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Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Discussion/Appreciation Anyone..??

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    Finished reading "The thousandfold thought" by R. Scott Bakker. This was the third book in the "Prince of nothing" trilogy and it managed to keep me reading long into the night Great book, will definitely get the next series set in that world.

    Next up is "Echo" by Jack McDevitt. This is the newest "Alex Benedict" book and will hopefully be as good as the other books about the character.


      Originally posted by Wyrminarrd View Post
      Finished reading "The thousandfold thought" by R. Scott Bakker. This was the third book in the "Prince of nothing" trilogy and it managed to keep me reading long into the night Great book, will definitely get the next series set in that world.
      Good to know, I started The Darkness That Comes Before once, and struggled so gave it up. I'll try to persevere at some point.
      The Name of the Wind has clicked with me in a big way, I'm loving it. I pretty much spent yesterday reading it instead of doing work...
      Private guitar tuition | Return To Grace - rock/pop party band


        Originally posted by LeftHandedGuitarist View Post
        Good to know, I started The Darkness That Comes Before once, and struggled so gave it up. I'll try to persevere at some point.
        The Name of the Wind has clicked with me in a big way, I'm loving it. I pretty much spent yesterday reading it instead of doing work...
        Definitely give it another try. The first 100-150 pages of the series are a bit slow but once you get passed that it is great


          I just got my issues of Battlestar Galactica The War of the Gods novelezation.

          Woo Hoo!
          fresh off the Shelves 30 years ago...ahh new book smell.
          I like Sharky


            The Wit & Wisdom of Discworld as compiled by Stephen Briggs.

            I'm also reading The Lost Fleet : Dauntless by Jack Campbell
            "What do you mean by 'Oopps'?"
            Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps...
            Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...!
            Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six!
            I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellent I also cook...!
            To thy own self... Be true
            May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!


              Finished reading "Echo" by Jack McDevitt. Good book and well worth reading if your a fan of his "Alex Benedict" series.

              Not sure what I'm reading next, I have a lot of options but will almost certainly pick a fantasy book (I like to switch between sci-fi and fantasy when possible).


                I just started reading The Last Stormlord by Glenda Larke.


                  Decent fantasy book. I was impressed with the magic system and pacing, but not much else. Almost nothing happens it, and the tone was very depressing and dreary.


                    You read that correctly, a BOOK! Lol
                    For me, it's 'Star trek, captains blood'


                      A few months ago, someone recommended author Iain M. Banks to me; specifically a book called Matter. For various reasons, I didn't follow up on that recommendation just then, although I recall having looked up a review of the book at the time and noting that it did seem appealing. I mentally filed it away on my "one of these days" reading list (which is LOOOONNNGGG) and went on about my business.

                      The other day, I was in my local Half Price Books looking for something else entirely, and happened to knock a book off a shelf. It was Banks' Look To Windward, another entry in his series called "The Culture", of which Matter is also a part. This reminded me of that recommendation and the interest I'd had in reading Banks' work, so I bought it and plan to begin reading it tonight. I also went onto the Abebooks website and found a used copy of Matter for about $4 including shipping, so now I'm waiting for that to arrive. We'll see if these books live up to the reviews I've read and the recommendation I was given.

                      (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
                      Sum, ergo scribo...

                      My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
                      now also appearing on DeviantArt
                      Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


                        Working my way through the SG novels found on iTunes.


                          I'm currently, slowly, working my way through Stranger in a Strange Land, by Heinlein, and it's really good. It's beautifully written and (so far) a gripping story. I'd recommend it. I'm also working on Dune, but that's been haphazard. I just finished I Sing the Body Electric, by Ray Bradbury, which was excellent as his stuff always is, and am reading Celui qui Attend, also by Bradbury. I think that's it?

                          Oh, no, I'm also reading Children of the Mind, by Orson Scott Card. It's the last book in the Ender Quartet, which is one of the best series I've ever read, IMHO. I'm also trying to get through Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

                          That's gotta be it. I read a lot, lol. Unfortunately, I don't get as much time to read as my ambitions would allow....
                          Sig and avi by yamiinsane


                            I am currently reading The Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell.
                            Book 4 : Valiant with 2 books left in the series to read.

                            I admit I'm a big fan of military Sci-Fi.
                            "What do you mean by 'Oopps'?"
                            Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps...
                            Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...!
                            Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six!
                            I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellent I also cook...!
                            To thy own self... Be true
                            May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!


                              I read " Kane of old Mars " of Michael Moorcock. It is of the fantasy with elements of science fiction, it is strange but really nice ^^
                              by AresLover452 ^^


                                Moorcock wrote some interesting stuff, that's for sure.

                                (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
                                Sum, ergo scribo...

                                My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
                                now also appearing on DeviantArt
                                Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.

