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Doctor Who News, Articles, Cast and Crew Interviews

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    Same, though without the new TV and alcohol, want my mind fully tuned on Who!

    Guessing the Doctor Who sections going to go a bit crazy after tonights episode...


      Originally posted by Teddybrown View Post
      Guessing the Doctor Who sections going to go a bit crazy after tonights episode...
      Not half as much as they will after the grand finale next week!
      Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
      To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

      Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
      And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.



        Sorry, abit over excited...


          I plan to watch both Finale episodes back to back...!
          "What do you mean by 'Oopps'?"
          Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps...
          Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...!
          Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six!
          I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellent I also cook...!
          To thy own self... Be true
          May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!


            Radio trailer for Death in Heaven


              Exclusive interview: Samuel Anderson chats about ‘Doctor Who’ finale


              In a break from rehearsing his new play, State Red, Doctor Who star Samuel Anderson gave CultBox some of his time to answer our questions about Danny Pink.


              So, with different writers and directors coming in for every episode of Doctor Who, is the onus on you take ownership of the character?

              “Yeah, I think so. I mean…it was quite weird working with directors that you didn’t audition for. They all come in having seen a bit of your work and kind of…edge towards that, see what your strengths or weaknesses are. But yeah, from the beginning the onus is on you to develop the character and keep it consistent.”

              Danny’s very quiet in an otherwise loud show. How much of that comes from you as a person, you as an actor, and the scripts?

              “Um…I think…I think it’s a bit of both. The writers try to cater to what you can do and how you are a little bit, and also it’s kind of…it’s kind of the other side of the Doctor.

              “The Doctor’s the loud one, the mad one, the eccentric kind of character. You can’t have too many shouty characters of else it becomes unbalanced, also he’s (Danny) more of your everyday man, more of a silent, strong…and we refer back to – in the last episode we refer back to his time as a soldier – not needing to see all these other wonders. Having seen that, I’m calm. I appreciate the little things. “

              Were you a big fan of Doctor Who as a kid? You got the ‘80s where it was tailing off a bit in terms of public affection…

              “Yeah…I mean, I remember whispers of it. My age group’s kind of in that dead space of Doctor Who…”

              Yeah, it was repeated in the ‘90s, but it wasn’t a huge thing in the playgrounds, whereas now it’s a big deal…

              “It’s a massive…yeah. This week it’s been half term, I’m rehearsing a play, and nipping out to Tesco…I’m getting funny looks from teenagers, like a few looks of disbelief going ‘Is that Danny Pink?!’”

              Has that happened a lot?

              “Not really, um…I’ve kind of kept busy since filming stopped so I haven’t seen too much. I play in a band…Kinetika Bloco. It was quite funny, just before I started rehearsing with them, just before the series started…I didn’t see them for a few weeks when the series started then we all played together at Bestival, that was quite funny when they got on the coach, they were all like ‘You didn’t say anything!’”

              How do you find keeping the show’s secrets?

              “It’s quite fun to do…normally, y’know, you feel a bit silly keeping secrets, but it’s part and parcel, it’s part of the game. It’s quite fun to do, yeah!

              “I haven’t got any preview copies! The only bits I’ve seen ahead of time is when I’ve done ADR, so you know more than I do! So what happens?”

              It just cuts back to Tom Baker and it was all a dream!

              “Hah! That’s the wonderful thing with the Time Lords…you can kinda get away with a lot. They could probably have the dream before Tom Baker got into bed.”

              So, ‘Dark Water’…how did you find the depiction of death? It’s incredibly unsentimental.

              “There is something brutally honest about it. If you’re…an atheist, that’s it isn’t it? And the Doctor is very…y’know, very much an atheist in his views. But at the same time, it isn’t unsentimental in that it carries on; it’s more of the same.

              “It’s brutally honest, and you can’t be honest and unsentimental at the same time. Honesty is the most sentimental you can be, really.”

              Throughout the series, Clara and Danny’s relationship has mainly taken place off-screen. Do you go with the scripts or fill in the gaps?

              “Bit of both, a bit of both. I mean, you can see how uncomfortable he is [in ‘Listen’], it’s a very awkward date, but by [‘In the Forest of the Night’] they’re arguing and that shows…you can become comfortable with someone when you can have a row that doesn’t lead to anywhere, just bickering.”

              With the character being a teacher and an ex-soldier – and the combination of someone who both cares for children and killed a boy – did you talk to anyone from those backgrounds and did it give you a new appreciation of those people?

              “I’ve always felt teachers are underappreciated, they’ve got a very difficult job, and soldiers are put in a very difficult position. I dunno, it’s a tough place to take a political stance on it, like the Doctor, who can’t stand soldiers.

              “It’s very easy to take that, but there’s a lot more under the surface that’s going on. I’ve spoken to a few of the guys, soldiers, ex-soldiers, and you forget how young these kids are when they go in. Some of these kids are going in seventeen, eighteen…you can’t really point fingers at kids, they’re kids at the end of the day.

              “And they’ve all said, the guys I’ve spoke to, they’ve all said they were young, they didn’t really think about what they were getting into, it just seemed like a good craic with the lads. They wouldn’t do it now. If you asked them now they’d say ‘You must be crazy’.”

              I had no idea what I wanted to do at seventeen, certainly.

              “No way you would. I mean, my cousin’s just gone in a year or so ago. He’s about twenty-one, and a brother-in-law of mine, they were both a case of not knowing what they wanted to do but knowing they wanted to do something, so it was just like ‘Make a choice there’, you know? I think, especially at that age the last thing you’re thinking about is death, and killing. You’re still invincible.”

              And having been through that sets an interesting dynamic. My favourite Danny scene is the one in ‘The Caretaker’ where he’s mocking the Doctor by saluting him.

              “He’s seen something in the Doctor that the Doctor hasn’t. He’s so anti-military and yet he’s such a leader, and Danny sees that quality in him because he’s been around it, he’s been around it on a human level at its peak.

              “So as funny and smart and dismissive as the Doctor thinks he is, he’s come up against someone who isn’t a pushover and isn’t afraid.”

              Last question. I’ve got a friend from Halesowen who would like Doctor Who to visit the Midlands for once. Can you have a word with someone? Can you use any influence?

              “I’m from the Midlands, that’s the influence! You can take the boy out, but you can’t take it out of him…a lot of the character is my experiences and Midlands upbringing. It’s not just me, I think there’ve been a couple of Brummies in there.”

              There have been, though some were doing RP accents.

              “Yeah yeah yeah. But you know, I mean…I’ll fly the flag. The show’s about a guy who travels through the whole of time and space, it’s set in London and filmed in Wales, but y’know…the universe is a big place.

              “They can always film something at the Black Country Museum! Tell your friend I will try, but they won’t tell me what’s happening til the morning. I just get picked up and have to ask the driver.”


                What Further Secrets do Missy & Seb Hide?


                Although we found out Missy was in fact

                the Master in Dark Water, her partner in crime still remains a mystery. Is there more to Chris Addison’s Seb than meets the eye?

                Director Rachel Talalay spoke to Radio Free Skaro and indicated there is indeed more to come: “You find out who Missy is, and you’ll find out Seb is,” she said.

                Meanwhile, in an MTV interview, Michelle Gomez offered an intriguing hint on developments in Death in Heaven: “Oh, just watch it, it’s very good. You wont be disappointed – and nothing that you think is happening is happening… Nothing.”

                On the controversial kiss she also told EW: “Missy would have liked to have taken it further. In fact, she had to pull herself together. That was the hellish part. But maybe it will be revealed in this final episode. [EW: What will be?] That she gets to take it further!”




                  Trailer for Death in Heaven


                    This is all...

                    On the above about Seb and Missy, indeed, intruging... So much teasing going on about this episode!
                    Last edited by Teddybrown; 03 November 2014, 11:08 AM.


                      Even without playing the video, I just love that one still frame of the Doctor.

                      Looks like he's about to go all Malcolm Tucker on Missy's ass.
                      Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                      To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                      Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                      And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                        Death in Heaven promo pics, love the top pic!


                          Pic #5 is odd. It bugs me.
                          Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                          To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                          Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                          And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                            Trailer breakdown for Death in Heaven


                              Dont forget that Death in Heaven has an early screening today, so spoilers are bound to be on the internet by tomorrow. Just a reminder for all the whovians who like browsing the net and that dont want to accidentally stumble on spoilers and also for all users NOT TO POST ANY HERE pretty please?


                                Originally posted by BruTak View Post
                                Pic #5 is odd. It bugs me.
                                Never mind. I figured it out.
                                Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                                To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                                Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                                And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.

