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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    I am so loopy right now, its insane!!
    Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


      Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
      Poor Shep...He's not thinking it through...*shakes thunker head*


      I named my new flashdisk "Team Ronon". Does that count?

      *jumps in*
      It counts!!

      Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
      Thanks a bunch, Doggie! *huggles*

      Just realized that I used OT for both off topic and on topic. Uh - is there a way to shorten the latter?

      *dissolves in giggly heap on floor* OMG, Doggie, you're getting better all the time! That one was my favorite. *wipes eyes* What a great shot to go with that caption! And of course we're the best thunkers EVER. You'd think Shep finally got the point, but I think our Colonel is not giving up yet...

      Shep: I'll show you how classy my thunkers are. But you have to change.
      Ronon: I can't change, my thunkers like me just the way I am.
      Shep: I mean change your clothes. To earth style.
      Shep: Okay, you got the earth part right, but I also said 'classy'.
      Ronon: Oh yeah? Since when is a BTOY not classy? Bet you're just scared your thunkers will realize I look better in this than you.
      Ronon: Okay, I'm classy. How about your thunkers?
      Shep: Patience, here's one of them now.

      Random Shep thunker: Nice to meet you.
      Ronon: And you.
      **falls off chair laughing** Great job kiddo!!! And I don't think you need to shorten "on topic", but if you really want to you could use BTT... "Back To Topic." **shrugs**

      Originally posted by Lahela View Post
      Doggy and Stars, did I ever tell you I luffs you both?!
      LOL!! Luffs you back!

      Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
      Ronon: "Some whumpers who pretended to be thunkers lured me here."
      Shep: "Ouch - yeah, I got plenty of those too."
      Ronon: "Let's get out of here before they come back."
      Shep: "Hell yeah."
      Ronon: "I think the coast is clear..."
      Ronon: "Don't think you can trick me again. I know who you are now..."

      Right, Lah?
      !!!!!!!!!! I forgot about the whumpers!! **giggle**


        Originally posted by Lahela View Post
        Huh? Wha? *polishes halo*
        You're not fooling anyone, Lah! Least of all a fellow whumper like me...

        Originally posted by earndoggy View Post
        **falls off chair laughing** Great job kiddo!!! And I don't think you need to shorten "on topic", but if you really want to you could use BTT... "Back To Topic." **shrugs**

        !!!!!!!!!! I forgot about the whumpers!! **giggle**
        BTT - got it, thanks doggie!

        Is it too early for another one? Re-arranging my albums just makes these scenes jump out at me... I'll probably burn out in a couple of days like this, but no time like the present, right? Okay, back to Shep and his issues with Ronon's thunkers...

        Ronon: Where are we going, Sheppard?
        Shep: You'll see.

        Ronon: This is weird.
        Shep: You'll understand in a moment. *checks that hatch is closed*

        Ronon: Okay, spill it. What are you up to?
        Shep: Well... I figured this would be one place where your thunkers can't follow you.

        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


          Ronon: Fat chance. My thunkers can find me anywhere.
          Shep: I would be very surprised if they did.

          Ronon: They'll be here. Just you wait.
          Shep: No sign of them yet. I think I've figured out a way to...
          *beeping noise*

          Shep: Oh cr@p.
          Ronon: What is it?
          Shep: Multiple life signs.
          Ronon: Told ya they'd find me.

          Ronon: And here they are.
          Shep: What are they doing? Are they gonna...
          Ronon: Yup.
          Shep: Boy, that I gotta see.

          Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


            Shep: "Ronon! Let him go!"
            Rodney: "I swear I'll hit CTRL ALT DELETE this time!"
            Ronon: "Sheppard, can't I just shoot him?"

            McKay: "Oh, my hands! My hands hurt!"
            Ronon: (palmhead) "Oh jeez, what a crybaby! That's nothing, it's just a scratch!"
            Shep: "Ya know Rodney, he's right."

            McKay: "Whattaya mean 'just a scratch'????? You'd think differently if it was YOUR hand."
            Ronon: "No I wouldn't! Besides, I didn't do it."
            McKay: "Excuse me?? You were the one holding me down! Sheppard had to ORDER you to stand down!"
            Ronon: "It was your whumpers."
            McKay: "My what????"
            Ronon: (sighs) "Never mind."

            Teyla: "Ronon!!!! Let go of Colonel Sheppard's hair!"
            Ronon: "No. He blames me for McKay's wound and I didn't do it."
            McKay: "Yes you did!"
            Ronon: "I still have one hand free, you want me to grab your hair too?"

            Teyla: "Stop it. Ronon, let go! Dr. McKay, there is not even any blood on your hand. Colonel Sheppard, why do you not restrain these two?"
            Ronon: "Arrrrgggghhhhh!"


              Originally posted by earndoggy View Post

              !!!!!!!!!! I forgot about the whumpers!! **giggle**
              How dare you!!
              Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                Originally posted by starg8fans View Post

                Ronon: Fat chance. My thunkers can find me anywhere.
                Shep: I would be very surprised if they did.


                Ronon: They'll be here. Just you wait.
                Shep: No sign of them yet. I think I've figured out a way to...
                *beeping noise*

                Shep: Oh cr@p.
                Ronon: What is it?
                Shep: Multiple life signs.
                Ronon: Told ya they'd find me.


                Ronon: And here they are.
                Shep: What are they doing? Are they gonna...
                Ronon: Yup.
                Shep: Boy, that I gotta see.
                That is brilliant, Star!!! **Laughs some more**


                  Ronon: "Uh... Sheppard? I'm sorry I grabbed your hair. I got carried away."
                  Shep: "It's okay big guy. McKay drives me crazy too. You do owe him an apology though."

                  Ronon: "Sheppard says I should apologize to you."
                  McKay: "Yeah, yeah, I'm concentrating."

                  McKay: (realizes what Ronon said). "My hand still hurts! You should apologize."
                  Ronon: "That's what Sheppard said. So, I apologize."
                  McKay: "Really?"
                  Ronon: "No."

                  Ronon: "Yikes! Those are whumpers, not thunkers! I'm outta here?"
                  McKay? "What?"
                  Ronon: (realizes they're McKay whumpers) "Nothing."


                    McKay: "Oh my God! Why do they have pitchforks and mousetraps?"
                    Ronon: "I told you. Those are whumpers. Don't worry, I'll protect you."
                    McKay: "Really?"
                    Ronon: "No."

                    Ronon: "Sorry Dr. Weir. McKay's whumpers got carried away. Let me help you up."
                    Elizabeth: "Why, thank you Ronon!"
                    Rodney: "What am I, chopped liver?"

                    Elizabeth: "As a matter of fact, yes!"

                    Elizabeth: "Oh my!"
                    Rodney: "You see what I mean!"
                    Ronon: "No time for talk. Let's get out of here!"


                      Originally posted by earndoggy View Post

                      McKay: "Whattaya mean 'just a scratch'????? You'd think differently if it was YOUR hand."
                      Ronon: "No I wouldn't! Besides, I didn't do it."
                      McKay: "Excuse me?? You were the one holding me down! Sheppard had to ORDER you to stand down!"
                      Ronon: "It was your whumpers."
                      McKay: "My what????"
                      Ronon: (sighs) "Never mind."


                      Teyla: "Stop it. Ronon, let go! Dr. McKay, there is not even any blood on your hand. Colonel Sheppard, why do you not restrain these two?"
                      Ronon: "Arrrrgggghhhhh!"
                      Doggie, you're a GENIUS! The look on McKay's face when Ronon mentions the whumpers... And the facepalm at the end! I will never be able to look at this scene with a straight face again...

                      Edit And there's more - YAY! *runs off to read*

                      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                        Originally posted by earndoggy View Post

                        McKay: "Oh my God! Why do they have pitchforks and mousetraps?"
                        Ronon: "I told you. Those are whumpers. Don't worry, I'll protect you."
                        McKay: "Really?"
                        Ronon: "No."

                        It gets better and better. Wish I could green you, Doggie! I love those "Really?" - "No." exchanges between those two. So typical. And Rodney is chopped liver? Way to go, Liz! A woman after my own heart. Heck, I wouldn't spare him a glance either if Ronon was clutching my arm! (It's okay to say that, right? I mean, what are the chances of any McKay thunkers lurking here?)

                        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                          Originally posted by earndoggy View Post

                          McKay: "Oh my God! Why do they have pitchforks and mousetraps?"
                          Ronon: "I told you. Those are whumpers. Don't worry, I'll protect you."
                          McKay: "Really?"
                          Ronon: "No."


                          Ronon: "Sorry Dr. Weir. McKay's whumpers got carried away. Let me help you up."
                          Elizabeth: "Why, thank you Ronon!"
                          Rodney: "What am I, chopped liver?"


                          Elizabeth: "As a matter of fact, yes!"


                          Elizabeth: "Oh my!"
                          Rodney: "You see what I mean!"
                          Ronon: "No time for talk. Let's get out of here!"

                          Poor Mckay!!!!
                          Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                            OMFG!! *snickers uncontrollably at Teyla telling Ronon to let go of Shep's hair* ROTFLMFAO!! Aw hell that's hysterical!! *high fives Stars and Doggy for their brilliance* You guys rock!! More please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                              LMAO you ladies are awesome please don't stop didn't know I could drool and laugh - I look like a mad woman now, thanks oh pass the drool bucket please.


                                Originally posted by Vana View Post
                                LMAO you ladies are awesome please don't stop didn't know I could drool and laugh - I look like a mad woman now, thanks oh pass the drool bucket please.
                                *passes drool bucket to Vana*

                                I was watching con videos....
                                Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*

