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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Black Hawk View Post
    Hiya again guys!

    I'm competing in the Atlantis video challenge on YouTube and just finished my second entry. It's called "Rodney's Surprise" but Ronon certainly has an important role in it. Please feel free to watch, comment, rate and share it with your friends (or your enemies, for that matter!). I greatly appreciate the support.

    Rodney's Surprise

    A Message from MOMMA (all about Ronon )

    Thank you kindly and wishing you much love, laughter and light!
    too funny again!


      I had my first Ronon dream! Maybe being exhausted from travelling isn't such a bad thing...

      Shame I can't remember all of it. I do remember that it involved an obstacle course and lots of hitting people, though.

      Which is rather worrying...

      Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post

      I just think he's so cute in those glasses
      I was looking back at this pic on Joe's blog this morning and one thing keeps striking me - just look at the size of his hands compared to DH...

      *Bunny's glasses steam up a bit*

      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
      Drool indeed! Just love the shirtless Ronon!
      No... Ronon! It's dinner time... and the guys don't want you to take off your shirt at the table.
      I'd better go.
      They guys might not... but the girls do!

      Now now, new little Ronon clone, don't listen to your mistress - just do what you feel is best...

      Stop rolling your eyes and shaking your head in exasperation, Weary!

      Originally posted by earndoggy View Post
      Thanks! If he was made of chocolate I'd eat him all up. **Bunny, you hush now** LOL!!
      I said nuffink!

      ..... hehehehehee! Made of chocolate... covered in chocolate... vaguely smelling of chocolate... sans chocolate... I'd wouldn't say no to a nibble...

      *Great* new avvie, Doggy!

      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post

      We just finished dinner (brisket tacos -YUM) and Ronon's now showing the other boys his favorite things. (Don't worry, I made sure the safely was on before he drew the gun)

      This is my gun... no one else touches it![/center]

      Hmmm... looks like he's kind of protective.
      *Bunny looks shiftily around, grinning like a maniac*

      I *could* mention being shown Ronon's favourite things, guns and not personally being worried about having the safety on... but I won't. PG board and all...

      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post

      And this is my jacket. Can you guess what I'm going to say next?[/center]
      Oooooh, Ronon Show and Tell. Does he take requests?

      OKay, my atrocious behaviour towards new clone means I'm getting the Satedan Hard Stare from Weary...

      Originally posted by telpethoniel View Post
      Yes the granny image is priceless LOL smirks all around...can't help feeling that someone said something weird just before the photo was taken lol
      ooo ooo and welcome back Bunny!!! *gives suffocating hug*
      *gasps and gives big, equally suffocating hug back* Hi, Tel!

      Smirks are good (as are glasses! The glasses make him look slightly nerdy, and as the T Shirt says, I'm definitely a "Sucker for a Nerd Boy"... )
      I curse the sun so I can howl at the moon...

      I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.
      Deviant Art Fanfiction


        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
        *laughs* Thanks Earndoggy I have heard of you and decided best not mess with one of the Alphas over on the official so I tried to sign up. Sadly my main email addy as well as my Yahoo and Gmail got 'cannot send' messages back so I can't confirm with Keith. I tried the address the 'cannot send' sent back to me but I haven't heard from Keith.
        Thank the Lord and all his Little Wizards that I'm not the only one! I tried twice and got the 'cannot send' message - did you also get the a message back that basically says it's unavailable due to improper use?

        I feel a bit bad having to bother Blue all the time to ask her to say thanks for the nice comments over there...

        Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
        wow, he gets around! He was staying with Joe F the first season, LOL. He must not like to be alone, poor guy.
        That's really quite sweet... awww Is there anything about Jason that isn't just plain adorable?

        Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
        No, you're not a weirdo, I understand the need to be creative. I have the same need but usually have to let it manifest itself in the garden or decorating or something productive around the house, LOL On the bright side, my garden is well groomed
        Whilst my garden is an absolute MESS!!

        I thnk most people have the need to be creative, but it manifests itself in different ways - my problem is that I can start a picture and literally sit there in a world of my own for 6 hours or more... which means I tend to waste whole days just drawing - and until someone actually pays me a liveable wage to do that...
        I curse the sun so I can howl at the moon...

        I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.
        Deviant Art Fanfiction


          Originally posted by Black Hawk View Post
          Hiya again guys!

          I'm competing in the Atlantis video challenge on YouTube and just finished my second entry. It's called "Rodney's Surprise" but Ronon certainly has an important role in it. Please feel free to watch, comment, rate and share it with your friends (or your enemies, for that matter!). I greatly appreciate the support.

          Rodney's Surprise

          A Message from MOMMA (all about Ronon )

          Thank you kindly and wishing you much love, laughter and light!

          "Ronon is the law"...

          That's too funny! Well done!
          I curse the sun so I can howl at the moon...

          I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.
          Deviant Art Fanfiction


            Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post

            I had my first Ronon dream! Maybe being exhausted from travelling isn't such a bad thing...

            Shame I can't remember all of it. I do remember that it involved an obstacle course and lots of hitting people, though.

            Which is rather worrying...
            Oooh congratulations Bunny! I would love to scare you and say that I had a Ronon dream last night too, but I didnt. I had a dream about my prom, which is on friday. And I was dancing with this guy I like and we were randomly talking and suddenly I said: ' You should talk more. You have a nice voice'
            And today I found out that he might not come to prom. Like the most of the guys in our grade.

            Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
            I was looking back at this pic on Joe's blog this morning and one thing keeps striking me - just look at the size of his hands compared to DH...

            *Bunny's glasses steam up a bit*
            He's got huge hands! I wonder about them feet.

            Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
            They guys might not... but the girls do!

            Now now, new little Ronon clone, don't listen to your mistress - just do what you feel is best...

            Stop rolling your eyes and shaking your head in exasperation, Weary!
            My Nibbles is shirtless most of the time. I like him that way...

            Can I have my shirt back now? Pleaaaase?

            Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
            I said nuffink!

            ..... hehehehehee! Made of chocolate... covered in chocolate... vaguely smelling of chocolate... sans chocolate... I'd wouldn't say no to a nibble...

            *Great* new avvie, Doggy!
            Now who wouldnt? Ooooh what about honey instead. Or anything sweet. But I'd prefer chocolate. XD

            Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
            *Bunny looks shiftily around, grinning like a maniac*

            I *could* mention being shown Ronon's favourite things, guns and not personally being worried about having the safety on... but I won't. PG board and all...
            *pokes Bunny with the Ronon's stick* Remember sweetie PG board!

            Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
            OKay, my atrocious behaviour towards new clone means I'm getting the Satedan Hard Stare from Weary...

            Poor you. Nibbles is still looking for his shirt.

            Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
            *gasps and gives big, equally suffocating hug back* Hi, Tel!

            Smirks are good (as are glasses! The glasses make him look slightly nerdy, and as the T Shirt says, I'm definitely a "Sucker for a Nerd Boy"... )
            I'm all over the place. I'll like a nerdy guy and next a totally different type. But they gotta be smart, and have common sense.
            Awesome sig by Laura
            "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

            The randomess that is me
            Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


              morning thunkers
              Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                *laughs* Thanks Earndoggy I have heard of you and decided best not mess with one of the Alphas over on the official so I tried to sign up. Sadly my main email addy as well as my Yahoo and Gmail got 'cannot send' messages back so I can't confirm with Keith. I tried the address the 'cannot send' sent back to me but I haven't heard from Keith.
                It's a real pain to sign up on that board, BrownEyes has been trying forever and we didn't think she'd EVER get on. And if you're waiting for Keith to answer your e-mail, don't hold your breath. He rarely checks his messages and PM's and then doesn't get around to answering them for months sometimes. It's a fun board, but a real pain to get on. The only ones that seem to be able to get on easily are the spammers.
                Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
                that's the worst! It took me days to get those buggers out of there!

                Great caps as usual, love your new avvy!
                Thanks! **grins at Purple**

                Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                Thank the Lord and all his Little Wizards that I'm not the only one! I tried twice and got the 'cannot send' message - did you also get the a message back that basically says it's unavailable due to improper use?

                I feel a bit bad having to bother Blue all the time to ask her to say thanks for the nice comments over there...

                Trust me, you're not the only one. Some people I know have just given up. It took BrownEyes literally weeks and I don't know how many e-mail addresses to get on and half the time she can't log on either. Those spammers are crackers, they don't need the admin to validate them, they can do it themselves, that's why there's so dang many names on there. There's no way the site has that many members and NONE of them post? I don't think so. The "unavailable due to improper use" was months and months ago, Keith still hasn't changed his message. It was supposed to be temporary till he took care of the spammers, but he didn't. There's still a whole bunch of obscene messages buried waaaaaaaay back in the threads.

                Originally posted by mckaychick View Post
                morning thunkers


                  Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post

                  That's really quite sweet... awww Is there anything about Jason that isn't just plain adorable?
                  *thinks* Noooope... He's completely and utterly adorable.

                  Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                  Whilst my garden is an absolute MESS!!
                  My mom takes care of the garden. Hurrah!

                  Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                  I thnk most people have the need to be creative, but it manifests itself in different ways - my problem is that I can start a picture and literally sit there in a world of my own for 6 hours or more... which means I tend to waste whole days just drawing - and until someone actually pays me a liveable wage to do that...
                  My problem is that I get good ideas at the worst of times. Like in the middle of a test, a freaking character will walk into my head. And by the time the test is over they're gone. Sometimes when inspiration hits, I can write for ages. Which is why I'm planning on majoring in creative writing.
                  Awesome sig by Laura
                  "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                  The randomess that is me
                  Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty










                            Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                            Neelan looks like your clone is not so shy anymore. Can I call him Junior? Cuz calling him Ronon kinda throws me off...
                            Sure... just be careful when he's actually in here. He might have other ideas.
                            He doesn't seem to mind me referring to him as my wolf though.
                            Oh, and after yesterday, he's not coming to work with me...
                            WAY too distracting for a school bus driver.




                                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                                Sure... just be careful when he's actually in here. He might have other ideas.
                                He doesn't seem to mind me referring to him as my wolf though.
                                Oh, and after yesterday, he's not coming to work with me... WAY too distracting for a school bus driver.
                                You can put him in daycare at my house! I don't work outside the home, and try my best to avoid working inside the home too! LOL!! He'd get the best of care!

