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"Andromeda" Appreciation and Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by David85
    You truely are out of your mind.
    Let's not get into personal attacks, please.


      For those who wonder if the series could continue without Dylan, consider this. In "Doctor Who," the Doctor was portrayed by a series of different actors. The explanation was that Time Lords "regenerated" every so often. We know that Dylan Hunt is a Paradine, an evolved Vedran. Not much is known about this race. Suppose that in case of severe injury or even death, Vedrans undergo the equivalent of regeneration. We thought Trance was dead at one time, and she returned to life. What's more, she has "reformatted" herself twice already, so there is a precedent for characters on the show to change appearances. I don't see a reason why they (Dylan and Trance) couldn't reformat themselves into different bodies. That would allow the character of Dylan Hunt to continue in the series while being portrayed by a different actor. How about that?


        Personally, i think andromeda would actually do better without kevin sorbo than with him.

        the show has sunk so low now that it really can't get worse

        now as a mod
        (puts hat on)
        Part of respecting everyone's opinion is to NOT denegrate that opinion.

        If you don't like a post or agree with an opinion, so be it. However a person is not stupid or dumb or crazy because you don't agree with them
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          How about Gene Roddenberry's Seamus Lazney Harper instead? Seriously Harper is the best character on the show. I'd much rather see a show with him, Rhade, Beka, Rommie and Trance and no Dylan.


            FYI, Harper's middle name is Zelazny, probably in tribute to the famous science fiction writer Roger Zelazny.


              Originally posted by Jonas
              How about Gene Roddenberry's Seamus Lazney Harper instead? Seriously Harper is the best character on the show. I'd much rather see a show with him, Rhade, Beka, Rommie and Trance and no Dylan.

              harper and trance are why i watch. tyr adn beka used to be good, but now that tyr is gone, beka's just a dylan groupie.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                For me, I really feel that Beka could take over since she was really willing in Season 2 to die for the cause of the System's Commonwealth, and now that Dylan is becoming a Paradyne(sp?), its becoming more obvious that he wants the story to continue, but be like RDA, and have less involvement in the character in the show and be more producer than anything.

                I enjoy Harper because he has the same kind of attitude that I have when it comes to my electronic work and how I take pride in it, and as well as other things, like thinking I am the best thing since the universe was created :-P.. But all joking aside, I want to see the show continue with or without Dylan.
                Red counter: 14 Dings and growing.

                Green (positive) JELLO donations are always welcome

                Mckay: Oh my god, He IS Kirk...


                  I like the show for Rhade. I was really enjoying the Nietzcheans as well.
                  "Embress your life, find what it is that you love, and pursue it with all your soul. For if you do not, when you come to die, you will find that you have not lived."

                  A character from the novel "Chindi" by Jack McDevitt

                  Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.
                  'Eleanor Roosevelt'
                  Individuality is freedom lived.
                  'Janis Joplin'


                    Originally posted by Jonas
                    How about Gene Roddenberry's Seamus Lazney Harper instead? Seriously Harper is the best character on the show. I'd much rather see a show with him, Rhade, Beka, Rommie and Trance and no Dylan.
                    I so agree with you.


                      Enterprise waisnt renued because of fan response , It was just financial incentive, They agreed to cut the budget and basically get their 100 desired episodes for syndication.After that there is no more bargaining strings to pull unless the show rating go way up, Right now their droping lower.

                      Angel cancelations was the stupidess decision ever ,The shows rating were growing by 8% per episode and its finale had a bigger audience buffy's. Even the studio's and tv channel started to blaim each other for deciding to cancel as they realize it was a big mistake.

                      The fans did everything they could and the network didnt give a crap.
                      The Egyptian Cat God .


                        Well since I was a very late bloomer with Andromeda (mid season 4), I had some major catching up to do (still to do with have of season 3 and the first half of season 4. But I really believe that Andromeda the series can carry on WITHOUT Kevin Sorbo as the lead Character. Stargate SG-1 has done well, even on episodes that did not show RDA at All, and he is the lead character (and one of the exec. producers).
                        Red counter: 14 Dings and growing.

                        Green (positive) JELLO donations are always welcome

                        Mckay: Oh my god, He IS Kirk...


                          EW, NO! "Andromeda" is over and done with.

                          I do NOT like the idea of trying to continue the show without Dylan at all. I mean, just speaking from a story standpoint, it just seems totally off the wall. Andromeda is the story of Dylan Hunt, who got shot 300 years into the future, and is trying to restore the Commonwealth he lost in that time. If Dylan is gone, then the story doesn't even feel like one story anymore. I don't like this at all.

                          I dunno, I think some people just have way too much trouble letting go. You should watch some japanese television. Many of their shows only last for a specific number of episodes, and then it's over. Not becuase the ratings are dipping, not because an actor decided to leave, not because of any behind-the-scenes problems, but because they set out to tell one specific story, and when the story is over, it's OVER, and there is no coming back from it. Of course, if a show is popular, then they can have a spin-off or a sequel series, but those follow the same forumla of having a specific start, middle, and finish.

                          I'm GLAD somebody decided officially that this would be the last Andromeda season. That means that we'll actually have a real ending. We won't be trying to drag it out until it's last gasping breath for an extra pity-season, like "Sliders" or any of the other million shows that got old because somebody didn't know when to quit.

                          As enjoyable as I have found Andromeda (specifically the first 2 seasons), I am glad to know that it will at least be given an ending.


                            The thing with Andromeda is that it shouldnt be left up to JUST Dylan to restore the System's Commonwealth. He was simply the drop to start the ripple to get things going.
                            Red counter: 14 Dings and growing.

                            Green (positive) JELLO donations are always welcome

                            Mckay: Oh my god, He IS Kirk...


                              Originally posted by Tarantulas
                              I am building a web page on with information and opinions from Andromeda fans who are interested in seeing the series continue beyond Season Five.

                              For Andromeda fans who would like to see the series continue, what are your reasons for wanting to see a Season Six, Season Seven, Season Eight, etc.? Are there conflicts you would like to see resolved, new situations you would like to see explored, stories you would like to see written? If you could stand before a network executive and tell that person why the show should continue, what would you say? Give the executive your best argument right here.

                              Negative opinions, although they might be just as valid, will not be added to the web page. After all, this is the "Save Andromeda" campaign.

                              Andromeda fans, unite and lend your voices to the campaign!
                              Andromeda is, by far, one of the worst sci-fi shows I've ever seen. I tried to give it a chance several times, but was disappointed each time. It's awful, cheesy, and that Hercules guy can't act worth squat. I like the underlying concept, but this really isn't good sci-fi. The re-do of Battlestar Galactica is even better than Andromeda.

                              I personally hope it dies and goes away.


                                Originally posted by Bast
                                Enterprise waisnt renued because of fan response , It was just financial incentive, They agreed to cut the budget and basically get their 100 desired episodes for syndication.After that there is no more bargaining strings to pull unless the show rating go way up, Right now their droping lower.

                                Angel cancelations was the stupidess decision ever ,The shows rating were growing by 8% per episode and its finale had a bigger audience buffy's. Even the studio's and tv channel started to blaim each other for deciding to cancel as they realize it was a big mistake.

                                The fans did everything they could and the network didnt give a crap.
                                Enterprise has done great since they got rid of the old, crappy writers and hired Manny Coto, from Voyager, to weave his magic and revive the show. I don't care how many writers you hire/fire, Andromeda is just bad sci-fi and not much will save it. Kevin Sorbo is one of the worst actors I've ever seen, so even if it goes on for another season without him, it couldn't hurt the show much. Does anyone really, really think Andromeda is a good show? Maybe it's just me...sheesh.

