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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
    He could've been transported in.
    Ya know, not once did it occur to me that Lorne is currently residing in an alien city where transporter beams on spaceships are not uncommon *facepalm*


      If he's in a windowless, doorless room, suffering from a migrane, he's probably relishing the dark and the quiet (this from one who knows)


        Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
        If he's in a windowless, doorless room, suffering from a migrane, he's probably relishing the dark and the quiet (this from one who knows)
        Ah, but what if there's a light on? Just because there's no window or door doesn't mean there isn't a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling


          Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
          Ah, but what if there's a light on? Just because there's no window or door doesn't mean there isn't a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling
          well there's no lightblub hanging for the ceiling...yet.

          he's got a flashlight.

          and yes i completely know what a migraine feels like--light/sound sensativity, the whole works--so bad that i am now on medicine to PREVENT them. and that still doesn't stop all of them. so i completely understand how he feels. he is trying to be a good military boy and figure out what happened though.

          *laughs hysterically* and i didn't even think of the fact that telling y'all he was in a windowless/doorless room would cause such problems! umm can we just say that i know how he got in there and his team is quickly figuring it out? and i promise they will get him out--eventually. if you want to figure it out--i'm afraid you'll have to go read--although that part is not yet posted on-line.

          and he does have food and water and even a bed and table.



            Originally posted by Medie13 View Post
            *laughs hysterically* and i didn't even think of the fact that telling y'all he was in a windowless/doorless room would cause such problems!
            we just have to much time on our hands to think in-depth about it (or at least I do).

            It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


              Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
              we just have to much time on our hands to think in-depth about it (or at least I do).
              or its a sign that i've been working on this story waaaay too much and its taking over my life. i promise it is explained in the story. eventually.

              well i'm off to torment lorne some more. wish me well


                -bumps offa page2-

                hehee...I've already tormented him three/four times and I'm not even half-way through my story. Here's the first chapter of my parenthood!Lorne fic...I'll try to update regularly (but no promises since I'm starting school up again in a week).


                It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                  Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                  Love the picture Cathain and think that your banner is awesome. Little off topic but do we have some Captain Jack fans on this thread? Cause gotta say I adore him
                  Hi CLF! Welcome to the LorneLovers! I meant to welcome you yesterday and I blanked!


                    Anyone got some dirty Lorne fics? I know yall were talking about something the other day. I don't remember if I wasn't paying attention or just forgot. Which could be both.
                    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                      Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                      -bumps offa page2-

                      hehee...I've already tormented him three/four times and I'm not even half-way through my story. Here's the first chapter of my parenthood!Lorne fic...I'll try to update regularly (but no promises since I'm starting school up again in a week).

                      Oooh interseting, I've read a few with a similiar start premise, I'm looking forward to more


                        Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                        Anyone got some dirty Lorne fics? I know yall were talking about something the other day. I don't remember if I wasn't paying attention or just forgot. Which could be both.
                        *laughs* Most dirty Lorne I find is slash. I'd like to write a het but I fear the female character would be a wee bit too Mary-Sue-ish *laughs*


                          Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                          *laughs* Most dirty Lorne I find is slash. I'd like to write a het but I fear the female character would be a wee bit too Mary-Sue-ish *laughs*
                          Yeah, I really don't like the slashy stuff...but I have read it before. I read something one of yall wrote one time. Just wondering what all was out there. The things yall come up with amaze me. Such vivid imaginations yall have.
                          Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                            Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                            Yeah, I really don't like the slashy stuff...but I have read it before. I read something one of yall wrote one time. Just wondering what all was out there. The things yall come up with amaze me. Such vivid imaginations yall have.
                            I've actually got an idea for a series that's sort of all-encompassing in that every SG man would be featured, have their own little stand alone story, but I really need to find at least one accomplice on that will be as nuts over the idea as I am to bounce ideas to and fro, maybe share writing duty…and if I could find someone who does really *really* good manips that would be fantastic for my muse. But alas, so far no progress has been made.


                              Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                              I've actually got an idea for a series that's sort of all-encompassing in that every SG man would be featured, have their own little stand alone story, but I really need to find at least one accomplice on that will be as nuts over the idea as I am to bounce ideas to and fro, maybe share writing duty…and if I could find someone who does really *really* good manips that would be fantastic for my muse. But alas, so far no progress has been made.
                              I can bounce ideas all day long...but I can't write to save my life. Haha! I dabble in PS some...but I'm not that great. But it sounds like a kickin idea though. I hope you get to do it one day!
                              Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                                Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                                I can bounce ideas all day long...but I can't write to save my life. Haha! I dabble in PS some...but I'm not that great. But it sounds like a kickin idea though. I hope you get to do it one day!
                                If it helps I can write stories but not fantastic at coming up with ideas. Once I have them though I can't stop myself from writing.

                                Banner by Stef
                                Fruitcakes Anonymous C2

