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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    I ~ Ianto Jones Ianto Jones acts as Torchwood Three's "general support officer". His job entails manning the reception desk in the Information Centre that acts as a cover, administering the computer systems, serving coffee and tea, receiving reports and cleaning up loose ends – such as covering up deaths and destroying information that could trigger "retconned" memories. While he primarily functions as an administrator for the team's headquarters, Ianto does, and is fully able to, accompany the team on investigations.


      J ~Jelly Babies are a confectionery favoured by the Second, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Doctors and the sixth seen incarnation of the Master.


        K ~ Krynoids appeared in the 1976 Fourth Doctor story The Seeds of Doom by Robert Banks Stewart. They are a highly dangerous, sentient form of plant life which are renowned amongst galactic botanists. They spread via seed pods which travel in pairs and are violently hurled through space by frequent volcanic eruptions on their unnamed home planet. The pods when opened are attracted to flesh and are able to infect and mingle their DNA with that of the host, taking over their body and slowly transforming them into a Krynoid. The species can also exert a form of telepathic control over other plant life in the surrounding area, making it suddenly dangerous and deadly to animal-kind. In the later stages of development the Krynoid can also control the vocal cords of its victims and can make itself telepathically sympathetic to humans. Fully grown Krynoids are many meters high and can then release hordes of seed pairs for further colonisation.

        Two pods arrived on Earth at the South Pole during the prehistoric Pleistocene era and remained dormant in Antarctica until discovered at the end of the twentieth century. One of them hatched after being exposed to ultra-violet light, and took control of a nearby human scientist. The Fourth Doctor intervened in the nick of time and ensured the Krynoid was destroyed in a bomb, but the second pod was stolen and taken to the home of millionaire botanist Harrison Chase in England. Chase ensured the germination of the second pod, which overtook his scientific adviser Arnold Keeler, and transformed its subject over time into a virtually full-sized Krynoid. Unable to destroy the creature by other means – and with the danger of a seed release imminent from the massive plant – the Doctor orchestrated an RAF bombing raid to destroy the creature before it could germinate.

        The Krynoid are also featured in the Eighth Doctor audio story for Big Finish entitled Hothouse. Also featured in BBV audios 'The Root of all Evil', and 'The Green Man'.


          L ~ Lungbarrow - Novel of the New Adventures range of books. Featuring the 7th Doctor & Chris Cwej, with Ace, Romana, Leela, K-9 Mk. I, & K-9 Mk. II.

          All is not well on Gallifrey. Chris Cwej is having someone else's nightmares. Ace is talking to herself. So is K-9. Leela has stumbled on a murderous family conspiracy. And the beleaguered Lord President, Romanadvoratrelundar, foresees one of the most tumultuous events in her planet history.

          At the roof of all is an ancient and terrible place, the House of Lungbarrow in the southern mountains of Gallifrey. Something momentous is happening there. But the House has inexplicably gone missing.

          673 years ago the Doctor left his family in that forgotten House. Abandoned, disgraced and resentful, they have waited. And now he's home at last.

          The Doctor faces a threat that could uncover the greatest secret of them all.

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            M ~Malmooth - The Malmooths are a race of humanoid insects native to the planet Malcassairo, who are all but extinct by the year 100 trillion. The last surviving member of their race, Chantho, played by Chipo Chung, appears in "Utopia". A devoted assistant to Professor Yana (Derek Jacobi) for 17 years, when the Professor is revealed to be the Master and proceeds to turn on the Doctor and his companions, Chantho threatens to kill him. He electrocutes her, but she manages to shoot him before dying, forcing him to regenerate.
            A feature of Chantho's speech is that she starts and ends her sentences with "chan" and "tho", respectively. She considers it "rude" to do otherwise, tantamount to swearing.
            Physical features of the Malmooth include an insectoid exoskeleton and mandibles, and the ability to survive by drinking their own internal milk.


              N ~ Navaros (or Navarro) is the planet of the Navarinos, tour-loving aliens from the Seventh Doctor serial Delta and the Bannermen.


                O ~ One Doctor, The - Big Finish Audio adventure starring Colin Baker as "The Doctor" and Bonnie Langford as "Mel Bush".

                When the evil Skelloids launch an attack upon the seventeen worlds of the Generios system, its peace-loving inhabitants face total destruction.

                So it's lucky that the Doctor, that famous traveller in time and space, is in the area, and that he, along with his pretty young assistant, Sally-Anne, manages to defeat the deadly creatures and save the day.

                But now it looks as though the Doctor's luck has run out.

                Who is the mysterious, curly-haired stranger, intent on causing trouble? What role does the feisty redhead Melanie play in his scheme? And what have they to do with the sinister alien cylinder approaching Generios?

                One thing is certain: for the Doctor and Sally-Anne, there's deadly danger ahead...

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  O ~ Osirans - The Osirans are a powerful alien race who are equal to the Time Lords. Sutekh, a renegade who became evil, was one of them. He was pursued across the galaxy by his brother Horus and was finally defeated on Earth by the combined might of 740 Osirans. Sutekh was trapped in a pyramid on Mars.


                    P ~ Pig Slave In "Daleks in Manhattan" and "Evolution of the Daleks" (2007), the Cult of Skaro experimented on humans and turned them into Pig Slaves if they possessed a low level of intelligence. Just why the Daleks chose such a form for their slaves is unknown. The Pig Slaves captured subjects for the Dalek experiments, taking them through the sewers of Manhattan to the basement of the Empire State Building. Some pigs hid in the Broadway theatre where the showgirl Tallulah performed. Tallulah later sees her "missing" boyfriend, Laszlo (Ryan Carnes), but does not immediately recognize him because he has been mutated into a half-pig/half-man form. Laszlo still retains most of his memory and personality since he managed to escape from the Daleks before the process could be completed. He leaves a single white rose for Tallulah in her dressing room each night before her performance and is able to resist the Daleks, unlike the other mutants. True Pig Slaves are extremely aggressive and savage creatures, and according to Laszlo, capable of slitting a throat with their bare teeth. However, they are also vulnerable and have very short lifespans, only surviving a few weeks.

                    The Torchwood Institute website states that 1930s New York suffered an infestation similar to the Weevil infestation of Cardiff in the late 2000s, and that it was covered up by rumours of sewer crocodiles.[11] This is presumably intended by the website's producers to tie in the New York's Pig Slave infestation of Daleks in Manhattan with the stories of the Torchwood universe.


                      Q ~ Quantum Accelerator - A TARDIS component, one of the items exchanged between the Master and the Doctor in 'Time Flight'.


                        R ~ Raak was a sea monster experimented on by Crozier in Mindwarp (1986).


                          S ~ Sonic knife - A tool used by Scaroth to steal the Mona Lisa in 'City of Death'.


                            T ~ Tetraps are a bat-like race from the planet Tetrapyriarbus. A pack of Tetraps was employed by the Rani to help defend her Giant Brain in the Seventh Doctor's debut story, Time and the Rani (1987) by Pip and Jane Baker. The Rani armed a pack of Tetraps for this purpose and used them as general henchmen to terrorise the native Lakertyans.

                            Tetraps have four eyes, one on each side of their head, giving them all-round vision, and put this to good use in stalking fugitives. Like bats, they sleep by hanging upside-down in a cavern. They feed off a dark red-coloured sludge that the Lakertyan leader releases down a chute into a trough.

                            Tetraps possess limited intelligence, but they soon realise that the Rani's plans would have them all killed on Lakertya. This is confirmed when their leader, Urak, hears of her plans and she later leaves him to guard over her laboratory rather than take him with her in her TARDIS, thus condemning him to death. Urak and the enraged Tetraps capture the Rani in her ship and take her back to their home planet, to force her to help solve their natural resource shortages.


                              U ~ Umbrella - The Seventh Doctor carried, from 'Delta and the Bannermen' onwards, an umbrella with a question-mark shaped handle. He had ceased using it by the time of his last appearance in the Doctor Who television movie. The Sixth Doctor occasionally carried a different umbrella, a multicolored model with a straight handle. This was destroyed in the Seventh Doctor's first story, 'Time and the Rani'. The first time the Doctor is seen on screen with an umbrella (a simple black one), is in the Second Doctor serial 'The Krotons'.


                                V ~ Vervoid Artificially created plant-based humanoids who possess problem-solving intelligence and the power of speech; they were intended to perform tasks usually carried out by robots, but for a fraction of the cost. Unfortunately they instead decided to eradicate all of 'animalkind'. Vervoids had about the size and strength of humans, but were covered in leaves which provided them with energy through photosynthesis. They possessed thorns so poisonous they could kill a human on contact, and could produce copious amounts of methane-based swamp gas.

