LOVED his fear, especialy because I'm a dentist . That was some freaky periodontal disease! Lol. Wooo!
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                      Yeah that was a good ep

                      and now for my daily cap from "The Wrath of Graham" lol

                      Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                        I've written a really dirty piece of work with Lorne in it with an OC char i borrowed from a friend if you want the link for it PM me.

                        Oh and if you like it vote and review! All i got so far are 44 views and a rude person with a +2 vote and no review


                          mornin thunkers


                            hey cko!
                            Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                              i never posted here before ,and it looks fun

                              i also got a question how do pronouce Kavan name , is it kay-van or ka-von? thanks it has been really bugging me for awhile
                              May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook


                                Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post

                                I love that picture. It's my favorite.
                                Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.

