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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by earndoggy
    Waaaaaaaaaa!! I went to all the links on her siggy but couldn't find anything about Jason. Where is it???? Whhhaaaaaaaaa!!!
    OK, I'm working on it. I'll ask her to give me a link if she is still making it available to the public.


      Originally posted by Blue007

      This one SLAYS me!!! LMAO!!!! Was he trying to prove its his hair LOL!!!
      LOL, he is too sexy for his hair!!


        Originally posted by Blue007
        HHAA!!! You know I did!! Was on the floor for hours!!!

        Gotta love it!!!
        Originally posted by Blue007

        This one is so great too!!

        thank you Major!!! Big hug from a very greatful fan!!!
        Indeed! Thank you Major. Heee, sooo hot and yummy! Skin as smooth as a baby's bottom! Blue, close your mouth! LOL


          Originally posted by Blue007
          That would be Simmone, and yes she is HOT!! LOL!!
          LOL, yes she is, unfortuantely!


            Originally posted by earndoggy
            Hey Blue! **Doggy wags her tail at Blue** I'm usually alone on here too.
            Heee, I'm here now. I left you a YM. Go look.


              Originally posted by earndoggy
              I didn't get a page error, I clicked on all the links but couldn't find anything about Jason. Lots of stuff came up, but no story about him. Apparently I'm looking in the wrong place, I guess I don't know where to look specifically.
              Her live journal is for friends only but she can make certain posts available if she wants. Be patient.


                Originally posted by earndoggy
                I hope so. It appears he's losing his fear of crowds if he can act goofy and have a good time. That's good, because he'll probably be mobbed continuously, especially if his thunkers ever get the chance to meet him. I love Alaska, but sometimes living here has its drawbacks, it's 3,000 miles away from EVERYTHING except Canada, and it's at the top of Canada and Vancouver is at the bottom of it!! Yikes!!
                sometimes CA feel far away too!


                  Originally posted by purpletoo1
                  Heee, I'm here now. I left you a YM. Go look.
                  Saw it, answered it!


                    Originally posted by Blue007
                    LOL love that pic, the expression slays me!!
                    ME TOO! lmao, he is saying "what the hell, are you crazy?"


                      Ok ladies, this is not for the immature or faint of heart or for those who walk around wearing rose color glasses! So if you are easily shocked then don't read this con report. Beanie gave me the link and permission to post here so for those realists, enjoy, and for those who don't like it...I warned you.... Please do not beat up on Beanie.

                      It is in two parts, scroll down a bit and just click the link in Pegasus Con part one (under part 2) then finish off by hitting the back button and read part 2 (the first Pegasus Con link)

                      Last edited by purpletoo1; 04 April 2006, 01:44 PM.


                        Originally posted by Blue007
                        Don't say that!!! I know that he would adore meeting any fan!! He is not shallow!! Don't ever say that about yourself girl!! I know you are as beautiful as anyone and you have a great heart and soul!! You don't need magic you are beautiful inside and out !!!!
                        You know, I honestly can't tell your ages at all and that's the good thing about this forum, we get to know what a person is really like inside before we meet them. And dang, you all act like hyperactive teenagers anyway (in a very hilarious good way)
                        "Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand!" Mark Twain (1835-1910)
                        "But you see, just because we've been dealt a certain hand doesn't mean we can't choose to rise above it. To conquer the boundaries of a destiny none of us wanted. To try and retain whatever essential humanity we can." ~Edward from Twilight
                        Historic Connections Ancient history resources business my Dad runs...go check it out


                          LMAO!!!!! We are hyper-active teenagers ....inside! That is one thing that never changes even when the years pile on! Your body may get old but in your mind you are always young....That being said, I hope he likes older women! heeeeeeeeeee


                            I'm so happy to see people have made good use of my photo's. Better than sitting in my PB account with no-one to play with...

                            Your all welcome! I promise if I ever go to another con where he is attending, I'll take lots more photo's.
                            It was a lovely experience meeting him, he's so tall! And he's very sweet. I wish I could have taken photo's of himand Craig dancing to 'I'm too sexy' at the dance on saturday night...
                            You can tell what a great friendship he has with Joe and the rest of the cast. He absolutely adores David Hewlett. (Who doesn't? )

                            earndoggy - Loved your wallpaper.

                            Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                            LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                            Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                              Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                              I'm so happy to see people have made good use of my photo's. Better than sitting in my PB account with no-one to play with...

                              Your all welcome! I promise if I ever go to another con where he is attending, I'll take lots more photo's.
                              It was a lovely experience meeting him, he's so tall! And he's very sweet. I wish I could have taken photo's of himand Craig dancing to 'I'm too sexy' at the dance on saturday night...
                              You can tell what a great friendship he has with Joe and the rest of the cast. He absolutely adores David Hewlett. (Who doesn't? )

                              earndoggy - Loved your wallpaper.
                              One word, Ladies. Chicago. GW main page.


                                Just because he's purty...

