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Mass Effect universe discussion thread

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    Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
    And I am onto the point of no return. Got to:

    Got to Sanctuary. That level just sucked, good to see Horizon again and what an interesting twist but Miranda dying for me kinda ruined it. Though I heard that you can actually save her some how?

    It was fun hitting and fighting both Cerberus and the Reaper's.
    I think you can save her if you continued a romance with her from ME2 (though the ME3 romance scene was pretty disappointing) or if you warned her about Kai Leng when she wanted you to contact her from the Spectre office


      Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
      was hugely important in the Tuchanka missions.

      Kelly was your hot redhead 'secretary' in ME2. The one who would tell you when you had new emails.
      Ah yes Kelly.
      I havent run into her in ME3 either yet.


        I don't remember meeting Kelly in ME3, either (and I'm pretty sure the save I carried over saved the SR-2 crew).
        The vid I saw showing her location in ME3 was also a location I 'sweeped' from time to time (I tried to be real thorough)...oh well.
        I'm trying to do the 'renegade w/ most people from ME2 dead' playthrough now, so I doubt I'll have a chance to meet Kelly this time around (if I do, then that'll be a bug )

        lol @ temporary lockdown of the spoiler section of the BSN earlier. hehehe. le sigh.

        oh well, if no changes/fixes really are forthcoming, I guess I'll just look forward to 'other stuff'. (Raccoon City is coming out shortly, and some movies, like Hunger Games ...that and I can probably cancel my 'Art of ME Universe' and 'ME3 Prima guide' orders, and pay for the rest of the Sharpe books instead )

        @ Digi: re: TW2
        Have you watched vids of the gameplay? IMHO, it's safe to watch the most of, if not the entirety of, the prologue.

        @ Squirrely: re: The 'retake ME3' thingy
        while I do generally agree w/ what they're trying to do ('liked' their FB thingy, anyway), I just don't know if it'll work. that and I dunno if the steam/drive for that kind of effort will last long. *shrugs*


          Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
          I promised someone I'd post this link here you may already have it...but he was so ....

          Ending spoilers....
          upset by the whole ending that he joined this FB page ....

          Yeah he hates FB but for this he goes there to read their daily updates and stuff in the "Retake" movement or whatever.
          That's kind of a neat idea, and really nobody loses when money is being raised for charity.

          But I really take issue with the phrasing of their list of demands. They get much too specific for me to get on board with them. If it was more of a general 'make an ending that actually makes a fraction of sense in the context of the MEverse' statement sure, but I think they're stating their goal wrong if they expect to accomplish anything.
          "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


            Yeah. Some folks are pushing one kind of ending or another (e.g., that 'indoctrination theory' thing), instead of, as you've stated, a more general request for an ending 'with sense'.

            I really do wonder if Bioware will 'give in'.

            On a somewhat more amusing note:
            Looking at the 'casualty board/wall' thingy on Normandy, with the 'renegade from heck' Shepard I have, is quite funny. The board/wall is almost out of room...


              Well, I dunno what to think at that ending...
              Ill start from where I left off

              Well, taking the Cerberus main base out was fun, and I got to kick Kai Langs (think that was his name) arse!
              But then finding out the Citadel was the Catalyst, that was an interesting turn.
              Then the Earth mission...
              Wow, one of my favourite missions out of the whole game, the ending was really building up to an epic ending
              But then....
              Thought Id meet the Illusive Man there...
              But Im sort of disappointed by that ending...
              The three choice ending was ok... I decided to go for the beam in the middle and take away the Reapers and the relays.
              Thought the other two options were abit strange, especially the creating of a new species and evolution one...
              Controlling the Reapers would have to be the 2nd best choice...

              So my theory about the dreams was sort of right...

              The end graphics are absolutely brilliant though, felt like I was watching the conclusion to a fim at some points.

              Which option did everyone else choose to end?
              Well, Id say that was a very good way to end a very good trilogy of games...
              They will keep me interested for awhile, what with multiplayer and the many routes the games can take in replaythroughs.
              Just wish the ending could have just been abit more epic... The first part was, but once you got on
              The Citadel

              it kinda sank alittle.

              Oh well glad to see that I got
              Joker, EDI and Ashley out alive.
              Think I got Garrus and James killed on Earth =(

              Overall, a very good set of games, all 3 make you feel for the characters your playing with, especially ME3.
              Very glad I made the purchases.
              Last edited by Teddybrown; 16 March 2012, 11:01 AM.


                Its funny, watching some videos from ME1, 2 and 3.
                You can definately see how the games graphics have improved...


                  Originally posted by gotthammer View Post
                  Warning: Spoilers section of forum

                  I don't know whether to laugh or...sigh.
                  Ha ha, anyone else get the new pop up thing telling you to stop being mean toward the Bioware staff.

                  Why not just offer everyone that bought ME3 and was disappointed by the ending a free month of SWTOR. You know, to restore their faith in Bioware and all.

                  Granted people are overreacting to a videogame on that site probably, but it's still funny to see them get all defensive and "I ban yooooo" in the face of it. That'll definitely make them look better.

                  Originally posted by Teddybrown View Post
                  Only progressed a little bit today, been trying out the multiplayer side of it.
                  Even though I knew it would happen what with the tone of the game, I was saddened by Mirandas death, even though she got to take her father with her.
                  About to attack the Illusive Mans base, but didnt want to do it yet as I get the feeling that will be near the end of the game, and I didnt think my fleet was ready
                  Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                  I didn't find her that attractive actually.

                  And I am onto the point of no return. Got to:

                  Got to Sanctuary. That level just sucked, good to see Horizon again and what an interesting twist but Miranda dying for me kinda ruined it. Though I heard that you can actually save her some how?

                  It was fun hitting and fighting both Cerberus and the Reaper's.
                  What happened for you guys.
                  In my game she shot her father out a window after I talked (lied) him into letting the sister go and lived. Had no idea she could actually die at that part. Were you not able to talk him into releasing her sister and that's how she died?

                  The whole assault on
                  Sanctuary was the part where it first started to really hit home how BS it was that Miranda and Jack weren't full time party members. It only got worse when the next major objective became the HQ. At that point having those two along for commentary basically writes itself it's so obvious.

                  But hey, at least I had a nice warm bench to sit on when I got back. Thanks Tali.

                  Which option did everyone else choose to end?
                  Well I waited over half a decade to "kill" the reapers and doing that was the option that least seemed to railroad me into becoming space Jesus, so that's the one I took.
                  Last edited by Ouroboros; 16 March 2012, 12:58 PM.


                    Originally posted by Ouroboros View Post
                    Ha ha, anyone else get the new pop up thing telling you to stop being mean toward the Bioware staff.

                    Why not just offer everyone that bought ME3 and was disappointed by the ending a free month of SWTOR. You know, to restore their faith in Bioware and all.

                    Granted people are overreacting to a videogame on that site probably, but it's still funny to see them get all defensive and "I ban yooooo" in the face of it. That'll definitely make them look better.

                    What happened for you guys.
                    In my game she shot her father out a window after I talked (lied) him into letting the sister go and lived. Had no idea she could actually die at that part. Were you not able to talk him into releasing her sister and that's how she died?

                    The whole assault on
                    Sanctuary was the part where it first started to really hit home how BS it was that Miranda and Jack weren't full time party members. It only got worse when the next major objective became the HQ. At that point having those two along for commentary basically writes itself it's so obvious.

                    But hey, at least I had a nice warm bench to sit on when I got back. Thanks Tali.

                    Well I waited over half a decade to "kill" the reapers and doing that was the option that least seemed to railroad me into becoming space Jesus, so that's the one I took
                    You might want to spoiler tag the bolded bit, not everyones finished the game.
                    Regarding Miranda and Jacob
                    I was abit annoyed that they didnt become full companions in ME3, but Jacob had his reasons, and Miranda, I dunno why she didnt join.
                    Regarding Mirandas death, I tried to talk the father out of it then Miranda pushed him out of the window, saving her sister but getting shot in the process

                    Also, just played a muliplayer map, and got stuck at one point... Couldnt get out of the hole...
                    Anyone else encountered any bugs or glitches?
                    Only the one so far for me.

                    EDIT: Wow, just found out that the guy who does Jokers voice is the guy who does Chris Griffins voice from Family Guy.
                    Last edited by Teddybrown; 16 March 2012, 12:09 PM.


                      I don't know how you guys saved her....

                      When I found Miranda, she was already mortally wounded. I talked her father down, he let the sister go, and then Miranda used her last effort to biotic push him out the window
                      "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                        Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                        I don't know how you guys saved her....

                        When I found Miranda, she was already mortally wounded. I talked her father down, he let the sister go, and then Miranda used her last effort to biotic push him out the window
                        I think thats the same as mine, but the father shot her for me, she was already injured though.


                          Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                          I don't know how you guys saved her....

                          When I found Miranda, she was already mortally wounded. I talked her father down, he let the sister go, and then Miranda used her last effort to biotic push him out the window
                          When I found her she just had a minor scratch on her face and was taking cover behind a counter or something. Then once I talked the father down she biotic pushed him out the window and told me she was going to get the scratch on her face fixed. Pretty weird that there's such varied outcomes here, or that I seem to have the best one.

                          I didn't romance Miranda in ME2. I didn't even really like Miranda or talk to her very much in ME2, though she was loyal like everyone else. Maybe it was because I had to pass that huge paragon check to make her loyal again after siding with Jack in their argument?

                          It's possible that it also might be a timed thing like the Grissom academy. If you're late getting there apparently Cerberus actually takes Jack and all the kids. So if you spend too much time dawdling around before going to Sanctuary maybe it makes Miranda die in a similar fashion?

                          Only other thing I can think of that could be a factor is how hilariously I owned Kai Leng when I fought him on Thessia. Before the game cutsceaned him to victory our fight was a 30 second epic of him doing goofy little cartwheels while I fed him Geth shotgun shells.

                          Glad she didn't die though. I really liked her a lot more as a renegade operative in this one than as a Cerberus apologist in the last one.


                            re: Miranda
                            I don't remember how I did it, too (paragon Shep, w/ only a very few renegade options taken), but I did manage to keep Miranda alive.

                            Would've been nice to have been able to have Miranda back as a squad mate, esp. in my current 'renegade from heck' playthrough.


                              Is there a way to save
                              Anderson at the end when its you, him and the Illusive Man?
                              That was the only time i renegaded during the whole game lol and he still died...

                              Also, the two people you choose to take to Earth with you and do the final mission, is there a way to save them or do you select them to die?
                              I chose Garrus and James, shame they had to die...

                              Oh well, I have a weeks break from ME now lol.


                                Originally posted by Teddybrown View Post
                                Is there a way to save
                                Anderson at the end when its you, him and the Illusive Man?
                                That was the only time i renegaded during the whole game lol and he still died...

                                Also, the two people you choose to take to Earth with you and do the final mission, is there a way to save them or do you select them to die?
                                I chose Garrus and James, shame they had to die...

                                Oh well, I have a weeks break from ME now lol.
                                Apparently Anderson can live under certain circumstances. Not sure what they are, but I've read that there's ways to have him live.

                                Regarding your companions, there's no way to know. That's one of the things I find so completely infuriating about the game's ending. Not to mention that the party members you have along can appear in the utterly nonsense inexplicable Normandy cutscene at the end. Apparently certain characters spontaneously manifested the ability to teleport across the universe between the Reaper death ray and the utterly ludicrous starchild sequence.
                                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

