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Can't watch SGA after seeing BSG...

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    Originally posted by Oka View Post
    A lot of people still watch the show and buy the DVDS. That's why they're making a spin-off and additional movies.
    Movies are made to make money. That is no indication that the series/show/movies are/will be good. I give you Serentity as an example, which, while an okay movie, was nowhere near as incredible as some Firefly fanatics made it out to be.

    BSG won a freaking peabody, give it some credit.
    As did Friday Night Lights, a show that is beyond horrible. Getting an award doesn't impress me unless it's for acting ability, because usually it's all about how much glam you can cram into an hour or two.

    <mod snip>

    Don't know about the guy you're addressing, but I know I watch BSG because I want to see how it ends. I don't particularly like the show anymore, and I think it's vastly overrated, but I'm not one to abandon something just because it gets stale. As long as it keeps some interest, no matter how little, I'll finish it.
    Last edited by TameFarrar; 21 July 2008, 09:42 AM. Reason: quoted post was removed
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      Originally posted by s09119 View Post
      Don't know about the guy you're addressing, but I know I watch BSG because I want to see how it ends. I don't particularly like the show anymore, and I think it's vastly overrated, but I'm not one to abandon something just because it gets stale. As long as it keeps some interest, no matter how little, I'll finish it.
      same reasons why I still watch SGA. I'm not SG fan anymore thanks to AoT and SGA, but I still want to know how SGA will end, no matter how much I hate it.
      Stolen Kosovo


        I agree with TameFarrar and Oka.



          Once again, I'm not going to go back and quote individual posts and spend far longer on this than I want to.

          Not watching SGA episodes is far different from being uninformed. I read the pre episode spoiler reports. I read the transcripts of said episodes. I often read up on the buzz after them. My reactions to SGA aren't based on somebody lashing out with no idea of what they're talking about. Compare this to the numerous BSG bashers who flat out say they don't watch the show (anymore), and don't indicate whether or not they're keeping up with it in anything but the broadest possible manner. If somebody demonstrates ignorance, they should expect to be called on it. Playing the arrogance card in such situations is clearly just grasping for straws.

          As for the people who once again play the whole "Where's your Season 5" card... I hate repeating myself. I really do, but some people are just too dense to get it. They can't be bothered to understand plain facts put before them, and would rather substitute unsubstantiated rumor or outright falsehood for reality. The show runners of BSG are doing what the show runners of SG-1 (who now conveniently work on SGA) should have done: go out when the story is done.

          BSG may go off the air before SGA, but it will leave with an Emmy nomination for writing, which most of us clearly recognize as a long shot for SGA, and a goal that SG-1 never attained. Let me know when a critic or major media outlet recognizes the quality of SGA. In four seasons, BSG will have gathered more critical buzz and more awards for substance than the entire combined fifteen seasons of the Stargate franchise. There really is more to the impact of a show than the number of seasons it stays on the air. It's rather unfortunate that so many Gateheads are making the same mistake that the writers of SG-1 did, but hey...

          While we're on the subject of ratings and such... can we get a graph of SGA's ratings? Can we get somebody who's particularly good with statistics to adjust for a hypothetical change in when the show is aired? I think the results would be rather telling.

          Once again it seems that I must address the "soap opera" claims that are raised by newcomers to the thread who, surprisingly, can't be bothered to read up or get educated on the topic. BSG is not SGA. It does not do your nice and simple adventure in an hour type format. The long arcs are there because a good story that's fully developed takes more than a mere 40 minutes to do. When there is a large-ish cast that the writers actually make use of, you can't simply cram it all in. This sort of thing gives the show the actual sense of being an ongoing series, not a bunch of one hour adventures featuring the same people from week to week.

          That's my short version of rebuttals for now. I fully expect the "LOLDAYSOFOURGALACTICA" crowd to give this a hearty tl;dr and continue to make the same idiotic remarks. I implore the rest of you, however, to keep in mind that if you include the phrase "but i haven't watched [SGA/BSG] in a while", you more than likely have no business posting in a thread that compares current merits of the two. You're outta your element, Donnie!
          Forum insight in 1 click!


            Originally posted by P-90_177 View Post
            Not true. We can compare the series in one other way.......which one has the cooler ships?
            well yes you can..Thanks P90 for pointing that out.

            I like the Darts myself...
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by masterling View Post
              Thats easy: SGA- Hive ships are way cool! Their alive.
              Of course i may be a little bit biased
              But this brings up Farscape again as the closer of the two in comparisons Moya even gave birth to her own baby ship
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                I really dig this ship:


                Originally posted by TheHomegaMan View Post
                BSG may go off the air before SGA, but it will leave with an Emmy nomination for writing...
                Two actually, with the potential for a third next year.

                While we're on the subject of ratings and such... can we get a graph of SGA's ratings?
                It's practically identical to BSG's ratings over the years. BSG started and maintained higher ratings when the shows aired together, but once separated they both declined/plateaued at about the same rate.


                  Originally posted by TheHomegaMan View Post
                  BSG may go off the air before SGA, but it will leave with an Emmy nomination for writing
                  Emmy awards are BS
                  DeSanto, Rymer, Larson and Singer should have got the Emmy mostly because Ron Moore had almost nothing to do with the BSG mini series.
                  Moore is not a creator what he does is he borrows some other person's ideas and tries sexing them up (Gene's StarTrek, JMS Babylon-5, Jason Katims' Roswell)
                  and Moore himself and Eick (BionicWoman/ChildrenOfMen copycat) didn't write S1 of Battlestar, they only copied from DeSanto's failed 2001 production or stole concepts from the Hatch books

                  If the Emmy award folk had bothered doing any research they would have seen Moore and Eick were all producers of smoke screens


                  DeSanto Concept Art
                  Last edited by X-3-0-2; 21 July 2008, 09:50 AM.


                    Thanks for nuking my entire post. If you don't want people responding to trolls lock the thread. Threads like these are inherently controversial.
                    We're whalers on the moon,
                    We carry a harpoon.
                    But there ain't no whales
                    So we tell tall tales
                    And sing our whaling tune.


                      Originally posted by X-3-0-2 View Post
                      Emmy awards are BS
                      DeSanto, Rymer, Larson and Singer should have got the Emmy mostly because Ron Moore had almost nothing to do with the BSG mini series.
                      Moore is not a creator what he does is he borrows some other person's ideas and tries sexing them up (Gene's StarTrek, JMS Babylon-5, Jason Katims' Roswell)
                      I like how the cry when the miniseries hit was "HOW DARE YOU CHANGE MY BSG!". What I like even more is how your cry is "HOW DARE YOU BORROW IDEAS!"

                      Given the extreme lack of original material just about anywhere nowadays, can you honestly say that it is fair to condemn RDM for getting his start with existing franchises, then completely reinventing BSG? He has a project of his own coming up post-BSG, called Virtuality. You'd rather jump the gun and call him uncreative rather than acknowledge the realities of the industry at the moment. Need I remind you that SG-1 and SGA are both spinoffs from Devlin and Emmerich's ideas? Need I try to dig up their remarks on SG-1 and SGA versus Larson's remarks on the new BSG?

                      and Moore himself and Eick (BionicWoman/ChildrenOfMen copycat) didn't write S1 of Battlestar, they only copied from DeSanto's failed 2001 production or stole concepts from the Hatch books
                      Points of comparison, please? I haven't read any Singer/DeSanto scripts, nor have I read any of Hatch's books. From what I read online, I see that they had similar ideas for the miniseries, but at the same time the start of the BSG saga is rather simple: the Cylons attack an unprepared Colonial Fleet.

                      I don't recall any Singer/Desanto scripts covering events like New Caprica, but then again I didn't see any of their produced material easily available online. If you have the ability to make these comparisons and show point by point how RDM/Eick blatantly stole or simply adapted ideas from Hatch and Singer/DeSanto, I'd love to see them. Enlighten me.

                      If the Emmy award folk had bothered doing any research they would have seen Moore and Eick were all producers of smoke screens


                      DeSanto Concept Art
                      So what I see here is that their concept of a bridge, which really doesn't change all that much among the various incarnations of science fiction, is similar to RDM's CIC. Color me shocked.
                      Forum insight in 1 click!


                        Originally posted by TheHomegaMan View Post
                        Not watching SGA episodes is far different from being uninformed. I read the pre episode spoiler reports. I read the transcripts of said episodes. I often read up on the buzz after them. My reactions to SGA aren't based on somebody lashing out with no idea of what they're talking about. Compare this to the numerous BSG bashers who flat out say they don't watch the show (anymore), and don't indicate whether or not they're keeping up with it in anything but the broadest possible manner. If somebody demonstrates ignorance, they should expect to be called on it. Playing the arrogance card in such situations is clearly just grasping for straws.
                        Well since I have stated in all of my posts that I have watched BOTH shows in their entirety, that means I have watched every single episode of SGA as well as BSG along with Razor so I expect to have my arguments actually read and my logic listened too not brushed aside as any of the above.

                        Your way of *keeping up with SGA* is in fact not really all that better than another person's way of keeping up with BSG. If neither of you have literally watched the actual episodes and have not seen the nuances that are there on the screen in facial expressions and in the background shots. then neither one of you can speak as complete authorities about either show. BUT both of you can state you own personal opinion and only the most pompous will sit there and say that because of some academic reason theirs is truly better than the other.
                        Originally posted by TheHomegaMan
                        As for the people who once again play the whole "Where's your Season 5" card... I hate repeating myself. I really do, but some people are just too dense to get it. They can't be bothered to understand plain facts put before them, and would rather substitute unsubstantiated rumor or outright falsehood for reality. The show runners of BSG are doing what the show runners of SG-1 (who now conveniently work on SGA) should have done: go out when the story is done.
                        Unfortunately neither you nor I nor any other fan really has the first clue what the *real story is here. All we know is what the press reports or what the PTB of each show decides is the story for THAT day in that interview. Since I am blessed to be exposed to quite a bit I can say with clarity that all of the PTB from all shows have changed the story a few times and Sci-Fi has also said a few different things as well. So it just depends on what article you read that day. So rather then any of us claiming to be experts. lets let this be dropped.

                        Originally posted by TheHomegaMan
                        BSG may go off the air before SGA, but it will leave with an Emmy nomination for writing, which most of us clearly recognize as a long shot for SGA, and a goal that SG-1 never attained. Let me know when a critic or major media outlet recognizes the quality of SGA. In four seasons, BSG will have gathered more critical buzz and more awards for substance than the entire combined fifteen seasons of the Stargate franchise. There really is more to the impact of a show than the number of seasons it stays on the air. It's rather unfortunate that so many Gateheads are making the same mistake that the writers of SG-1 did, but hey...
                        If you need to place more importance on the awards that your entertainment has in order to lend it value that is your prerogative. However you do not have the right to be disparaging of anyone who chooses to base their entertainment value on the basis of just the very fact that they are entertained. So lets add some respect back into the tone of these posts shall we

                        Originally posted by TheHomegaMan
                        While we're on the subject of ratings and such... can we get a graph of SGA's ratings? Can we get somebody who's particularly good with statistics to adjust for a hypothetical change in when the show is aired? I think the results would be rather telling.
                        We have a thread for ratings and the graph will just be deleted so lets not do that.

                        Originally posted by TheHomegaMan
                        Once again it seems that I must address the "soap opera" claims that are raised by newcomers to the thread who, surprisingly, can't be bothered to read up or get educated on the topic. BSG is not SGA. It does not do your nice and simple adventure in an hour type format. The long arcs are there because a good story that's fully developed takes more than a mere 40 minutes to do. When there is a large-ish cast that the writers actually make use of, you can't simply cram it all in. This sort of thing gives the show the actual sense of being an ongoing series, not a bunch of one hour adventures featuring the same people from week to week.
                        Since I am not a newcomer to the thread nor to either show I fail to see why you need to say all this rather then just say, these shows are in no way alike so there is no comparison. One is truly not better than the other because they just are not even playing on the same field. So if they aren't even comparable how can one be held up to the other for this comparison.
                        Originally posted by TheHomegaMan
                        That's my short version of rebuttals for now. I fully expect the "LOLDAYSOFOURGALACTICA" crowd to give this a hearty tl;dr and continue to make the same <mod snip> remarks. I implore the rest of you, however, to keep in mind that if you include the phrase "but i haven't watched [SGA/BSG] in a while", you more than likely have no business posting in a thread that compares current merits of the two. You're outta your element, Donnie!
                        Thank Goodness GW feels the need to be open to all opinions in every Open Discussion Thread and so much so that we consider it a violation for folks to tell any member to leave a thread or the Forum. So lets not presume to dictate that rashly to anyone

                        The fact that BSG considers itself a drama set in space lends itself to the overall opinion that it will be more dramatic and have longer reaching arcs then found in your more encapsulated hour long episodic TV. BSG has admitted this itself. I fail to see why any fan stating this fact is so offensive to you. That to some fans it is over the top in its drama is a fact of life, that it is melodramatic is also a fact of life. This need not be your opinion but be respectful of the fact that is some folks opinions and while you may state you disagree, you may not digress into name calling just to get your point across.

                        As a long time fan and award winning video maker for BSG I have delved into BSG fandom with aplomb. But even with my enjoyment of the show I am also a realistic critic of it. Not every episode is golden and darkness in a show does mean it somehow is more *real*. It just means you as a viewer have come to enjoy the aspects of this one show more then the aspects of the other show.

                        Don't diminish your own points by adding an arrogance that closes the mind of the reader. You have valid points to make. But they are getting lost because your reader is getting annoyed at being called names in every other sentence.
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          Originally posted by Oka View Post
                          Thanks for nuking my entire post. If you don't want people responding to trolls lock the thread. Threads like these are inherently controversial.
                          we ask that you report the trolls because for you to respond is a violation and the posts will all be deleted. Take a moment to read the rules We do the responding
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            I personally think that BSG lacks the imagination that Stargate has. BSGs too afraid to touch on anything new, I mean with the whole visions, and the Cylon God, Its been going on since the first season and we still Know just as much, they are too afraid to progress on any story lines that may colllapse. Stargate can go out there and take the risks with the plot lines, and i thnk they've done great, I like BSG but it doesn't even compete with Stargate.....
                            [kick ass signature coming soon]


                              Personally I don't know why threads like these are allowed to continue, it only promotes warfare among the fandoms and gives moderators and gateworld members a lot of grief

                              Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
                              The fact that BSG considers itself a drama set in space lends itself to the overall opinion that it will be more dramatic and have longer reaching arcs then found in your more encapsulated hour long episodic TV. BSG has admitted this itself. I fail to see why any fan stating this fact is so offensive to you. That to some fans it is over the top in its drama is a fact of life, that it is melodramatic is also a fact of life.

                              The majority of BSG story arcs are either smoke screens that amount to absolutely nothing
                              or they are story arcs which were STOLEN from DeSanto's 2001 production or COPIED from the Hatch Novels (which might explain why Hatch used to bash the show as a rip-off)

                              Take for example the many abandoned storylines

                              1forgotten cylon homeworld storyline

                              2starfraks ovaries

                              3people are constantly pointing guns at each other, fighting, getting depressed etc but there's no significant change.

                              4character-based stupidity where people act totally out of context

                              5abandoned sagitarion storyline
                              Tom Zarek forgotten
                              Dualla reduced to a token black-child in one of those tv shows from the 50s

                              6Lee Adama's preggers girlfriends and hookers

                              7forgotten funny five?

                              8writers forgot cylon juice already cured rozilla

                              9melodramatic epiphany going no where

                              10Now the cylons no longer started the war, its was Adama or was it Tighlon...or are the writers really confused?

                              11Wheres the cylon God at? Did the writers dig another hole with their own religious mumbo jumbo ?

                              12Starbuck became a mommy in space and other rubbish for the emo-kids

                              13Lee becoming a decent fighter pilot again in hand of god. now completly forgotten as Lee becomes a politician

                              14Phantom Blatar now inside Shelly/Gina/Six's head? They also abandoned this story

                              15killing off billy, cally etc just to be a shock-jock = poor character writing

                              16Where's Simon at?
                              *see number 5 "token African actor"*

                              17Quadrangle of Doom just for the sake of emo drama
                              *see jumptheshark "they did it"*

                              18Bringing Kara-Starfrak back from the dead without any explanation

                              I don't mock people for watching bsg, I myself was tricked for a while by the smoke screen of 16 or so very good episodes
                              but once you examine the show critically it doesn't stand up

                              Stargate and its franchises might look to be more simple and episodic on the surface
                              but the series had stood the test of time
                              SGA was more original, it didn't steal from Bryan Singer or other producers
                              and its nielsens are doing better than galactica
                              Last edited by X-3-0-2; 21 July 2008, 10:37 AM.


                                Originally posted by Apollo214 View Post
                                I personally think that BSG lacks the imagination that Stargate has. BSGs too afraid to touch on anything new, I mean with the whole visions, and the Cylon God, Its been going on since the first season and we still Know just as much, they are too afraid to progress on any story lines that may colllapse. Stargate can go out there and take the risks with the plot lines, and i thnk they've done great, I like BSG but it doesn't even compete with Stargate.....
                                I think all mysteries will be resolved in the 4.5
                                Stolen Kosovo

