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SAVE Stargate Atlantis!

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    Well i gotta go to work now, guys! talk to y'all later! bye!


      ... and seven of them read like "
      9,189 30 minutes ago Stargate Will Die: Ha Ha Ha... No matter how many signatures you get, the show will die.

      I personally don't think that the petition itself will move something, but it shows how strong the support is.
      The cake is a lie!



        I can confirm that the petition has broken and indeed smashed the milestone of 9200 signatures!!! Thank you everyone and well done!! Keep on fighting for our lost city!!

        We'll easily get 10,000 today...
        Save Stargate Atlantis!!!


          *Beams back into thread his robe still abit on fire and smoking*

          well heres the emails to various magzines i'm going to email abit later on but i've gotta go and rebuild my station

          TV guide:
          [email protected]

          TPTB Cheers & Jeers:
          cheers&[email protected]

          Shark Bait:
          [email protected]

          [email protected]

          [email protected]

          [email protected]

          [email protected]

          Stargate SG1 Magazine:
          [email protected]

          Cult Times:
          [email protected]

          Dream Watch:
          [email protected]

          is it hot in here or just me?

          *realizes he's still abit on fire and trys to put it out while beaming out of the thread*
          System Lord Remus


            Well I made my vlog!


            Like I say, vlogs AND photographs will be used in the campaign, so use either format to support it.

            Once the video is made, we can distribute it to the different entertainment news channels, Conventions, anywhere we need to to get the attention to save SGA.

            We have a few photographs in (not up yet) and they are looking good!!

            Remember, the SOSGA AND StLC are working together and that both sites have two unique campaigns to hit for both publicity AND protests. So please support them.

            As soon as I have the photographs uploaded, I shall put a link in for you to see an example, and you can see my vlog as an example for the videos.

            Come on people, we only have a short time to get the decision reversed if we can.

            So join the campaigns and have your voice HEARD!!!

            I know of several other vlogs that are being made, and one that IS made but not in the group yet.

            Remember these vlogs and photos will be used in an advertisement for the campaign for those who CAN NOT get to any rallies, and once it is made, we can send IT to the TV stations.

            Anyhoo. I got work tonight again, so I am gonna go and get some stuff done before I go. Cya folks! and keep up the campaigns!
            Last edited by fraggleD; 30 August 2008, 08:46 AM.
            Save Our Stargate Atlantis!!




              Hi Fans,

              Okay, i haven't been on for a few days (stupid school functions) and i'm really confused.....did the thread Stargate Atlantis: save the lost city, merge with this thread? I am wicked confused...

              Also, how many sigs do we have on the petition? I hope that it is going well, and also that the lemon campaign is doing well too!!!!

              Anyone who wants to add me as a friend, feel free to do so!!! anyways, i sent off my lemons last week, and I was mad that i was gone for a few days, seeing as i am totally involved in saving Atlantis.

              Anyways, if anyone has any idea whats going on, please tell me, because i am WICKED confused lol
              Stargate Atlantis: Save the Lost City!!!

              If you want to help save atlantis, go to this site:

              SEND LEMONS!!!!!!!!!

              SEND SNAIL MAIL AND EMAILS!!!!


                Originally posted by Save SGA!! View Post
                Hi Fans,

                Okay, i haven't been on for a few days (stupid school functions) and i'm really confused.....did the thread Stargate Atlantis: save the lost city, merge with this thread? I am wicked confused...

                Also, how many sigs do we have on the petition? I hope that it is going well, and also that the lemon campaign is doing well too!!!!

                Anyone who wants to add me as a friend, feel free to do so!!! anyways, i sent off my lemons last week, and I was mad that i was gone for a few days, seeing as i am totally involved in saving Atlantis.

                Anyways, if anyone has any idea whats going on, please tell me, because i am WICKED confused lol
                We jsut have the petition and First Strike at the moment.

                The petition is nearly at 10000 signatures, so I say its doing well.
                Save Stargate Atlantis!!!



                  Originally posted by M337ING View Post
                  We jsut have the petition and First Strike at the moment.

                  The petition is nearly at 10000 signatures, so I say its doing well.
                  Thats I'm guessing that my request to merge my thread with this one was granted?
                  Stargate Atlantis: Save the Lost City!!!

                  If you want to help save atlantis, go to this site:

                  SEND LEMONS!!!!!!!!!

                  SEND SNAIL MAIL AND EMAILS!!!!


                    BREAKING NEWS:

                    I can confirm that the petition has broken and indeed smashed the milestone of 9300 signatures!!! Thank you everyone and well done!! Keep on fighting for our lost city!!
                    Save Stargate Atlantis!!!



                      Originally posted by M337ING View Post
                      BREAKING NEWS:

                      I can confirm that the petition has broken and indeed smashed the milestone of 9300 signatures!!! Thank you everyone and well done!! Keep on fighting for our lost city!!
                      Thats awesome!!! They just CANT ignore the petition if it gets 10000 sigs on it!!! Keep up the good work fans!
                      Stargate Atlantis: Save the Lost City!!!

                      If you want to help save atlantis, go to this site:

                      SEND LEMONS!!!!!!!!!

                      SEND SNAIL MAIL AND EMAILS!!!!


                        Wow, even the admins at the petition site wrote an article about our petition and campaign! Goes to show you how much support we still stand to gain!


                        Stargate Atlantis needs our help! Sign the petition!

                        I’m such a fan of Stargate Atlantis. I watch it religiously and I know all the scenes! It’s in my system and I just can’t imagine life without this show on TV. Have you heard? MGM has already announced that they are going to end the show after their 5th season. Why? It’s probably the best sci-fi show on TV to date! Why cancel a show that has a very solid audience that watches it religiously the same as I do?

                        Obviously, the producers know how popular Stargate Atlantis is and thought that it’s just too good for TV and should be made into a movie. Great! Who wouldn’t want to watch a movie version of their favorite sci-fi TV series? But why would they cancel the show just to pave the way for its movie series? There’s too much politics here and the purpose is not to benefit the fans but so they could fatten their pockets even more! Come on now! Why hurt us after we supported your show? It is just not fair!

                        I am so happy to see many fans who decided to start a petition. It’s a great idea! It’s time for us to save our favorite TV show. Let us save Atlantis! It’s our time to be a part of the show’s story. Now is our time to save Atlantis, Of course it’s not like we have to pack our bags and train to be one of these futuristic scientists but it’s time for us to unite and save the show! These petitions are calling for all the Stargate Atlantis fans and supporters to sign their names so our voices would be heard by SGA’s executive producers. It’s not fair! We have to show them that what they plan on doing is really not fair!

                        Friday nights would no longer be fun. I usually prepare myself after dinner and find a comfortable place in front of the TV in anticipation of this show. I look forward to Friday nights all the time! Without SGA, what’s there to look forward to? It’s sad… tragic! Looking forward for the next movie is like waiting for your birthday each year!

                        I’m just one of the many disappointed fans of SGA. These executive producers should reconsider. Should we boycott and show them our disappointment? But then we’d be missing more of their awesome shows. We should all support the circulating of the online petition asking for these executive producers to change their mind and start thinking about the 6th season. The 5th season of Stargate Atlantis is a lot better than the previous seasons and we are expecting for the 6th. It can’t just end here. It’s just too good to end.

                        SciFi will have nothing to boast about after their station won’t have Stargate Atlantis for their audience. Come on now, what’s left to watch in that channel after SGA?

                        Would it have been different if they have used a different channel to show Stargate Atlantis? SG1 was a great show and it was canceled prematurely as well. I was a die-hard fanatic of SG1 also and I was so disappointed when they announced that my favorite show on TV was about to say it’s goodbye. I was sad but I thank God for Stargate Atlantis. At least, SG1 had 10 seasons so I was able to enjoy watching it for years! Stargate Atlantis only had 5 episodes and it’s even better than SG1 but why only 5 episodes? Can the executive producers answer this question for us?

                        Why the sudden death for our favorite sci-fi shows? They can cancel all those other boring shows on Sci-Fi if they want to, but why cancel the most popular one? It doesn’t really make sense to me. I will miss the characters whom I already grown to love. What will happen to them after this? Will they be on the movie version of Stargate Atlantis? I hope so. But, still that’s just not right. They deserve to be on Air every Friday! I am not saying that they don’t deserve to be on the silver screen. Heck, I’d die to watch the movie version of SGA but I just can’t stand the fact that they are canceling the show.

                        I’m sure many would agree that there’s not much on TV right now that is worth watching. I don’t watch TV on most days except for the news and some sports shows but that’s just about it. No new shows interest me that much anymore except for Stargate Atlantis. I’m a sucker for sci-fi shows but I am very choosy as well. Sci-fi shows can be really boring when the storyline is boring. SGA has an awesome storyline that caught me right from the first time I watched it. I even have DVDs of the shows so I could watch them over and over again. I’m a die hard fan and I am here, asking all of you die hard SGA fans out there, to support the online petition. Please, please, let’s support our favorite show.

                        I’m done voicing out my opinion but I’m still not through with my disappointment and I will continue to fight for my favorite show. Its one great show that we just have to keep on air. Whether or not we’d be successful, at least we can say that we did our part in keeping it on air. If the executive producers won’t listen to our plight, I bet it’s time for us to start looking for other shows that may interest us and just wait for the movie series then. It’s unfair and disappointing but I will never say never. I will sign as many online petitions and start a petition asking my fellow fans to support our loved team of scientists led by Major John Sheppard.

                        You gave us a great show SCI-Fi, please don’t just take it away from us. It will break many hearts and will disappoint even more. Hope you’ll make the right decision and keep the show on air!
                        Save Stargate Atlantis!!!



                          Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                          ... and seven of them read like "
                          9,189 30 minutes ago Stargate Will Die: Ha Ha Ha... No matter how many signatures you get, the show will die.
                          Some small, pathetic, lower little being put this on the petition, so I just sent the petition site mods. the following via the 'Contact Us' link:

                          Someone has signed the 'Save SGA' Petition 7 times with the name 'Stargate Will Die' and the comment 'Ha Ha Ha... No matter how many signatures you get, the show will die'. As a strong supporter of the Save SGA Camapign I would like theses signatures removed. I find them offensive, and a mis-use of this petition sie. If the Save SGA Campaigners are to be taken seriously then we neither need, nor want such vindicitive comments to be counted. Please remove these 7 signatures (9180-9186) as soon as possbile. Thank-you.


                          Copy + send to keep the petition free of retards!

                          Pi to 16 decimal places: 3.1415926535897932


                            Originally posted by M337ING View Post
                            Wow, even the admins at the petition site wrote an article about our petition and campaign! Goes to show you how much support we still stand to gain!


                            Stargate Atlantis needs our help! Sign the petition!

                            I’m such a fan of Stargate Atlantis. I watch it religiously and I know all the scenes! It’s in my system and I just can’t imagine life without this show on TV. Have you heard? MGM has already announced that they are going to end the show after their 5th season. Why? It’s probably the best sci-fi show on TV to date! Why cancel a show that has a very solid audience that watches it religiously the same as I do?

                            Obviously, the producers know how popular Stargate Atlantis is and thought that it’s just too good for TV and should be made into a movie. Great! Who wouldn’t want to watch a movie version of their favorite sci-fi TV series? But why would they cancel the show just to pave the way for its movie series? There’s too much politics here and the purpose is not to benefit the fans but so they could fatten their pockets even more! Come on now! Why hurt us after we supported your show? It is just not fair!

                            I am so happy to see many fans who decided to start a petition. It’s a great idea! It’s time for us to save our favorite TV show. Let us save Atlantis! It’s our time to be a part of the show’s story. Now is our time to save Atlantis, Of course it’s not like we have to pack our bags and train to be one of these futuristic scientists but it’s time for us to unite and save the show! These petitions are calling for all the Stargate Atlantis fans and supporters to sign their names so our voices would be heard by SGA’s executive producers. It’s not fair! We have to show them that what they plan on doing is really not fair!

                            Friday nights would no longer be fun. I usually prepare myself after dinner and find a comfortable place in front of the TV in anticipation of this show. I look forward to Friday nights all the time! Without SGA, what’s there to look forward to? It’s sad… tragic! Looking forward for the next movie is like waiting for your birthday each year!

                            I’m just one of the many disappointed fans of SGA. These executive producers should reconsider. Should we boycott and show them our disappointment? But then we’d be missing more of their awesome shows. We should all support the circulating of the online petition asking for these executive producers to change their mind and start thinking about the 6th season. The 5th season of Stargate Atlantis is a lot better than the previous seasons and we are expecting for the 6th. It can’t just end here. It’s just too good to end.

                            SciFi will have nothing to boast about after their station won’t have Stargate Atlantis for their audience. Come on now, what’s left to watch in that channel after SGA?

                            Would it have been different if they have used a different channel to show Stargate Atlantis? SG1 was a great show and it was canceled prematurely as well. I was a die-hard fanatic of SG1 also and I was so disappointed when they announced that my favorite show on TV was about to say it’s goodbye. I was sad but I thank God for Stargate Atlantis. At least, SG1 had 10 seasons so I was able to enjoy watching it for years! Stargate Atlantis only had 5 episodes and it’s even better than SG1 but why only 5 episodes? Can the executive producers answer this question for us?

                            Why the sudden death for our favorite sci-fi shows? They can cancel all those other boring shows on Sci-Fi if they want to, but why cancel the most popular one? It doesn’t really make sense to me. I will miss the characters whom I already grown to love. What will happen to them after this? Will they be on the movie version of Stargate Atlantis? I hope so. But, still that’s just not right. They deserve to be on Air every Friday! I am not saying that they don’t deserve to be on the silver screen. Heck, I’d die to watch the movie version of SGA but I just can’t stand the fact that they are canceling the show.

                            I’m sure many would agree that there’s not much on TV right now that is worth watching. I don’t watch TV on most days except for the news and some sports shows but that’s just about it. No new shows interest me that much anymore except for Stargate Atlantis. I’m a sucker for sci-fi shows but I am very choosy as well. Sci-fi shows can be really boring when the storyline is boring. SGA has an awesome storyline that caught me right from the first time I watched it. I even have DVDs of the shows so I could watch them over and over again. I’m a die hard fan and I am here, asking all of you die hard SGA fans out there, to support the online petition. Please, please, let’s support our favorite show.

                            I’m done voicing out my opinion but I’m still not through with my disappointment and I will continue to fight for my favorite show. Its one great show that we just have to keep on air. Whether or not we’d be successful, at least we can say that we did our part in keeping it on air. If the executive producers won’t listen to our plight, I bet it’s time for us to start looking for other shows that may interest us and just wait for the movie series then. It’s unfair and disappointing but I will never say never. I will sign as many online petitions and start a petition asking my fellow fans to support our loved team of scientists led by Major John Sheppard.

                            You gave us a great show SCI-Fi, please don’t just take it away from us. It will break many hearts and will disappoint even more. Hope you’ll make the right decision and keep the show on air!

                            Inspiring =) you should send this to scifi and mgm and all the big people out there....oh and i was like number 324 to sign the petition or something =)
                            Stargate Atlantis: Save the Lost City!!!

                            If you want to help save atlantis, go to this site:

                            SEND LEMONS!!!!!!!!!

                            SEND SNAIL MAIL AND EMAILS!!!!


                              Originally posted by obsidian1771 View Post
                              Some small, pathetic, lower little being put this on the petition, so I just sent the petition site mods. the following via the 'Contact Us' link:

                              Someone has signed the 'Save SGA' Petition 7 times with the name 'Stargate Will Die' and the comment 'Ha Ha Ha... No matter how many signatures you get, the show will die'. As a strong supporter of the Save SGA Camapign I would like theses signatures removed. I find them offensive, and a mis-use of this petition sie. If the Save SGA Campaigners are to be taken seriously then we neither need, nor want such vindicitive comments to be counted. Please remove these 7 signatures (9180-9186) as soon as possbile. Thank-you.


                              Copy + send to keep the petition free of retards!
                              Thats really upsetting....i hope no more people like that sign our petition....its for fans who want to SAVE the show...not bring it down =(
                              Stargate Atlantis: Save the Lost City!!!

                              If you want to help save atlantis, go to this site:

                              SEND LEMONS!!!!!!!!!

                              SEND SNAIL MAIL AND EMAILS!!!!


                                Hi everyone!
                                I am going to post an important message from Save the Lost City and SOSGA sometime this evening. Please everyone read it and post your thoughts in response. It is VERY important. We are still working hard (which is why we haven't been posting here that often.) So please read it when I post!!!
                                Thanks everyone!!!!!!

                                Sig by Lil'Ferret

