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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    W ~ Wolfweed - The Wolfweeds are domesticated mobile plants native to Chloris, they appeared in the Fourth Doctor serial 'The Creature from the Pit'. Wolfweeds are round, green plants covered in vines and leaves. They move by rolling, but they can also jump to reach their prey. Wolfweeds capture their prey by smothering them in packs and wrapping them in a grey, web-like substance. They have an animal-like mentality and hunt down their prey. Several Wolfweeds were tamed by Lady Adrasta for tracking purposes.


      X ~ Xeraphin were an ancient species encountered by the Fifth Doctor in the story Time-Flight by Peter Grimwade. Originating from the planet Xeriphas, they possessed immense psychokinetic and scientific powers. The Doctor believed the race to have been wiped out during the crossfire during the Vardon/Kosnax war. Instead, the entire race fled to Earth in an escaping spacecraft. The ship crashed near present day Heathrow some 140 million years ago. When the Xeraphin emerged they built a Citadel to mark their new home but the Xeraphin were so plagued with radiation that they abandoned their original humanoid bodies and transformed into a single bioplasmic gestalt [disambiguation needed] intelligence within a sarcophagus at the heart of the Citadel.

      The arrival of the Master coincided with their emergence from the gestalt state when the radiation effects had subsided, and his influence caused the emergence of a split personality of good and evil, each side competing for their tremendous power while yearning to become a proper species once again. The Master, who was stranded on Earth at the time too, succeeded in capturing the Xeraphin as a new power source for his TARDIS. However, the Doctor's intervention meant his nemesis' TARDIS was sent to Xeriphas where events became out of his control.

      Before fleeing Xeriphas and the Xeraphin, the Master took with him Kamelion, a Xeraphin war weapon with advanced shape-changing abilities dependent on the will of its controller. Kamelion was freed from the Master and joined the Doctor's TARDIS crew in "The King's Demons".


        Y ~ Yates, Captain Mike - Yates first appeared in the Third Doctor serial 'Terror of the Autons', the latest in a line of Captains assisting Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. He proved more durable than his predecessors, appearing semi-regularly in the programme from 1971 to 1974 alongside the Brigadier and Sergeant Benton. Together with the Doctor and his companions, Yates fought off alien invasions, the machinations of the renegade Timelord known as the Master, rogue computers and mutated maggots.


          Z ~ Zarbi appeared in the 1965 First Doctor story The Web Planet written by Bill Strutton, and are an (ant-like) insectoid species, with some characteristics associated with beetles, from the planet Vortis, which were controlled by the power of the Animus. They are roughly eight feet long, and the Menoptra claim, perhaps a little callously, that they are "little more than cattle".

          They possess little intelligence but were not at all aggressive until the Animus arrived. They were enslaved to the alien consciousness and considered the butterfly-like Menoptra (with which they once lived peacefully) their mortal enemies. Only they could control the woodlouse-like venom grubs (also known as larvae guns).

          They returned to their normal ways after the Animus was defeated by the First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Vicki. It is presumed that the various species on Vortis are now living peacefully together.


            A ~ Alpha Centauri - Alpha Centauri is an alien delegate for the Galactic Federation.

            Alpha Centauri is a hermaphroditic hexapod from Alpha Centauri. It is tall, green, has one large blue eye, six arms and a high-pitched voice, wears a long yellow cape and walks with a nervous gait. It is prone to cowardice and hysterics. It has a low opinion of Earth, describing it as a "'remote and unattractive" planet, but regrets that its appearance can frighten humans. It regards females as unimportant.

            It appeared in the 1972 story The Curse of Peladon and the 1974 sequel story The Monster of Peladon.


              B ~ Biodamper A ring intended to screen the wearer from certain kinds of detection, placed on Donna Noble's hand in "The Runaway Bride". The Doctor later realises it is ineffective in Donna's case, due to the Huon particles with which Donna is infused being too ancient (and theoretically no longer in existence).


                C ~ 'Castrovalva' - The freshly regenerated Doctor is in a vulnerable state, and the Master has escaped after the events of 'Logopolis'. His regeneration failing, the Doctor and his companions go to the city of Castrovalva to let him recover, but a trap waits for them there.


                  D ~ Dalekanium The material out of which Dalek casing is made. It is first mentioned in the First Doctor serial The Dalek Invasion of Earth, and is also referenced in Day of the Daleks and "Daleks in Manhattan".


                    E ~ EMP unit - A cylindrical device used in 'Voyage of the Damned', taken from Bannakaffalatta's cyborg body as their only effective weapon against the Host. It produces a electromagnetic pulse which neutralises the robots, but has to be recharged after it has been used a certain number of times. A similar device, albeit built as a grenade instead of a reusable unit, appears in the episode 'The Age of Steel', where it serves to neutralise a Cyberman. The EMP inadvertently disables the Cyberman's emotional inhibitor, allowing the brain to remember who it was. This led the Tenth Doctor to deactivate the robot body and kill the victim with the sonic screwdriver.


                      F ~ Field Gravity Detector In actuality a yo yo, this is used by the Fourth Doctor to determine the presence, magnitude, and direction of gravity in a given area.


                        G ~ Gas Mask - A regular gas mask from 'The Empty Child'. The "empty" child wore a gas mask. The nanogenes, the cause of the entire problem, grew gas masks on the people affected.


                          H ~ Hand of Eldrad In the Fourth Doctor serial The Hand of Fear, the hand was the only surviving part of the Kastrian creature Eldrad, found by the Doctor and Sarah in an English quarry.


                            I ~ Ice gun - A fire extinguisher used by the Tenth Doctor to immobilise the Clockwork Droids in 'The Girl in the Fireplace'. The name "ice gun" was suggested by Mickey Smith. The Doctor called it a fire extinguisher.


                              J ~ Janis thorn A poisonous weapon of the Sevateem, used by Leela much to the Fourth Doctor's disapproval. Seen in The Face of Evil and The Talons of Weng-Chiang, and mentioned (but not seen) in The Pirate Planet.


                                K ~ Koh-i-Noor Diamond - Revealed to be an element for a telescopic device designed to focus a beam of moonlight to trap and eventually destroy the physical form of a werewolf in 'Tooth and Claw'.

