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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    F ~ Fall of the House of Gryffen, The - 2010 story from Series 1 of spin-off show K-9.

    Starring John Leeson as the voice of "K-9 Mk. I", Keegan Joyce as "Starkey", Philippa Coulthard as "Jorjie Turner", Daniel Webber as "Darius Pike", and Robert Moloney as "Professor Alistair Gryffen".

    Darius, Starkey and Jorjie spend a very spooky night at the Gryffen mansion. June gives Jorjie permission to stay until a violent storm passes. Gryffen has been working on the Space-Time Manipulator and a bolt of energy starts up the machine and brings spectres from Gryffen's past materialising in the mansion causing mayhem. K-9 sees the ghosts for what they really are and the group have to convince Gryffen before the youngsters life forces are drained away so that the alien beings can take psychical form.

    • In this story K-9 plays chess against Starkey. K-9 has previously played chess against the Doctor in the Doctor Who 1977 story The Sun Makers.

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      G ~ Gunfighters, The - 1966 story starring William Hartnell as "The Doctor", Peter Purves as "Steven Taylor", and Jackie Lane as "Dodo Chaplet".

      The TARDIS arrives in Tombstone, Arizona in 1881. The Doctor, suffering from toothache, seeks out the local dentist - the notorious Doc Holliday. Meanwhile, Steven and Dodo decide to explore the town, and soon find themselves in the Last Chance Saloon...

      Tensions are running high between the feuding Clanton family and Doc Holliday, whilst the local lawman, Wyatt Earp, struggles to keep the peace. When legendary gunman Johnny Ringo comes to town, events start to escalate...

      Can the Doctor, Steven and Dodo do anything to stop the situation getting any worse? Or will there be a gunfight at the OK Corral?

      • The Gunfighters is the last story to have individual episode titles until 2005's 2-part story Aliens of London.

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        H ~ Heriot, Zoe - Zoe Heriot is a friend and former companion to the Doctor.

        Zoe was born in 2049. At age 18, she had become an astrometricist and astrophysicist and assigned to Space Station W3 (also known as "The Wheel"). A year later she met and befriended the Doctor and Jamie McCrimmon and together they prevented the Cybermen from taking over the station. Following the Cybermen's defeat, Zoe joined the Doctor and Jamie on-board the TARDIS.

        After 2-years of travelling through space and time, Zoe's time on the TARDIS came to an end after the Doctor's own people the Time Lords caught up with him and they placed him on trial for his interference in the affairs of other planets. The Time Lords returned Zoe and Jamie to their normal places in time and space with all but their first encounter with the Doctor erased from their memory.

        As the years passed, Zoe began to have detailed dreams of her adventures with the Doctor and Jamie. Unable to clearly remember her dreams or reconcile them with the knowledge that she parted company with the Doctor after the TARDIS left the Wheel, she began to receive psychiatric counselling.

        Zoe eventually returned to Space Station W3. Shortly afterwards, the Cybermen made another attempt to take over the station. Zoe was captured by the Cybermen but was considered unsuitable for conversion. During a scan of her intelligence and memory in order to change her in to a Cyber Planner, Zoe's memories of her 2-years travelling with the Doctor returned. Zoe was able to bring the Doctor to help her fight and defeat the Cybermen. Once over, the Doctor returned Zoe to "The Wheel" and the Time Lords' memory wipe returned.

        Zoe made her first appearance in the 1968 story The Wheel in Space. Her last appearance was in the 1969 story The War Games. She made a return appearance in the Big Finish audio story Legend of the Cybermen.

        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
        K-9, CLASS and much more...


          I ~ Invasion of Time, The - 1978 story starring Tom Baker as "The Doctor", Louise Jameson as "Leela", and John Leeson as the voice of "K-9 Mk. I".

          The Doctor is behaving oddly, having clandestine meetings with a race known as the Vardans who can travel via the power of thought. Leela is concerned - and she worries further when she learns that K-9 has been instructed to shoot her if she attempts to interfere.

          Returning home to Gallifrey, the Doctor demands to take over as Lord President of the High Council of Time Lords. With no-one able to dispute his claim, he is inducted and begins a systematic purge of Time Lord society, expelling many high ranking officials - and Leela - to the wastes of Outer Gallifrey.

          It seems that the Doctor has joined forces with the Vardans, and is helping in their attempted conquest of Gallifrey out of revenge for his treatment at the hands of previous High Councils. The Vardans want the secrets of time travel and with only his old teacher, Cardinal Borusa, at his side, the Doctor appears to be granting them their wish. But not everything is exactly what it seems. The Doctor has an agenda hidden from the Vardans - and they in turn have a far darker one hidden from him.

          • Last appearance of Leela. She decides to remain on Gallifrey after falling in love with the Chancellery Guard Commander, Andred. In the 1983 story Mawdryn Undead, it is said that Leela married Andred. Presumably Leela was killed during the Time Lords' war with the Daleks.

          • Last appearance of K-9 Mk. I. He decides to remain on Gallifrey to look after Leela. K-9 Mk. I was believed destroyed during the Time Lords' war with the Daleks but the 2009 spin-off show K-9 revealed he survived and was transported to Earth in the year 2050. Using Time Lord technology, he regenerated in to an upgraded model but lost his memories of everything prior to arriving on Earth.

          • The Sontarans return. They'd last been seen in the 1975 story The Sontaran Experiment.

          • Borusa, the Doctor's teacher at the Time Lord Academy, returns. He'd last been seen in the 1976 story The Deadly Assassin.

          • Many new areas of the Doctor's TARDIS are seen. It is shown to have to have a swimming pool, cargo bays, a hothouse, a sickbay, and an art gallery. It also has a workshop which appears to be something that it unique to antiquated, decommissioned Type-40 TARDISes like the Doctor's.

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            J ~ Jenny - Jenny is the Doctor's "daughter". She was artificially created on the planet Messaline in the year 6012 after genes were forcibly extracted from the Doctor's body. After the Time War, apart from the Doctor, she is the only Gallifreyan in existence.

            The Doctor believed that Jenny was killed after being shot and left her body on Messaline. Shortly afterwards Jenny came back to life without regenerating. She and followed in her father's footsteps in stealing a ship and ran away from Messaline to explore the universe.

            Jenny appeared in the 2008 story The Doctor's Daughter.

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              K ~ King's Demons, The - 1983 story starring Peter Davison as "The Doctor", Janet Fielding as "Tegan Jovanka", and Mark Strickson as "Vislor Turlough".

              Introducing Gerald Flood as the voice of "Kamelion".

              It is 13th Century England and King John is visiting the castle stronghold of Sir Ranulph Fitzwilliam. Ranulf's personal fortune has dwindled away, freely donated to King John to help fund the Crusade.

              When the TARDIS materialises and disturbs a jousting duel, the Doctor, Tegan, and Turlough are proclaimed friendly demons by the King, who seems strangely interested in their 'blue engine'. Before long the Doctor becomes embroiled in court politics, and he realises that there is far more to the situation than a simple battle of honour between nobles.

              Ranulf's cousin, Sir Geoffrey de Lacey, arrives at the castle and is astonished to find the King present. He has just left His Majesty in London preparing to sign Magna Carta, a document that will shape the future of democracy in the western world. The TARDIS crew learn that neither the King nor Sir Gilles Estram are exactly who they claim, and that their true identities involve a battle-ravaged alien planet light-years away, and one of the Doctor's oldest and deadliest enemies...

              • First appearance of the shape-shifting robot, Kamelion.

              • The Master returns. He had last been seen in the 1982 story Time-Flight.

              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                L ~ Last Sontaran, The - 2008 story from Series 2 of spin-off show The Sarah Jane Adventures.

                Starring Elisabeth Sladen as "Sarah Jane Smith", Tommy Knight as "Luke Smith", and Daniel Anthony as "Clyde Langer".

                Guest starring Yasmin Paige as "Maria Jackson".

                Reports of strange lights around the Tycho Project's radio telescope lead Sarah Jane, Luke, Clyde, and Maria into a terrifying forest encounter, where Sarah Jane comes face-to-face with her oldest enemy. Meanwhile, Maria wrestles with a huge decision when her dad is offered a new job in America.

                • Maria Jackson leaves Bannerman Road. She returns to make a guest appearance in the story The Mark of the Berserker.

                • A Sontaran appears. He is the only survivor of the Sontarans' failed attempt to turn Earth in to a planet to grow new troops as seen in the 2008 Doctor Who story The Sontaran Stratagem.

                • Sarah Jane Smith previously encountered Sontarans in the Doctor Who stories The Time Warrior and The Sontaran Experiment.

                • The Sontaran seen in this story would return in the Series 2 finale story Enemy of the Bane.

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  M ~ Master, The - The Master is a renegade Time Lord and arch-enemy of the Doctor.

                  The Master and the Doctor were childhood friends and classmates at the Time Lord Academy on Gallifrey.

                  At age 8, the Master was taken to visit the Untempered Schism. It eventually drove him mad and much later he took a TARDIS and ran from Gallifrey.

                  It is unknown how the Master and the Doctor's friendship ended, but one account tells of an encounter between them which ended with the Doctor being forced to leave the Master trapped within a Black Hole and that it cost the Master twelve regenerations before he was able to escape.

                  The Master tracked the Doctor down to Earth, 1971 and set out on a long campaign of attempts to conquer or destroy Earth and to humiliate and eventually kill the Doctor.

                  The Master became severely disfigured after attempting to capture the Doctor's granddaughter, Susan. She stole the Master's TARDIS and left him abandoned on the planet Tersurus until the Time Lord named Goth discovered him and took him to Gallifrey. Once there, the Master plotted to gain access to Gallifreyan artefacts so he could access the Eye of Harmony to restore his body and gain a new regeneration cycle. The Doctor stopped him but the Master escaped from Gallifrey.

                  The Master eventually restored himself to full health by accessing the power source of the Keeper of Traken and then using that power to kill and take over the body of one of the Trakenites. The Master and the Doctor had many encounters afterwards one of which resulted in the Master "killing" the Doctor's fourth incarnation.

                  The Master was placed on trial by the Daleks and exterminated by them. This was all part of a plot by the Master to access the Eye of Harmony in the Doctor's TARDIS in order to take his old enemy's regenerations for himself. This plot resulted in the Doctor's seventh incarnation "dying" but the Doctor was able to stop the Master. During their struggle, the Master was dragged in to the Eye of Harmony and apparently destroyed.

                  The Time Lords were able to reconstitute the Master in a new body with a new regeneration cycle in order for him to be a warrior in their Time War against the Daleks. The Master escaped to the end of the universe and using his TARDISes Chameleon Arch he turned himself human and forgot who he was.

                  The Master's memories, personality and Time Lord physiology was eventually restored following his encounter with the Doctor and his friends Martha Jones and Captain Jack Harkness. The Master stole the Doctor's TARDIS and went to Earth in 2008 where he took the alias of Harold Saxon, married an woman named Lucy, and eventually became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He eventually took over the entire planet when he turned the Doctor's TARDIS in to a Paradox Machine to bring future humans now known as Toclafane from the end of the universe to the present. The Master's reign lasted for an entire year until the Doctor, Martha, and Jack fought back and the Paradox Machine was destroyed which turned time back before the Toclafane came through from the future. The Master was shot and killed by his wife.

                  Sometime later the Master was resurrected by a human cult dedicated to following him. The Time Lords used the Master's encounter with the Untempered Schism to send the signal of four drumbeats as a link in the future to contact to escape their destruction on the last day of the Time War. The Doctor destroyed the link and the Time Lords were sent back to their destruction. The Master was last seen fighting the Lord President of Gallifrey and pushing him back to Gallifrey to meet his end. The Master's current whereabouts and his eventual fate is unknown.

                  The Master first appeared in the 1971 story Terror of the Autons. To date, his last appearance was in the 2010 TV movie The End of Time, Part Two.

                  THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                  K-9, CLASS and much more...


                    N ~ Nemesis of the Daleks - 1989 comic strip story featuring "The Doctor" as played by Sylvester McCoy.

                    The Doctor discovers the Daleks constructing a devastating new weapon called the Death Wheel in orbit of the planet Hell. Teaming up with the Dalek Killer, Abslom Daak, the Doctor sets out to destroy the Death Wheel before the Daleks can unleash its power on the peoples of the universe...even if it means sacrificing his life to do it.

                    • Abslom Daak featured in several Doctor Who spin-off comic strips prior to this appearance. He would return in the 1993 comic strip story Emperor of the Daleks. A clone of Daak would appear in the New Adventures book Deceit.

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      O ~ Only Good Dalek, The - 2010 graphic novel featuring "The Doctor" and "Amy Pond" as played by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan.

                      Top-secret Station 7 is where the Earth Forces send all the equipment captured in their unceasing war against the Daleks. It's where Dalek technology is analysed and examined. It's where the Doctor and Amy have just arrived. But somehow the Daleks have found out about Station 7 - and there's something there that they want back. With the Doctor increasingly worried about the direction the Station's research is taking, the commander of Station 7 knows he has only one possible, desperate, defence. Because the last terrible secret of Station 7 is that they don't only store captured Dalek technology. It's also a prison. And the only thing that might stop a Dalek is another Dalek.

                      • Of the five new ranks of Daleks introduced in Victory of the Daleks, the Strategist, Scientist, and Drone Daleks are the only ones seen in this graphic novel.

                      • The Doctor mentions Space Security Service Agents Bret Vyon and Sara Kingdom. He worked with them both in the 1965 story The Daleks' Master Plan.

                      • Elements from previous stories featuring the Daleks appear in this graphic novel -
                      • A Magnedon - The Daleks
                      • Robomen and a Slyther - The Dalek Invasion of Earth
                      • Varga planets - Mission to the Unknown, The Daleks' Master Plan and the 2010 PC game City of the Daleks
                      • Ogrons - Day of the Daleks and Frontier in Space

                      Last edited by Alan; 15 May 2011, 07:40 AM.

                      THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                      K-9, CLASS and much more...


                        P ~ Pharos Project - The Pharos Project was a scientific research installation based on Earth with the intention of trying to contact alien intelligences.

                        In the 1981 story Logopolis, it is revealed that a replica of the Pharos Project was created by the Logopolitans through Block Transfer Computation who used it to relay signals that opened the CVEs, programming them to shunt entropy out of N-Space and into E-Space.

                        The Master used the Pharos Project on Earth to hold the peoples of universe to ransom by threatening to unleash the Entropy Field unless they accepted him as their leader. The Doctor put a stop to his plan but lost his fourth life in the process after falling from the Pharos Project.

                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                        K-9, CLASS and much more...


                          Q ~ Qartopholos - Quartopholos was a planet mentioned in the New Adventures book Lucifer Rising. It was home to a human colony. In 2157, Qartopholos was attacked by the Daleks shortly before their invasion of Earth.

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            R ~ Romana - Romana (full name Romanadvoratrelunder) is a Time Lord, friend, and former companion to the Doctor.

                            Romana was assigned to join the Doctor and K-9 Mk. II in their quest to find the six segments of the Key to Time and prevent them from falling in to the hands of the evil entity known as the Black Guardian. Their travels took them across all time and space until their quest was complete and the Black Guardian was defeated. Romana was supposed to return to Gallifrey once the quest was over but after the Black Guardian swore revenge on them both, the Doctor fitted a device called the Randomiser which made navigation unpredictable and so a return to Gallifrey was near next to impossible.

                            Even though the threat posed by the Black Guardian still existed, the Doctor eventually removed the Randomiser and shortly afterwards, once their location was known, they received a call from Gallifrey asking them to return so Romana could return to her duties. Whilst enroute to Gallifrey, the TARDIS was pulled through a Charged Vacuum Emboitment in to the pocket universe known as E-Space. Whilst there they befriended a young man named Adric who joined them in their travels.

                            Eventually a way was found to escape back to N-Space but Romana decided to stay behind along with K-9 Mk. II to help free an enslaved time sensitive species called the Tharils.

                            Much time later, her mission completed, Romana contacted the Doctor and he returned her to Gallifrey and K-9 Mk. II decided to remain with his mistress. Overtime she eventually raised to the position of President of the High Council of Time Lords.

                            At some point prior or during the Time War with the Daleks, Romana lost her position as President to the resurrected Time Lord named Rassilon. After she was usurped from her position it is not known what exactly happened to Romana although it is highly possible she was killed along with every other Time Lord after the Doctor unleashed "The Moment" which destroyed both sides in the war.

                            Romana's first appearance was in the 1978 story The Ribos Operation. Her last on-screen appearance to date was in the 1980 story Warriors' Gate.

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                            K-9, CLASS and much more...


                              no means no, and so does pepper spray
                              Sig by The Carpenter


                                Originally posted by Girlbot View Post
                                Wow! Here's a thread that's a blast from the past! Sadly it didn't quite take off as well as I hoped it would.

                                Taylor, Steven ~ Companion to the Doctor. Steven first appeared in the 1965 story The Chase. He was a space pilot from the 36th century. Steven made his last appearance in the 1966 story The Savages.

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

