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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by BrownEyes View Post
    I'm not wasting any more time thinking about it. Too many more important things going on in the world right now...Like getting ready for the holidays,for instance! And the fact that my wedding anniversary is this coming week & I still haven't gotten hubby a gift yet!!!
    LOL, my hubs is surprised if I even remember, much less get him a gift! LOL...I know, I'm bad but our anniversary is the same as the big Cally Earthquake in 89 so you can guess how our marriage is going

    Dex: "Maybe you don't fully appreciate his assets purple"
    Purple: "I can't, he's at war"


      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
      AWE... I'll miss ya anyway, Purple.
      Thanks, show me pictures and dish me the dirt and I'll feel special...and don't give me the bull about what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, LOL ...that only applies to the Farscape con


        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
        The NY con pix are available (I'm sure you've seen by now ) and the Burbank ones with Jason were the very last ones taken on Sunday, so there wasn't time to print them out there for everyone, so they told us on day one that they'd mail out Jason's photo ops. *crossing my fingers that they'll be done this weekend*
        That's cool! I want to see....btw, where is the jpeg of our Babes photo? I got my individual one already.


          Originally posted by BrownEyes View Post
          It's been a little over 2 weeks since I put my claim in, so I'm hoping they show up pretty soon. I'll give it another week before I send an email about it. I had to do the same thing for the photo-op invoice before the con, too, before they bothered to mail it to me.
          You might get faster service if you call them. Anne is very nice over the phone.


            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
            Oh, YEAH! Anything that helps show off those MARVELOUS ARMS!!!
            That too! We call it the "belly sweater" Now you see why we miss it so much!! Just look at the ...PGPGPGPG (the Dex Devils version of happy trails)


              Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
              Just proves my philosophy of avoiding "My Spaces", Live Journals, and Blogs of all sorts. Well... not all blogs, since BamBam is pretty funny in his and my best friend has one, too. But now I'm pretty damn happy that I missed all this crap yesterday and never bothered to even attempt to leave a comment.
              right there with yas babe!


                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                Yeah... LOVE the 2Bam!

                OMFREAKIN'G! YUM!!!

                Uhhhh... chest... and... chest....

                ETA: Speaking of arms... can you identify these?

                heee, you know I can...let's let the others give it a try


                  Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                  I think he just didn't care. I was just telling a friend today that he was all dressed UP from the waist down and dressed down from the waist up. You guys DID see the pants and shoes, right?

                  LOL, yes we did! His shoes and socks crack me up, in a respectful sort of way of course!


                    Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
                    Thanks, show me pictures and dish me the dirt and I'll feel special...and don't give me the bull about what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, LOL ...that only applies to the Farscape con
                    Sorry, hon... but you got that ALL bass-ackwards! I'm good to the newbies at the FS cons, but Vegas? I gotta abide by the LAW while I'm there, and the LAW is... everyone? "What happens in Vegas, STAYS in Vegas!" But I can still show you the pix.


                      Love your con pictures! Please show me pics of LV, I won't tell. LOL

                      I'll have to remember that next year, and not let you see what I do! Maybe I won't be such a spastic fan girl next year, LOL


                        Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
                        LOL, a poet who didn't know it! LMAO!

                        Dex: purple, please, we've heard enough for one night with Brownie
                        Shep: But she rhymed too!
                        Dex: That's not real poetry, that's rap!
                        Shep: I got the point, sorry purple and Brownie, I tried

                        Thanks for trying Sheppy poo


                          Originally posted by BrownEyes View Post
                          I wonder if he didn't notice the hole in his t-shirt or just didn't care...?

                          Thank you, Chelle. Again!!
                          A torn shirt now? Granted it's not the same as torn jeans but that's still hot. Anyone know of more pics with holes in his shirt anywhere? *envision torn shirt siggy*


                            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                            I think he just didn't care. I was just telling a friend today that he was all dressed UP from the waist down and dressed down from the waist up. You guys DID see the pants and shoes, right?

                            LMAO!! Wow...I never thought of putting it that way, but you're absolutely right!! I've been describing the look as "1940's gangster meets homeless guy", but I like yours better! Those shoes are just too funny, aren't they? And I love the socks! No one else could carry that look off as well as he does!


                              Originally posted by melpomene View Post
                              A torn shirt now? Granted it's not the same as torn jeans but that's still hot. Anyone know of more pics with holes in his shirt anywhere? *envision torn shirt siggy*
                              Just about every pic form the Burbank con shows all the holes in the neck of that same t-shirt, actually! I didn't know the back had holes too until I saw the arm porn pic from Chelle! And since it's the same white t-shirt from the Chicago con this past August, there's probably pics from there showing holes too!!


                                Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
                                LOL, my hubs is surprised if I even remember, much less get him a gift! LOL...I know, I'm bad but our anniversary is the same as the big Cally Earthquake in 89 so you can guess how our marriage is going

                                Dex: "Maybe you don't fully appreciate his assets purple"
                                Purple: "I can't, he's at war"
                                Awww!! That's ok - four days before the wedding, my great-aunt passed away...and hubby's grandma followed on the big day. We spent so much time with family stuff we didn't even have a rehearsal! And less than a month later, my dad had a heart attack - which he made it through ok. Luckily, things have gotten better since then!!

