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Teyla Emmagan/Ronon Dex Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Black Hawk View Post
    Thanks so much! I just gave you green!

    EDIT: OMG I'm a genius... does the green dot by the screen name mean that that person is online while the blue dot means they're offline???
    Well thank you! I was wrong about one little thing though, apparently, the more posts you have, the more your green is worth.

    Yup, it does
    Altough, people can use the invisible mode as well, so that you can't see that they're online when they are.
    *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

    “Because you can.”



      Ah, okay - thanks! And you're most welcome!
      Sig by LadyBozi


        LOL You crack me up Black_Hawk lol

        && lol at Jessi...yeah I wish that your fantasy came true also.. =[
        Maybe Kanaan is a WRAITH WORSHIPER!!! AND is working for Micheal! LOL..and he brings Teyla to Micheal lol --but then realizes how stupid he is being and saves Teyla...*an inevitable death*

        icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


          Originally posted by LadyBozi View Post
          LOL You crack me up Black_Hawk lol
          LMAO I just greened you for that. I'm on a roll now. I'll make myself slow down by stuffing my face with cookie dough and hoping that tonight's ep will have good vidding scenes.
          Sig by LadyBozi


            OMG--I can finally make that "congratulations" VID!! if I have time.. =S =S

            icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


              Originally posted by LadyBozi View Post
              OMG--I can finally make that "congratulations" VID!! if I have time.. =S =S
              Yay! I can't wait for it! I'm making one, too, to Lucy Silvas' cover of "Nothing Else Matters."
              Sig by LadyBozi


                Im glad the person whos had the most character development this season is MICHEAL lol. Seriously. Nice episode for Teyla. && im glad that Ronon had a total of 3 lines. yeah..That was GREAT. I seriously doubt that he DIDN'T need to be involved in the episode. They could have plugged him in at a certain point. At least trying to help Teyla emotionally. Oh Im sorry..he DID comfort SHEPPARD at the end.Yeah. Nice.
                Anyone think that Micheal is DEEPLY inlove with Teyla lmao. I mean that was the most amazing line ever--"I crossed 10,000 light years and touched your mind. We have more of a bond then you know." OKAYyyyy...anyone think that the BABY IS HIS?!! hahah. sorry Im just finding the M/T interaction so intriguing. The whole...FAMILY reunion/looking down the stomach stuff....pure LoL.
                My favorite part of the episode is when Teyla tipped the guy over on the chair hahahha Also when Ronon shot the guys arm without even looking. Oh anyone up for a Todd/McKay thread?! Cuz someone needs to start that pronto.

                icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                  Originally posted by LadyBozi View Post
                  Im glad the person whos had the most character development this season is MICHEAL lol. Seriously. Nice episode for Teyla. && im glad that Ronon had a total of 3 lines. yeah..That was GREAT. I seriously doubt that he DIDN'T need to be involved in the episode. They could have plugged him in at a certain point. At least trying to help Teyla emotionally. Oh Im sorry..he DID comfort SHEPPARD at the end.Yeah. Nice.
                  Anyone think that Micheal is DEEPLY inlove with Teyla lmao. I mean that was the most amazing line ever--"I crossed 10,000 light years and touched your mind. We have more of a bond then you know." OKAYyyyy...anyone think that the BABY IS HIS?!! hahah. sorry Im just finding the M/T interaction so intriguing. The whole...FAMILY reunion/looking down the stomach stuff....pure LoL.
                  My favorite part of the episode is when Teyla tipped the guy over on the chair hahahha Also when Ronon shot the guys arm without even looking. Oh anyone up for a Todd/McKay thread?! Cuz someone needs to start that pronto.
                  Wow at that line if I wasn't a spanky shipper I would be all over Michael/Teyla, oh wait I think I already do. lolololol.
                  I don't think Michael is the daddy, but since Kanan also had the same ability as Teyla and wraith DNA maybe Teyla's baby will be born with super special powers and Michael will steal him and use him for evil. They can't keep the baby in SGA and still keep the team feeling or whatever. You know I've really grown to hate the word "team" because of SGA. Anyways s5 will be Teyla looking for her baby.

                  Also I read someone in the episode thread say omg what great character development Teyla had about just finding out her baby!daddy is a zombie or whatever. BUT IT'S NOT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IF THEY DON'T ACTUALLY SHOW IT. Saying it is one thing, showing and expanding it throughout episodes is another. *headdesk*

                  Oof I was in a ranty mood.
                  My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                    Don't look at me I haven't done anything wrong. *looks left and right* Uhh I gotta go. *runs*

                    Beware I have friends and they are watching
                    Sig courtesy of LadyBozi. Thank you so much!
                    += FAT BABIES! Teyla/Ronon rules!

                    R.I.P Carson, for now.
                    Courtesy of LadyBozi

                    Save Elizabeth now!!!


                      Originally posted by Wraith named Michael View Post
                      Don't look at me I haven't done anything wrong. *looks left and right* Uhh I gotta go. *runs*
                      My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                        yeah I understand RP
                        There was SLIGHT development..but I feel that Michael had the MOST development lmao..then Teyla has had in 3 seasons put together... =D

                        icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                          Hey guys.... remember the Kindred trailer/preview for the Scifi channel? Well didn't it say that
                          Teyla's vision led them into a replicator trap? Is it just me or is that totally WRONG, because it technically was a wraith trap unless I misunderstood.

                          But its funny because it sounds like Ladybozi and my predictions/fantasies are kinda coming true because
                          Kanan is acting like a Wraith worshipper! He's being bad! He's helping Michael! It was mostly Ladybozi's prediction. I just wanted him to be evil so Teyla could be like omg and in the end he dies.

                          Anyne think Kanan is under some sort of mind spell or is like hypnotized? The reason I think he is, is because he acted like a mindless zombie last night... it was weird.
                          I hope he's not hypnotized so he can be evil so he can... um die.

                          Also did anyone else think he actually died in the very beginning? When I saw him dead on the thingy I was like 'OMG YES.' I thought maybe after that scene they would put "14 hours earlier" or something but when he woke up and was like "Teeeeeyla halp me!" I was like "aw dern it she's dreaming!"

                          I'm awful

                          Ronon Dex Devil
                          Sig made by my good friend, Sarah.


                            Originally posted by Wraith named Michael View Post
                            *is still whistling innocently*
                            *has decided to run into thread then vote then run out without paying attention to anything else * gosh I get so caught up in it sometimes lol
                            "Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand!" Mark Twain (1835-1910)
                            "But you see, just because we've been dealt a certain hand doesn't mean we can't choose to rise above it. To conquer the boundaries of a destiny none of us wanted. To try and retain whatever essential humanity we can." ~Edward from Twilight
                            Historic Connections Ancient history resources business my Dad runs...go check it out


                              Originally posted by Black Hawk View Post
                              EDIT: OMG I'm a genius... does the green dot by the screen name mean that that person is online while the blue dot means they're offline???
                              So THAT'S what it means! LOL... I just always look down at the list.

                              Originally posted by LadyBozi View Post
                              yeah I understand RP
                              There was SLIGHT development..but I feel that Michael had the MOST development lmao..then Teyla has had in 3 seasons put together... =D
                              I think that with Michael and now Todd, the writers have wanted to bring a few of the faceless enemy to the forefront and those are two of the best actually.

                              Originally posted by Jessima View Post
                              Hey guys.... remember the Kindred trailer/preview for the Scifi channel? Well didn't it say that
                              Teyla's vision led them into a replicator trap? Is it just me or is that totally WRONG, because it technically was a wraith trap unless I misunderstood.
                              Actually, there were two separate aspects to the ep:
                              where Teyla was and where Ronon and Shep and etc were searching, which I think was the replicator part, and that leads us to Carson who is either 1) now a replicator, or two, in that ep where we discovered all of Atlantis had been replicated, that Carson, having been dead, was rescued and kept prisoner there and is really the true Carson, but everyone will think he's a replicator, like Elizabeth is - and when are they going to bring THAT part back into play?


                                Originally posted by raduzhok View Post

                                Actually, there were two separate aspects to the ep:
                                where Teyla was and where Ronon and Shep and etc were searching, which I think was the replicator part, and that leads us to Carson who is either 1) now a replicator, or two, in that ep where we discovered all of Atlantis had been replicated, that Carson, having been dead, was rescued and kept prisoner there and is really the true Carson, but everyone will think he's a replicator, like Elizabeth is - and when are they going to bring THAT part back into play?
                                *stratches head* I don't get it...
                                about the true carson part. But I do what you mean about Carson being the replicator part. But what do you mean by him being rescued? He was blown up, how do you rescue a blown up guy? Or do you mean that the replicators that made the duplicate Atlantis made a Carson, but once they found out he was dead they got rid of the Carson copy and put him in a cell (or Michael got to him/the copy or something and since he had the memories of and smarts of Carson he used him to create that drug that tampered with the Wraith food supply and killed 30% of the human population).

                                A bit off topic but ah well. I was kind of pissed that
                                Ronon only said like 3 lines the the whole thing and there was like no Ronon/Teyla interaction. She interacted with everyone in that ep but him: Sheppard, Rodney, Sam, Lorne (ok maybe not Keller but who cares abotu her ) It seems that whoever write that episode really didn;t want them to talk to each other.
                                But it was cute that he wouldn't eat because she was missing, although John wouldn't either, you have to remember Ronon is a bottomless pit eating machine. I mean he pilled a mound of food on his plate at John's Dad's funeral/wake.... that man can eat even when everyone around him is upset. So I thought it was cute that he didn't eat. It meant more that he wouldn't eat than John because of that fact that he loves to eat - he's got 2 hollow legs (especially when the food is free )

                                Ok I'll shut up now...

                                Ronon Dex Devil
                                Sig made by my good friend, Sarah.

