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Doctor Who Series 6 Speculation/Discussion Spoilers for all aired episodes

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    So was the question lame?
    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


      The only thing that surprised me was that they didn't work The Flesh into it somehow. I was torn between doppelganger robot and the flesh being the one that bought it for the Doctor but I was wagering on the flesh.
      God I hate to say it but I am getting really sick of the way they do the big story lines for the show anymore.
      All the anti religious and over earth centric nonsence is getting rather old IMO.
      I like Sharky


        Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
        The only thing that surprised me was that they didn't work The Flesh into it somehow.
        I don't know... I quite liked the "twist" that it WASN'T the Flesh after multiple Flesh episodes leading us down that path...


          Random idea I had...

          Maybe Kovarian finds out the doctor is still alive so she kidnaps rose and jack to lure the doctor to someplace and then kills Rose to spite him.......She then kills Jack but he keeps reviving which drives her insane so she commits suicide..

          "Fool you three times it’s like ecstasy, Doctor"

          So what will she do now that everyone thinks he is dead I wonder? I though ther character one of the more interesting in this series and woudl have liked to have some back story to her like how she became who she is and why she hates the Doctor so much, or was she just brainwashed?
          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


            She herself may not really hate the Doctor, she may very well just be a religious fanatic who is following her masters in the Silence with total devotion to their cause.
            Although bow ties are cool, the scarf is cooler!


              Is it not time for....

              Re: Doctor Who Series 7 Speculation/Discussion Thread ?
              Although bow ties are cool, the scarf is cooler!


                Originally posted by 4thDoctor View Post
                Is it not time for....

                Re: Doctor Who Series 7 Speculation/Discussion Thread ?
                You spoil my fun "sad face"

                LIke your sig 4th Doctor was the best...

                I'm a bit mixed about this last series it had good bits but a lot of so so bits. Again another messing with time plot like series 5... We're still no closer to finding out who blew up the TARDIS. You can't write that and not answer it...

                So does all this mean that they have effectively wiped out events in series 4 with the Library? That's crap.
                Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                  Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                  You spoil my fun "sad face"

                  LIke your sig 4th Doctor was the best...

                  I'm a bit mixed about this last series it had good bits but a lot of so so bits. Again another messing with time plot like series 5... We're still no closer to finding out who blew up the TARDIS. You can't write that and not answer it...

                  So does all this mean that they have effectively wiped out events in series 4 with the Library? That's crap.
                  As far as I know, nothing of what we've seen would erase the events in the Library. River knew all about the Doctor while he knew nothing of her. That's how she knew she would meet her corporeal end there. As for who blew up the TARDIS, that would of course be the Silence. But the question is how they accomplished it. It could be they had implanted some leftover commands in River and had her deliberately blow up the TARDIS via post hypnotic suggestion.


                    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                    We're still no closer to finding out who blew up the TARDIS. You can't write that and not answer it...

                    So does all this mean that they have effectively wiped out events in series 4 with the Library? That's crap.
                    In reverse order, why has this changed anything in the Library? That's much later in River's time-line. There's still plenty of time in both their lives (which for at least one interaction will now have to be in the "right" order) for him to tell her his name. 50th episode, anyone? [Though hopefully we'll not hear it!]

                    However, whilst I know I asked your first question, barely a week ago, was this not answered: it was the Silence who tried to blow up the TARDIS to kill the Doctor and stop him answering THE question. You could argue we know the answer: at some point he IS going to tell River his name, because we've seen in "Silence in the Library" that she knows it. We can also infer from that episode that the universe didn't end. That means the Doctor himself (most likely ) stopped such a collapse or the Silence were wrong in the belief (and who's ever heard of a religion being fundamentally flawed ).


                      Originally posted by Quizziard View Post

                      You could argue we know the answer: at some point he IS going to tell River his name, because we've seen in "Silence in the Library" that she knows it. We can also infer from that episode that the universe didn't end. That means the Doctor himself (most likely ) stopped such a collapse or the Silence were wrong in the belief (and who's ever heard of a religion being fundamentally flawed ).
                      Well exactly.......Religions have never been right about these kind of things. EVER!!!

                      And I find it rather egotistical to think that the Doctor telling anyone his name would bring about the unravelling of everything. He isn't God. Or A God, or any kind of God... so uttering his name I think is moot. And seriously why would that be the "question." . Oh hang on that IS the quetion isnt' it.... Well it's dumb
                      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                        Christmas/Series 7 thread is now up!


                          I have a laugh today........ My crazy mind.

                          I was picturing various vs ideas and then I remembered Ace..

                          Ace was a great companion. Her solution to most problems was "blow it up"

                          That got me thinking and i wandered around in my happy thoughts.......

                          Imagine Ace vs Kovarian
                          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                            Got a little crush on Ace there do you?
                            Although bow ties are cool, the scarf is cooler!


                              Originally posted by 4thDoctor View Post
                              Got a little crush on Ace there do you?
                              Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.......... My old series crush was Romana 1 played by Mary Tamm

                              I was just laughing at the thoguht of Ace dealing with Kovarian......

                              "you want my baby, here catch"


                              "die pirate b**ch"
                              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                                I'm a bit "meh" over this whole season .... Twice in a row we had a somewhat fractured universe that the Doctor had to fix...... And the oldest question "Doctor Who?" What a load of crap. That's the oldest question in the universe .... Crap, crap, crap....

                                If we are going to go down that road then why did "The Master" also hide his name? and why don't we know his real name, or that of The Rani?

                                I do hope some of the still open threads get answered like who or what blew the TARDIS up.. And I suspect the Silents were there in season 5 with "the cracks" too and maybe they were the ones that blew up the TARDIS. But why was it Amy in particular that was targeted back then? I still call that a loose end because as a child before she even came into the story from our POV she had memories of "the raggedy Doctor"....
                                Go home aliens, go home!!!!

