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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
    How did you survive!??!?!
    Dvd's. I love SGA dvd's! Little episodes like Midway!

    Click here daily to give free mammograms

    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      Originally posted by Vana View Post
      Hey Stars, just a little poke in the ribs to sweetly ask can I have another chapter of The Pegasus Jinx?

      Just posted it. Sorry, things are mad here ATM. We're leaving for our xmas break on Thursday, hopefully I'll have the time to finish this then.

      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


        Nice pic Queen! What is this Pegasus Jinx ya speak of Vana? Terrific,I'm
        Dr. Seussing on a Monday. More hot pix please!! Woohoo!! hehe }:O


          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
          Just posted it. Sorry, things are mad here ATM. We're leaving for our xmas break on Thursday, hopefully I'll have the time to finish this then.
          Thank you sweetie


            Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
            Nice pic Queen! What is this Pegasus Jinx ya speak of Vana? Terrific,I'm
            Dr. Seussing on a Monday. More hot pix please!! Woohoo!! hehe }:O
            A great story Stars has written a crossover with SGA and Supernatural.


              Evening Playground!

              Originally posted by Vana View Post
              A great story Stars has written a crossover with SGA and Supernatural.
              Hehe, Ronon, Dean and whump... what more could a girl possibly want? *sigh*

              Edit: No Photobucket access atm I'm afraid



                Originally posted by Cougarbelle View Post
                Ronon, you do have the biggest gun in Atlantis, and you are so skilled with it. You always hit your mark. I love to watch you hold it in your hand and do that thing you do so well.

                What?! I'm talking about his markmanship and gun spinning tricks. Isn't that the gun Doggy is talking about?
                But of course!! *looks shocked* *giggles* *looks innocent*

                Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                Yay, new picfic! *rolls on floor in helpless laughter* Where do you find the shots for this? They're awesome. And your version of Weir is actually growing on me...

                You sure got Carson's accent down pat. Oh, and thanks for blowing up my brains talking about Ronon's gun...

                Uh - I think this is the smiley you needed for that post. Or possibly this one. Oh, and you forgot to mention the awesome load this gun shoots...


                Now that's what I call packing a punch. With a side of bonus peekage.
                They're just my screencaps, this particular set is from Common Ground. I just pick the next one in line, figure out what it's saying, and then go to the next, etc. Sometimes I have to skip forward because they're all the same or don't fit with whatever storyline I've got going, but I basically just start at the beginning of the screencaps and go to the end.

                Originally posted by michellec24_7 View Post
                I keep trying to green you Doggy but it seems I've already greened you too often

                But may I just say I love your pic fics! They make me giggle which isn't good now I'm pregnant as I really don't have a lot of control over certain *ahem* things.... But please carry on
                LOL Thanks for the green, mental or otherwise! Sorry about the *cough* functions.... LOL!!!


                  Ronon: "There they go again! Run, McKay!"
                  McKay: *sound of rapidly retreating footsteps*

                  Teyla: "Dr. McKay is certainly running very fast. I did not know he could do that."
                  Ronon: "My thunkers really have him spooked. Good thing Doggy can sniff out his trail."

                  Ronon: "I hear a commotion in the bushes ahead. Either they caught him or it's somebody else in trouble."


                    Ronon: "Stop! I don't think that's my thunkers."
                    Teyla: "I believe you are right. I sense Wraith here somewhere."

                    Ronon: "Dead wraith walking!"
                    Shep: "Hold on a second Ronon. Are you sure it's the wraith?"

                    Ronon: "Of course I'm sure! When have you ever known me to be not sure?"
                    Sheppard: "Sorry. I was just checking."


                      Tongue. Tongue. Tongue. Tongue. and that dang outfit again. Well, I was sleepy but not anymore.


                        Guh, lovely run Doggy!



                          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                          Dvd's. I love SGA dvd's! Little episodes like Midway!

                          Originally posted by Cougarbelle View Post
                          Tongue. Tongue. Tongue. Tongue. and that dang outfit again. Well, I was sleepy but not anymore.
                          It's amazing what can wake somebody up!
                          Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                            Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                            Good. I'm looked at weird because I think the men in SG are hot! WTF!?!?!?!
                            Me too until they actually look at them.... I find I have to educate people but they only need educating once

                            Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                            It's okay AMC,you have great taste in men. Woohoo!! }:O
                            *nods head in agreement*

                            Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                            Just posted it. Sorry, things are mad here ATM. We're leaving for our xmas break on Thursday, hopefully I'll have the time to finish this then.
                            Have fun on your Christmas break!!! We'll keep the boy warm til you're back

                            Originally posted by Vana View Post
                            A great story Stars has written a crossover with SGA and Supernatural.
                            Oh my god, are you trying to kill me??? You can't put that image in my head, I can't cope with the both of them at once!!!

                            *falls into huge drool puddle*

                            *waves weakly at Queen before plunging back below surface*

                            She drowning in her own drool again?? *sighs*


                              Originally posted by michellec24_7 View Post
                              Me too until they actually look at them.... I find I have to educate people but they only need educating once
                              I know! I was on GW at school on da idiot laptop and the lovely Ronon banner was at the top of the page. Showed it to another girl (who had never seen him before) and she agreed with me that he is one fine hunk of man!!
                              Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                                Originally posted by michellec24_7 View Post
                                *waves weakly at Queen before plunging back below surface*

                                She drowning in her own drool again?? *sighs*
                                LOL, don't worry Michelle, you'll start developing gills soon... they sting a little at first, but then you realise how handy they are!

                                Dan, don't you think you should stop her from drowning with your big strong arms? OK, maybe that won't help the drooling!


