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"Andromeda" Appreciation and Discussion Thread

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    Of course the show was cheaply made...when you compare all sci-fi shows the Star Trek (not including the original) and SG/SGA...there all cheaply made including Farscape!....Farscape did get a bigger budget with the more success it garnered in the later seasons, but those frist couple season of FS looked like a Jr. college class designed the sets and special effects

    I enjoyed Andromeda for the interaction between the crew memebers. It was quite a mixture eclectic people. Tyr and Romie in paticular were truly great sci-fi characters.
    the Fifth Race

    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


      This thread was worth reading just to see Ouroboros wax poetic about Andromeda yet again... I haven't read a more enjoyable rant in months.

      All hail the king of Andromeda rant, the Jormungandr of Anger, Ouroboros!


        Loved Farscape! I haven't seen all of Dead Like Me but I liked what I saw.

        Worst SciFi show to me is Code Name: Eternity, I couldn't find anything good about it. SciFi still airs it!

        Ben Browder Follower


          Originally posted by Divinedaydreams
          Worst SciFi show to me is Code Name: Eternity, I couldn't find anything good about it. SciFi still airs it!
          It is truly and monumentally bad, but compared to Andromeda, it is a model of linear sense.

          Andromeda is as bad, but completely and utterly incoherent as a bonus!


            I've really enjoyed a few episodes of Andromeda. Some of the characters are great and I like the fact that they are all not perfect. What wrecked it for me was the scheduling nightmare. I've not managed to follow a whole season yet - it appears and disappears off again with no explanation or notice. Relegated to the box of "just too much effort to watch".

            Hey Sam, did all those other realities tell you nothing?!
            Accept the inevitable.....


              Come on worst sci fi ever???? Andromeda dosn't hold a candle to the original Lost in Space!


                Hey, you can't compare across time frames without adjusting for differences in scientific understanding, special effects, and the like.

                Lost in Space was BAD, but for its day it wasn't as BAD as Andromeda! Besides, Lost in Space was a kids show!


                  Originally posted by SISKO
                  I have just watched the first season of andromeda.

                  I regret it deeply.

                  the reason I gave it a try was because SFX magazine said that it was one of the worst seasons EVER!, but I didn't think it looked that bad.

                  I was wrong.

                  The acting was awfull. Absolutley AWFULL

                  IT WAS COMPLICATED, I mean it was pretty obvious the writers were trying to pass it off as complex, but just because you make the characters speak in riddells does not make it complex, it makes it even more shallow/

                  alltogether, it was just ABSOLUTE RUBBISH!

                  Only saw 1.5 seasons of it but it definately beats the likes of Farscape and Cleopatra 2525!

                  Plot was usually cheapo but the characters were cool!
                  I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                    Originally posted by Matt G
                    Only saw 1.5 seasons of it but it definately beats the likes of Farscape and Cleopatra 2525!

                    Plot was usually cheapo but the characters were cool!
                    Hmmm... that's odd, Farscape was lauded with critical acclaim.

                    But hey, to each his or her own.


             has a preview for the episode before the last (i'm not quite sure if its going to be split in two nights or just one, but i'm leaning towards two nights).

                      The most recent episode which brought back The Abyss and the real Trance Gemini (or the normal one that is) was actually a good episode, so maybe they can continue doing some good with that last episodes?

                      Trance’s (Laura Bertram) family of avatars has declared war on the Abyss, but at the cost of every life in the three galaxies.
                      Sounds very interesting... More Trances? I like that.
                      Amanda, "Wallow Central."


                        Originally posted by Elwe Singollo
               has a preview for the episode before the last (i'm not quite sure if its going to be split in two nights or just one, but i'm leaning towards two nights).

                        The most recent episode which brought back The Abyss and the real Trance Gemini (or the normal one that is) was actually a good episode, so maybe they can continue doing some good with that last episodes?


                        Sounds very interesting... More Trances? I like that.
                        The fact that Lexa is in all the episodes is great new to me!!!!
                        Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.


                          i am SO happy that rommie is back... doyle has always gotten on my nerves... but i will admit i do like the rommie/doyle conversations in the last ep... rommie just kicks all butt... and i loved the girlpower-slowmo hair action-rommie/becka/doyle fight... that was great!! it just wasn't the same without rommie... and now we get her on stargate... oh joy of joys...
                          "I didn't bring my bloody cellphone with me. What's happening?"


                            Originally posted by galadriel_freak
                            i am SO happy that rommie is back... doyle has always gotten on my nerves... but i will admit i do like the rommie/doyle conversations in the last ep... rommie just kicks all butt... and i loved the girlpower-slowmo hair action-rommie/becka/doyle fight... that was great!! it just wasn't the same without rommie... and now we get her on stargate... oh joy of joys...
                            I agree, this episode was full of girl power. I likes the Abyss (still inside that evil dude) being matched by Rommie and Doyle in speed (we didn't really see them touch a hair on each other). Felt bad for Beka though, she got hit the most in the episode... I did like the reference to 'Rev Bem' and his meditation trick. And oh yes, lucky SG, it is being gifted with the presence of Lexa D.
                            Amanda, "Wallow Central."


                              Originally posted by Sia
                              I've really enjoyed a few episodes of Andromeda. Some of the characters are great and I like the fact that they are all not perfect. What wrecked it for me was the scheduling nightmare. I've not managed to follow a whole season yet - it appears and disappears off again with no explanation or notice. Relegated to the box of "just too much effort to watch".
                              Trust me scheduling is not the problem
                              IT WAS A CRAP SHOW

                              (who else thinks this person is crazy? only crazy people can enjoy ANY episodes of andomeda)


                                To be fair, the premise was good.

                                In some ways, I wish they'd tried a Trek series with a similar concept. It seems like the only way they cuold get away from this almost all powerful Federation that can solve almost all problems with ease. How can you challenge characters in a universe like that?

                                Voyager was SUPPOSED to provide that, a situation without resources and where their technology was limited by supplies, but it was never written that way.

                                Moreover, the concept of the Magog was pretty interesting too... a serious stab at a race akin to the Alien from from the Sigourney Weaver films.

                                All in alll, a waste of a concept that could have worked.

