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"Dragon Age" franchise discussion/appreciation thread

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    I did. But it was still a pain in the arse to kill it.
    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


      Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
      I did. But it was still a pain in the arse to kill it.
      Well, yeah, it was a pain. I guess it just felt easier 'cause I had the entire party with me...(compared to soloing the Arishok. I think I almost ran out of potions for that one...then again, I didn't really have many pots to begin with: too cheap to buy/craft potions is me )

      Speaking of that fight w/ the Anc.Rock Wraith: another gripe w/ fantasy games (DA:O and DA2 included): When I see a PILE of would be nice if I could scoop it ALL up.


        You can't craft HP and lyrium/stamina potions, right?
        Since I was always running out of those and had to bring Anders everytime for healing. And the shops don't restock very well either.


          Originally posted by blazingfire View Post
          You can't craft HP and lyrium/stamina potions, right?
          Since I was always running out of those and had to bring Anders everytime for healing. And the shops don't restock very well either.
          As someone helpfully mentioned a couple pages back, you can order Elfroot potions from the table in Hawke's house. They work the same way as HP potions. You can also order all sorts of other potions as well, if you've discovered the ingredients required for them.


            My God. That comic. Hilarious.

            My Assassin actually did pretty good with the Arishok duel. It was a lot of Backstab, Assassinate, Tactical Withdrawal, and Stealth, but I managed to come out on top without too much running and screaming.

            The Rock Wraith was the hard one. Bethany, Anders, and Varric... probably not the best idea for this.


              Originally posted by Oranos View Post
              My God. That comic. Hilarious.

              My Assassin actually did pretty good with the Arishok duel. It was a lot of Backstab, Assassinate, Tactical Withdrawal, and Stealth, but I managed to come out on top without too much running and screaming.

              The Rock Wraith was the hard one. Bethany, Anders, and Varric... probably not the best idea for this.
              Well, a rogue vs. the Arishok, particularly a dual-wield spec rogue, would probably be the ideal one to deal w/ the Arishok.
              (which lends to the argument that the game's combat does resemble an MMO's: warrior is either tank or multi-mob DPS, rogue is single-target DPS or ranged control, mage is support or nuker, etc. I mean, something like that could be seen for DA:O, too, but it wasn't as 'rigid' in as far as being like an MMO in terms of roles)

              Hmm. I brought Varric, Merrill and Isabela, if memory serves. The only fight that gave me mutliple deaths in the Deep Roads: the one w/ the big spider (I didn't know you could just go up the stairs and kill it at range... ) and the dragon.


                Originally posted by gotthammer View Post
                Hmm. I brought Varric, Merrill and Isabela, if memory serves. The only fight that gave me mutliple deaths in the Deep Roads: the one w/ the big spider (I didn't know you could just go up the stairs and kill it at range... ) and the dragon.
                I had Anders, Varric and Aveline for the golemn (with me being a support mage). Worked out pretty well, died once because I didn't know its moves, but killed it easily with full party alive the next time.

                With Anders and my mageHawke as support Aveline just became a massive tank as the game went along I probably neglected Varric the most, as it didn't seem to matter if he fell in battle or not, the rest of us could usually finish it off anyway.


                  Zero Punctuation 'review' for Dragon Age II:
                  (warning: language)

                  re: Aveline
                  Hmm. In my first playthrough, since the 2-hander can double as a tank (well, for 'normal' difficulty, anyway), I didn't really have much need for a dedicated tank (the only instance I remember her being useful is for the 2nd Ogre fight, the one that isn't exaggerated anymore).

                  Anders was quite useful w/ Panacea turned on: Him, Varric and Merrill (both utilized as ranged DPS/AoE DOT) were set to 'hold position' and just spammed spells within the relatively safety of Ander's healing AoE, while my 2-hander 'went around', doubling as 'mob control' and 'tank'.
                  Last edited by gotthammer; 30 March 2011, 09:18 AM.


                    Originally posted by gotthammer View Post
                    Zero Punctuation 'review' for Dragon Age II:
                    (warning: language)

                    re: Aveline
                    Hmm. In my first playthrough, since the 2-hander can double as a tank (well, for 'normal' difficulty, anyway), I didn't really have much need for a dedicated tank (the only instance I remember her being useful is for the 2nd Ogre fight, the one that isn't exaggerated anymore).

                    Anders was quite useful w/ Panacea turned on: Him, Varric and Merrill (both utilized as ranged DPS/AoE DOT) were set to 'hold position' and just spammed spells within the relatively safety of Ander's healing AoE, while my 2-hander 'went around', doubling as 'mob control' and 'tank'.
                    Yea it really depends on what class you choose for Hawke I think. Anders is really helpful with all his auras and protective barriers regardless though.

                    If I play through again I would definitely try as a Rogue and try out archery. I collected tons of bows throughout the game and no one was able to equip them.


                      Originally posted by magictrick View Post
                      If I play through again I would definitely try as a Rogue and try out archery. I collected tons of bows throughout the game and no one was able to equip them.
                      Except Sebastian. But I rarely used him, wanted to kill the self righteous guy then and there after hearing a particular banter between him and Fenris.


                        Is anyone else playing Dragon Age Legends? It's not exactly my cup of tea, and I despise facebook, but I'm enough of a completionist that I'm playing it anyway
                        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                          Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                          Is anyone else playing Dragon Age Legends? It's not exactly my cup of tea, and I despise facebook, but I'm enough of a completionist that I'm playing it anyway
                          Hehehe. Sadly ( ?), I've been playing DA:Legends more than DA2 recently. (I did play some DA:O earlier...)
                          What level is your character? (mine's 10, but close to 11)


                            I only check in to Legends about once a day so I'm not quite as far along as that yet. My guy is a mage, lvl 5 so far. And I hate spiders even more in Legends than I do in DAO and DA2!
                            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                              Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                              And I hate spiders even more in Legends than I do in DAO and DA2!
                              Hehehe. Damned spiders spooked me at least once in DA2: falling down from the open skies followed by the thunderous combat music =

                              And yes, they're more annoying in DA:L (have you encountered the venom spitting variety? )


                                Oh god, something else to look forward to

                                The one thing about the game that really bugs the hell out of me frequently attacks give "glancing blows". I understand there's a need for balance so your guy isn't god, but the frequency with which it happens is beyond annoying.
                                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

