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"Dragon Age" franchise discussion/appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by gotthammer View Post

    Bugs: Mostly quest related (example: a rather 'jarring' one where you have the quest resolution dialogue w/ a companion BEFORE even getting the quest).
    I think there's also a memory leak (heh, don't most games? lol) and, after several hours of straight gaming, the 'screen freezes': I can still do stuff, I think, but I can't see it happen...forcing me to close the program via the program manager. I've also had some Crash-to-desktops.
    I've had these problems as well although it has happened in a while. The screen froze several times near the start of the game, seemed to happen during big battles.

    On another note, I'm noticing that pretty much every piece of armour is made for Hawke only. A lot of weapons are the same too. I was expecting more flexibility in this regard.


      Gah. I should've stopped playing hours ago...
      So I decided to start a Mage playthrough (still FemHawke, but custom look)...this time around, I'll be using the save editors and some stuff from DANexus (downloaded the Champ armor set + 'fake' weapon so that I got 'em upon reaching Kirkwall, then tweaked them to 'evolve' in relation to character level. turned on dev console, too).

      Boom. Bodies everywhere.

      re: armor/weapons for Hawke
      Yeah. With the exception of Varric, you can change your companions' weapons and rings/belts/amulets, but only Hawke is really 'customizable'. Sure they get 'upgrades', and 'costume' changes, but that's it.
      Hopefully, IF the updated toolset for DA2 ever comes out, that will be 'fixed'. (people have already started, to some extent, but, for the most part, I think it's mostly replacements of existing stuff).
      Didn't see that on my first playthrough, so I missed out on some of the costume changes.


        Back at it already huh

        I decided to go back to Knights of the Old Republic once I finished DA2
        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


          I'm doing a 2nd playthrough too as a mage that hates mages.


            Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
            What?! I must've completely missed that part
            Yup you can find letters from him in Quentin’s hideout, and if you take the Templar path he straight out comes and says it.


              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post

                In all serious though I loved the story and how well developed it was, including both sides. It would have been all too easy to make the Chantry a bunch of zealots, and the Mages total good guys, or the opposite, the Chantry the defenders from the evil demon consorting mages, instead both sides have their points and their flaws. There are many in the Chantry who are faithful and want to help people, but there are those that are zealots, just as while many mages are a danger, others are not or are simply victims.


                  Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post

                  In all serious though I loved the story and how well developed it was, including both sides. It would have been all too easy to make the Chantry a bunch of zealots, and the Mages total good guys, or the opposite, the Chantry the defenders from the evil demon consorting mages, instead both sides have their points and their flaws. There are many in the Chantry who are faithful and want to help people, but there are those that are zealots, just as while many mages are a danger, others are not or are simply victims.
                  I'd agree with this to. I did side with the mages, my character even was one, but it wasn't easy. It really just ended up coming down to the fact that I thought Meredith, not the Templars at large, had gone too far.

                  That woman was just a little to into her work.

                  Orsino on the other hand seemed a lot more rational so if it was going to come down to one or the other left standing at the end I was definitely backing him.

                  Then he goes and ****s everything up by turning himself into the most hideous abomination in Dragon age history before I even get to fight Meredith.

                  Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
                  Yay more unrelentingly awful hardcore sex scenes like they had in Origins, with the "improved" romance mod. Worth downloading and watching for the hilarity of seeing how unsexy they can make the sex scenes.
                  I had a DAO mod that let you switch the main and player character models for everything from chickens to giant spiders to the ravenous undead and darkspawn.

                  And they stayed that way during the sex scenes...

                  Originally posted by blazingfire View Post
                  So, for those that finished the game... *HUGE SPOILERS AHEAD.*

                  What did you think about Anders blowing up the chantry? Was he a terrorist or a freedom fighter?

                  I saw this coming (not through the spoilers, btw), when he wanted to sneak into the Chantry. At first I thought he was going to poison the Grand Cleric, but then nothing happened next, so I forgot about it. But then when he shot that red beam I was like

                  I decided to spare him,so that he knows what his actions have caused to the world. That would be a far greater punishment than death.

                  It was sad, really. The Anders of Dragon Age 2 is far different from the Anders of Dragon Age: Awakening. He is not even truly human anymore.

                  My Warden would be shocked to see what her old friend has become.
                  I didn't kill him, but told him to "get out" mainly because he lied about the whole thing and basically manipulated me into helping him kill a bunch of innocent people.

                  I have no great love for the chantry as depicted but it's not like all the normal dudes in there pushing brooms and sorting books deserved to get vaporised in a thousand foot column of hellfire because Anders thinks the Templars are dicks to Mages. They are, but thats why I planned to vaporise Meredith in the 1000 foot column of hellfire. The Grand Cleric was basically an ally since I'd helped her clean house earlier. I was expecting her to be the one to legitimize my coup of Meredith's illegal pseudo viscountship once I'd whacked the *****.


                    Originally posted by Ouroboros View Post
                    I'd agree with this to. I did side with the mages, my character even was one, but it wasn't easy. It really just ended up coming down to the fact that I thought Meredith, not the Templars at large, had gone too far.

                    That woman was just a little to into her work.

                    Orsino on the other hand seemed a lot more rational so if it was going to come down to one or the other left standing at the end I was definitely backing him.

                    Then he goes and ****s everything up by turning himself into the most hideous abomination in Dragon age history before I even get to fight Meredith.
                    That was my end-game experience to a T.

                    I was so bloody frustrated with Orsino for doing that. I put my ass on the line to support his guys, and he goes and proves everything that Meredith was saying about the mages
                    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                      Originally posted by Ouroboros View Post
                      I had a DAO mod that let you switch the main and player character models for everything from chickens to giant spiders to the ravenous undead and darkspawn.

                      And they stayed that way during the sex scenes...
                      My f**king eyes. Why did you have to show me that, fetch the brain bleach.

                      Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                      That was my end-game experience to a T.

                      I was so bloody frustrated with Orsino for doing that. I put my ass on the line to support his guys, and he goes and proves everything that Meredith was saying about the mages

                      I think part of the point of the story was you’re often going to find extremists on both sides, and that often the real victims are the rank and file caught in the middle, while the leaders are dicks. Orsino was just as bad as Meredith, he simply hides it better. Quite a Wire esqe message I must say. Indeed the game’s story had many excellent parallels to the real world, eg Israel V Palestine, but it played out in a subtle way, rather than just going “look relevant, aren’t I relevant.”

                      IMO it’s probably one of the best videogame stories. Instead of your typical, kill the big evil monster story, you have this interesting narrative, with concepts such as freedom v security, extremism and zealotry. And I liked the fact that instead of hammering it into you, for example with Anders “TERRORISM IS BAD” it let you make a choice, you could deplore his actions but also accept them. Admittedly I think that if someone actually believes blowing up a church full of innocent people is the best way to bring about political and social change then they’re a terrible person, but as I said it’s nice to have that choice in how you react, rather than being forced to sit there while the game tells you how bad this is.


                        Originally posted by Ouroboros View Post
                        I had a DAO mod that let you switch the main and player character models for everything from chickens to giant spiders to the ravenous undead and darkspawn.

                        And they stayed that way during the sex scenes...
                        Oh god I didn't watch that till M6P's comment just now
                        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                          That was seriously disturbing...


                            My eyes!! They burn!!!!


                              Hmm, it seems Alistair is a little more hesitant about embracing certian other members of the horde

                              Last edited by The Mighty 6 platoon; 21 March 2011, 04:31 PM.


                                Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
                                Hmm, it seems Alistair is a little more hesitant about embracing the “taint” than Ouroboro's warden.

                                That was Alistair in the vid I posted.

                                I can't take credit for making it though.

                                And he's only turning down Brood momma here because his heart already belongs to that darkspawn with the million dollar smile.

