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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    oh very much so. ok, so daniel and vala have chemistry. got that

    now is she allowed to talk to anyone else on the team????? or should they just get rid of cam and sam and teal'c and landry since tehy might detract from teh wonder that is V/D?????

    Part of the fun of jonas was that we got little moments with him and everyone. we got to see the jonas/sam little brother/big sister thing. the jonas/teal'c alien conspiracy angle. and even the jonas/jack 'i guess he's not that bad' relationship

    as of now, it seems that vala is tied to daniel. both literally and figuratively. and while the two actors involved may like it, it gets pretty dang boring. ok, so daniel trusts her (and has a crush on her) and vala seems intrigued by him. cool.

    now how about those other folks? let's add a little depth please and give the actors something else to chew on
    Exactly. And I really liked that about Jonas. I liked how they showed how his relationships with each of the cast developed, and you got the nice little moments out of it. Don't see that at all with Vala, and I think it needs to be shown. Otherwise, it might end up seeming like the whole D/V part of the show is separate from everything else, maybe a whole little show-within-a-show, and the rest of the team has another part, a part which is supposed to be inferior to the DanielVala show. At least it seems that way whenever we see the usual "D/V paired off, S/C/T somewhere else" formula.


      Since things are going downhill, when will we see another Peter Deluise infamous episode about the Unas? Can't wait.


        V/D? guys-in interests of not confusing us medical peoples-can we do D/V?
        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


          Originally posted by Skydiver

          for years, we were the little humans that could. We struggled adn fought and got ourselves in trouble, then out of it, by the skin of our teeth and our own ingenuity. the cliched 'good old fashioned american know how' (international now with atlantis) and we struggled to make sense of stuff that we had no reference for - aliens not existing of course

          we struggled and tried adn worked and had brain storms...but now???

          we're nothing more than indiana jones on an endless treasure hunt. There's nothing original about us, we're just a thief like vala, we -as in earth - just have a few more morals

          we're not doing anything unique or creative. we're just searching for the magic bullet...and it's something that anyone can do, cause there are no skills needed, just being in the right place at the right time

          we're no different from any other alien race, chasing around the universe, following the clues and robbing graves

          we're no longer the little humans that could, we're just one of a steady stream of 'get rich quick' victims, traipsing around the universe, looking to make a buck (and searching for that super duper deus ex machina that will fix all our woes )
          Couldn't agree more. And to answer Crow T. Robot's original question, I think the shift in the show to the Ancients being our continuing savior occured in the season 6 finale "Full Circle." It was here that the idea of a lost Ancient city with uberweapons was first introduced. After that, the ancient superweapon was the continuing goal and the team ingenuity begain to disappear.


            Originally posted by MacDevil
            Couldn't agree more. And to answer Crow T. Robot's original question, I think the shift in the show to the Ancients being our continuing savior occured in the season 6 finale "Full Circle." It was here that the idea of a lost Ancient city with uberweapons was first introduced. After that, the ancient superweapon was the continuing goal and the team ingenuity begain to disappear.
            Plus, that was the episode when SG-1 got out-thought by Anubis, not because he did anything brilliant but because they suffered an attack of complete suck, a real death knell for SG-1 as the cunning underdog.
            Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
            - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


              Originally posted by david2708
              Since things are going downhill, when will we see another Peter Deluise infamous episode about the Unas? Can't wait.
              Crow goes running away screaming in horror at the mere thought.

              *Grumbles* Why can’t the Ori actually do something good and pure and nuke the Unas? I’d be more than happy to worship them as my Gods if they did. Small price to pay.
              Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                we're no different from any other alien race, chasing around the universe, following the clues and robbing graves
                That’s it in nutshell isn’t it? In our laziness Earth’s become grave robbers.

                How very depressing.
                Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!


                  Oh dear, someone just reminded me that this Friday's ep is penned by AM

                  Methinks I should start preparations early :
                  • Wake up the "Hole-ier than thou" thread
                  • Get my bets in with my mates on
                    • number of plot holes
                    • number of incidences of Hewo Cam
                    • number of characters assassinated OOC etc etc
                  • Remove all heavy objects from viewing area (for the TV's safety)
                  • Remove all sharp instruments from viewing area (for my safety)
                  • Select alcohol beverage of choice and stock up (or maybe I should mix my drinks, that always gets me wasted real quick)
                  • Find suitably large barf bucket
                  • Warn neighbours of possible probable, loud and distinctly unladylike language eminating from my lounge room
                  • light a candle and say a prayer in the hopes that I am mistaken and we actually get a good ep (Oi!!, stop laughing you lot, there is a remote possibility that it could happen - hey, look - there's a pig ..... flying ...... bacwards )

                  Have I left anything out?


                    Originally posted by RealmOfX
                    Oh dear, someone just reminded me that this Friday's ep is penned by AM

                    Methinks I should start preparations early :
                    • Wake up the "Hole-ier than thou" thread
                    • Get my bets in with my mates on
                      • number of plot holes
                      • number of incidences of Hewo Cam
                      • number of characters assassinated OOC etc etc
                    • Remove all heavy objects from viewing area (for the TV's safety)
                    • Remove all sharp instruments from viewing area (for my safety)
                    • Select alcohol beverage of choice and stock up (or maybe I should mix my drinks, that always gets me wasted real quick)
                    • Find suitably large barf bucket
                    • Warn neighbours of possible probable, loud and distinctly unladylike language eminating from my lounge room
                    • light a candle and say a prayer in the hopes that I am mistaken and we actually get a good ep (Oi!!, stop laughing you lot, there is a remote possibility that it could happen - hey, look - there's a pig ..... flying ...... bacwards )

                    Have I left anything out?
                    Yes, make sure you are still sufficiently wasted for the upcoming coments of
                    "Only the best episode EVAR, and NO Cam and Vala didn't ruin the show GRRR!!!!!"

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                      V/D? guys-in interests of not confusing us medical peoples-can we do D/V?
                      I don't know. Seems rather appropriate doesn't it? I mean after all people do have a tendency to try and avoid V/D.


                        I'm still debating whether to watch it. I think I've had my quota of Teac'l torturing. However, I do like RoX's idea of having a beverage (wine in my case), or two, or three, or four, or ......

                        Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


                          it'll be a two wine cooler night i think

                          poor alan, he could be so good, if they'd just get the marty sue out of him
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Sg Gato
                            I'm still debating whether to watch it. I think I've had my quota of Teal'c torturing.
                            Hey, you gotta check out the new AOL vignette. CJ talks about this.


                              Originally posted by JessM
                              As a big MST3K fan myself I would LOVE to see these episodes msted!! Anyone thinking of doing it?
                              I'd love to see it happen - heck, I'd love to do all of season nine myself - but one couldn't really show anyone else over the internet, could they? I mean, copyrighted material and all. Sad, if that's the case. It would be a load of fun.
                              Jewel Staite Thunker | Secondary Women of SGA Thunker
                              Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show and I should really just relax."


                                Originally posted by RealmOfX
                                Oh dear, someone just reminded me that this Friday's ep is penned by AM

                                Methinks I should start preparations early :
                                • Wake up the "Hole-ier than thou" thread
                                • Get my bets in with my mates on
                                  • number of plot holes
                                  • number of incidences of Hewo Cam
                                  • number of characters assassinated OOC etc etc
                                • Remove all heavy objects from viewing area (for the TV's safety)
                                • Remove all sharp instruments from viewing area (for my safety)
                                • Select alcohol beverage of choice and stock up (or maybe I should mix my drinks, that always gets me wasted real quick)
                                • Find suitably large barf bucket
                                • Warn neighbours of possible probable, loud and distinctly unladylike language eminating from my lounge room
                                • light a candle and say a prayer in the hopes that I am mistaken and we actually get a good ep (Oi!!, stop laughing you lot, there is a remote possibility that it could happen - hey, look - there's a pig ..... flying ...... bacwards )

                                Have I left anything out?
                                Just read the GW spoilers for Fridays Ep.

                                But when Teal'c is captured and brutally interrogated by Netan's men, Cameron must think quickly.
                                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.


