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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Challenge #76

    Greetings fellow artisans!

    I will be hosting the challenge this week for mrscopterdoc.

    The theme will be a logo for a website.

    I would like two pieces from each person.

    The picture below will be one piece, and your magic touch and the words Our Heart
    Gardens need to be displayed.

    The size should be 426 x 400

    The Logo/Badge can be up to 25mb each.

    The second submission will be also a logo, but of your own vision for Our Heart Gardens,
    using the words within the piece. The dimensions are the same.

    Please visit the following URL:

    Here you will see what this endeavor is dedicated to creating. A logo will be placed
    on the home page, and used on any site with which Our Heart Gardens is associated.

    This is strictly volunteer, for fun and for free, with no payment of any kind to be excepted. However the name of the artist whose piece is used, will accompany any placement of it.

    All submissions should be submitted by Monday May 25, 2015, by 1:00 pm, EST.

    Any questions, please PM me. Most important, have fun!


      Hey guys! Sorry for such a late posting of the challenge! Since Raduzhok didn't receive any submissions for the challenge, we are going to extend it for another week!

      Entries are now due June 1st, to Raduzhok.

      Challenge #76

      Greetings fellow artisans!

      I will be hosting the challenge this week for mrscopterdoc.

      The theme will be a logo for a website.

      I would like two pieces from each person.

      The picture below will be one piece, and your magic touch and the words Our Heart
      Gardens need to be displayed.

      The size should be 426 x 400

      The Logo/Badge can be up to 25mb each.

      The second submission will be also a logo, but of your own vision for Our Heart Gardens,
      using the words within the piece. The dimensions are the same.

      Please visit the following URL:

      Here you will see what this endeavor is dedicated to creating. A logo will be placed
      on the home page, and used on any site with which Our Heart Gardens is associated.

      This is strictly volunteer, for fun and for free, with no payment of any kind to be excepted. However the name of the artist whose piece is used, will accompany any placement of it.

      All submissions should be submitted by Monday June 2st, 2015, by 1:00 pm, EST.

      Any questions, please PM Raduzhok. Most important, have fun!


        Thank you, Copter for helping me out here.


          Hi, Rad and Copter. I'm glad you extended it. This week I'll see if I can come up with something
          Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
          Aristides de Sousa Mendes


            Challenge # 77

            I want to give a big thank you to Raduzhok for hosting last week's challenge! She should be around later to post the entries that were entered. I am going out of town for the day, so I am going to post the new challenge early.

            I've been tired lately, so this week's challenge I will call "Dream a Little Dream". Have your art or fan fic focus on sleeping.
            I think I know a great pic of Dean Winchester laid out in bed I might use!

            Entries due to me by noon your time, Monday June 8th.


              Challenge #76
              Our Heart Gardens Challenge

              Jaded Wraith



                Challenge #77 was about Sleeping.



                Here is the link for some SG1 fan fic --->Sleep Jack and Sam just want to get some sleep. Genfic, Teamfic.



                Part 1

                The Raveled Sleeve of Care

                The men crept silently through the woods. Sheppard’s team with Lorne and his team were doing a recon of planet M97-GK6 as a possible Beta site. Unfortunately, not long after they arrived Teyla felt the presence of Wraith and they were now in a battle for their lives.

                The whine of Darts overhead had them all ducking and hiding wherever they could. Occasionally, culling beams flashed across the landscape but, thankfully, went away empty.

                A commotion to his left drew Lorne to where one of his men, Lieutenant Jason Nash, was fighting hand-to-hand with a Wraith. The young Marine seemed to be holding his own until the Wraith managed to slip under his defenses and get him by the throat. Nash’s hands came up to pry the fingers away but the creature was very strong. Lorne ran in his direction letting loose with a barrage of gunfire that caught the Wraith in the back. He twitched in a macabre dance then fell forward toppling himself and the unfortunate Lieutenant over the edge of the cliff onto the rocks below killing both instantly.

                Just for a second, in Lorne’s mind, the face of the Lieutenant was replaced with the grinning face of a ten year old boy. He shook his head to clear away the errant image and ran to the cliff edge. He looked down at the grotesquely twisted bodies. Nash had been impaled on the Wraith’s stun rifle. Uncharacteristically, Lorne uttered an obscenity aloud.


                Teyla entered a transport, tapped the screen and exited on the barracks level. She was startled by Evan Lorne blocking the exit and staring straight ahead. “Major Lorne, are you okay?”

                “I’m fine, sis. Just taking the dog for a walk, then I’m going over to Brian’s to play ball.” Lorne was in pajama pants, T-shirt and bare feet. The door shut and he was gone. Teyla shook her head and continued on to her room.

                It happened again the next night, but this time Lorne ran into Rodney. “Hey, Dad. My homework’s done. Brian and me are gonna play some hoops. Mom said I could have dinner at his house tonight. I’ll be home before dark.” He appeared to be tossing a ball in the air and catching it.

                Rodney stared at him. “A word of advice, Major. If you’re going to play jokes on people, you’ll have to do much better than that. This isn’t even close to being funny.”

                Lorne appeared not to hear, shouted “See ya!” then turned and ran down the hall dribbling his invisible basketball.

                Rodney shrugged off the incident and resumed walking.


                Jennifer turned when she heard soft footsteps enter the Infirmary. It was after midnight when most of the expedition was asleep.

                “Sorry to disturb you, Doc,” Lorne said apologetically.

                “You aren’t, Major. What can I do for you?”

                He looked down at the floor shifting his feet nervously. He was again in pajama pants and a T-shirt, his bare feet making little sound on the floor of the Infirmary. “I’m having trouble getting to sleep and when I do go to sleep I wake up feeling more tired than when I went to bed. I wouldn’t bother you, but this is the third night in a row.”

                Jennifer was already unlocking the drug cabinet. She handed him a bubble pack with a single small capsule.

                “Take this. If it continues, I’ll do a full medical workup to see if there’s an organic reason for your insomnia.”

                “What if everything’s fine?”

                “Then you might want to think about seeing the staff psychologist.”

                “Okay. Thanks, Doc.” She gave him a bland smile and returned to her work.


                The next evening Jennifer ran into the Major as she was leaving the Mess Hall. He was alert and well rested. “Thanks for your help, Doc. I slept like a rock last night.”

                “You’re welcome. Let me know how things go tonight.”

                “Will do.” He joined Sheppard, Rodney and Ronon on the patio.

                “I’m glad you’re here, Major. I was just telling Sheppard and Conan about your little practical joke fail.”

                He shook out his napkin and placed it in his lap. “I’m sorry. What are you talking about?”

                Rodney’s forehead creased. “The night before last. You came up to me in the hall, called me ‘dad’ then told me you were having supper with someone named Brian.”

                His eyes lost focus and his voice some of its assurance. “I don’t know anyone named Brian.” Pushing back from the table, he stood and dropped the napkin on his untouched tray.


                “Excuse me. I have to go.” He left without eating and without disposing of his food tray.


                Part 2

                Now that his appetite had evaporated, Lorne went to his quarters, showered and changed into his pajamas. He opened the bottom drawer of his dresser and removed a framed photo. It was of two grinning ten year old boys with their arms around each other, the one on the left had a basketball tucked under one arm. They were in the driveway of a two story home.

                This was how he wanted to remember Brian Summers, not the way he’d looked the last time he’d seen him. Unfortunately, both memories vied for his attention sometimes superimposing one over the other. He tried and failed to push away the horrible image of his childhood friend dead, impaled on the sharp tines of a rake.

                Lorne used to love to play basketball, but hadn’t played since…well, since he was ten. It reminded him of Brian, and he sometimes had nightmares about the last time he saw his friend. His dad had found him in the driveway on several occasions playing ball with an imaginary opponent.

                He placed the photo on his dresser and lay down praying for dreamless sleep.


                It was after midnight and Rodney was on his way to his quarters when Lorne came around the corner again dribbling his imaginary basketball again.

                “C’mon, Dad. Let’s play some ball. I’ll spot you the usual,” he wheedled hopefully.

                “Excuse me?”

                Lorne was now holding the “ball” in front of him with both hands. “You have ta work late again.” He walked away, his head hanging down in disappointment.

                In one of those rare moments of insight that had nothing to do with himself and everything to do with others, Rodney realized that Lorne was sleepwalking again. Since he knew next to nothing about somnambulism and remembering what had happened the last time, he tapped his headset and contacted Jennifer for advice. She told him to keep an eye on him, but not to wake him, at least not yet.

                “Lorne…uh, Evan, work can wait. Let’s play a little one-on-one.”

                “Great, Dad! I’ll race ya!” Lorne took off down the hall with Rodney following at a lower pace. He caught up with him in the gym shooting baskets with his imaginary ball.


                Part 3

                Jennifer arrived at the court a few minutes later. She watched with deep inner humor while the man she loved played ball with the sleepwalking Major as if he were a child. Right now they were “fighting” over the “ball.” Lorne was holding it in front of him turning side to side while Rodney tried to reach around from behind and take it from him. They were laughing and shouting and having a great time.

                Suddenly, Lorne feinted left then right and tossed the ball giving a shout of triumph when it went into the basket. “Yeah! Nothing but net!” He ran in circles around Rodney. “And the crowd goes wild! Yah!”

                “Good job, son!” Rodney was out of breath, standing with his hands on his knees. “Wh-what’s the score now?”

                “That’s 21 for me and 15 for you. Let’s go again.”

                “Sure. Just let me catch my breath.”

                “Cool! Same as last time, I spot you 15, we play to 21.”

                “Hi, guys! How’s the game going?” Jennifer handed a bottle of water each of them.

                “Mom! Wanna play? We can do some one-on-one-on-one. Pleeeease?”

                Jennifer bit her lip. “No thanks, Evan. I’ve never played.”

                “Oh, come on, Mom. You aren’t chicken are you?” Rodney challenged.

                “Chicken, huh?” She took the ball from Lorne and ran around the two men headed for the basket. Lorne snuck up on her left and took it back making her squeal in protest. She and Rodney chased him catching him just as he was lining up his shot. The three began tussling for the ball. Rodney got it and, while Jennifer held onto the struggling Lorne, tossed in into the basket. He jumped around waving his arms and grinning. “I did it! I finally got it in!”

                Jennifer released the Major and he and Rodney shared a high five. “Way to go, Dad!”

                “Yeah, that was a great shot…Dad.”

                Lorne scrunched his face up in pretend horror. “Oh, geez. You’re gonna kiss, aren’t you?” He covered his eyes with a hand. “Lemme know when you’re done.”

                Rodney and Jennifer made loud kissing noises then Jennifer turned abruptly and snatched the ball from Lorne, dribbling it around the two men then lined up for a basket. Rodney and Lorne got in front of her waving their arms to block the shot. Rodney darted forward to grab her around the waist, lifting her in the air. “Get the ball, son! Get the ball!

                “Hey, that’s two against one. I thought this was every man, woman and child for themselves.” Rodney was now trying to take the ball from Lorne again. He was in front of the Major eyes watching his every move. Lorne feinted again then made a quick spin to the right headed for the basket. Rodney caught him around the waist, spun him around and the two of them went down in a heap.

                Jennifer was laughing so hard she could barely stand. Calming herself, she extended a hand to help Rodney to his feet. He moved over to the bench and sat down. “I think that’s enough for today, Evan. I’m worn out.” His clothes were sweat soaked and he was breathing hard from his exertions.

                Lorne came to sit beside him bouncing the ball between his knees. His face now showed sadness. “You know, Dad, I really miss Brian. Do you think he’s up there somewhere looking at us and blaming me for what happened?”

                Rodney and Jennifer shared a look. Lorne didn’t talk much about his personal life. All they knew was he had a sister who was married with two kids, his mother was still alive and his father had passed away but that was all. She shrugged not knowing how to answer.

                “Why would he blame you?” Rodney finally said.

                “It was my fault. I threw the ball and it went on the roof. If I hadn’t missed the basket he wouldn’t have climbed on the roof and fallen. He’d still be, you know, here.”

                Rodney gave Lorne’s shoulder a squeeze. “It was an accident, son. I’m sure he doesn’t blame you.”

                “Really?” His eyes were hopeful.

                “Really. He knows you didn’t do it on purpose.”

                Lorne nodded, accepting Rodney’s reasoning.

                “Evan, honey, it’s time for bed.” Jennifer took him by the hand and he willingly followed her. Rodney trailed in their wake while she led Lorne back to his room. She put him to bed, and pulled the covers over him.

                “Thanks for the game, guys. It was fun. Can we do it again sometime?”

                “Of course, sweetie.” She leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. “Good night.”

                “’Night, Mom. ‘Night, Dad.” He murmured sleepily.

                Out in the hall, Jennifer pursed her lips, trying not to smile. “It’s a good thing we didn’t run into anyone else. He and we will be saved the embarrassment of him thinking we were his parents.”

                “Well, at least he didn’t think we were Replicators."



                  part two....



                  Inspector George Gently

                  Blake's 7

                  The Professionals
                  (Martin Shaw & Lewis Collins)




                    Challenge #78

                    This week's challenge is all the Smile. Feature smiles or smiling in your fan fic and art.

                    Entires due to me by noon your time Monday June 15th.


                      Sig by (x)


                        Sig by (x)


                          Keep on smiling!

                          mrscopterdoc's out of town so I'm dropping by instead. BOO!

                          Head's up! Challenge #78 was given an extension so you have been given another week to show of them pretty smiles!

                          [cue message from the Challenge Queen]

                          Challenge #78.....extended

                          I am going to be out of town for the day, so a huge Thank You to Falcon Horus for posting the challenge this week for me!

                          I only received one entry so I am going to extend the challenge for a week.

                          This week's challenge is all the Smile. Feature smiles or smiling in your fan fic and art.

                          Entries due to copter by noon your time Monday June 22nd.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Challenge # 78 was all about SMILES










                              Challenge # 79

                              This week we are going Tropical to celebrate it officially being summer, at least in the northern hemisphere. I want to see ocean, sand, sun and palm trees!

                              Entries due to me by noon your time, Monday June 29th.


                                Really great art everyone!

