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Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Discussion/Appreciation Anyone..??

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    Started re-reading "The Hobbit". (As it is Hobbit day.)
    Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


      Finished reading "Citizen of the Galaxy".

      Now reading "Starship Troopers" by Rober Heinlein.


        Just bought "The Aeronaut's Windlass" by Jim Butcher.

        First in "The Cinder Spires" series of Steampunk fantasy novels from the author who brought us "The Dresden Files".

        And by Jove, it's quite a hefty tome, weighing in at 630 pages.
        Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
        To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

        Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
        And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


          Just finished the second book in the Task Force OMBRA series by Weston Ochse, Grunt Traitor.


            Are there any readers out there. I love a good SciFi novel. Here's 10 of my favourite

            1. Day of the Triffids
            2. Earth Abides
            3. Mote in God's Eye
            4. Doomsday Book
            6. Helliconia trilogy
            7. Red Mars Trilogy
            8. Foundation trilogy
            9. Rendezvous with Rama
            10. Last and First Men

            Mind you I think H.G. Wells' and Jules Verne's novels and short stories are of a class of their own. And I think I should have had Dune in there somehow.

            So what do you think. What are your favourites or are they the same as mine?

            Last edited by bearfax; 01 October 2015, 08:30 AM.


              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                Oops. Thanks Jelgate. I couldnt find anything on books and assumed there hadnt been anything going for a long time. My fauz pas. Whoever runs this show can move it elsewhere if they like. I'll close off now on this topic. Again thanks Jelgate so I wont make a complete fool of myself.


                  Finished reading "Starship Troopers" by Heinlein.

                  Also finished re-reading "Spellsinger" by Alan Dean Foster.

                  Next up is probably book 2 of Spellsinger "The hour of the Gate".


                    Currently reading "The Schizoid Earth" by David A. McIntee.

                    Book two of "The HAVOC Files", a series of Doctor Who spin-off novels featuring Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart and filling in some of the back story of the character between his initial meeting with the Doctor in "The Web of Fear", the creation of UNIT and their second encounter in "The Invasion".
                    Last edited by BruTak; 01 October 2015, 04:25 AM.
                    Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                    To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                    Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                    And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                      Yeh letting me know about this thread now BruTac and Wyrminarrd. Could have done it before I made a dick head of myself. Interesting reviews though.


                        Well, this thread was on the front page

                        I saw the other thread you made and I´m not sure that I could actually put the books in order and that I would say the same 10 books on two different days but here are my 10 favorites in no particular order )

                        "Nights dawn trilogy" by Peter F. Hamilton
                        "A deepness in the sky" by Vernor Vinge
                        "Kiln people" by David Brin
                        "Culture series of books " by Ian M. Banks
                        "The Polity books" by Neal Asher
                        "Commonwealth and Void books" by Peter F. Hamilton
                        "Fire upon the deep" by Vernor Vinge
                        "A call to arms" by Alan Dean Foster
                        "Pushing Ice" by Alastair Reynolds
                        "Foundation series" by Asimov


                          The only one on your list I'm not familiar with is the Red Earth Trilogy. Who is that by?

                          All the others are very good choices, although for Stapledon I thing Star Maker is his best.


                            Me being a dick head again ecgordon. I meant Red Mars series Robinson's fine trilogy. Another fine trilogy was Harrison's West of Eden series

                            I havent read Star Maker through yet, though I have it. I like Last and First Men because there are so many concepts in it that have been 'borrowed' by other authors. He rambled on a lot philosophising which put me off a biy the first two attempts I had reading the book, but gosh when I got into it and past that rambling, some of his ideas were wonderful to imagine regarding the rise and fall of the various forms of humanity. He could have written dozens of great stories based on many of those concepts.
                            Last edited by bearfax; 01 October 2015, 08:32 AM.


                              I'm obviously blind as well Wyrminarrd. You are obviously fairly young because many of those books are much more recent than the ones i love and frankly I havent read some of them. Have you tried any of Scarrow's time travel books? Some clever time manipulation.


                                Never heard of Scarrows time travel books, think I would need a bit more information to look them up.

                                I like both old and new sci-fi books and have recently been trying to read books in the "SF masterworks" series. I tend however to find that while older works often have very interesting ideas, they suffer when it comes to having interesting characters.

