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X-Files Discussion and Appreciation Thread

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    I say what's happening here. First Sat goes off for a bit and now Sis. Hey Tracey you still here?

    Anyway looks like you guys thought the show idea was okay. In that case I think that was five minutes well spent. It took me longer to put it down then it did to come up with the ideas. As for the thought Sis had about lights going off and stuff I can see that in the teaser.

    First thing the viewer sees is a well lit building where all the evil telemarketers are making phones calls from at night. Cut to shots of houses where the phones are ringing and then one can hear the telemarketers voice, but suddenly the voices of the evil telemarketers stop in mid sentence and cutting back to the well lit building we see the lights are still on but we can't see anybody there. Headsets are on the ground or tables or something, coffee cups are on the ground and so on and so forth. Here we can insert the show title and characters names and stuff. I can't remember what you call that, like in XF where they showed Gillian and David's names.

    By the way Tracey I can't remember if I thanked you for the other F1 pics, so I will say thank you just to be on the safe side

    Right then will post later.



      Originally posted by frootloopisi
      I say what's happening here. First Sat goes off for a bit and now Sis. Hey Tracey you still here?

      Anyway looks like you guys thought the show idea was okay. In that case I think that was five minutes well spent. It took me longer to put it down then it did to come up with the ideas. As for the thought Sis had about lights going off and stuff I can see that in the teaser.

      First thing the viewer sees is a well lit building where all the evil telemarketers are making phones calls from at night. Cut to shots of houses where the phones are ringing and then one can hear the telemarketers voice, but suddenly the voices of the evil telemarketers stop in mid sentence and cutting back to the well lit building we see the lights are still on but we can't see anybody there. Headsets are on the ground or tables or something, coffee cups are on the ground and so on and so forth. Here we can insert the show title and characters names and stuff. I can't remember what you call that, like in XF where they showed Gillian and David's names.

      By the way Tracey I can't remember if I thanked you for the other F1 pics, so I will say thank you just to be on the safe side

      Right then will post later.

      I am still here. Because everyone has gone (minus you and me of course ) I haven't been on here as much as I usually am. Plus RL is getting hectic at the moment (which is why I haven't replied to Sis' post or mail yet...although I will soon ) but it always comes when you least expect it to.

      Well I hope Sis and Sat are having a good time, I imagine it is quite wet down south at the moment. I am in Central England and I got caught in a bad down pour and thunderstorm so god knows what it is like for them.

      Well it all sounds good to me. You have such a good imagination for things like this. I really think it would get some viewers, it sounds like a promising tv show. And to think, this all started from a little conversation Sis and I had about telemarketers calling up all the time.
      Oh and I think the word you are looking for is the credits (although isn't that what they call the end bit?)...well either that or the opening title?

      I think you did thank me in an email you sent me (which I did reply back to, you must not have gotten it) and you are very much welcome.

      Anyhoo I think I have rambled on enough...

      Until the next post (well after I reply to Sis' one).


      By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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        Hi Folks, sorry to butt in on your thread, but just wanted to let you know about the meetup we've got this Saturday (details below). There's also a thread on this in the Off Topic folder.


          Originally posted by GateGipsy
          Hi Folks, sorry to butt in on your thread, but just wanted to let you know about the meetup we've got this Saturday (details below). There's also a thread on this in the Off Topic folder.
          Hey Gipsy,

          Don’t say sorry, butt in here all you like. Yeah I think I have seen the thread around about the meet up. I would so love to come and meet you all but I doubt I can make it down to London on Saturday (might have to work) . Maybe they'll be another meet up that I can come to one day.


          By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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            Ok so I have finally gotten around to replying to this post (still not the email, I am so behind).....

            Originally posted by thelittlesis
            I think AOL's being a bit screwy today, i've just had to sign off & back on again to actually get to a website, any website! But it's now being good so hopefully it'll stay like that!
            Oh & just to reply to your other post..... 'british people in good public transport shock'! Hehe, something must have gone wrong that particular day. And ok, you didn't have to be dragged(I doubt I could manage it in that heat anyway!)
            Ok so this must have been a while ago but anyway, blueyonder has been really good this week (well from the few hours that I have been on all this week)...although now I have said that I guess I may have cursed it.
            LOL although I have read in the paper today that the rail system may get worse within the next few months (I guess there are no shocks there).
            Nope I didn't. And you know, I really feel like watching Before Sunset again... it is just a movie that does make you smile and cheer you up.

            Originally posted by thelittlesis
            Yeah it was supposed to start last saturday but it couldn't 'cos of the flood damage, so i'm guessing they'll have things sorted out in time. I really hate Next sales, all those people pushing you out of the way, and what kind of crazy person gets up at 5am just to rummage round a shop in search of a bargain anyway? I like my sleep too much for that!
            I think the mini heatwave started on wednesday! Thank god for that ice cream!
            Erm well when you are back you can tell me if it got flooded again 'cos the rain we have had over the past couple of days has been bad. Like I said to Loopy, I got caught in a down pour (had no coat) and was totally drenched! And today in the paper again (I do like to look in the paper ) there were pictures of really bad floods in Oxford-Oxon (is that where Sat lives?). That’s a British summer for you.
            Oh Next sales are very crazy, I have seen so many people up in Brum with Next sales bags (and a lot of Monsoon sales bags btw )...I imagine it is mayhem in the ones we have. I know, I would never be up at that time just to be ready for a sale.

            Originally posted by thelittlesis
            It wasn't as cold as it usually is in the odeon though...I think they set theirs to 'freeze'. That's why I took my thicker cardi, but I really didn't need it!
            *giggles* Would she have loved it if it hadn't have had Tobey Maguire in though?
            Me too! Sometimes I have a dream where i'm back at school(although being a dream of mine it usually has some weird twist to it), makes me glad when I wake up!!!
            I haven't been in the odeon for ages but I do remember it being cold the last time I was there. Well next time we go to the UGC and it is quite warm you will remember to bring a thinner one.
            Hm I have no idea but good question! She probably would have liked it but not 'loved' it.
            *Shudders at the thought of being back at school*... I am so glad my school years are behind me.

            Originally posted by thelittlesis
            Well you have been busy, and it's not like you don't work or anything. You'll get round to it!
            Well you might not agree with me, but I think it is! And it has Jean Reno in, so it can't be that bad... um, ok so that theory doesn't always hold up(Rollerball !!!) but at least he doesn't die!
            Still haven’t managed to watch it...guess it could not be until my holiday. Damn RL.
            *Giggles* and yes, he doesn't break the 'not dying' rule in that so it must be good.

            Originally posted by thelittlesis
            *catches saucers* *doesn't tell you she has another packet squirrelled away* *munches happily*
            Was it Kate Moss who started it? They must be comfy but they definitely aren't the prettiest of things(even wellies look nicer!). And wearing them in the middle of summer when it's so hot(like last year), fantastic idea!
            you little sneak. And now you have taken them on holiday with you.
            Hm I think it may have been...I think I read it in mag somewhere. Well I think Kate was the first person spotted wearing them in normal day wear. Yeah comfy but UGG-ly .

            Originally posted by thelittlesis
            Exactly, we wouldn't want to embarrass ourselves by singing entirely the wrong words now would we!
            Certainly not.

            Originally posted by thelittlesis
            *thinks* Hmmm.....well.......ok, but don't do it again!
            I won't...scouts honour.

            Originally posted by thelittlesis
            The paper we have doesn't do that, which is always nice. I barely noticed it last year apart from the constant being on E4 anyway, and i've done the same this year. I just wish second chance sunday would include The west Wing!
            *giggles* We're so good at it too!
            I know, who wants to watch it all day on E4? Oh me too. Second chance Sunday should show all new shows!
            I take it you taped this weeks? Won't say anything except that it was good (of course).

            Originally posted by thelittlesis
            True, although i'm sure saucers need worshipping just as much *giggles* not that that's in any way an excuse to open a packet.....
            ROTFL oh yeah, saucers should be worshipped.

            Originally posted by thelittlesis
            I very rarely get forwards now, but I like that 'cos then I only get the good ones. I remember at uni there was this one going round that if you sent it to so many people Gap would send you a hat, or a top or something. So everyone sent it on. But how could they possibly know how many people you've sent it to, it's silly!
            Hehe yeah me too. And it is also good because I don't get my inbox clogged up with them and then I don't run out of space for new messages. LOL Gap would send you a hat? I don't get that. Like you said, how would Gap know if you sent it or not. It shows you how gullible some people can be.

            Oh while I am hear I have heard from various people and places (on hear too)that Sky One have confirmed the dates for Stargate. Apparently we get season 8 the 5th October and Atlantis 12th October. I had a feeling we wouldn't get it in September.


            Last edited by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules); 04 August 2004, 01:29 PM.

            By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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              Hey Tracey sounds like you're working too hard. Hard work is always good but not going overboard with it. I hope you're looking after yourself and not overdoing things. End of nagging session

              As for getting stuck in a downpour, as long as I have a jacket which doesn't get wet I quite like the rain, especially the weather which invites it. I really like it when it's overcast with no sun visible, at least not directly. I always enjoy days like those a lot more.

              Yeah hopefully Sat and Sis are having a whole lot of fun. In fact I was thinking that I might actually be able to overtake Sat in the number of posts department while she is away but I don't see that happening, unless I make lots of little 1 line posts

              You know it's funny but I don't consider myself to have much of an imagination. Still we have been able to come up with some interesting TV shows in the various versions of this thread of ours. Plus I come up with all these lousy funnies of mine, which aren't really funny, just makes the listener groan In fact I came up with one the other day and most people are more than willing to hit me for it.

              Q. What is Sherlock Holmes favourite internal body organ/part?
              A. The alimentary canal.

              I don't think Watson would be very amused. Hopefully that doesn't provoke a cushion throw which will bounce off my head and onto another unsuspecting thread member

              On another note I think you asked me which Sting songs I said you guys should listen to on the new album. The ones I really like are 'Stolen Car(take me dancing)' and 'Book of my life.' The song which I felt has to do with alchemy is 'Send your love.' Actually this is a darn good album IMO, but then I may be just a wee bit biased

              Right then I best stop this post before I come up with anymore of my funnies.



                It's late, and there's 10 pages of this thread, so I'm gonna ask instead of looking... lol Does anyone know if/when The X Files 2 will be coming out? I know Mulder and Scully are suppose to be in it, but I'm hoping Skinner, Doggett, and Reyes will be involved or at least make cameos.


                  Me working too hard? I think you have a theory there you know! But yeah, of course I look after myself. Well I have the weekend off so it is great. Over here in England at the moment (well where I live anyway) it is very hot (which is good and bad 'cos I don't like hot, hot weather) and indeed summery so I am enjoying it while I can. That said, I start on a weeks holiday after 13th August.

                  Well I am not fond of the rain, especially when it is very heavy rain. Well like I kind of touched on just, I don't like hot, hot weather and I do like it much cooler. But I just hate getting drenched.

                  Sis should be back this weekend but Sat should be back next week (although I have seen her online here a couple of times this week. *Giggles* well you could do one line posts...and maybe try to talk about the subject ('cos you know we hardly talk about XF in here ) of this thread if you can.

                  Well I think you have a pretty good imagination. You have come up with this tv show and you come up with a lot of other crazy things. And about your funny, LOL it is a groaner but it is still one that can make you laugh (a tiny bit ). And I think you should be reassured about not getting a cushion hitting you this time. Well only if you don't type a really, really bad joke that is!

                  Oh so I did listen to some of the right songs then. I am still not a Sting fan but some of the songs are quite ok.

                  Oh btw, I have forgotten to ask. Just wondered if you have been to see I, Robot yet? I thought you might watch it because it is based Isaac Asimovs ideas in his books. I have seen it and I think it is really good.


                  By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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                    Originally posted by Daniel Jackson
                    It's late, and there's 10 pages of this thread, so I'm gonna ask instead of looking... lol Does anyone know if/when The X Files 2 will be coming out? I know Mulder and Scully are suppose to be in it, but I'm hoping Skinner, Doggett, and Reyes will be involved or at least make cameos.
                    Hey there.

                    Well there have only been talks about the movie so far. We know CC, DD and GA want to do one and that they have an idea for a story. But there is no information yet as to a date for it. Maybe next year or 2006? I have no idea. I am excited about it though. But I don't know if Doggett of Reyes should be in it! Skinner yes, but them two, I don't know. Maybe they could makes cameos (don't hit me Sat, Sis or Loopy...I still don't like them a lot ) but only for a few minutes or if it was integral to the story.


                    By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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                      Hi guys!

                      I'm back! Did you miss me?! (the correct answer would be yes btw ) Well that's all I wanted to say really, i'll reply to everything later when I have plenty more time to ramble at you all!




                        Originally posted by thelittlesis
                        Hi guys!

                        I'm back! Did you miss me?! (the correct answer would be yes btw ) Well that's all I wanted to say really, i'll reply to everything later when I have plenty more time to ramble at you all!


                        You're back.

                        Well the answer to your question would of course be yes. No problem, take all the time you need. I am guessing you need a rest from having such a wonderful holiday. Btw have you gotten my email? Just need to know 'cos I have no idea if it sent properly and that was about 3 days ago!



                        By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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                          I am back!!!!!!

                          Got back Friday, sorry I didn't come straight on here to say hi but I was in London for the Pages meetup yesterday and urm, today I've been sleeping a lot!

                          Btw my computer logs me in automatically so whenever my sister comes on it thinks that I'm here..... don't want you to think I've been around for ages without telling you

                          So Sis, how was your holiday?!?!?!!!! Thats so cool that we were in Cornwall together - I was around St Ives though. Had some wonderful weather and got to go finally to the Hepworth gallery/garden which was really good, better than the Tate :-) Did a lot of beach too, played beach golf and body boarded a lot as well as topping up my tan

                          Tracey, how's the work going??? Did I imagine reading that you've got some time off at the moment? I hope you have, you deserve it!!!! When does your term start??

                          I'm soooooooo looking forward to the Olympics it's not true :-) I love the Olympics!!! Got a couple of weeks sat in front of the telly when I'm not working mapped out...... pole vault, gymnastics, sprinting, hurdles, rowing, swimming, darn it's exciting - not to mention the opening and closing ceremonies!!!!

                          Loopy, are you still in Pakistan?? My best friend's over in Karachi at the moment - it's cool to think of you two in the same city - if by chance you see her and get some telepathic knowledge that it's her, say hi ;-) If not, well that's life

                          Anyhow got a croquet game to get to (in my back garden against my brother, but still.....) so will post later!!

                          (((((((((((((((((((((huggles)))))))))))))))))))))) to you all and Woo Hoooooooo for X-Files Movie part deux, I'm getting kind of excited!


                            Glad you are back Sat. I missed you loads of course.

                            You went to the Pages meet up *is a bit jealous*. So how was it??? I really wanted to go and meet everyone but I was working.

                            LOL so that is why you seemed to be on but in fact you weren't.

                            It sounds like you had a very cool holiday down in Cornwall. We have had some weird weather this past week. Mostly hot and rainy and lots of thunderstorms. It has been very hot this weekend though.

                            Work is going ok. Hate it but that's life I guess. Well I start a weeks holiday 4pm on 13th August (the day the Olympics start ). Yeah, I really need it. I was thinking we could maybe meet up again. Maybe Sis and I coming down to you? Just a thought. Well I don't start uni till next April (I am assuming you meant that ) so I have a bit of a wait. But it is not so bad. I am sure my Mum and Nan are cooking some surprise up for my birthday. I have heard talk about Germany (where my best friend lives) and Stargate cons. So it might actually be good that I am not starting uni yet. I am getting excited.
                            When do you start uni?

                            Oh me too. I love the Olympics, so excited. And snap... me too with the sitting in front of the tv.

                            I am really getting excited about XF too. I really miss Gillian and David. Bring on XF 2.

                            Speaking of XF...I have been meaning to send off that parcel for you (I taped Drive and Beginning for you). Will do that sometime soon.



                            By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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                              Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
                              Ok so I have finally gotten around to replying to this post (still not the email, I am so behind).....
                              Well hey you had a week to post so it didn't really matter when you got around to it. Oh & your email question on the other post, it's not arrived, so either it'll be one of those that doesn't arrive until a week later & then inserts itself into your inbox above emails you've already read, or, it didn't send it.

                              Ok so this must have been a while ago but anyway, blueyonder has been really good this week (well from the few hours that I have been on all this week)...although now I have said that I guess I may have cursed it.
                              LOL although I have read in the paper today that the rail system may get worse within the next few months (I guess there are no shocks there).
                              Nope I didn't. And you know, I really feel like watching Before Sunset again... it is just a movie that does make you smile and cheer you up.
                              LOL, so did you curse it?
                              How much worse can it get? Although saying that, trains round here haven't been that bad of late, but it's highly unpredictable at best. *giggles* No, the big shock would be if all the trains everywhere were on time, if there were spare seats about especially at peak times, and if a cheap day return wasn't so darn expensive!
                              Cool! You know i've kind of been thinking the same...i've been remembering bits of it & smiling to myself . I can't wait till it comes out on dvd! I can lend you Before Sunrise if you like?

                              Erm well when you are back you can tell me if it got flooded again 'cos the rain we have had over the past couple of days has been bad. Like I said to Loopy, I got caught in a down pour (had no coat) and was totally drenched! And today in the paper again (I do like to look in the paper ) there were pictures of really bad floods in Oxford-Oxon (is that where Sat lives?). That’s a British summer for you.
                              Ok so Cornwall escaped the torrential downpours & thunderstorms then, 'cos we've had really nice weather, I did hear one rumble of thunder as we were about to walk down to the we went in the car instead! But that was all. Oh no, you got drenched?! You wouldn't think of it in summer usually would you! I have no idea whether Next flooded again(i'm guessing not since my sis is still working), I do know we haven't had a sale in our shop 'cos of what happened, all the stuff that was meant for us went over to Coventry. But we did read all about the nasty weather up here, and all over the place actually, kind of glad we weren't around!

                              Still haven’t managed to watch it...guess it could not be until my holiday. Damn RL.
                              *Giggles* and yes, he doesn't break the 'not dying' rule in that so it must be good.
                              You're not going to be like me & Pulp Fiction are you? I had that on tape for, well, ever, & I still haven't seen it all!
                              LOL no he doesn't die, he just drums instead!

                              you little sneak. And now you have taken them on holiday with you.
                              Hm I think it may have been...I think I read it in mag somewhere. Well I think Kate was the first person spotted wearing them in normal day wear. Yeah comfy but UGG-ly .
                              Saucers taste good in Cornish sea air don't you know!
                              LOL definitely Ugg-ly! *giggles*

                              I won't...scouts honour.
                              But were you ever a scout....?

                              I know, who wants to watch it all day on E4? Oh me too. Second chance Sunday should show all new shows!
                              I take it you taped this weeks? Won't say anything except that it was good (of course).
                              Maybe no-one. Maybe it's just an excuse to justify it, but yay it's finished, or at least i'm assuming it has...please tell me it has!!!
                              I had people tape it for me . It caused a bit of confusion 'cos it's on at the same time as Tru Calling, and although I don't watch that my best friend does, and Telewest doesn't have E4+1 so, um, yep complicated, but we got it sorted in the end. That is the main thing I guess!

                              ROTFL oh yeah, saucers should be worshipped.
                              *giggles* For a moment there I forgot what we were on about.... it just makes us sound like nutcases!

                              Hehe yeah me too. And it is also good because I don't get my inbox clogged up with them and then I don't run out of space for new messages. LOL Gap would send you a hat? I don't get that. Like you said, how would Gap know if you sent it or not. It shows you how gullible some people can be.

                              Oh while I am here I have heard from various people and places (on here too)that Sky One have confirmed the dates for Stargate. Apparently we get season 8 the 5th October and Atlantis 12th October. I had a feeling we wouldn't get it in September.
                              Although we should both be getting more inbox space with the new hotmail whatjimathingy, so plenty more space for all those forwards!
                              I know it's like, they'd send you a hat for passing on an email? Strange! But it looked like the proper logo & everything. It makes you wonder why people start stuff like that, it's pointless!

                              Well ok, so it's not september but at least it's the beginning of october(and what a great month that is ). It could be worse!




                                Originally posted by Satori
                                I am back!!!!!!

                                Got back Friday, sorry I didn't come straight on here to say hi but I was in London for the Pages meetup yesterday and urm, today I've been sleeping a lot!

                                Btw my computer logs me in automatically so whenever my sister comes on it thinks that I'm here..... don't want you to think I've been around for ages without telling you

                                So Sis, how was your holiday?!?!?!!!! Thats so cool that we were in Cornwall together - I was around St Ives though. Had some wonderful weather and got to go finally to the Hepworth gallery/garden which was really good, better than the Tate :-) Did a lot of beach too, played beach golf and body boarded a lot as well as topping up my tan

                                Tracey, how's the work going??? Did I imagine reading that you've got some time off at the moment? I hope you have, you deserve it!!!! When does your term start??

                                I'm soooooooo looking forward to the Olympics it's not true :-) I love the Olympics!!! Got a couple of weeks sat in front of the telly when I'm not working mapped out...... pole vault, gymnastics, sprinting, hurdles, rowing, swimming, darn it's exciting - not to mention the opening and closing ceremonies!!!!

                                Loopy, are you still in Pakistan?? My best friend's over in Karachi at the moment - it's cool to think of you two in the same city - if by chance you see her and get some telepathic knowledge that it's her, say hi ;-) If not, well that's life

                                Anyhow got a croquet game to get to (in my back garden against my brother, but still.....) so will post later!!

                                (((((((((((((((((((((huggles)))))))))))))))))))))) to you all and Woo Hoooooooo for X-Files Movie part deux, I'm getting kind of excited!
                                So you had a good holiday then? St Ives is so pretty, and I love that there's so much art going on in that place! I had a really nice time too, kind of in the middle of nowhere but then I kinda like that! Lots of little bays & beaches & pubs, and a whole lot of doing nothing . And great weather too, I think we got the best of it don't you? Oh & my tan is, er, nonexistent, i'm still as pale & pasty as ever...think I have a few more freckles though .

                                So did you have fun at Pages?

                                Oh & Loopy if you're reading this, i'll reply to you later!

                                ((((((((huggles back))))))))


