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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Wow, conan piccies!!!! Ooo just woke the wee man up squeeing... oh well, he has to get used to it

    Thanks for the congrats everyone and thanks for the piccies ladies, he really has beefed up lovely for it *sighs*


      Holy GUH Jason's rocking the locks ain't he? that a bandage on Jason's hand or a boxer's wrap? Hope Jason didn't injure himself. *fluffs pillows on the floor and gets comfy* Thanks for the pic Lah!! More Momoa shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


        I am thinking it is a boxer's wrap it is possible he was doing some fight scene rehearsals and they had that on as "padding"


          *nods sagely* I agree DG but it's odd it's only on Jason's right hand. *goes back into the deeeep end of the
          gutter* C'mon in gang,the water's great!! Woohoo!! }:O


            Thanks Raven and DG. I had seen that a few days ago and thought it was bandages. I never even thought of the whole boxer's thingamajiggy. Whew!! Good. I like his characters to be whumped but not the actual person.


              *waves at Cougar* Howdy sweetie. Nice to see ya here. Yup,it's probably stunt rehearsal related. I'd love to see the fight rehearsals kinda like that Atlantis BTS bit where it showed Jason (and a little bit of Rainbow Sun Francks too) and their stunt doubles rehearsing the fight for Runner. Jason wore protective gauntlets on his forearms even though they were using rubber knives. More Momoa shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                I went on YT to find the stunt vid for you, Raven, and look what I came up with! There's a video of a photo shoot Jason did for an interview with Aleim magazine ( Just lots of Jason goofing off. The link to the article is

                I must say, though, that I'll have to get used to the new look without the beard. Not really a fan of it just yet.

                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                  Thanks Stars. Great article. I love how they're focusing more on his personal work than Conan since we all know that is what he cares about most. Ssshh.. Don't tell the Conan fans. I don't think they'd understand.

                  I like the face without the hair, but, no worries Stars, I have a feeling the beard, in whatever form will be back, once filming stops. Plus, he has to have facial hair for Khal. Right? but he's not going to have long in between filming is he? I think he's one of those guys who can grow a beard pretty quick though. I think.


                    Yeah, that was a rare up-and-personal look at Jason. I hope he'll manage to enter that short film in some festivals or competitions, so we get a chance to see it. It sounds like a really intense storyline.

                    I'm not even sure if they wrapped Game of Thrones before Conan started to shoot. Unfortunately - if the show is faithful to the books - Khal won't be around too long. Do we have any idea when all this will air, resp. hit the cinemas?

                    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                      Thanks for the link for the vid Stars. Unfortunately, the mag site is down at the moment... *pouts*


                        I just checked, it's working for me. BTW, C'Belle said when you DL the article there are more pictures from Conan attached to it. I tried it, but all I get is a file that links to the page. Do you have an idea how to do this? Those pictures are supposed to be really good.

                        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                          As soon as my stupid internet connection fixes itself, I'll see what I can do... *pouts more*


                            *kicks Lah's internet connection* You better behave, or we'll have Ronon deal with it. He's taken on bigger machines than you.

                            Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                              SQUEEE, C'Belle just sent the me the word document with the pics. Here they are. *furiously fans self*

                              Looks like that longer hair is in fact extensions. These must be from before they started shooting, since he still has the beard too. Why on earth did they make him shave anyway? Were razors even invented in those barbarian times? Those wrist bands look very familiar, BTW.

                              And here are three pictures from Jason's short movie he talked about in the interview, Brown Bag Diaries. Love the lighting in these. What a difference to the Conan shots.

                              And Jason's finally able to show off his guitar playing skills on screen.
                              Last edited by starg8fans; 12 May 2010, 03:09 AM.

                              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                                I wonder if the first two pics are when he is proving himself to TPTB paying for the Conan film? He's certainly convincing, and they are much better than the pics we saw from this week. I don't know how all that works so don't get me to lying.

                                And just think the last three are where Jason is callng all the shots so this proves he's not just a pretty face, decent actor but a true artist, which I'm pretty sure no one from this thread doubted anyway.

