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Classic Doctor Who (Contains SPOILERS)

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    That's becaue the ABC knows the real meaning of scifi fandom unlike other networks which shall remain nameless...
    The only way a show is going to garner a wide audience is if it is given a chance to be seen at an appropriate time. Most people I know who are long-term Whovians watched the show as children. These days, other scifi shows in Australia are shown at ridiculous hours when nobody but hardcore fans would watch them. I didn't even know Firefly was on when it came out here because it was shown at midnight. Stargate used to be shown on prime time but got relegated to late night tv because of the influx of reality shows. With this kind of attitude, how in the world is the genre going to get a fair chance. Thank heavens for DVDs and the internet.
    Dr Who certainly is proof that there is a scifi audience out there waiting to be had but the suits that run other stations don't seem to know anything about it.
    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


      Originally posted by Drwho'srose
      You will be buying the new series when it is released there, right? I was going to buy the single volumes but then I found out about the TARDIS box set so...
      When the region 1 DVD boxset arrives at my doorstep, I will praise the sci-fi gods.

      Originally posted by Drwho'srose
      Ooh I feel spoiled here we have so much Dr Who on free-to-air (view) 4 days a week at the moment. At this rate we should be through to Sylvester by Christmas. Then I hope they decide to show the New Dr Who Christmas special.
      Okay, I admit I felt a twinge of envy, but then I remembered how fortunate I was in the past.

      Originally posted by Drwho'srose
      Kind of wished I had taped them now but then how many tapes would I have needed? I have mostly been dipping in and out of them anyway and I missed two of the regeneration scenes which I wasn't happy about because one was the Hartnell to Troughton which I don't ever remember seeing before this is the second time that the ABC here as broadcast the entire series from start to finish too they re-ran it about 15 years ago I think. No wonder there are so many Australian Dr Who fans.
      Was that a rhetorical question? Do you really want me to answer that?


        Originally posted by Easter Lily
        That's becaue the ABC knows the real meaning of scifi fandom unlike other networks which shall remain nameless...
        Corollary: Whereas ABC in America apparently...doesn't.

        Originally posted by Easter Lily
        The only way a show is going to garner a wide audience is if it is given a chance to be seen at an appropriate time. Most people I know who are long-term Whovians watched the show as children. These days, other scifi shows in Australia are shown at ridiculous hours when nobody but hardcore fans would watch them. I didn't even know Firefly was on when it came out here because it was shown at midnight. Stargate used to be shown on prime time but got relegated to late night tv because of the influx of reality shows. With this kind of attitude, how in the world is the genre going to get a fair chance. Thank heavens for DVDs and the internet.
        Dr Who certainly is proof that there is a scifi audience out there waiting to be had but the suits that run other stations don't seem to know anything about it.
        I think the messages in sci-fi are too theatening to the elite, despite the potential market. It's probably safer to drown the masses with mean-spirited soul-crushing reality shows than intellectually challenge them and open their minds.


          Originally posted by Deputy-Assistant-Second-Prime
          Corollary: Whereas ABC in America apparently...doesn't.
          Well the ABC in Australia is not unlike the BBC so it doesn't have to worry too much about those pesky ratings (although sadly that is changing).

          Originally posted by Easter Lilly
          I didn't even know Firefly was on when it came out here because it was shown at midnight. Stargate used to be shown on prime time but got relegated to late night tv because of the influx of reality shows. With this kind of attitude, how in the world is the genre going to get a fair chance. Thank heavens for DVDs and the internet.
          Dr Who certainly is proof that there is a scifi audience out there waiting to be had but the suits that run other stations don't seem to know anything about it.
          SORRY - Off-topic.

          I missed most of Firefly too in Tasmania it screened at 1am or 2am! If I forgot to tape it or my VCR was set wrong (which it was ) I missed it. I think I saw about 7 eps all up and I still haven't got the DVD.

          Yes I remember when Stargate first started even here they would run ads I haven't seen an ad for it in 5 years!

          In the beginning it was screened at 7.30/8.30 on a Wednesday then moved to Friday. Then disappeared for two years I think then came back at 11pm on Monday moved to Tuesday for a while and then settled kind of at 11.30pm Thursday. Yeah, way to get and maintain an audience Channel 7. Don't even ask about SGA scheduling in Tasmania.


            I didn't get to see then till now, PBS only showed from TOm Baker where I used to live. They also showed it in movie format. You miss a bit when its now in its original format.
            Tis No Fool to lose what He can not keep, To gain what he will never Lose


              Originally posted by creed462
              I didn't get to see then till now, PBS only showed from TOm Baker where I used to live. They also showed it in movie format. You miss a bit when its now in its original format.
              Wow, that's strange. I can understand cutting off Hartnell and Troughton because of all the missing episodes, but not Pertwee. All of his stories are intact.


                Have you people seen the incredibly hilarious Dead Ringers and their take on the Doctors... it's a hoot...
                The Chris Ecclestone one is very very funny...
                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                  Originally posted by Easter Lily
                  Have you people seen the incredibly hilarious Dead Ringers and their take on the Doctors... it's a hoot...
                  The Chris Ecclestone one is very very funny...
                  Have you seen the Tom Baker one? The first couple of series they did him and the voice was spot on. I don't mind the Chris one but the Tom one was excellent. Oh and of course the real Tom Baker does the voice over for "Little Britain" teehee.

                  Earth Shock is on here at the moment - Cybermen, yea!


                    Originally posted by Easter Lily
                    Have you people seen the incredibly hilarious Dead Ringers and their take on the Doctors... it's a hoot...
                    The Chris Ecclestone one is very very funny...
                    Don't get that program in the U.S., besides I'm sure few folks here would get all the references.

                    In America, Doctor Who is not big part of the culture. It's considered a cult classic, and generates little interest or acknowledgement from the mainstream audience.


                      Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                      Earth Shock is on here at the moment - Cybermen, yea!
                      Did they show the originally deleted segment?

                      #Except from Earthshock script.#

                      *Cybermen are standing around their little holographic projector.*

                      CYBERLEADER: And in this third incarnation, he joined a top secret taskforce and decided he was too good for us. He totally dissed us!

                      CYBERMEN #1: George. That was ten years ago. Let it go.

                      CYBERMEN #2: Man, this is going to be awkward if we ever run into him.

                      CYBERMEN #1: Oh, get real! He's like totally outside our time stream now. The only way we'll see him is if someone uses a timescoop.

                      CYBERMEN #2: Good point, Dave.

                      CYBERLEADER: Now, where was I?

                      CYBERMEN #1: Number four....


                        Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                        Have you seen the Tom Baker one? The first couple of series they did him and the voice was spot on. I don't mind the Chris one but the Tom one was excellent. Oh and of course the real Tom Baker does the voice over for "Little Britain" teehee. -
                        Yes... that one was extremely good... Very clever... I was flabbergasted the whole time because the impersonator was so perfectly in tune.

                        Earth Shock is on here at the moment - Cybermen, yea!
                        It's a terrifc story so far... Peter Davison is pretty good actually.
                        Not sure what I think of the new Cyberman look though.
                        "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                          Originally posted by Deputy-Assistant-Second-Prime
                          Don't get that program in the U.S., besides I'm sure few folks here would get all the references.

                          In America, Doctor Who is not big part of the culture. It's considered a cult classic, and generates little interest or acknowledgement from the mainstream audience.
                          That is SO VERY TRUE that it makes me want to cry!

                          Even back when Doctor Who was shown regularly on my PBS station in the 70s and 80s very few people had ever heard of it in my area, so I had no one to share it with...I had to grow up to find other fans!


                            Originally posted by Seshat
                            That is SO VERY TRUE that it makes me want to cry!

                            Even back when Doctor Who was shown regularly on my PBS station in the 70s and 80s very few people had ever heard of it in my area, so I had no one to share it with...I had to grow up to find other fans!
                            Throughout the years, I met very few Doctor Who fans. None of my friends were into it. Years ago, I tried getting on forums, but people were just so nasty. I thought the whole point was to share something you enjoy and have some fun.

                            That's why I like Gateworld. People are pretty nice here.

                            What really sucked in all those years was the attitude people gave me about liking the program, especially the condescending attitude from many of my relatives. My interest in science fiction was always considered a sign of immaturity, and my resulting indignation was considered childishly cute.

                            Did you ever just want to scream?

                            Regardless, the point is I have come to greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss sci-fi with folks from around the world. I can live out on the farm and still have intelligent discussions. It's great.

                            I wish there were websites like this when I was a kid.


                              I've been very fortunate because my father is a huge scifi fan... he's been the biggest influence on us in many areas obviously... my brother and I, but especially with regards to scifi. Yeah, he tapes them all and watches them at leisure. When I lived with my parents, we used to watch Trek, Dr Who together.

                              Dr Who also has quite an extensive following in Australia (and other Commonwealth countries)... a number of my colleagues/friends have confessed to me that they were terrified of the Daleks when they were kids.
                              "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                                Originally posted by Easter Lily
                                I've been very fortunate because my father is a huge scifi fan... he's been the biggest influence on us in many areas obviously... my brother and I, but especially with regards to scifi. Yeah, he tapes them all and watches them at leisure. When I lived with my parents, we used to watch Trek, Dr Who together.
                                My dad would sometimes watch (the original) Trek with me, although I now suspect that his interest lay in the length of the female yeoman's skirts and not in the technobabble and underlying mythos. Sweet man that he was, he DID also go with me to the first Trek movie.

