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Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Discussion/Appreciation Anyone..??

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    Have read several fantasy books recently. Small Favor by Jim Butcher, excellent as always. Also read Tangled Webs by Anne Bishop, i am so happy there will be several more books set in the Black Jewels world.

    I Also read Snake Agent by Liz Williams urban fantasy set in the future and Keeping it Real by Justina Robson a scifi/fantasy novel. I really enjoyed them both.


      Pandoras Star, Judas Unchained, and The Dreaming Void are all great Sci-Fi Fantasy books, they're realy fantasy books in a sort of cyberpunk setting, there are even elves!!
      I have been using this username since 1998, it has no connection to "The Last Airbender", or James Cameron's movie.
      - "Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson, they will in fact calm up!"
      - "I hope you like Guinness Sir, I find it a refreshing alternative to... food"
      - "I'm Beginning to regret staying up late to watch "Deuce Bigalow: European Gigalo" last night... Check that, i regretted it almost immediately"


        Do comic books count? I picked up issue #2 of GRRM's Wild Cards comic today. It was pretty good, but I rather enjoy that universe. Next I think I'll work my way through Ultimates series 1 and 2, before picking up the serials of series 3.

        I also picked up The Sword of Shannara (or however the heck you spell it), because I've not yet read that. There may have to be brain cleansing with ASoIaF afterwards.
        Words to live by: "When in doubt, shoot at the guy yelling 'Kree!'."

        Let's try this again: Spoiler-free 'til Season 4.5.

        EJO on the blooper reel: "I hope you like it... or I'll SQUASH YOUR NUTS."



          I looked up The Farsala Trilogy and the Song of Eirren series the other day, and I really want to read both now

          Oh, and I recently finished Something Wicked This Way Comes (finally)! It was AWESOME. They need to do a remake of the movie...with Tim Burton directing
          Sig by ME!!!


            Originally posted by Lady Snow View Post
            Do comic books count? I picked up issue #2 of GRRM's Wild Cards comic today. It was pretty good, but I rather enjoy that universe. Next I think I'll work my way through Ultimates series 1 and 2, before picking up the serials of series 3.
            If they don't, they should! SqueeG-1 turned me on to Fables which is quite good (and is at my local library ). I also like Castle Waiting and various X-titles....

            I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

            Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:


              Any one have thoughts one Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time? The first few books were really good, and I like the story, but it's gotten slow. I'm on book 8, and I only want to finish it to see what happens.

              I really want to move on from these books, because I want to reread Luck in the Shadows before the new Nightrunner book comes out. But with my class starting soon, I don't think I'll have time to reread Lynn Flewelling's books.

              lj here if you're interested.


                Originally posted by gatehorse View Post
                Any one have thoughts one Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time? The first few books were really good, and I like the story, but it's gotten slow. I'm on book 8, and I only want to finish it to see what happens.
                I've got the first two queued up to read but I haven't started them yet. Well, actually, I read the prologue and couple pages more of the first but I ended up nodding off and can't remember it aside from a tower of dead bodies or something. I really was very tired though, so I wouldn't take that as reflection on the books.


                  Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                  I've got the first two queued up to read but I haven't started them yet. Well, actually, I read the prologue and couple pages more of the first but I ended up nodding off and can't remember it aside from a tower of dead bodies or something. I really was very tired though, so I wouldn't take that as reflection on the books.
                  I wouldn't, if I hadn't read them yet. I devoured the first book, and made it pretty quickly through the next two. But it just started getting looooooong after that....I guess you'll have to read it to see.

                  lj here if you're interested.


                    Originally posted by gatehorse View Post
                    Any one have thoughts one Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time? The first few books were really good, and I like the story, but it's gotten slow. I'm on book 8, and I only want to finish it to see what happens.
                    Yeah. My thought: best thing I've ever read. But I'm sure most of you knew that already. I've already partially addressed the whole 'slow' thing as many countless other WoT fans have done before me. So I won't be going into that today folks, sorry.

                    Originally posted by gatehorse
                    I wouldn't, if I hadn't read them yet. I devoured the first book, and made it pretty quickly through the next two. But it just started getting looooooong after that....I guess you'll have to read it to see.
                    Well of course it gets long, there's only 13 books in the series.

                    It makes trying to remember the name of every character, place, and other unworldly being that much more fun, though.


                      Originally posted by gatehorse View Post
                      Any one have thoughts one Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time? The first few books were really good, and I like the story, but it's gotten slow. I'm on book 8, and I only want to finish it to see what happens.
                      I gave up after book 5 or 6. I thought there was way too much filler, not enough plot movement, and no end in sight. Reading the Amazon reviews of the recent books makes me think that not much has changed.

                      Robert Jordan died recently, so I don't know the likelihood of someone else finishing the series. I did heard that he left notes.


                        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post

                        Robert Jordan died recently, so I don't know the likelihood of someone else finishing the series. I did heard that he left notes.
                        Brandon Sanderson (my second favorite author) has already started work on "A Memory of Light," and has predicted a release in 2009. So it will be finished, based upon Jordan's notes, and the information that he related to his wife/editor.

                        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                        I gave up after book 5 or 6. I thought there was way too much filler, not enough plot movement, and no end in sight. Reading the Amazon reviews of the recent books makes me think that not much has changed.
                        I agree for the most part on the two most recent books, "Crossroads of Twilight", and "Knife of Dreams." Based upon evidence/speculation/clues, most everything else will be playing an important role/will have played an important role, even the little things. You just need to keep an eye open, or you miss these things.


                          Originally posted by Oranos View Post
                          Brandon Sanderson (my second favorite author) has already started work on "A Memory of Light," and has predicted a release in 2009. So it will be finished, based upon Jordan's notes, and the information that he related to his wife/editor.
                          I had heard that they found someone else to write the last book. While I will read it (like I said, the story is good and I want to know what happens), unfortunately, I won't have the time or interest to reread the first 11 books so that everything is fresh in my mind. That is what I normally do for books such as Harry Potter, which I can reread every year and not get tired of them.

                          lj here if you're interested.


                            Originally posted by Oranos View Post
                            Yeah. My thought: best thing I've ever read. But I'm sure most of you knew that already. I've already partially addressed the whole 'slow' thing as many countless other WoT fans have done before me. So I won't be going into that today folks, sorry.

                            Well of course it gets long, there's only 13 books in the series.
                            By "long", I meant "slow"
                            It makes trying to remember the name of every character, place, and other unworldly being that much more fun, though.
                            This kind of bothers me, as does the fact that I want to MOVE ON to another book. But if I do that, I'll remember even less of what happened in the first few books, and that would bother me even more if I then came back to the series.

                            lj here if you're interested.


                              Originally posted by gatehorse View Post
                              I had heard that they found someone else to write the last book. While I will read it (like I said, the story is good and I want to know what happens), unfortunately, I won't have the time or interest to reread the first 11 books so that everything is fresh in my mind. That is what I normally do for books such as Harry Potter, which I can reread every year and not get tired of them.
                              At first, I had agreed with this position, but I rethought things. WoT is quite a good series, and it is an amazingly deep and complex world. Parts of the series get tedious, but when it picks up, it does so with a massive bang. When the last book comes out in hardcover, I'll start rereading the others so that by the time it comes out in paperback, I might actually be able to remember what the heck's gone on. It's far too difficult, as I discovered with the last book, to pick it up off the shelf and give it a go.

                              I can only reread Harry Potter every now and then. The epilogue killed a fair bit of my enjoyment of the series, sad to say. I read LotR once a year, from The Hobbit through The Silmarillion, and I try to read ASoIaF once a year.
                              Words to live by: "When in doubt, shoot at the guy yelling 'Kree!'."

                              Let's try this again: Spoiler-free 'til Season 4.5.

                              EJO on the blooper reel: "I hope you like it... or I'll SQUASH YOUR NUTS."



                                Originally posted by Lady Snow View Post
                                At first, I had agreed with this position, but I rethought things. WoT is quite a good series, and it is an amazingly deep and complex world. Parts of the series get tedious, but when it picks up, it does so with a massive bang. When the last book comes out in hardcover, I'll start rereading the others so that by the time it comes out in paperback, I might actually be able to remember what the heck's gone on. It's far too difficult, as I discovered with the last book, to pick it up off the shelf and give it a go.

                                I can only reread Harry Potter every now and then. The epilogue killed a fair bit of my enjoyment of the series, sad to say. I read LotR once a year, from The Hobbit through The Silmarillion, and I try to read ASoIaF once a year.
                                Ahhh.....I remember the days when I'd read each Harry Potter book two or three.....or once even four times a year.

                                Funny how when you're a kid you re-read the same books over and over and over.....I rarely re-read anything now unless it's an absolute favourite since I realized that there's just so much to read! I've probably got the titles of nearly two hundred books scattered around on post-its notes and other scraps of paper, that I want to read, but I'll probably never get to most of them.....

