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Stargate Extinction Pre-Viewing PLOT discussion, speculation and eventual spoilers

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    I really do hope the movie goes ahead....


      Originally posted by spinny magee View Post
      I really do hope the movie goes ahead....
      Hope. Such a beautiful thing. Makes me remember the times when I was still a newbie here. When I still had hope.
      A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


        Originally posted by Jper View Post
        Will see, let's come back here four months from now. And then there will still be no news on SG:Extinction. SGU, however, will have gotten its second season.

        At some time, now almost a year after SGA ended, one has to admit there won't be a movie. So be it.
        *cough* that smacks of the reasoning that the non appearance of the movie will vindicate your emotive ramblings, not so. The fate of the movie will be determined by the various business factors that the various factions involved with MGM come up with, not some fan whimsy.

        How about we look at precisely what was in the blog?

        Thailog writes: “What is up with the Atlantis movie being nixed in favor of a novel? Momoa also said that the SG1 movie was probably going to be made eventually but the Atlantis movie is dead. No comment? Still?”

        Answer: Still no official word. We’ve written the script (Stargate: Extinction) and I’ve maintained a positive outlook throughout. That being said, as time has worn on with no official word, I don’t blame people for being pessimistic.

        The answer is pretty much what JM has said all along. It also includes one of JM's rare "though I can how other people could see it that way". Now rather than going off on an emotive tangent like you did, isn't it more reasonable to think that in keeping with JM's past behaviour that he is being politic because he is commenting on what an actor is saying? Whilst JM certainly doesn't hesitate to bag some sections of fandom he does not do it to professionals directly related to his work.

        JM knows how the business works, he knows the minuscule percentage of works that are pitched that ever get to production stage. He also knows that it can take years for projects to get the go ahead, he also knows that the myriad of factors involved in getting the go ahead can change on a daily basis. Will JM's opinion change? Quite possibly yes, because as each day goes by the various factors involved change too and JM will form his opinion on what he knows of the situation and his perspective is vastly different from ours.


          From a business perspective, the longer wait hasn't done anything productive. With a longer wait, people are inclined to lose interest. Whent he series had just ened in January, a movie coming out in the fall or 2010 would have been reasonable. However, the movie hasn't even gone into production, and even if it did now, it might be late 2010 or even 2011 before it came out. On MGM's side of things, prospects are not getting better as far as sales go. Eventually, with the recession, MGM's bankruptcy, and falling DVD sales, the movie may just be worth too much in comparison to the potential profits. I'm faintly hopeful, but at this point, its not looking like themovie will be made. Also, keep in mind that the actors themselves have pretty much moved on by now.
          Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

          ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
          encounter on the strange journey.


          2 Cor. 10:3-5
          3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
          4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
          5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


            Wall Street with Sheen and Douglas was made in the 80's, and the sequel is getting ready to hit the movie houses soon!! So.... eh just waaaaaait a little longer, and they MIGHT make the movie!
            Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


              Originally posted by Jper View Post
              Hope. Such a beautiful thing. Makes me remember the times when I was still a newbie here. When I still had hope.
              Isn't this a point why the fandom of Stargate is so strong? Fans come and go like new fans come and go and Stargate has a very strong fanbase. That's why the hope maybe won't die so soon, because there always will come new fans who just join Stargate and still are enthusiastic about everything about SGA or SG1.

              Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
              Whilst JM certainly doesn't hesitate to bag some sections of fandom he does not do it to professionals directly related to his work.

              JM knows how the business works, he knows the minuscule percentage of works that are pitched that ever get to production stage. He also knows that it can take years for projects to get the go ahead, he also knows that the myriad of factors involved in getting the go ahead can change on a daily basis. Will JM's opinion change? Quite possibly yes, because as each day goes by the various factors involved change too and JM will form his opinion on what he knows of the situation and his perspective is vastly different from ours.
              I couldn't agree more ^^

              ... (hopefully he change his mind on the script because if they are going to film it... It has been past to much time to go ahead right after where they left on Season 5... just a pointless mind from mine ^^)

              Originally posted by Ltcolshepjumper View Post
              Also, keep in mind that the actors themselves have pretty much moved on by now.
              This doesn't mean that they won't do the movies. It's their right to move forward to do another movies or producers or whatelse. If time comes and MGM "has" the money to produce the movie they certainly would get sure they can get the main cast back before they give the production a green lit. Like a SGA movie without JF, RL or DH don't make much sense for me. I wouldn't even watch it... But if they get enough money the actors surely would return for a movie.

              Still haven't give up hope. Luckily I'm busy with my studies so don't have to think about it all the time it didn't happen and be mad with the producers and MGM, because I think it isn't Syfi, who don't want the movie. They have gave the film a green lit,too. They even wanted a six season (as I could read from JM's blog)...


                I've still got hope!


                  For what it's worth, here is a bit from an Armageddon Con report.
                  Jason Momoa, during his talk:

                  Re: the movie
                  ‘Yeah, no, they’re not going to do the movie…bummer. I talked to the producers and they told me a little bit about it. In the beginning, Ronon’s in a bar and gets into a fight. This guy smashes a bottle in my face and then I kill the guy. I told them, you write it in there that I’m going to eat the guy.’


                    Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
                    For what it's worth, here is a bit from an Armageddon Con report.
                    Jason Momoa, during his talk:

                    *sighs, gets into closet, cries*


                      Simon writes: “2) Still no word on the SG-1/SGA movies?"

                      Answer: 2) None.
                      A black hole swallowed this sig pic.




                          Yip, that was one of my first questions to Joe, I use my real name over there. And, while I'm loving SGU I would've loved to hear his answer as ''Yes''.


                            Originally posted by Hallnavy View Post
                            Yes the "Evil Asgard" were very under-used, and just sort of thrown in. So it would be nice to see them again.
                            I would like to see the evil asgard become allies we could send the three or four Deadalus class ships to rescue them then we could return them to Ida the asgards home gallaxy. I think they would be gratefull for that we could do this by force if necessary the deadalus ship should be more powerfull then the ships the asgard currently have.

                            It would be a good way of returning the Asgard to the stargate franchise.


                              Echelon writes: “Wasn’t the SG1 movie slated for around now? Did economic conditions push it back?”

                              Answer: Yep. No word on either movies for a while now.
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                                Shawna Buchanan writes: “So, you’ve mentioned the SGA movie again. Is there still no word on that or the next SG-1 movie? Please tell me they’re not thinking of canceling them.”

                                Answer: Still no word on either movie. Alas, it’s out of my hands. Like you, I’m sitting on the sidelines waiting for the call.
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

