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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    A - Arcadia is a human colony world in the 25th century, and the setting of the Virgin New Adventures novel Deceit. In "Doomsday", the Doctor told the Daleks that he had fought against them on Arcadia, at the front lines of the Time War, and refers to its fall, however, it is not confirmed whether it is the same planet as the one in Deceit. In the Torchwood episode "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang", part of the plot revolves around Captain Jack Harkness's friend Captain John Hart's search for an Arcadian diamond. The Mayflower, a colony ship seen in the Doctor Who Monthly comic strip "Profits of Doom," was headed to settle Arcadia. Note that these may not all refer to the same planet.


      B ~ Blink - 2007 story starring David Tennant as "The Doctor" & Freema Agyeman as "Martha Jones", with Carey Mulligan as "Sally Sparrow".

      A young woman called Sally comes to regret breaking into an old, abandoned house. There the Weeping Angels wait. As people begin disappearing, Sally intercepts cryptic messages from a mysterious stranger known as the Doctor, who's trapped in the year 1969. But can she make sense of them before the Angels claim their prize?

      • First appearance of the Weeping Angels. They would return in the 2010 story The Time of Angels.

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        C - Chameleon circuit, A component of a TARDIS which allows it to change shape to match its surroundings and remain inconspicuous. The circuit on the Doctor's TARDIS has malfunctioned, leaving it stuck in the shape of a 1950s-style British police box. Attempts to repair the circuit have led to unpredictable results, including the TARDIS taking on the form of a pipe-organ (on which the Doctor plays a few notes of J.S. Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor). Since these episodes, the Doctor has said that he has become fond of the police box form, and so has stopped trying to repair it. The TARDISes owned by the Master, the Rani, and the Meddling Monk had fully functioning chameleon circuits. In the episode "Journey's End", when Donna Noble has the Doctor's knowledge in her head due to an instantaneous biological metacrisis, she starts to tell the Doctor how he can fix the chameleon circuit, but does not finish as the knowledge in her head overwhelms her.


          D ~ Dominators, The - 1968 story starring Patrick Troughton as "The Doctor", Frazer Hines as "Jamie McCrimmon", and Wendy Padbury as "Zoe Heriot".

          When two rogue Dominators and their robotic servant Quarks land on the peaceful planet Dulkis, planning to drop a radioactive seed into the planet's core of the planet to refuel their spaceship, the Doctor, Jamie & Zoe must attempt to inspire the non-aggressive Dulcians to resist.

          • Although the Quarks only appeared in this story (aside from a brief appearance in The War Games), the Doctor would encounter them and their giant wasp slaves in the novel Millennial Rites.

          • In Captain Jack's Monster Files, it's revealed that the Quarks giant wasp slaves are Vespiforms (seen in the 2008 story The Unicorn and the Wasp) and that they rebelled against their Quark masters.

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            E ~ EMP unit - A cylindrical device used in 'Voyage of the Damned', taken from Bannakaffalatta's cyborg body as their only effective weapon against the Host. It produces a electromagnetic pulse which neutralises the robots, but has to be recharged after it has been used a certain number of times. A similar device, albeit built as a grenade instead of a reusable unit, appears in the episode 'The Age of Steel', where it serves to neutralise a Cyberman. The EMP inadvertently disables the Cyberman's emotional inhibitor, allowing the brain to remember who it was. This led the Tenth Doctor to deactivate the robot body and kill the victim with the sonic screwdriver.


              F ~ Fragments - 2008 episode of Torchwood's second series starring John Barrowman as "Captain Jack Harkness", Eve Myles as "Gwen Cooper", Burn Gorman as "Owen Harper", Naoko Mori as "Toshiko Sato", & Gareth David-Lloyd as "Ianto Jones".

              The Torchwood team see their lives flash before their eyes when a series of explosions knock them unconscious as they search a warehouse. We are shown how Captain Jack's initiation into Torchwood took place, and how Toshiko risked her life to save her mother. We also discover how Ianto first came to Jack's attention - and what changed the way Owen sees the world.

              • First appearance of Alice Guppy. She would return in the following episode, Exit Wounds.

              • Captain John Hart returns. He was last seen in the Series 2 opening episode Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.

              • The Fortune Teller appears. She had been last seen in the episode Dead Man Walking.

              • A Blowfish is seen. Another member of its species had last been seen in the episode Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.

              • Gray, Captain Jack's brother, is seen in a hologram. He was last seen (in a flashback as a child) in the episode Adam.

              • The Unified Intelligence Taskforce (UNIT) appears.

              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                G - Gelth appeared in the Ninth Doctor episode "The Unquiet Dead". They were a new race of alien villains that the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler encountered in the 2005 series. They were the first element of the new series that attracted attention for being "too scary". Following complaints, many of which were made by Mediawatch UK, the BBC stated that in future, episodes of that nature would be forewarned by a statement of "may not be suitable for under 8s".[citation needed]

                The Gelth are blue gaseous life-forms. They claimed to have lost their corporeal forms as a consequence of the Time War. They arrived on Earth via the spacetime rift at an undertaker's house in Cardiff in 1869. Their forms could not be maintained in Earth's atmosphere without suspension in a gaseous medium. They proceeded to take possession of recently deceased corpses and in gas pipes common to Victorian era households.

                Claiming to be on the verge of extinction, the Gelth convinced the Doctor to aid their entrance to Earth via Gwyneth, the undertaker's servant girl who had developed psychic powers due to growing up near the rift. The Gelth actually numbered in the billions and intended to take the Earth by force, and to use its murdered population as vessels for themselves. The Gelth were thwarted when Gwyneth sacrificed herself, blowing up the building and sealing the rift. Whether all the Gelth that came through the rift perished is unclear.

                In "Army of Ghosts", Rose asked whether "ghostshifting" Cybermen might have been Gelth, which the Doctor stated was not the case.


                  H ~ Happiness Patrol, The - 1988 story starring Sylvester McCoy as "The Doctor" and Sophie Aldred as "Ace".

                  The Doctor has heard stories of strange and sinister goings-on on Earth colony Terra Alpha. Citizens have disappeared without trace, and strange creatures lurk in the pipes and sewers under the capital city. Believing it is high time someone got to the bottom of the mystery, the Doctor declares to his young companion Ace that tonight will be the night...

                  He discovers that Terra Alpha is ruled by the tyrannical Helen A, a dictator who requires her subjects to be happy... or die. Her roving death squads - the Happiness Patrol - are empowered to kill on sight anyone displaying signs of sadness, gloom or melancholy.

                  However, it is not just the sadistic Happiness Patrol that the Doctor and Ace must contend with. Before they can discover the dark secret of Helen A's regime, they must face the fearsome bloodlust of her savage pet, Fifi, and the lethal surprises cooked up by her chief executioner - and confectioner supreme - the Kandy Man.

                  THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                  K-9, CLASS and much more...


                    I - Isolus are an alien species, tiny spore-like creatures traveling through space, first appearing in the episode "Fear Her". In that episode, one of them was separated from the swarm and the creature wound up on Earth, inhabiting a young English girl named Chloe Webber. The Isolus was confused by Chloe's fears of her father and, acting through her, trapped neighborhood children in Chloe's pencil drawings. The Isolus released Chloe when the Doctor showed it the love the human race could produce in the events just before the 2012 Summer Olympics. An Isolus is a creature of intense emotion and it is sheer need to be together that keeps them alive.


                      J ~ Jenny - Jenny appeared in the 2008 story The Doctor's Daughter. Jenny was the "daughter" of the Doctor, artificially created from his genes on the planet Messaline in the year 6012. She is currently the only known member of the Time Lord race alive in the universe besides the Doctor (not counting the Human/Time Lord hybrid Donna Noble) and the only known living Time Lady in the universe. Being biologically a Gallifreyan, Jenny has two hearts, as well as reflexes, precision timing and acrobatic ability far beyond that of an average Human.

                      Jenny was killed after taking a bullet meant for her father and the Doctor left Messaline greatly saddened at her loss. Unknown to the Doctor, however, Jenny returned to life either because of regeneration or her proximity to the terraforming device.

                      After returning to life, Jenny stole a shuttlecraft, and left Messaline, determined to save other worlds and to do "an awful lot of running" like her father.
                      Last edited by Alan; 21 May 2010, 05:12 AM.

                      THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                      K-9, CLASS and much more...


                        K - Kroll - A giant squid that has been mutated and enlarged due to ingesting one of the pieces of the Key To Time. The green-skinned citizens of the planet worship Kroll as a god.


                          L ~ Library - The Library is a planet containing every book from throughout time. The planet was abandoned when it was invaded by a deadly swarm of Vashta Nerada which devoured all the visitors and staff. The Doctor and Donna travel to the planet in 'Silence in the Library' after the Doctor receives an emergency call from the planet on his Psychic Paper.


                            M ~ Mission to the Unknown - 1965 story starring Edward de Souza as "Marc Corey", Barry Jackson as "Jeff Garvey", and Jeremy Young as "Gordon Lowery".

                            Stranded in the jungles of Kembel, the most hostile planet in the Galaxy, Space Security agent Marc Cory has stumbled across the most deadly plot ever hatched - the Daleks are about to invade and destroy the Universe.

                            Cory has to get a warning back to Earth before it's too late - but will the Daleks find him first?

                            • This is the only Doctor Who story that the Doctor and his companions (at this time Vicki Pallister and Steven Taylor) do not appear in.

                            • Acts as a prequel to the story The Daleks' Master Plan.

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                            K-9, CLASS and much more...


                              N ~ Nitro-9 - An explosive substance created and used by the Seventh Doctor's companion Ace, often carried around in her backpack in aerosol spray cans, despite the Doctor's warnings.


                                O ~ Omega - Originally a great cosmic engineer and co-founder of Time Lord society, circumstances bent the mind of Omega, so that he threatened the universe.

                                During the Dark Times, it was Omega , in collaboration with Rassilon who enabled the people of Gallifrey to achieve time travel. Rassilon and the Other would assist him in this task. Omega may have also have played a part in the creation of the living metal, Validium.

                                Omega appeared in the 1973 story The Three Doctors and the 1983 story Arc of Infinity.

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

