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Mass Effect universe discussion thread

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    I was thinking this while playing yesterday, but forgot to post it.
    This game definately feels more dark than the others and you do feel a moment of despair whenever someone dies...
    You can also tell by some of the cutscenes that Shepards despairing abit.


      Originally posted by Teddybrown View Post
      I was thinking this while playing yesterday, but forgot to post it.
      This game definately feels more dark than the others and you do feel a moment of despair whenever someone dies...
      You can also tell by some of the cutscenes that Shepards despairing abit.
      Not really 'despair' for me. Some level of 'grief', but not really despair per se. I do like the touches w/ them trying to make Shep more 'vulnerable' and whatnot (at times, tho', for me, it felt quite heavy-handed/ if they were 'trying to hard'. Still it was a great effort, IMHO).
      And yeah, I do like how it's darker, both thematically and visually (I love the parts where you can use a torch/tactical light, I just wish you could use it in other parts via a toggle/switch)

      It's a great game, for the most part...I really just didn't like the ending/choices (
      or lack thereof. Kinda like how the choice for ME2 regarding the Collector base was too limited <i.e., 2 choices...would've welcomed another 2 or so choices for that one>


        Yeah the grief factor is definitely ratcheted up in ME3, what with character deaths and all. I'm especially impressed that they managed it in different ways though. Where the
        one was hard to watch and of grim necessity, the
        one was just plain hard because
        there was nothing you could do about it. And that he used his last moments on a prayer for Shepard....*sniff*

        Originally posted by gotthammer View Post
        It's a great game, for the most part...I really just didn't like the ending/choices (
        or lack thereof. Kinda like how the choice for ME2 regarding the Collector base was too limited <i.e., 2 choices...would've welcomed another 2 or so choices for that one>
        Yeah, but at least the ME2 ones
        actually made sense.....
        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


          Yeah, re reading that, grief is a better way of putting it....


            One of the more amusing (though completely unsubstantiated) fan theories regarding the nonsense ending of 3 I've come across is that

            as you neared the Reaper at the Conduit, Shepard became indoctrinated and hallucinated the ending--and that the "be sure to check out dlc!" text after finishing was their way of saying "that's not really the end (it's still coming) but we had to put something there because EA was pissed that we delayed 6 months and wanted it out the door"

            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


              Wow, some hard hitting stuff today.
              Nice to see the Geth back in the 3rd game.
              Finally took down a Reaper with conventional methods! lol.
              But wow, the mission on Thessia...
              Went into it thinking it would be maybe one of the last few levels, but of course, things arent always that easy, as Shepard said...
              This is the lowest Ive seen Shepard so far in the games, first time I felt he was really despairing.
              But glad to see the Cerberus agent again, now I have a grudge against him...
              And I seem to be having an affair in the game, with the reporter and Ashley at the moment...

              Really looking forward to seeing where the game goes next!


                Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                One of the more amusing (though completely unsubstantiated) fan theories regarding the nonsense ending of 3 I've come across is that

                as you neared the Reaper at the Conduit, Shepard became indoctrinated and hallucinated the ending--and that the "be sure to check out dlc!" text after finishing was their way of saying "that's not really the end (it's still coming) but we had to put something there because EA was pissed that we delayed 6 months and wanted it out the door"

                gah...I'm honestly not a fan of the indoctrination theory. Gah. still, it'd be funny if they do say 'well, here's the ending...for X dollars'. Yup. I'd love to see the ****storm from that one.


                  Originally posted by Teddybrown View Post
                  Wow, some hard hitting stuff today.
                  Nice to see the Geth back in the 3rd game.
                  Finally took down a Reaper with conventional methods! lol.
                  But wow, the mission on Thessia...
                  Went into it thinking it would be maybe one of the last few levels, but of course, things arent always that easy, as Shepard said...
                  This is the lowest Ive seen Shepard so far in the games, first time I felt he was really despairing.
                  But glad to see the Cerberus agent again, now I have a grudge against him...
                  And I seem to be having an affair in the game, with the reporter and Ashley at the moment...

                  Really looking forward to seeing where the game goes next!
                  You know I just want to say this is really really terrifying. Someone who started the game virtually when I got ME 3...I mean started the first it now up to the point that I am in my first ME 3 play through....


                    I don't think he's likely getting the full experience
                    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                      Just finished ME3


                      Still not really sure about the ending. I don't think it's as awful as a lot of people do, but it's not at all what I expected. Really didn't expect the last fight of the game to be against 4 Husks and a Marauder.

                      I pretty much knew going into ME3 that Shepard was going to die at the end of the game, and half expected the crew of the Normandy to end up going with her.

                      As for the Mass Relays, I can buy them not destroying the systems they were in since they were destroyed by their creators, who had to know a lot more about them than everyone in this cycle does.

                      Probably my biggest complaint about the game is how almost all the ME2 squadmates were pushed into the background in this game. I can sort of understand, but I found all of them except Jacob a lot more interesting than Liara.


                        Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                        I don't think he's likely getting the full experience
                        I dunno lol, Im doing most of the side story stuff, but I suppose I am probably missing some stuff out.
                        After the first playthroughs, you kinda realise you did miss stuff, and Im going to do a full playthrough of all 3 looking into them in more detail.
                        Im also going to try a playthrough getting renegade up instead of reputation to see what happens, Im going for all the good options.

                        And + I am playing the games alot at the moment lol.
                        Funny, I hadnt heard of these games a week and a bit ago, bought the first 2 on a limb because they looked good lol.
                        So glad I did!


                          Started a new playthrough, hopefully one that will match the ending/s more properly:
                          I downloaded (and tweaked) a save that starts off ME3 as follows:

                          - all but 2 of ME2's companions (and most of SR-2's crew) are DEAD
                          - no Romance whatsoever
                          - mostly/entirely Renegade (dead Rachni, dead council, I did destroy the Collector base for a change, etc.)
                          ...will probably lead to a mostly nihilistic outlook kind of playthrough, I suppose, but perhaps apt considering the endings

                          edit: Just saw this image, found it funny:


                            Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                            Another *facepalms* moment from the endgame cutscenes:
                            Even if you pick the 'destroy all synthetics' ending option, EDI is one of the crew members that climbs out of the crashed Normandy on Pandora bit.

                            My favorite part was
                            when I brought Garrus and Liara with me on the final attack against the reaper beam and then Garrus and Liara both got out of the ship unharmed on Pandora.

                            This is seriously the worst ending I think I've ever experienced in the history of a franchise. Not so much because it's bad in its own right, but because everything that led up to it was so good that it was the equivalent of your best friend just suddenly and inexplicably shotgunning you in the groin in the middle of the best party in the universe.

                            I had an effective military strength of over 5300 when I went into the last mission chain and this was the best the game could give me.

                            I didn't die, and neither did my romance option Jack. Wait her name was Jack right. It's hard to remember with her being in the game for 10 minutes and all, and with the game showing me Liara instead in my character's scene where he remembers everyone important to him. It'll be nice for my Shepard to have someone on Earth to look forward to the inevitable Krogan apocalypse with though. They can both get together with Zaeed at Aria's new bar "blasted hellscape full of murderous turtle people" and drink themselves to death while the world they "saved" dies an infinitely more slow and horrific death all around them.

                            Can't wait to play ME4!

                            GG Bioware, and hey, thanks for forcing me to bring Tali along again, who cares if it makes no sense what so ever right. Characters that have sensible reasons to rejoin my crew like Grunt, Jack, Miranda, Samara, Jacob and Zaeed can just get lost. Admiral Tali Zora Vas Normandy needs to abandon the people she's apparently now leading during the most significant events since their exile so she can warm that spot on my bench.

                            At least Garrus and Liara will probably be happy though. With their newly discovered ability to spontaneously teleport over vast, possibly interstellar, distances, the loss of the entire mass rely network shouldn't hit them nearly as hard as it does everyone else.


                              Originally posted by gotthammer View Post
                              Started a new playthrough, hopefully one that will match the ending/s more properly:
                              I downloaded (and tweaked) a save that starts off ME3 as follows:

                              - all but 2 of ME2's companions (and most of SR-2's crew) are DEAD
                              - no Romance whatsoever
                              - mostly/entirely Renegade (dead Rachni, dead council, I did destroy the Collector base for a change, etc.)
                              ...will probably lead to a mostly nihilistic outlook kind of playthrough, I suppose, but perhaps apt considering the endings

                              edit: Just saw this image, found it funny:
                              Reminds me a bit of my "Sam Carter" playthrough where my Shepard romanced Kaiden and Jacob in 1 and 2, then I got both of them killed.


                                I had over 7,000 effective military strength and 100% readiness...yeah. Worst ending, ever (considering the 'effort' and the fact that it is the conclusion/finale of the series)

                                *goes back to BSN to nudge people toward The Witcher 2 and the upcoming FREE Enhanced Edition update*

