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Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Discussion/Appreciation Anyone..??

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    Originally posted by Care View Post
    I was kind of let down by The Name of the Wind. Maybe because I had big hopes for it based on reviews.
    You know, you're the first person I know to say this. I'd be interested to get your thoughts on what exactly "turned you off" to TNotW.


      The name of the wind was a fantastic book but the wait for the next one has been way to long, there really should be day fines leveled against authors who don't complete series within a reasonable time frame


        Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
        One of the reasons I bought The name of the Wind was because of all the good reviews it got on amazon.

        That Nightshade book sounds interesting; witches and wolves are my favorites. Does it take place on modern day earth though? I'm usually not a fan of books where vampires, witches, werewolves are trapsing about local cities; I really hated the Anita Blake books and those Charlaine Harris books that True Blood is based on. There a few of those types of books that I like I guess, but they're usually the ones that heavily tie into the past.
        I didn't like those two series either, but I do love a lot of other Urban Fantasy like The Kate Daniels series or the Night Huntress books. This book is technically YA, and I don't really know for sure, but I am pretty sure it takes place here and now. They live up in the mountains and are pretty remote, so there isn't much talk about the outside world.There is a big link to history as there is a lot of digging around to find out what is really going on. The story is about a girl and boy that were both born alphas to separate packs and their 'Keepers' arranged their mating to form a new pack. Then we are introduced to a human that for some mysterious reason, is being protected by the Keepers, which is unheard of. So far it looks like a prophesy might be involved, and it is one of those books where you don't really know what is going on or who the good/bad guys are. I am about halfway through, but it is pretty good so far.


          Originally posted by Oranos View Post
          You know, you're the first person I know to say this. I'd be interested to get your thoughts on what exactly "turned you off" to TNotW.
          I guess I was expecting more excitement and action. I liked the book so I didn't hate it, but I would rate it about 3 stars out of 5 so it wasn't amazing, IMO. I think I just had the wrong idea about it going into it.


            Originally posted by Wyrminarrd View Post
            The name of the wind was a fantastic book but the wait for the next one has been way to long, there really should be day fines leveled against authors who don't complete series within a reasonable time frame
            Orson Scott Card nearly did me in with the sequel to Xenocide. It took him five years to write the sequel, and he wrote a-whole-nother series in the meantime. Grrrrr! I wouldn't have cared nearly as much if I didn't love the series and had it not ended on a cliffhanger.

            In memory of Deejay.
            May we all be so well loved.


              Frankenstein. An oldy but a goody. Extremely influential and is interesting to study on so many different levels.


                I'm currently reading Air by Geoff Ryman because he's doing a Q&A in my class on Mon. Next week I'm reading Xenogenesis (Adulthood Rites) by Octavia Butler.


                  Finished reading "In Enemy Hands" bu David Weber, good read but again he's entirely to fond of hyping up the main character.

                  Haven't decided what to read next, it's a choice between the next Honor Harrington novel, a old Larry Niven novel or a old Andre Norton novel.


                    I really like Andre Norton; especially her Witch World books and I liked Brother to Shadows and the Moonsinger books; and I loved The Hands of Lyr for some reason.


                      Started the third book of A Song of Fire And Ice "A Storm of Swords" last week. Fascinating read so far. I really like GRRM's way of storytelling and the characters the interesting characters he created.
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                        Originally posted by shipper hannah View Post
                        Frankenstein. An oldy but a goody. Extremely influential and is interesting to study on so many different levels.
                        I'm reading that in school right now!!
                        I should probably go read, I have a test Thursday.....

                        Graceling by Kristin Cashore is a true gem. Fantasy and adventure combined with deeper thought and self-discovery. Yay!

                        EDIT: I finished Frankenstein Wednesday and throughly enjoyed it. Though why we're doing it in English IV vs English I is beyond me, as it seems to be a "Freshman" book vs a "Senior" book.
                        Last edited by AlbinoMonkeyC; 04 December 2010, 09:33 AM.
                        Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                          I ended up reading the Larry Niven book "The long ARM of Gil Hamilton" which is actually three sci-fi detective stories featuring the same character. The stories are pretty good though as always when reading old sci-fi I can't help chuckle at the science bits the writer got wrong

                          I've now started reading "Echoes of Honor" by David Weber.


                            Reading Tad Williams' Shadowrise (Was supposed to be the final book in his Shadowmarch series) at the moment. Could've had a heads up about it being split into 2 books though. Gotta get Shadowheart now.

                            But thats cool because the first 2, Shadowmarch and Shadowplay were great and im enjoying Shadowrise


                              Tried reading Rama II but so far I'm just not getting into this book. The first Rama was great and I was really hoping that the sequel would live up to it but so far the characters have all been annoying and completely eclipsing the alien spaceship.

                              I've therefore switched over to reading "Dread Companion" by Andre Norton.
                              Last edited by Wyrminarrd; 09 December 2010, 01:47 PM.


                                Whats the second one about?

                                Loved the first. Some women, should never be allowed in space Ha Ha!

