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did the Genii ruse work?

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    did the Genii ruse work?

    in Siege II the Genii said the Wraith had already been there, culled the people on the surface of the planet and left. If the handheld device McKay had could detect the underground facilities wouldn't the sensors onboard a hiveship be able to?
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    Originally posted by Kirath
    in Siege II the Genii said the Wraith had already been there, culled the people on the surface of the planet and left. If the handheld device McKay had could detect the underground facilities wouldn't the sensors onboard a hiveship be able to?
    The Genii had turned off power to their underground complex - when the Atlantis team had gone there the power for the underground complex was still on so McKay was able to detect the facility.

    So by turning off the power to the facility the Wraith could not detect the underground facility.


      Originally posted by TheWarrior
      The Genii had turned off power to their underground complex - when the Atlantis team had gone there the power for the underground complex was still on so McKay was able to detect the facility.

      So by turning off the power to the facility the Wraith could not detect the underground facility.
      Why dont the Atlantis expidition help everyone do that?

      Lantia home of Atlantis, Lost City of the Ancients

      Anyone else going Portsmouth University in the summer?


        Originally posted by Keffler
        Why dont the Atlantis expidition help everyone do that?
        because a whole planet cannot turn all its power off and the wraith would still detect the human life on the surface
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          I mean put a number of them underground, therefore creating future allies and safe places, although now this theory would not work, because Martin Gero told us that blue beam seen in Letters from Pegasus was a life signs detector making sure no one would think that it would be a good hide out from the wraith.

          EDIT: although this contradicts the previous geni ruse.
          Last edited by Keffler; 23 April 2005, 12:19 PM.

          Lantia home of Atlantis, Lost City of the Ancients

          Anyone else going Portsmouth University in the summer?


            atlantis expedition is fighting to survive, i doubt they can help worlds to build entire underground cities. the genii must have been building theirs for donkey's years and that was while most wraith were sleeping. the genii's is also very well shielded so turning power off meant they would be much harder to detect than they already were. Also other planets do not have the time as all the wraith are awake and feeding on worlds, i think at the planet where shep n teyla stopped over to recon the wraith assault fleet they took everyone who didnt escape rather than just a few. I think S2 is going to be a suspense/tension-filled by the seat of your pants ride with far more dramatic battle for survival against the wraith. also it would be cool if we could cloak daedalus, that would help. interesting thing though is that wraith cant detect PJs, the ancients could have safely destroyed many hive ships if they were cloaked at the time suggesting big things like warships couldn't be sufficiently claocked against the wraith i.e. a goa'uld cloak wouldn't be good enough.


              Originally posted by Ganjaman
              atlantis expedition is fighting to survive, i doubt they can help worlds to build entire underground cities. the genii must have been building theirs for donkey's years and that was while most wraith were sleeping. the genii's is also very well shielded so turning power off meant they would be much harder to detect than they already were. Also other planets do not have the time as all the wraith are awake and feeding on worlds, i think at the planet where shep n teyla stopped over to recon the wraith assault fleet they took everyone who didnt escape rather than just a few. I think S2 is going to be a suspense/tension-filled by the seat of your pants ride with far more dramatic battle for survival against the wraith. also it would be cool if we could cloak daedalus, that would help. interesting thing though is that wraith cant detect PJs, the ancients could have safely destroyed many hive ships if they were cloaked at the time suggesting big things like warships couldn't be sufficiently claocked against the wraith i.e. a goa'uld cloak wouldn't be good enough.
              I dont remeber anything big like a ship succesfuly cloaking, except the nox city. i wonder whether the Asgard cloak would work aslong as they didnt actually see you?
              Last edited by Keffler; 24 April 2005, 03:11 AM.

              Lantia home of Atlantis, Lost City of the Ancients

              Anyone else going Portsmouth University in the summer?


                I wonder if there are other advanced races doing a similar hide underground type thing waiting to become advanced enough...might be more advanced than us...just still not strong enough for the wraith...I hope!


                  Originally posted by Spimman
                  I wonder if there are other advanced races doing a similar hide underground type thing waiting to become advanced enough...might be more advanced than us...just still not strong enough for the wraith...I hope!

                  Might be a good question for Martin Gero "Are we going to see any advanced races in the future, perhaps more advanced than us?"

                  Lantia home of Atlantis, Lost City of the Ancients

                  Anyone else going Portsmouth University in the summer?


                    Originally posted by Keffler
                    I dont remeber anything big like a ship succesfuly cloaking, except the nox city. i wonder whether the Asgard cloak would work aslong as they didnt actually see you?
                    Don't forget... Apophis had an entire huge fleet cloaked, during his meeting with Heru-ur. If he could do it... The Ancients could've done it. Perhaps, its sort of like the cloaks on Star Trek. You can't fire weapons while cloaked without giving away your position.

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                      Originally posted by TheWarrior
                      The Genii had turned off power to their underground complex - when the Atlantis team had gone there the power for the underground complex was still on so McKay was able to detect the facility.

                      So by turning off the power to the facility the Wraith could not detect the underground facility.

                      may have been more of a case of not looking. i mean they say their reactors weren't very well shielded, but if the wraith didnt expect them to have anything like that they wudn't have been scanning for it


                        Originally posted by Seastallion
                        Don't forget... Apophis had an entire huge fleet cloaked, during his meeting with Heru-ur. If he could do it... The Ancients could've done it. Perhaps, its sort of like the cloaks on Star Trek. You can't fire weapons while cloaked without giving away your position.

                        Then there was the cloaked Al'kesh in S8. My real question is why couldn't the Ancients have done what Shep suggested - remote control a jumper into a hiveship with a big bomb on board. There are at least 12 jumpers in the bay, and maybe multiple bays in Atlantis, so that'd be a lot of dead hive ships. Turns the war of attrition right around by making it proportionally more expensive for the Wraith.

                        Maybe the simple answer to the main question - "why'd the Genii ruse work?" - is simply that the Genii dug much deeper than the Wraith were expecting.

                        Or maybe the Wraith actually noticed them, but decided to come back after hitting Atlantis, not wanting to waste combat power on a lesser battle before the big show. Or they simply wanted reinforcements, reasoning that the Genii were very numerous, and all had guns (which aren't that low of quality). Then the Genii are screwed mid- to late- Season 2, and we get to decide whether to come help them (by Jumpering a nuke into a hive ship)


                          Originally posted by RalCaladan
                          Then there was the cloaked Al'kesh in S8. My real question is why couldn't the Ancients have done what Shep suggested - remote control a jumper into a hiveship with a big bomb on board. There are at least 12 jumpers in the bay, and maybe multiple bays in Atlantis, so that'd be a lot of dead hive ships. Turns the war of attrition right around by making it proportionally more expensive for the Wraith.
                          That would not win the war for the Ancients, im sure they have better ways of killing the Wraith, like that satelite would have taken out many hive ships if it had constant power. By wasting on PJ for one Hive ship you would quickly run out of puddle jumpers.

                          And losing a few hive ships would not make the war more expensive for the Wraith, with your method you would get rid of around 48 hive ships (working on the assumption that there are 4 bays) when there are 60 in Altantis' quadrant alone.

                          Lantia home of Atlantis, Lost City of the Ancients

                          Anyone else going Portsmouth University in the summer?


                            Presumably though the ancients would have been able to make more puddle jumpers rather than having the finite number we do. They wouldn't have to do exactly what we are doing, just something along similar lines. Since a ZPM can destroy an entire solar system, I'm sure they could have thought up a weapon more devastating that could destroy a wraith assault fleet rather than a single hive ship. Don't forget we are using 1945 level nukes. They wouldn't even need to use a puddle jumper, they could make it missile like, i.e. its much smaller, has its own cloak and propulsion, and position itself and bang. The level of tech superiority they have given the ancients, the numbers of wraith and the ancients not being able to defeat the wraith really doesn't add up. After all that damaged wepaons platform immediately took out an entire hive ship, five of those could deal with a lot. In the defiant one, we see a downed wraith hive ship, they could down it but not destroy it? Even the numbers excuse of being too many wraith, things don't add up. Writers think harder, make it all balance next time.


                              It was a transport ship that was downed not a hive ship, full of food for the besiegers.

                              Lantia home of Atlantis, Lost City of the Ancients

                              Anyone else going Portsmouth University in the summer?

