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Replicators vs Borg

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    Both species take technology and use them. So why are you convinced the Replicators would win?


      The replicators can form ships etc... and the borg cannot really take that from them because they are the ship. whereas the borg tech can easily be replicated by the replicators.

      actually i only know what the borg are and do because my dad used to watch star trek. i am not a real fan of star trek so i dont know how the borg work and how they fight.
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      sig made by kidwizz

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        Originally posted by Team SG-1*save the show* View Post
        The replicators can form ships etc... and the borg cannot really take that from them because they are the ship. whereas the borg tech can easily be replicated by the replicators.
        All you need to kill a replicator is that anti-replicator gun. Since it has been used against the replicators information about it would be in a replicator data base. If the borg ever got there hands on that information the replicators wouldn't stand a chance.


          Originally posted by hypochondriac View Post
          All you need to kill a replicator is that anti-replicator gun. Since it has been used against the replicators information about it would be in a replicator data base. If the borg ever got there hands on that information the replicators wouldn't stand a chance.
          yeah i suppose so
          Thankyou SG-1 for 10 great years!
          sig made by kidwizz

          join Stargate Atlantis: save the lost city and lets get our show back


            Originally posted by hypochondriac View Post
            All you need to kill a replicator is that anti-replicator gun. Since it has been used against the replicators information about it would be in a replicator data base. If the borg ever got there hands on that information the replicators wouldn't stand a chance.
            The replicators could adapt to the frequency the weapon is on. In reckoning every time the asgard fixed the weapon to destroy the replicators it only worked once.


              the borg would adapt to the replicators weapons pretty quickly as i don't think stargate weapon frequencies can be modulated then it would only be a matter of using vastly superior ship numbers to overwhelm and overpower the replicator ships....a single cube is a match for fleets for ships the borg would be fielding fleets of cubes
              Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                The replicators would be up against thousands of these!
                Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                  Originally posted by !!?? View Post
                  The replicators could adapt to the frequency the weapon is on. In reckoning every time the asgard fixed the weapon to destroy the replicators it only worked once.
                  but then the borg would just change the frequency again. Also remember the borg think big. When they were upgainst 8472 they wanted voyager to make the weapon big enough so that it would cover light years. The would make a huge anti-replicator weapon that would cover light years as well.


                    The Replicators before voyager turned the Borg into a Joke

                    For Wraith, hunger burns like a fire.

                    Tell me, Sheppard, if you found yourself burning alive, would you settle for just one drop of water ...

                    ....... or would you take more?



                      In every Borg attack on the Federation (Best of Both Worlds, First Contact) the Borg have displayed all the tactical acumen of a sponge. On both occasions they sent in only one ship, that relied on sheer bulldozer power to get through enemy defences. Enough firepower can overcome their defences, as First Contact showed. The Federation fleet was doing damage to the Borg ship before the Enterprise even showed up. The cube had extensive hull damage and power fluctuations.

                      The vaunted ability of the Borg to adapt to anything and everything is also inaccurate. Kinetic energy, as my earlier examples demonstrate, is an effective means of killing drones and they don't appear able to adapt to it. A machine gun or two would have worked wonders in First Contact against the drones. You'd think that something so basic would have been adapted to long ago, but the Borg haven't proven capable of it. Then of course, there is sheer power, as I have already mentioned.

                      Block Replicators are vulnerable to kinetic energy attacks but human-form replicators aren't. If we assume a conflict is between the Milky Way Replicators, led by Repli-Carter (we'll leave the Asurans out of this for now) and the Borg, then the Borg, who have expanded very slowly despite their technological advantage over the rest of the Milky Way, would suddenly be up against a foe that expands aggressively. A foe that we have seen be more clever than the Borg. Repli-Carter was able to do something the Borg can't or won't do- carry out research. By deceiving SG1 she was able to get her hands on the one weapon that could have destroyed her and find a way to adapt to it (reference, Gemini). The Borg were unable to adapt to Species 8472 and they needed the help of Voyager to find a means of defeating them, because the Borg only learn through assimilation. What they can't assimilate, they cannot understand.

                      Assuming a level playing field here (at least in the beginning), if a Replicator ship were to encounter a Borg ship, the Borg would probably launch into their spiel of 'you will be assimilated'. The Replicators would not be so gracious and would do what they are programmed to do- Replicate. They would attack and a battle to adapt would begin. If however, the Replicators were able to board the Borg vessel in the beginning of the battle (we know their weapons can penetrate Asgard shields and Asgard shields are several orders of magnitude stronger than Borg shields- we also know their weapons are in fact the means of boarding Asgard ships) then the battle would effectively over.

                      Once on board the Borg ship the Replicators would immediately begin consuming parts of the ship to make more of themselves, using Borg technology to do so. They would immediately know what makes the Borg tick. Their own communications system/collective would be linked with the Borg's Collective. The Replicators, who have spent an untold amount of time keeping pace with the Asgard and all their achievements, would have, in my humble opinion, no trouble in corrupting the Borg. If we add a human-form Replicator to the mix, then it's just not even funny.

                      Pretty soon you'd have one 'assimilated' Borg Cube and the Replicators would have access to what the Borg know. The Replicators would do their usual trick of enhancing the Borg cube and then continue to expand their numbers in their typical aggressive manner. Forget the Borg- the Milky Way itself would be overwhelmed in a matter of weeks.
                      To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield- Tennyson


                        A Borg tatical cube would have easily destroyed the federation fleet. The reason damage was still being done to the cube is because the Federation was constiently changing it's weapons frequency.

                        Except for the ARW there is no evidence the frequency of weapons in stargate can be modulated.


                          The replicators just fire themselves at enemy ships, there's be nothing to modulate.


                            Originally posted by hypochondriac View Post
                            If you want to compare speed of nanites, when the borg inject someone it takes seconds for the nanites to start doing there thing, but when weir was infected it took a long time for the nanites to have an effect.
                            Those were the Asurans. As far as we know the Replicators have never even met the Asurans. The Borg would kick the Asurans butts w/ their sheer numbers.

                            The replicators are a different story. It takes the Borg time to build ships, while the replicators can just replicate, and form ships within hours. ARGs became a 1-time-use deal. The new ships adapt immediately, and Borg firepower may be superior, but within minutes the replicators will board a Borg ship, and then the replicators can form ships with even more power immediately.
                            "Most of our John Sheppard impressions sound more like a demented Jimmy Stewart than Joe Flanigan."
                            ~David Hewlett


                              Originally posted by jenks View Post
                              The replicators just fire themselves at enemy ships, there's be nothing to modulate.
                              The Borg would eventual adjust there subspace field/shield to block that.

                              As for replicators taking over a cube. Remember the Queen destroyed entire cubes because a handful of drones became independent. As soon as there about to loose control the queen would destroy the affected cubes


                                Originally posted by !!?? View Post
                                The replicators could adapt to the frequency the weapon is on. In reckoning every time the asgard fixed the weapon to destroy the replicators it only worked once.
                                um...actually the replicators could not adapt to the disruptor - they had to study the tech first (by tricking SG into revealing its schematics)

                                the replicators might have a chance if they could board the borg vessel (that's assuming they could assimilate the drones before the drones assimilated them !) but there's no telling if they'd be even able to breach the borg shields (which as we've seen are extremely effective against all except species 8472, which originate from another universe...)

                                the replicators might try "kinetic" energy against the drones however we've only seen bullets used once against drones, in first contact, clearly the drones weren't prepared for this (who uses bullets in the 24th century ?) - since whatever it is that protects the borg drones is clearly a shield it ain't far-fetched to believe that the borg could easily modify their personal shields to block kinetic force as well

