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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
    Hehe, crap indeed!!
    Yes!! (Thank you)

    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
    She has fans, I'll stick with our man though thank you very much... he looks SO much better in leather!!
    I'm not saying Vala's not hot in leather . And I'm a guy so I can't say Ronon is hot in leather cause that's weird. (But I can see where you're coming from.)

    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
    Awww you too eh? *huggles Hermiiod* I was gonna whump him, but I don't know if you're a whumper, so I'll post these instead... better get a drool bucket and a mattress for your manly pass out!!
    Consider it done. And no, I make a horrible whumper.

    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
    Size and gorgeousness!!


    Oh yes, those are good! Thanks *Day get's better*


      Originally posted by Hermiiod View Post
      Yes!! (Thank you)
      You're welcome!

      Originally posted by Hermiiod View Post
      I'm not saying Vala's not hot in leather .

      Originally posted by Hermiiod View Post
      And I'm a guy so I can't say Ronon is hot in leather cause that's weird. (But I can see where you're coming from.)
      Wait, guy in a thunk thread... a Ronon thunk thread... and it's weird to say he's hot in leather? All that beaming must be messing with your head!!

      Originally posted by Hermiiod View Post
      And no, I make a horrible whumper.
      That's a shame. *NEEDS to find a male whumper*

      Size again - Stars, there be finger p0rn... you have been warned!

      ^^ For the shoulder of course, nothing to do with the Shexy double thunk!!



        Wow! What lovely bits of fun those pics are. Yup, it's Raven from WP and JM and here. Thanks Lah-I'd really appreciate any help I can get. Tried sending e-mails from 3 different e-mail accounts and every one was kicked back to me. I hate not being able to post on Jason's site cuz the forum ladies pulled me outta my shell (say 'hey' to everyone for me 'kay?) but I've been making up for it here and in Whumper's Paradise.
        *evil giggle snort* Thanks for the welcome and the pic to check out The Arena! hehehehe Whumpy plot bunnies must be fed! hehe }:O


          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
          Wait, guy in a thunk thread... a Ronon thunk thread... and it's weird to say he's hot in leather? All that beaming must be messing with your head!!
          Funny, that's what we Asgards are always saying about you.
          No, but I am aware that Ronon is hot in leather.

          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
          That's a shame. *NEEDS to find a male whumper*
          lol. Good luck with that!



            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
            Wait, guy in a thunk thread... a Ronon thunk thread... and it's weird to say he's hot in leather? All that beaming must be messing with your head!!

            That's a shame. *NEEDS to find a male whumper*
            There's a guy in Ben's thunk thread who loves whump. Leather, too.


              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
              Who knows, she may be lurking here already. Let's welcome her with some double and triple thunk to ease her into the playground, what do you think?





              And one more closeup of Ronon in all his glory.

              Oh yes!!!!

              Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
              GAH!! You folks know how to make the Probie feel welcome!! Thanks!! I am a whumper through and through although Carson, Lorne, and Radek don't get nearly enough whump if ya ask me. hehehe Shep can't have all the fun ya know. hehehe By the way, I do have a fan fic over on titled "New Addition" if anyone's interested (yes it's Raven from the forums for you Momoawesome ladies!! Sadly, I was removed as a user last week when I updated my profile and haven't been able to log in again...$#@%^$#@$$*&!!). It's got McKay whump, Ronon whump, Lorne whump, my character TJ whump, and Shep gets whumped too...did I mention I love whump? hehehe But be warned, "NA" is a WIP so don't read if ya can't wait for the next bit of whumpy nonsense (and tis unbetaed so ignore my mistakes 'kay?). Now, I'm gonna sit back and enjoy the pics and inspired to write more whump fic. Nice work flushing out the Probie...gonna enjoy everyone's hard work. Anyone else wanna post pics to...inspire my whumpy plot bunnies for "New Addition"? Sharing is caring ya know. You guys know how to make a whumper/thunker feel at home! Thanks again. You folks rock!! heheehehhehe }:O
              So she finaly comes! Only took her so long!! I'm so glad you decided to join us!!!

              Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
              *cues evil laughter* She is so the nicest possible way
              Evil laughter?? Time to cue the cat!!


              Frankie is a fun name to say!!!
              Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                Originally posted by Hermiiod View Post
                Yeah I figured. I just need a "manly pass-out".

                ...And that's just wrong... Morally, ethically, (etc.etc.) wrong!
                There is such a thing as a 'manly pass-out', you know? As Ronon demonstrated in Sateda. Come to think of it, with all the Wraith stunners and de-pressurizing going on, our boys faint pass out in a manly fashion all the time. But I think I'll continue this discussion on the whump thread - with pics to illustrate my point, of course.

                Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                It's snowing here!
                YAY! SO HAPPY FOR YOU! You don't have to shovel the stuff, do you?

                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                *sigh* another satisfied thunker!!

                Hey Snap, long time no see! *huggles*

                Hey Snap! How's it going?

                The candle sounds good to me btw... Dan should go for that!!


                Oh damn, I was SO hoping Queen wouldn't see that bit... she ... let's just say I don't like her near candles!

                Haha, don't be such a wuss Mano!! And don't go giving my secrets away!


                Hey, I've still got the scars from last time...

                *evil laugh* Hehe, but I always kiss them better!!

                I'm sure Dan will manage something to help Michelle!

                Hey don't tell him that...

                WHAT???? That's just plain WRONG!!!

                ^^ Exactly! We'll set Danny on her too!!


                Hey Sal *huggles*

                Hi there, Bud! It's really been too long. I'm okay. Just sick of travelling.

                But what is this about Queen torturing you with candles? Isn't she worried that's gonna scar?

                I'm sure it's not as bad as it sounds, Snap. She wouldn't risk really scarring him.

                Hm - guess not.

                Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                Wow! What lovely bits of fun those pics are. Yup, it's Raven from WP and JM and here. Thanks Lah-I'd really appreciate any help I can get. Tried sending e-mails from 3 different e-mail accounts and every one was kicked back to me. I hate not being able to post on Jason's site cuz the forum ladies pulled me outta my shell (say 'hey' to everyone for me 'kay?) but I've been making up for it here and in Whumper's Paradise.
                *evil giggle snort* Thanks for the welcome and the pic to check out The Arena! hehehehe Whumpy plot bunnies must be fed! hehe }:O
                Raven, I forgot to ask before - do you have a link to your whump fic? I'd love to read it, WIP or not.

                Edit Found it. Reading it now...

                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                There's a guy in Ben's thunk thread who loves whump. Leather, too.
                That's really unusual. All the guys I know simply cringe at the sight of blood.

                *reminds herself of purpose of thread* Okay, enough talk about whump - thunking time! And thanks for the finger p0rn earlier, Queen!!!

                Last edited by starg8fans; 10 March 2009, 02:17 AM.

                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                  Hey playground *waves* How's everyone?? Hope the snow isn't too bad for you Sal?? We just got hail...

                  Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                  Your photos may not be the best pics ever but they prove one thing: you were THERE! So be proud of them. I would, if they were mine and I am the worst photographer ever.
                  Hmm, I never thought of it like that.... was just soooo disappointed I didn't speak to him tho! And I speak to ANYONE!!! Grrr, ok, over it.... bring on the thunk

                  Originally posted by starg8fans View Post

                  I know what you mean. I prefer beer as well. But the girls... *shrugs**

                  I like the effects of the bubbles on the girls tho...

                  Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                  Even if it means bringing out the scented candles. *snorts*

                  Oh... um yeah candles huh? Yeah... um... they're dumb... Michelle, don't tell Snap about the candles....

                  Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                  I would say - mission accomplished!
                  I certainly feel much hotter now *wipes sweat off face*

                  Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                  Just remember when you look at it how it felt at the time, to be next to him, and touch him and... *swoons*
                  Star you know just how to make me feel better *luffs star* Oh and did I tell you about the adorable thing Dan did?? He made me a bath with CANDLES! Awww!



                    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                    Thanks for the heads up! Yup, everybody get over there presto and vote. Our boy isn't doing so well. He's even behind Vala...
                    Not anymore!!! He's drawing now.... *chanting* Ronon, Ronon, Ronon!

                    Sorry, I've re-discovered my happiness so here's some arm... I luffs arms....

                    Originally posted by Hermiiod View Post

                    Anyways, I digress. Where was I? Ah yes.... Vala is stupid. The end.

                    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                    She has fans, I'll stick with our man though thank you very much... he looks SO much better in leather!!
                    Hmm.... leather.... *drools*

                    Originally posted by Hermiiod View Post
                    No, but I am aware that Ronon is hot in leather.
                    Not many men can pull leather off but him... *le sigh*



                      Originally posted by michellec24_7 View Post
                      Hey playground *waves* How's everyone?? Hope the snow isn't too bad for you Sal?? We just got hail...

                      Hmm, I never thought of it like that.... was just soooo disappointed I didn't speak to him tho! And I speak to ANYONE!!! Grrr, ok, over it.... bring on the thunk

                      I like the effects of the bubbles on the girls tho...

                      Oh... um yeah candles huh? Yeah... um... they're dumb... Michelle, don't tell Snap about the candles....

                      Bubbles are a hit with the girls. Especially if applied not only on the inside...

                      Snap, TMI!

                      Originally posted by michellec24_7 View Post
                      I certainly feel much hotter now *wipes sweat off face*

                      Star you know just how to make me feel better *luffs star* Oh and did I tell you about the adorable thing Dan did?? He made me a bath with CANDLES! Awww!

                      Glad to be of service. And very creative of Dan. You sure got yourself a cutie there!

                      Originally posted by michellec24_7 View Post
                      Not anymore!!! He's drawing now.... *chanting* Ronon, Ronon, Ronon!

                      Sorry, I've re-discovered my happiness so here's some arm... I luffs arms....


                      Hmm.... leather.... *drools*

                      Not many men can pull leather off but him... *le sigh*

                      Oh, arms are your thing? I love this shot.

                      *forcibly tears eyes away from screen*

                      Uh - where were we? Oh yeah, arms and leather. Let's see what I can find for that...

                      I've been trying to get a bigger version of this picture, but no luck. The next one's a nice size, though. With some creative cropping.

                      This one's small again, but just look at the view!

                      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                        Originally posted by michellec24_7 View Post
                        Not many men can pull leather off but him... *le sigh*

                        Oh yes! Even Arnold Schwarzeneggar fails miserably.

                        MY ARTWORK -- ALL SIGNATURES BY HERMIIOD


                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post

                          Bubbles are a hit with the girls. Especially if applied not only on the inside...

                          Hell yeah *high five*

                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          Oh, arms are your thing? I love this shot.
                          *nods head vigourously*

                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post

                          *forcibly tears eyes away from screen*

                          Uh - where were we? Oh yeah, arms and leather. Let's see what I can find for that...

                          I've been trying to get a bigger version of this picture, but no luck. The next one's a nice size, though. With some creative cropping.

                          This one's small again, but just look at the view!

                          Oooo arms AND chest! Guh! *drools into bucket*

                          Here's my personal favorite from my Ronon Arms snurched album

                          Originally posted by Hermiiod View Post
                          Oh yes! Even Arnold Schwarzeneggar fails miserably.

                          Poor arnie, there's really no comparison to our lovely boy


                            Originally posted by Hermiiod View Post
                            Oh yes! Even Arnold Schwarzeneggar fails miserably.

                            Especially when compared to this...

                            ... or this.

                            Originally posted by michellec24_7 View Post

                            *smirks* I see you've tried that as well. We should get together some time and compare notes.

                            Originally posted by michellec24_7 View Post
                            Oooo arms AND chest! Guh! *drools into bucket*

                            Here's my personal favorite from my Ronon Arms snurched album

                            Very nice. There's a similar one I almost posted before.

                            And how about some wet arm?

                            And slightly whumped arm.

                            And restrained arm.

                            And threatening arms.

                            And arm/gun/fingers with bonus tongue.

                            I rest my case.

                            Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                              Guh! Stars you're killing me.......

                              I nearly printed this off, courtesy of Hermiiod I believe *blows kisses to Hermi*, for the con.... wish I had! Stoopid pic of Ronon they gave us, bleurgh!



                                Michelle, can I go see Snap? We have 'things' to talk about... *smirks*

                                Ok sweetie but don't be too long.... and I want to know aaaallll about these 'things' when you get back!!

                                Thanks! Hey Snap, should I bring my sparring stuff too?

